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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
It's called GETTING BETTER. Everyone's gonna fight for that top spot in the CO Power Rankings (hint hint), and that competition's gonna make us better.

I really wish Jeris still played Brawl. Ferdi was purdy gud too. Huge losses, and couple that with Flux... :'(


Feb 5, 2009
Don't worry guys, I'll move to Michigan, pwn the pros there, move to California, pwn all the pros there, then move back here so we got a pro in Colorado.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Wow... Tim's CO's best? Maybe I should just stick with ZSS and enter Brawl singles. Free money and all that.

Nah, I'm jk. I'll play MK for now so you guys have at least one decent MK. Once I stop killing myself, anyway.

The only reason CO is worse at Brawl is because we're lazy. Seriously, guys, these people winning aren't anything special (no offense to dook, he's always special <3 ). The only reason CO is losing to people with predictable patterns is because of two reasons:

1) Not bothering to learn how to punish those patterns
2) Not learning how to tier-***** proper. Yeah, Wario is great at 3rd, but when was the last time a Wario beat m2k? Ohwait, broken comparison. You get what I'm saying, though. More Falco, more MK, more Snaaaaaaaaaaake. Have another Brawlolololfest, I'll show up and tell everyone at least 3 bad habits to fix, guaranteed. I can't guarantee they'll all be different, since a lot of people (particularly in CO) have the same bad habits.

Also, we need a Diddy and a good D3 player. Bad. I'd offer to play either of them, but I don't care enough about Brawl to bother actually practicing anything outside of matches, and I can't play big characters for some reason.

You guys better be interested, there is no Left 4 Dead distraction this year :mad:

You guys coming to SuperCon? If so, we'll send some over to OHSNAP. Serious talk.


Feb 5, 2009
Underload plays Snake and Diddy. So there's a Diddy.

I play Snake and Pikachu. I'll replace Flux's Pika while he's gone. (lolyarite) I'm kinda all over the place with my list of seconds, but a lot of them are high tier, so I'm doing OK at the tier-whoring. Dedede and Diddy are in that list. Along with MK, Falco, Marth, Game and Watch, and then a bunch of others that I don't feel like listing cause I'll basically list half the roster...

I play too many characters. >_>

Another thing about us... everybody here is all over melee still. Hell, you guys even got me to mess around with it again. We need more brawltards to be sexy at brawl tourneys.

I think I know what I need to work on though. I'm still stuck doing the same things over and over and won't branch out into anything new while fighting my opponents. If what I do now isn't working, I'm screwed basically. Gotta learn to adapt to situations and whatnot.

That and matchup experience. I lack a large amount of matchup experience.

I'm currently stuck at one of those walls where nothing is happening with me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Wow... Tim's CO's best? Maybe I should just stick with ZSS and enter Brawl singles. Free money and all that.

2) Not learning how to tier-***** proper. Yeah, Wario is great at 3rd, but when was the last time a Wario beat m2k?
MM $70000?!?!?!?!?! Also, a Wario beat m2k at tourneyplay this weekend. Hoo hoo hoo. Timely ownage for Tony's "point"

You guys better be interested, there is no Left 4 Dead distraction this year :mad:
Oh ****, they remember. Well, all the other 4 corner states flaked out too! We'll try to make it this time, and hopefully not have people delay our trip from early morning to late afternoon, causing us to decide to cancel. Also, everyone dropping out.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Yes, Tony, we need to finally get serious.

Diddy Kong is my serious #2 to Snake, I'm serious about playing him. I'll volunteer to be CO's Diddy to match up against Le Thien and Dekar :/

I've been practicing pretty much everyone in S tier not named Falco, so maybe I'll stick to a few of those guys too. Wario's my favorite out of the bunch so far, good Diddy and Snake counter imo.

The OK tourney sound great, except for:

-Le Thien (Diddy)
- Kos-Mos (Peach)


I don't want to force anything on anyone, but, we really need more high-tier play. Snake is the only one that's well represented, imo.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Yay Dave's back!

Go to SuperCon foo', we miss you and your dthrow techchases!

I'll see if I can go to either Ohsnap or Devastation.



Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2008
heartland, colorado
lol well i cant do anything in june, booked every weekend with work, so i have to know ahead to get off of work for july and august, but i know for sure im going to supercon, and maybe i wanted to go to something else, but the looks of it of oh snap, sounds perfect and as of right now im the only gnw!!! :p


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
you also said you were going to C3t for sure... :ohwell:
But you better be coming, we need some pwnage in dubz!!


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
****. Thanks, m2k. ******* has to go and lose. D:<

CO does lack a lot of match-up stuff. Who all do we need exp fighting? I'll dust off my Sonic for the new players, so they learn about his stupid **** and how to avoid it.

Everyone should nail it down to 2-3 characters, too. Even if Brawl is easy, it's a VERY match-up dependent game. If you don't learn to beast your bad match-ups, you'll always lose. Either that, or you need to 2nd mk, lololol.

Also, something that I think will help IMMENSELY for our new players is to try and make your opponent in friendlies look as stupid as possible.

I don't mean trying to hit with Falcon Punch, or Ganon utilt, or any of that. I mean grab them, tech-chase them to hell and make them feel like you can read their mind. Hit them with the same move 3 times in a row (if it's fsmash, this is called the Chap Combo). Pretty much play like Mikezor. You'll discover that some moves you dismissed before as mediocre have that exact use you've been looking for in a move for a long time. Experiment during friendlies, not during tournament.

Ex: I used to use Peach's usmash to beat any aerial approach in Melee. When I switched to Doc, I was sad to find out that his usmash isn't as good as her usmash. Now, normally a Doc player would either shield, or learn to time utilt/usmash better. Since there isn't too much info on how to play Doc, though, I decided to try fsmashing approaches.

Low and behold, I found out how to stop CF's approaches with a stupid-*** move. I can do usmash/utilt now (Fox beats teh Fsmash if he nairs), but I also have fsmash to gimp SUPER early and make Falcon hesitant about using his nair. It's like using Sonic's fsmash to stop MK's fair approach.

Hey, wait a second...


You guys get the idea though, right?


Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2009
Paradise, Nevada.
Now you know why I play three characters. Lol.

About Tony's post:

Yes we are too lazy. People don't like the game, and that is contagious. I like melee just as much as the next guy, but it is a game of the past. And that's why I stopped playing it.

Tier whoring isn't as important as playing with skill. New Mexico has IC, Luigi, Diddy, and DK at their top. They have 1 tier *****, Alphabravo, and that's it. They are playing lower characters with skill. OK's best player is a Peach. Utah's is a sonic. These players are playing with skill, and aren't worried about so much of "who" rather than "what." What I mean by that is they are learning their character, and beating difficult matchups with it.

Another point I want to make. Colorado doesn't play gay enough. I see almost no one grab releasing Wario, or chaingrabbing like they should be. I don't see enough planking, or spam, or camping. It's nice that we like each other and all, <3 but when it's time to play it should be time to PLAY. If we want to prosper out of state, we have to learn to homo it up, and we have to increase our Brawl knowledge. That definitely isn't where it needs to be.

On a side note, when I return from California I will be happy to help anyone with what they may be doing wrong. We don't give each other enough input. I study all the people I have videos of, and I watch your habits so I know how to beat all of you at the next tourney. If you want these videos, ask me. No one at our tournaments seems to want to be recorded, and that kinda bothers me. If we plan to move forward in Brawl, paying the entry fee and lulzing around 80% of the time isn't gonna cut it. But it all depends on what we want.

I'm not saying don't have fun. Personally, I just think getting better, and beating others is fun, that's why I play. I love everyone in CO, but if we want to get something done, lets do it.

New Mexico has smashfests every week. They are constantly pushing each other to improve. They don't hate the game as much as us, but they understand what is important. It is critical that we beat them at the Supercon. And trust me, they'll be ready.

But if we don't want any of that nonsense, I'm down with Ganon dittos until I leave for Nevada. Oh ya, and props to people who are doing the work and doing their best to get better.


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2008
Mesa, Arizona
2) Not learning how to tier-***** proper. Yeah, Wario is great at 3rd, but when was the last time a Wario beat m2k? Ohwait, broken comparison. You get what I'm saying, though. More Falco, more MK, more Snaaaaaaaaaaake.
Did you not watch the TourneyPlay Live Stream? M2K got 3rd place. Was knocked out of losers bracket by Fiction, a Wario player. It was tiiiiight!

No offense taken either. My Snake isn't that special. I am working on it though. :)

AZ needs to step it up too. :/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
I threw a smashfest. 6 people came, it lasted maybe 6 hours =(

=( =( =(.

also, dook is a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
That's because Brawl is boring, silly.

Seriously, this weekend has proved to me that I just can't stand brawl. The highlight of that day was teaching Tony how to play Cello, and that was mostly because Jamaal thought it was absolutely hilarious.

I'm not going to write paragraphs about what's going through my head right now, but I'm seriously having second thoughts on this whole brawl thing. It just isn't as fun as playing Melee. I'm starting to hate the passage of time.


Feb 5, 2009
Alright, I have 2 of my mains set. Snake and Pikachu aren't going anywhere. I love them too much. I want one more though. I just have to go through my plethora of characters I play and pick my favorite... Preferably something that goes well against Olimar, R.O.B, and MK.

I'm not saying don't have fun. Personally, I just think getting better, and beating others is fun, that's why I play. I love everyone in CO, but if we want to get something done, lets do it.

I love your post, Flux...

I agree tier-whoring isn't important if you can play well. Moblin got 13th in C3T with only Ganon, which is pretty **** good for a Ganon.

I used to be be against playing gay, but I've come to the conclusion that it's part of the game and we gotta deal with it. Other people are going to do it, and if we don't, we're just hurting ourselves.

Moar smashfests guys. Moar moar moar! I'm gonna go to every single one I possibly can. Maybe host one if I ever get the chance too. As long as nothing important is happening, I'm gonna go to every smashfest we have.

That's because Brawl is boring, silly.

Seriously, this weekend has proved to me that I just can't stand brawl. The highlight of that day was teaching Tony how to play Cello, and that was mostly because Jamaal thought it was absolutely hilarious.

I'm not going to write paragraphs about what's going through my head right now, but I'm seriously having second thoughts on this whole brawl thing. It just isn't as fun as playing Melee. I'm starting to hate the passage of time.
I don't think it's boring... Brawl is tons of fun for me. So is melee, but I'm just not as serious about it for two reasons:

1. It's an old game and it's barely anywhere anymore. Mostly at big tourneys only.

2. I suck at it, and getting better isn't gonna do a whole lot because of reason #1. If somebody ever wants to play melee, I'm always willing to play though. You just can't expect amazing things from me.

In my head, smash is smash. I don't care what version of smash it is. This is why I still play 64 once in a while too. Just cause you can't do certain things in one version doesn't make another version any worse. The objective is still to punch people off the stage until they die. When SSB4 comes out, I'm gonna switch and make it my main game. Then treat Brawl the same way I treat melee now.

And the highlight of the day was when we all picked random in the teams matches and our mains got switched, AND Tim predicted his cpu partner would be Peach. That was pretty awesome.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Yes we are too lazy. People don't like the game, and that is contagious. I like melee just as much as the next guy, but it is a game of the past. And that's why I stopped playing it.

You know we have at least two smashfests a week for Melee now? Most people that aren't going back to Melee are doing it for one of three reasons:

1) They sucked at Melee/they don't want to practice to reach the levels that people are playing Melee at.
2) Brawl draws more scrubs, and it's easier to make a name for yourself. Also, makes money.
3) They genuinely like Brawl.

Saying "Melee is a game of the past/dead/whatever" is just a stupid argument. You know it, and I know it. Event 52, RoM, and Genesis pre-reg attendance for Melee all say hi. Oh, right, so does Colorado. Only reason it hasn't been at C3T until Super Con is because Greg thinks it's dead and that the Brawl community is still going strong.

Tier whoring isn't as important as playing with skill. New Mexico has IC, Luigi, Diddy, and DK at their top. They have 1 tier *****, Alphabravo, and that's it. They are playing lower characters with skill. OK's best player is a Peach. Utah's is a sonic. These players are playing with skill, and aren't worried about so much of "who" rather than "what." What I mean by that is they are learning their character, and beating difficult matchups with it.
That's true, but only to an extent. Hate to break it to you, but IC, Luigi, Diddy, and DK? They're all really really really good. They aren't MK/Falco, but they're definitely up there. Tier-whoring doesn't mean play S tier only, mahboi.

When was the last time that X won an event with legitimately good players? I'm not saying he's garbage (Utah ***** CO last time in Brawl, as I recall), but he hasn't played even 2nd tier players like Boss yet.

Another thing to remember is that with Brawl, counter-picking makes it impossible to stick with just one character if you aren't MK. Unless we use the JP stage select, there will always be a stage that can completely ruin your character. It's even worse if they CP stage AND select a character that has a 6-4 or higher. Try playing against Marth on Battlefield with Ness. What's that? You can't win? Who knew?!? The only way you'll win is if you're playing someone that is significantly below your skill level, and you can't count on that to win tournaments.

Another point I want to make. Colorado doesn't play gay enough. I see almost no one grab releasing Wario, or chaingrabbing like they should be. I don't see enough planking, or spam, or camping. It's nice that we like each other and all, <3 but when it's time to play it should be time to PLAY. If we want to prosper out of state, we have to learn to homo it up, and we have to increase our Brawl knowledge. That definitely isn't where it needs to be.
My MK says hi. So does Nite's Falco. Too bad I suicide, amirite?

But I do agree with you. CO plays too nice/flashy/fun. Hafta accept that Brawl is a game that's meant to be played as shoddily as possible. Learn to love it, it's the metagame.

On a side note, when I return from California I will be happy to help anyone with what they may be doing wrong. We don't give each other enough input. I study all the people I have videos of, and I watch your habits so I know how to beat all of you at the next tourney. If you want these videos, ask me. No one at our tournaments seems to want to be recorded, and that kinda bothers me. If we plan to move forward in Brawl, paying the entry fee and lulzing around 80% of the time isn't gonna cut it. But it all depends on what we want.
Glad to know I'm not the only one that watches for habits via videos. I'll give everyone a tip right now when fighting me:

If I expect you to do a laggy attack to keep me on the outside part of the stage (not edgeguarding, just keeping me from reaching the center), I almost always will roll behind you to try and punish. It's not reaction at all, pure anticipation. Punish me for it so I'll stop doing it, eh? Ferdi does in Melee.

But yeah, be nice to have everyone giving input.

New Mexico has smashfests every week. They are constantly pushing each other to improve. They don't hate the game as much as us, but they understand what is important. It is critical that we beat them at the Supercon. And trust me, they'll be ready.
Trudat. It's sad enough that the person that gets free admission to Supercon doesn't even live in this state (dook's still good ****), but the fact that Jeris is the only one that beats OoSers in tourney is super-lame. If you wanna play Brawl in tourney, do it. If you don't, quit sayin' you do.

But if we don't want any of that nonsense, I'm down with Ganon dittos until I leave for Nevada. Oh ya, and props to people who are doing the work and doing their best to get better.
Ouch. 10getowneds.

I want to play smash ): Is LoVo still active on the forums?
Kinda. We play Melee VERY regularly. There's a "downside" to it, kinda, but if you can ignore it/it's your thing, then you're more than welcome. Or you can just host Melee-fests and people will come over solely for Melee.

Did you not watch the TourneyPlay Live Stream? M2K got 3rd place. Was knocked out of losers bracket by Fiction, a Wario player. It was tiiiiight!

No offense taken either. My Snake isn't that special. I am working on it though. :)

AZ needs to step it up too. :/
Nah, I only watch streaming when I'm super-bored/I know it's going to be good/it's Melee. Not much Brawl-watching for meeeeeee. D:

It's improved! I'm sad we didn't get to play a second match. I wanted to see how much you learn from match to match. D: D: D:

That's because Brawl is boring, silly.

Seriously, this weekend has proved to me that I just can't stand brawl. The highlight of that day was teaching Tony how to play Cello, and that was mostly because Jamaal thought it was absolutely hilarious.

I'm not going to write paragraphs about what's going through my head right now, but I'm seriously having second thoughts on this whole brawl thing. It just isn't as fun as playing Melee. I'm starting to hate the passage of time.
Just play Melee with us, and play Barwl for funsies when it's available. If you want to get back into Brawl, it'll only take a week or two. It's not like the metagame is going anywhere.


Alright, I have 2 of my mains set. Snake and Pikachu aren't going anywhere. I love them too much. I want one more though. I just have to go through my plethora of characters I play and pick my favorite... Preferably something that goes well against Olimar, R.O.B, and MK.
ZSS does pretty well. So does Kirby. I can teach you one, Tim can show you the basics with the other.


I love your post, Flux...

I agree tier-whoring isn't important if you can play well. Moblin got 13th in C3T with only Ganon, which is pretty **** good for a Ganon.
Except that CO sucks at Brawl right now. Not to steal his props, but seriously, Ganon should get double-peaced every time. He's that bad, no joke. I ~think~ Moblin would agree with me on that.

Moar smashfests guys. Moar moar moar! I'm gonna go to every single one I possibly can. Maybe host one if I ever get the chance too. As long as nothing important is happening, I'm gonna go to every smashfest we have.
This is what people need to be saying/doing/thinking. At the beginning of CO's Melee scene really coming to life, I'd drive anywhere within 2 hours just to greet a new player. Smashfests happened like school days, and we were thirsty to improve. Where's CO's drive now? Start playin', or start packin'.

1. It's an old game and it's barely anywhere anymore. Mostly at big tourneys only.
Already addressed, I guess.

2. I suck at it, and getting better isn't gonna do a whole lot because of reason #1. If somebody ever wants to play melee, I'm always willing to play though. You just can't expect amazing things from me.
Perfect example of what I discussed earlier. You're always welcome to learn with us, if you change your mind! :D


Feb 5, 2009
Don't get me wrong. I love melee. I'm not good, but I love to play it. I was reading up on Jigglypuff just last night. I'll still play for fun. I just don't plan on getting super awesome and winning tourneys and that stuff. That's all. If somebody throws a meleefest, you can still expect to see me there.

Let's put it this way: I'm casually competitive with melee. :p


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
For the next 5 days I'm going to be in driving school 6 hours a day and have my permit before the end of the month.

More Smashfests for me since I don't have to haggle my parents to drive me. They just drive back. Woooot.

EDIT: Oh, and...

Melee and Brawl have to stop intermingling and interfering with each other. Now. They're both under the name of "Smash Bros.", but they're two different games completely. See: SF3 vs. SF4

People can play both if they want, but I personally think that Melee is in the biggest obstacle in the way of Colorado getting good at Brawl. Good players leave Brawl completely for Melee, which has no tournament representation anymore besides SuperCon and friendly setups. Some decide to play Melee 90% of the time, play Brawl 5% of the time, and complain about Brawl the other 5% of the time. And finally, others just have a huge headache because every argument goes back to "OH MY GAWD MELEEEEEEE ISN'T DEAD IT'S AMAZING LET'S SPLIT THE STATE INTO TWO PARTS"

Need an example? Tim was stressing the point that he wanted his Smashfest to be purely Brawl so he wouldn't get distracted. People just blew that off and talked about bringing Melee discs and setups to the Smashfest. IDK if it happened in the end though.

I'm done.


Feb 5, 2009
I remember driving school... Wasn't fun. Boring. Boring. Boring. And you have to get up early. It's like 1 class for 6 hours a day all week. Imagine a math class for 6 hours a day all week. Not fun.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
My turn for the long post brigade!

1) They sucked at Melee/they don't want to practice to reach the levels that people are playing Melee at.
2) Brawl draws more scrubs, and it's easier to make a name for yourself. Also, makes money.
3) They genuinely like Brawl.

Saying "Melee is a game of the past/dead/whatever" is just a stupid argument. You know it, and I know it. Event 52, RoM, and Genesis pre-reg attendance for Melee all say hi. Oh, right, so does Colorado. Only reason it hasn't been at C3T until Super Con is because Greg thinks it's dead and that the Brawl community is still going strong.
That list is true, though I would add "burned out on melee". However, I was under the impression that melee hasn't been at nvga stuff because each time you convince dfg there will be a good sized side tourney, we don't have it because the people either don't show or would rather do friendlies. I counted 10 people I can think of that probably show up to the fests, and that's enough for a tourney, but then they need to show up and want to tourney instead of just friendly. Remember, greg is trying to run a business, and subway isn't gonna sponsor friendlies.

Try playing against Marth on Battlefield with Ness. What's that? You can't win? Who knew?!?
Actually, I'd rather face him there than FD. But yes, CPing is incredibly strong in Brawl. However, I will note ganon mains don't go ganon if you pick FD in melee...

My MK says hi. So does Nite's Falco. Too bad I suicide, amirite?
I only played like a match against you MK, so I can't say, but Nite's Falco is far from gay, and far from a standard Falco, because he hates playing gay.

But I do agree with you. CO plays too nice/flashy/fun. Hafta accept that Brawl is a game that's meant to be played as shoddily as possible. Learn to love it, it's the metagame.
Also on board with this statement

But yeah, be nice to have everyone giving input.
I'll give input to anyone that asks DURING matches. I don't store most habits for later. Although, here's one I can recall: If you weren't in the melee scene, you probably roll away from the edge when you get knocked down near it. Moblin knows it.

ZSS does pretty well. So does Kirby. I can teach you one, Tim can show you the basics with the other.

This is what people need to be saying/doing/thinking. At the beginning of CO's Melee scene really coming to life, I'd drive anywhere within 2 hours just to greet a new player.
The prime difference being gas prices, and no one new really appearing on smarshburds.

Alright, I have 2 of my mains set. Snake and Pikachu aren't going anywhere. I love them too much. I want one more though. I just have to go through my plethora of characters I play and pick my favorite... Preferably something that goes well against Olimar, R.O.B, and MK.
Snake is already your best bet against MK. Watch the vids of dook's snake to learn something, then go to the top tier snake vids. For the other 2, you could go with Tony's suggestion, or do gaw, marth, or bowser.

I agree tier-whoring isn't important if you can play well. Moblin got 13th in C3T with only Ganon, which is pretty **** good for a Ganon.
Tier-whoring may not be important for your MAIN, but you do need to know how the common characters play, and the easiest way to know that is play as them. Moblin got 13th, which is good, but can he remember the names of the people he beat? Did he beat anyone impressive, or that played good characters really well? He knows Ganon's meta, but in the end he would need to learn more about the good characters' spacings and timing.

Moar smashfests guys. Moar moar moar! I'm gonna go to every single one I possibly can. Maybe host one if I ever get the chance too. As long as nothing important is happening, I'm gonna go to every smashfest we have.
I can hold you to this.

And the highlight of the day was when we all picked random in the teams matches and our mains got switched, AND Tim predicted his cpu partner would be Peach. That was pretty awesome.
And the ***** let me down >.<

Seriously, this weekend has proved to me that I just can't stand brawl. The highlight of that day was teaching Tony how to play Cello, and that was mostly because Jamaal thought it was absolutely hilarious.
I have some bad news about that, Jamaal was laughing about something else...

I want to play smash ): Is LoVo still active on the forums?
STOMP THE YARD >.< >.< >.<

Tier whoring isn't as important as playing with skill. New Mexico has IC, Luigi, Diddy, and DK at their top. They have 1 tier *****, Alphabravo, and that's it. They are playing lower characters with skill. OK's best player is a Peach. Utah's is a sonic. These players are playing with skill, and aren't worried about so much of "who" rather than "what." What I mean by that is they are learning their character, and beating difficult matchups with it.
That list of characters isn't really bad characters, as tony pointed out. Also, the luigi has marf as a 2nd...Thanks Z-man >.<...

Another point I want to make. Colorado doesn't play gay enough. I see almost no one grab releasing Wario, or chaingrabbing like they should be. I don't see enough planking, or spam, or camping. It's nice that we like each other and all, <3 but when it's time to play it should be time to PLAY. If we want to prosper out of state, we have to learn to homo it up, and we have to increase our Brawl knowledge. That definitely isn't where it needs to be.
Yup, learn your character's freaking metagame. Then learn the metagame of every character you struggle against.

On a side note, when I return from California I will be happy to help anyone with what they may be doing wrong. We don't give each other enough input. I study all the people I have videos of, and I watch your habits so I know how to beat all of you at the next tourney. If you want these videos, ask me. No one at our tournaments seems to want to be recorded, and that kinda bothers me. If we plan to move forward in Brawl, paying the entry fee and lulzing around 80% of the time isn't gonna cut it. But it all depends on what we want.
I'm always willing to be recorded. And have learned the price of lulz =(

I'm not saying don't have fun. Personally, I just think getting better, and beating others is fun, that's why I play. I love everyone in CO, but if we want to get something done, lets do it.
This is also my boat.

New Mexico has smashfests every week. They are constantly pushing each other to improve. They don't hate the game as much as us, but they understand what is important. It is critical that we beat them at the Supercon. And trust me, they'll be ready.
Everyone that shows up to Supercon will be ready, and it will be our job to smack them down.

But if we don't want any of that nonsense, I'm down with Ganon dittos until I leave for Nevada. Oh ya, and props to people who are doing the work and doing their best to get better.
That's the crossroads we're at. Of everyone that plays smash in CO, I think that only 4 or 5 play at any of their characters' top metagames. Flux with MK, Meno and Peach, Moblin with Ganon, me with Ness, and Underload with Snake are the only ones I can think of. With Ness it is easy, there is no metagame, so I'm left making it up as I go along, so we'll go with 4. Maybe the TL players can get on the list as well, since they both have a fair idea of what to do, but only 1 was at C3, and he was playing MK whenever I looked, and it wasn't as good as Flux. This last tourney was about 40 people in size. So 10% of CO brawl players are, not playing the game at top metagame, but KNOW what the top metagame even is. That's awful. Don't bother arguing this point, I will be ignoring it. Why? Because it's the ****ed truth.

If you wanna get good at brawl, you have to read and experiment. If you wanna get good at melee, you have to practice and read. Right now it seems like everyone is comfy in the ruts we built, I know I was. But I'm not anymore, so it's time to do something about it.

Anytime you want to play brawl, give me a call or text at 303-888-8777, and if I'm available I will play. You can either come here, or I can go to your place. If these sessions are 1 on 1, I will only be playing characters I seriously want to play as and improve, and I will even throw out suggestions. I'd offer this with melee too, but quite frankly I fit all 4 of the categories mentioned earlier.

So there it is, CO players. The offer to improve is on the table from pretty much anyone that will play this game and can teach you. You can either take it, or leave it.


Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2008
Mesa, Arizona
PS Tim: thank you for uploading the vids! The game seems to go a lot slower when playing. PS did you add the music or did NVGA do that? Does anyone has the raw version with the game audio? Or was there no sound on the raw files (which explains the music). I don't mind the music, I was just curious. I loved the Living Legends song.

PS Brawl is still a pretty new game. Think of where Melee was after a year of its release. The tourneyplay livestream was so intense. Every major tournament I go to I am amazed at how much the metagame has improved.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
EDIT: Oh, and...

Melee and Brawl have to stop intermingling and interfering with each other. Now. They're both under the name of "Smash Bros.", but they're two different games completely. See: SF3 vs. SF4

People can play both if they want, but I personally think that Melee is in the biggest obstacle in the way of Colorado getting good at Brawl. Good players leave Brawl completely for Melee, which has no tournament representation anymore besides SuperCon and friendly setups. Some decide to play Melee 90% of the time, play Brawl 5% of the time, and complain about Brawl the other 5% of the time. And finally, others just have a huge headache because every argument goes back to "OH MY GAWD MELEEEEEEE ISN'T DEAD IT'S AMAZING LET'S SPLIT THE STATE INTO TWO PARTS"

Need an example? Tim was stressing the point that he wanted his Smashfest to be purely Brawl so he wouldn't get distracted. People just blew that off and talked about bringing Melee discs and setups to the Smashfest. IDK if it happened in the end though.

I'm done.
I should've made a new post for this anyway instead of editing it into my driving post :/


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Nite's doesn't play consistently gay, but it can and has played REALLY gay before. He does it about once a tournament. Normally against Mikezor. lololol

Melee and Brawl have to stop intermingling and interfering with each other. Now. They're both under the name of "Smash Bros.", but they're two different games completely. See: SF3 vs. SF4
I respectfully disagree. Melee players can gain a good deal of insight by playing Brawl. It improves their poking/waiting game substantially. Likewise, Brawl players can learn a lot from Melee. You learn how to wait for pressure strings to end and how to make the most of your moves/recovery when a wrong guess=60% damage or a stock.

People can play both if they want, but I personally think that Melee is in the biggest obstacle in the way of Colorado getting good at Brawl. Good players leave Brawl completely for Melee, which has no tournament representation anymore besides SuperCon and friendly setups. Some decide to play Melee 90% of the time, play Brawl 5% of the time, and complain about Brawl the other 5% of the time. And finally, others just have a huge headache because every argument goes back to "OH MY GAWD MELEEEEEEE ISN'T DEAD IT'S AMAZING LET'S SPLIT THE STATE INTO TWO PARTS"
Don't blame Melee. Blame the Brawl players for ****ing around and not bothering to advance CO's metagame. I guarantee that I can take top 4 at the next tournament we have that doesn't have OoSers. Even then, I tend to fare significantly better against them than most of the state. Something's very wrong with that, and Melee isn't to blame.

Need an example? Tim was stressing the point that he wanted his Smashfest to be purely Brawl so he wouldn't get distracted. People just blew that off and talked about bringing Melee discs and setups to the Smashfest. IDK if it happened in the end though.

I'm done.
Because he wanted to work on Brawl only. We've said that we don't want SF/GG at smashfests before, too. It's not Melee's fault. Also, I didn't see a single copy of Melee at Tim's. Only person I know who recommended it that was there was Moblin, for very obvious reasons.

Also, don't compare SSBM+SSBB to SF3 and SF4. The differences between each member of their respected series is HUGE. Compare Brawl and 64 to 3s and ST, if anything.

EDIT: Seriously, we shouldn't be losing to any 4 corners state anymore. We beat NM/UT in Melee because they have REALLY bad habits, not because we're so technical that they can't keep up with us. Why aren't we taking advantage of these problems now, in a game where that's all you can do? No offense to UT and NM, of course. But seriously, guize?
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