Why don't you use no decay plus fresh?
I thought I added that, I'm pretty sure I did, but I might not have labeled it in my text file.
Why don't you reduce the PS window? Mine is set to 2 frames which doesn't change the difficulty of PSing but it makes accidental PS's less frequent.
Well, lowering it by 2 frames instead of what it was would change the difficulty of PSing. Also, there is no reason and evidence to believe that power shielding is broken. I said this many times. Just cause the code is out doesn't change my stance on it :-P. Also, accidental power shields don't matter much because most of the time people don't react fast enough to an accident to make use of it.
We shouldn't fix things just because it "could" be a problem. I also don't feel the need to make the teching window easier either. It would be a simple fix later on down the road if power shielding becomes a problem, but as of right now there is no reason to do it. If we nerf it now it will more than likely never be un-nerfed.
Mostly because they each individually have stuff that the other codeset needs. :O
I disagree, and I will debate with anyone regarding my reasons for the codes I use.
I think it would be simpler to have a universal short hop height set to .9 and then alter characters that need it to be different. I think for the most part .9 is ideal and only a handful of characters need either their full height or significantly less height. I'd like to help right now with this, but I have classes all day till 8:45 tonight -_-.
Also, modifying damage dealt AND recieved? Oh man does that sound freakin awesome. I'm going to have to rethink how to buff Bowser in light of that.