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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
That's too long but I'm gonna read it soon.

Honestly, I don't care too much if I hold a tourney or not. I just figured it would be the best way to actually gather up the community. If people would prefer, I could hold a regular smashfest. I have three local players that want to go (one of them's a decent Olimar. He grabs and smashes) and I think we really need some form of gathering right now to solidify that we still play brawl. If we don't still play brawl, then we won't, but it just isn't looking like anything's gonna happen soon.

I wouldn't care if CO just stopped doing Brawl tourneys and turned them into purely smashfests with maybe some free tourneys or MMs to keep us a bit competitive. MikeHAZE made a blog and it really made me realize how little I care how well we do vs. each other and how much I care how CO does against other communities. If we didn't have any reason to be afraid of losing to each other we could share EVERYTHING we know about our characters and learn so much more.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Very true. In fact if I you have a chance Dylan I will teach you or everyone I can play this weekend how to fight ROB. and I will start learning all I can about Diddy and share that. I already have learned lots of things about diddy that people can do vs diddy.

And regrettably I have gotten into the small view of worrying too much how I do against you guys. I mean I should really care about how WE do against other communities more. Although don't get me wrong I will do everything in my power to not lose to any of you while we play in tourney. But any other time I will mention anything I can that I notice you guys doing or not doing or what you should or shouldn't do vs my characters...I hope the same from everyone else <3

Also @Interim of Zeal: You pretty much captured how the community feels better than I could even put into words.
Maybe a little more angry than some of us but then again we haven't delt with C3 as intimately as you have and haven't had to put up with **** the extent that you have.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
To be honest there's not that much more I can show you guys about MK...lol. The community seems to kinda know for some odd reason as if he's important or something.

But there are always things to practice against.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
It just sickens me that he can continue to lie DIRECTLY to our faces.

I've been nice/STUPIDASHELL/naive for far too long. I'm done ****ing around with dishonest people. Especially when I can see the CO community taking serious hits because of **** like this.

While I didn't "make" this community, I'd like to think I've had a pretty good hand in the scene. While I might continue to randomly troll OoSers, and the likelihood of me getting serious with Melee/Brawl is... unlikely (lol), this group of people has been a huge part of my life. I let NVGA **** on it for a while because (admittedly), I wanted/needed money. Then I did it for a while because I wanted to believe Greg's claims.

Now, I'm getting ready to take back the community. I mean, even if we're just casual (which I dun think Dylan/a few others want), I'm done seeing it bent over backwards by money-hungry organizations. Eff this huge venue fee bs. Our apartment is more than adequate for most CO level tourneys, and we can easily find venues for large-scale events, should we decide to host them again.

Distracted now, so I'm prolly gonna stop posting for a while. But I do agree with Dylan. Don't keep things secret. No one in CO is good enough to turn down the chance to improve. Tell people your habits. Tell them theirs'. Tell them how to absolutely **** your character.

I mean, CO will give small suggestions, but we need it to get back to how it used to be. Everyone in CO knew that Kenny would either roll from the edge or get up attack without fail back when it was one of his bad habits. People knew my rolling habits, too. Teach others how to **** you, and how to not get ***** by you.


In other news, I really want the Scott Pilgrim game.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Tony have you seen Scott Pilgrim vs The World?

EDIT:Or dude where's my attention span?(Scott Pilgrims Alternative title :D )


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I like that alternate title more, actually.

And yeah, I saw it. It was fun, but I didn't nerdgasm like Tim and Meno did. Still, the game looks fun as ****.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
But there are always things to practice against.
I need that a lot.
I know what I should do and how to punish almost everything MK does when I can punish it with ROB. I just lack experience vs the character or vs people playing the character well. I want to know that MU inside and out. Its bad but its not near impossible or even counter. Its just rough. But ya I need this MU exp so bad.
Also I will start getting lots of tips from Dekar on diddy(he already taught me a lot at Supercon.) and I will ask him for more tips.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
also 4 steam...
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Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Just read through everything. Couple of things:

1. Business Transparency: The year old funds that mysteriously disappeared for the Soul Cal pot, and various other games, along side flights for people to come to the Soul Cal national. I believe the other TOs when they say Greg was supposed to communicate and give them lists on how the money was being spent, and they have nothing. Greg could not/did not produce anything, and to me, that's guilty.

2. "Capitalizing": Nononono. This is not a chance for us to "capitalize" on anything AT ALL. Furthmore, capitalizing, as far as I know, is an investors' term. A long-term asset that'll earn you money. That's you, not us.

Outside of terrible word choice, if there were things to 'capitalize' on, then where are my, my dad's, Ahmad's, Noxz's, and various other winners-of-C3T's-Anime-Wasabi-tournament movie tickets? And not movie tickets that people got free out of a magazine/newspaper, thus the movie was filled up and we couldn't get in. Something with value. I have yet to 'capitalize' on anything yet from your events, Greg, and I have a strong feeling I never will, win or lose.

3. Money? Free? Business?: As much as one could appreciate the fact you're running a free event, you're missing the point by far. We're asking for not-******** venue fees. No one, as far as I know, said tournaments should be free, and it'd be kind of unreasonable to say that the venue fees shouldn't exist. Especially with how many different locations you hit. $25 is price gouging. The fact that Noxz didn't get pay out for his tournament winning AND running yet is suspicious. My friend not getting his DRIVERS LICENSE back from you for weeks on end is unprofessional. And no one, even your own 'employees,' not know exactly what your money is going to is... terrifying. Who knows what we're paying for? And who knows why the Director of the business cannot, and will not, prove it?

I kept neutral for a year, Greg. After what I heard on the first Supercon: the suspicious loss of money, the going back on tournament winnings despite what was written, and therefore stated, on the website and changed later, and other various dropped bombs on how it was run, I decided stay away from your tournaments. I hoped that maybe you'd come up with proof of what happened, some explanations, some insight. Instead, just a man with a response akin to what I see from letters from banks and credit card companies.

I can't say out loud what you're trying to pull, without solid evidence but still going off of interesting information, but...


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
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You have no approach!!!!

Also if ROB didn't get juggled so bad vs MK it would be even or ROBs advantage imo.


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
Dtl there is no chance of me making a tournie/smashfest this sat (or sun), but the next weekend is a probable.

Bees if you want mk practice play on aib. If you can get a rank about like 1200 half the ppl u play will be mk. I know its laggy and wifi, but w/ a wired connection you can get some good matchup ex.

On a further note about mk I was thinking about a way to actually punish the nado w/ just about anyone.
I re-read sworguards di guide http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=221969 and realized i had been sding completely wrong. Seriously give this another read through.

Now that you have read it (YES READ IT), I was thinking what about doing a QCDI only and using the c-stick to punish the nado w/ an areial. Thoughts?

And if that wasn't enough reading I found this interesting too about buffering. Most of it I already knew but what is this about air dodging and fast falling at same time? Does this work for all characters? I was trying it w/ rob w/ no success.

Here's the link cause i fail at quoting. Just looking at the first post not the thread.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
You have no approach!!!!

Also if ROB didn't get juggled so bad vs MK it would be even or ROBs advantage imo.
I'm hakumen :D I don't need to :D

if D3 couldn't grab Lucario would have an 80-20 advantage rather than a 40-60 disadvantage


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Bees if you want mk practice play on aib. If you can get a rank about like 1200 half the ppl u play will be mk. I know its laggy and wifi, but w/ a wired connection you can get some good matchup ex.

Well in a month and a half I am going to be moving into my own place in Pueblo. My roommate and I intend on getting the fastest internet money can buy. So I might do that.
Also Chunky! Me and you should team on the team ladder too! ROB+Lucas would **** so hard.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Well you told me you hate playing Brawl and think the game is dumb.
You have to understand that I want to team with someone who actually enjoys the game.
I mean why do we strive to be better and get better? what makes us improve? what is it that drives us?
You can say the desire to win but that only goes so far, the truth of the matter is...If you don't enjoy the game you wouldn't put nearly as much energy into improving and getting better. It wouldn't matter that much to you because it would be a pointless and senseless thing to get good at.
I want someone I know has the drive to improve and someone I know will have good times with. Also someone that enjoys the game and won't give up when time gets rough because...its fun.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
I've seen my biggest improvements from not playing brawl. jussayin :L
Perhaps, but truthfully if you don't enjoy (in your case hate it) you can only take it so far. I mean doing something you hate will just be a chore and when there is no reciprocation there is only so much you can take.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2009
I'm hakumen :D I don't need to :D
6a/2a/6b blockstring. Don't try against other hakumen though >.>

Holy ****... I just realized if Warlock Punch came out in 1 frame and was cancellable into a 3 frame jab that ganon might be awesome.

and I always hated the venue prices for C3 tourneys. Good job CO for leaving C3.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Well then there you go. And you said at my house that you hate and it was dumb and that it isn't worth playing competitively and that the game is a gimmick. I won't dispute that because its all opinion based and its your opinion. But still it does paint my feelings about teaming with you especially if that is how you feel about the game.
I would rather team with someone who loves or at least enjoys playing the game and lose than team with someone who feels the way you do about the game and win.
sorry and again don't take it personally.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Moblin come to things we host now and we will do some hot Ganon v Zelda action. Link don't need to know.


Smash Rookie
Feb 2, 2009
Bees, if you do get a good connection and stuff, we've gotta have friendlies more often. WiFi really helps with match-ups as long as you and your opponent don't use WiFi tactics.

Also, still top 20 on AiB (I have a feeling this won't last). =)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Make it last fishbait!

Also, during the ndk brawl tourney, someone was using your tag and I got scared. But then it wasn't you.
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