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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I don't understand what the difference in the first and third links is supposed to be... but there isn't one

good luck DEEJAYLAN

also I think fishbait went mostly MK at C3T =/


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
You nearly beat my MK but you couldn't beat Fishbait's?
I beat him game one. And you are better with MK. My game was just off. My last 3 tourney placings before CCCT4 indicate as much. However Meno definitely was playing the MU better than the last 3 tourneys. He was playing much smarter. Which made me glad. In fact I notice a lot of things that people can do better against me and I will start pointing them out.(don't get pised everybody! much love <3)Kinda make me better by making others better against me. I really don't care if it gets people beating me. If it helps the scene in a whole it will help me as well and pay off for everyone.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I know a lot of how to beat bees's ROB but I never do because of how stupid I am in a match D=. I don't like apply anthing and fall into the same retardedness. Sometimes it's like I'm playing 5 months behind myself <_>


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
In fact I notice a lot of things that people can do better against me and I will start pointing them out.(don't get pised everybody! much love <3)Kinda make me better by making others better against me. I really don't care if it gets people beating me. If it helps the scene in a whole it will help me as well and pay off for everyone.
You haven't been doing this...?

If you care about improving, you need to be sharing EXACTLY how to beat you as a player and how to beat your character. It forces you to learn to get around the obstacles, and thus you get better.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
You haven't been doing this...?

If you care about improving, you need to be sharing EXACTLY how to beat you as a player and how to beat your character. It forces you to learn to get around the obstacles, and thus you get better.
I have been doing this its just lately I have noticed new things and I always forget to say something or remember after the matches when the day is done and I am recapping everything that I occured that day(everything meaning not just smash) this is why I try to say things when I think of them(which is usually in the middle of a match) which kinda pisses off some people(egorage maybe?)


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Curious question: How many of y'all planning to go to NDK. I'm just heavily considering it this year. Their con isn't even trying in the game room, which is all I really care for. They're the only one with rules that you can't bring your own controller (at least out of the 4 total different ones I've been to) and I just feel like my, now, more fragile money could be much better used.

Furthermore the con is extremely crowded and is still in the same hotel as always. It just seems like the con is being run by old men who are so stuck in their ways.

I don't know if I wanna feed any more money to the NDK cause. It's heavily depending on the response I get on their trick question thread about arcade sticks. But I figure if enough are you are already committed, I might as well go, even if it's just for a day.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Oh hey CO smash scene.

So I got last at the tourney :(

I lost first to Minty, an East Coast Marth. It's k cuz he's one of the good ones. I was beating him just fine in friendlies and I REALLY should've beaten him, but we all know how I choke...
I approached him the entire time...even when I had the stock lead...I'm dumb.

Then I lost to Doom. Again, I approached his MK the whole time, even when I had the stock lead :(

I met Jash, so I was insanely happy.

Also I've made my final decision on the subject. I'm maining MK until the CO scene has at least 3 of our top spots filled by him. About half the tournament was MK and the GFs were MK dittos. Pretty much no body used a less than high tier character. What I'm trying to say is if we don't get more MK experience, we pretty much are ****. So yeah, anyone want to help CO de-scrubbify with me and main MK, at least temporarily? Anyone?

Oh, also I beat and recorded Kirinblaze in an MM! It was the only one I did so yeah. I would've liked to do some others.

But yeah, I main MK.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I tried to quit Luc for MK and things didn't go so well for me that night...

But I'm going to second him.

also Gud Jubz Dillon. at least you didn't come in... owait.


I Am Thou
Jan 24, 2010
oh **** Dylan that sucks about your tourney. If you're maing MK now (which I have absolutely no problem with) then I just wanna know if you're doing it because you just wanna win more (which is meh :/) or it's because you have more confidence with him rather than TL.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
lmao guys.

Playing different characters will give you experience with them, true, and teach you newer ways to think about the game, but what you've got to do in order to truly improve is practice.

Play each other whenever you can, when you can't, practice your technicals.

If you're on the boards, drop into a random character board and just read their main thread, learn every single trick that character has against you and other characters, and you'll finally learn EXACTLY how each character "works"

After this, watch videos. Try to pick up on people's tendencies, after enough doing this outside of a heated match, you'll learn to do it in match, against good opponents and you'll start to truly pick up, competitively.

It doesn't matter if there are 10 MKs in NJ Dylan, the only one that matters is Atomsk, as he's their top MK by a long shot. If you are truly motivated to pick up MK in order to prepare the rest of your scene for the character, that's all fine and dandy, just do your best. If you watch an M2K vid to try and understand what he does that's so successful, you've gotta remember that that's only how he plays against that specific character (prime example is his playstyle drastically changing between how he plays against Ally and ADHD).

Try, and you shall succeed :)


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
I can't main MK. I have tried. I just don't have the patience and he just doesn't work with me. I will stick with ROB as he is my most practiced and best character. Once I get the MK MU totally down though it will definitely be better. Also I think the MU is 60:40 now. The only problem about inconsistencies with ROB MUs is that ROBs don't have a comparable higher level of play. Personally I think ROB mains(myself included) just need to step it up. I mean they have Sonic mains and Ness mains competing at a National level. So ya
But point being is that now that I know how to punish and such I don't see the MU as being that bad.

But if anyone wants to main MK by all means but YOU HAVE TO PUT AS MUCH OR EVEN MORE INTO MK than you did with what you are maining now.

Also I will do my best to play people whenever I can. At least I can give them practice against an opponent who reads so that you can work on mix-ups and such.


Smash Rookie
Sep 15, 2009
Hi everyone, how's it going? =) I am trying to get over my fear of posting on Smash boards...heh
Sorry to hear about that, Dylan. =( East coast is really good. I'm sure you got a lot of experience though.
Yay, Steam, I'm thinking about having MK as my second as well! =D But my biggest problem is I really don't practice, I only play with people maybe...once a week? I should practice more. ^_^"


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
you still lose to lucas though:laugh:
Only yours :bee:

oh **** Dylan that sucks about your tourney. If you're maing MK now (which I have absolutely no problem with) then I just wanna know if you're doing it because you just wanna win more (which is meh :/) or it's because you have more confidence with him rather than TL.
Nah, man, it doesn't suck. I mean, it happens. I didn't do THAT poorly, I just played really good people. Still, I really could've beaten that first guy if I just focused :(

But I actually feel confident with my Tink. And I'll always play him. I'm honestly just thinking that CO NEEDS moar MK and I want to try him out seriously. In terms of winning, I never enter a tournament wanting to do more that make my money back. I also feel like MK will be more fun for awhile. I mean, he's ****ing MK.

Shortened :)
Yeah man, I know what you mean.

I just really feel like changing characters for awhile and learning new stuffs. And yeah, I'm definitely one of the most active members of the Colorado smash scene, so if I can be spreading the MK love around, I think that would be REALLY beneficial to our community. It'll also help convince that weirdo below this to pick up someone else for MK.

And about all of that other stuff, that's what I always do lol. I constantly go into training mode with Toon Link trying to find different ways to throw more stuff. I practice anything I can alone. It would be nice to have training partners though. And yeah, I used to read every single character board to see what they can do. I kinda stopped when I realized everybody is ********.

Oh, and I WILL be one of the greats with MK. I can already Shuttle Loop OoS!!!


Yeah, you should never play MK. Lol
He's not for everyone. It would be plenty helpful if you worked on your Diddy more. CO really needs Diddy experience as well. You might even want him for MK :)


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
LMAO Dylan! That was silly. And I was going to drop Diddy(except in friendlies) But I will work on him for everyone here. *Goes to study Dekar and his Diddy...


I Am Thou
Jan 24, 2010
CO really needs Diddy experience as well. You might even want him for MK :)

I heard that, Diddy always gives me hell. Luckily we don't have any uber ones here (except maybe Zajice but apparently he doesn't main him) so no need to worry.... For now...:urg:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
Curious question: How many of y'all planning to go to NDK. I'm just heavily considering it this year. Their con isn't even trying in the game room, which is all I really care for. They're the only one with rules that you can't bring your own controller (at least out of the 4 total different ones I've been to) and I just feel like my, now, more fragile money could be much better used.

Furthermore the con is extremely crowded and is still in the same hotel as always. It just seems like the con is being run by old men who are so stuck in their ways.

I don't know if I wanna feed any more money to the NDK cause. It's heavily depending on the response I get on their trick question thread about arcade sticks. But I figure if enough are you are already committed, I might as well go, even if it's just for a day.
unless u plan on buying anything, i don't think u need a pass.

"If he only wants to walk around the hallways and go into the VGR, then a badge isn't strictly necessary. If he wants to go into the dealers room, artists alley, main events, or any panel room at any point, however, he'll need to purchase a day pass."

quoted from someone from the staff


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
Curious question: How many of y'all planning to go to NDK. I'm just heavily considering it this year. Their con isn't even trying in the game room, which is all I really care for. They're the only one with rules that you can't bring your own controller (at least out of the 4 total different ones I've been to) and I just feel like my, now, more fragile money could be much better used.

Furthermore the con is extremely crowded and is still in the same hotel as always. It just seems like the con is being run by old men who are so stuck in their ways.

I don't know if I wanna feed any more money to the NDK cause. It's heavily depending on the response I get on their trick question thread about arcade sticks. But I figure if enough are you are already committed, I might as well go, even if it's just for a day.
unless u plan on buying anything, i don't think u need a pass.

"If he only wants to walk around the hallways and go into the VGR, then a badge isn't strictly necessary. If he wants to go into the dealers room, artists alley, main events, or any panel room at any point, however, he'll need to purchase a day pass."

quoted from someone from the staff

so yeah i'm still gonna go, though i really wish they ran the VGR like wasabi.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Well Dylan ... M2K 3-1d wyatt again this weekend lol.
Ya looking at it now I don't think Diddy is that much better vs MK than ROB imo. But I will still 2nd Diddy as he supposedly does well vs DDD and is super fun to play. Also CO MKs will need exp in that MU and if I work on Diddy maybe I can be good enough to give them standard play Diddy practice


Smash Rookie
Sep 15, 2009
Whats Ndk?

And i will not be at the lan thing
It's Nan Desu Kan, an anime convention which has a game room, which has smash. Although the game room is not very good...and the people there are pretty ignorant about smash. It's a fun place to meet scrubs who think they're the best smashers ever and that Ganondorf and Ike are the best characters. lol. All in all, it's 'ight. Unless you're into anime, then it's awesome =)
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