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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Dook, the videos only had high pitched noise for audio, that's why I had to add music. I was not pleased.

And tony, I think we covered all that in the earlier posts. Just give the lengthy posts some time to set in, see how everyone reacts.


Feb 5, 2009
Tier-whoring may not be important for your MAIN, but you do need to know how the common characters play, and the easiest way to know that is play as them. Moblin got 13th, which is good, but can he remember the names of the people he beat? Did he beat anyone impressive, or that played good characters really well? He knows Ganon's meta, but in the end he would need to learn more about the good characters' spacings and timing.
This is one of the reasons I'm glad I played as a bunch of characters. I'm currently working on MK and now I notice a lot of things about MK in matches that I can capitalize on, and I can predict what their plan is. If you know a character, they're much easier to fight.

I can hold you to this.
You better.

I'm always willing to be recorded.
Me too. I regret not having the match's between me and Flux recorded, even after he asked. :(

That's the crossroads we're at. Of everyone that plays smash in CO, I think that only 4 or 5 play at any of their characters' top metagames. Flux with MK, Meno and Peach, Moblin with Ganon, me with Ness, and Underload with Snake are the only ones I can think of. With Ness it is easy, there is no metagame, so I'm left making it up as I go along, so we'll go with 4. Maybe the TL players can get on the list as well, since they both have a fair idea of what to do, but only 1 was at C3, and he was playing MK whenever I looked, and it wasn't as good as Flux. This last tourney was about 40 people in size. So 10% of CO brawl players are, not playing the game at top metagame, but KNOW what the top metagame even is. That's awful. Don't bother arguing this point, I will be ignoring it. Why? Because it's the ****ed truth.

If you wanna get good at brawl, you have to read and experiment. If you wanna get good at melee, you have to practice and read. Right now it seems like everyone is comfy in the ruts we built, I know I was. But I'm not anymore, so it's time to do something about it.
I agree with all of this.

Anytime you want to play brawl, give me a call or text at 303-888-8777, and if I'm available I will play. You can either come here, or I can go to your place. If these sessions are 1 on 1, I will only be playing characters I seriously want to play as and improve, and I will even throw out suggestions. I'd offer this with melee too, but quite frankly I fit all 4 of the categories mentioned earlier.
I can hold you to this.

Melee and Brawl have to stop intermingling and interfering with each other. Now. They're both under the name of "Smash Bros.", but they're two different games completely. See: SF3 vs. SF4

People can play both if they want, but I personally think that Melee is in the biggest obstacle in the way of Colorado getting good at Brawl. Good players leave Brawl completely for Melee, which has no tournament representation anymore besides SuperCon and friendly setups. Some decide to play Melee 90% of the time, play Brawl 5% of the time, and complain about Brawl the other 5% of the time. And finally, others just have a huge headache because every argument goes back to "OH MY GAWD MELEEEEEEE ISN'T DEAD IT'S AMAZING LET'S SPLIT THE STATE INTO TWO PARTS"

Need an example? Tim was stressing the point that he wanted his Smashfest to be purely Brawl so he wouldn't get distracted. People just blew that off and talked about bringing Melee discs and setups to the Smashfest. IDK if it happened in the end though.

I'm done.
Well for the people who play Brawl more than melee, Melee isn't a problem. Just because good players like melee more doesn't mean it's in our way. If we take the time and get good with our characters, learn our matchups, and just learn Brawl better, Colorado will be just fine.

In a way, melee is an obstacle because good players go back to melee, leaving us with few good brawl players, but the rest of us need to make up for that and become good ourselves. Not rely on other people to make us look good.

That's my last long post... no more need to expand the page.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
I respectfully disagree. Melee players can gain a good deal of insight by playing Brawl. It improves their poking/waiting game substantially. Likewise, Brawl players can learn a lot from Melee. You learn how to wait for pressure strings to end and how to make the most of your moves/recovery when a wrong guess=60% damage or a stock.
I wasn't talking about gameplay here. One game gets in the way of another during discussion. I'm not good at explaining stuff, but I mean things like Moblin's post about not liking Brawl anymore and opting to play more Melee. It's on the top of this page I think.

Don't blame Melee. Blame the Brawl players for ****ing around and not bothering to advance CO's metagame. I guarantee that I can take top 4 at the next tournament we have that doesn't have OoSers. Even then, I tend to fare significantly better against them than most of the state. Something's very wrong with that, and Melee isn't to blame.
Melee's taken a significant number of players from Brawl. It's their decision in the end, and that's cool. It still stands that Melee and Brawl are in a tug-of-war right now in CO, dividing the state into two. You got 17th out of 39 (49?) at C3T and lost to Lawkk and Over9000 and you got 13th out of 32 at King of the Springs. Doesn't look like top 4 to me. Prove ya'self Tony!

Because he wanted to work on Brawl only. We've said that we don't want SF/GG at smashfests before, too. It's not Melee's fault. Also, I didn't see a single copy of Melee at Tim's. Only person I know who recommended it that was there was Moblin, for very obvious reasons.

Also, don't compare SSBM+SSBB to SF3 and SF4. The differences between each member of their respected series is HUGE. Compare Brawl and 64 to 3s and ST, if anything.

I don't wanna argue cuz I love Tony :(


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado

You know we have at least two smashfests a week for Melee now? Most people that aren't going back to Melee are doing it for one of three reasons:

1) They sucked at Melee/they don't want to practice to reach the levels that people are playing Melee at.
2) Brawl draws more scrubs, and it's easier to make a name for yourself. Also, makes money.
3) They genuinely like Brawl.

Saying "Melee is a game of the past/dead/whatever" is just a stupid argument. You know it, and I know it. Event 52, RoM, and Genesis pre-reg attendance for Melee all say hi. Oh, right, so does Colorado. Only reason it hasn't been at C3T until Super Con is because Greg thinks it's dead and that the Brawl community is still going strong.
During the Brawl Grand Finals I was up on the upper floor playing Melee. The one time I look down, Flux and Dook are playing on pokemon stadium. There are about 5 people sitting in the chairs behind them, the rest of the 60 or so people in the room and either:

A)Playing Halo/guilty gear/SF4/some other game.
B)Have their backs turned to the screen, playing brawl friendlies. It was kind of one of the saddest things I've seen - especially compared with the wildly entertained, screaming crowds of melee.

People treat the fact that something is losing popularity as some mysteriously imperturbable, unchangeable force outside of their control. It isn't. Whether something lives or dies is completely up to the people that care about it. And from what I'm hearing, everyone in Colorado cares about it, and 75% of the people even prefer it.

Glad to know I'm not the only one that watches for habits via videos. I'll give everyone a tip right now when fighting me:

If I expect you to do a laggy attack to keep me on the outside part of the stage (not edgeguarding, just keeping me from reaching the center), I almost always will roll behind you to try and punish. It's not reaction at all, pure anticipation. Punish me for it so I'll stop doing it, eh? Ferdi does in Melee.
I would appreciate this also. I was completely bummed that I wasn't recorded, either. There was only a recording set up on one TV, and none of my games were on it.

I do have to give props to Zajice and how much his Snake has improved. When we first started playing, I would approach through his Grenades and he would almost always roll backwards.

I learned to just keep running and dash attack/wizard kick him out of his roll every time. Now, I have to guess on whether he'll roll behind me, backwards like before, just stand there and Tilt me when I run at him, or better yet, do something I had not expected at all.

Now I just Jump over his F tilt and stomp him out of his tilts when I can predict it, but the matchup got that much harder just from his one change in gameplay.

Okay, I'll give you everyone something to do to beat me, too. Ready? here it is:

Play Falco.

Alright you're good to go.

Kinda. We play Melee VERY regularly. There's a "downside" to it, kinda, but if you can ignore it/it's your thing, then you're more than welcome. Or you can just host Melee-fests and people will come over solely for Melee.
wait, what's the downside Tony...?

Just play Melee with us, and play Barwl for funsies when it's available. If you want to get back into Brawl, it'll only take a week or two. It's not like the metagame is going anywhere.
yeah, brawl is just too defensive and boring. And I don't have any sense of accomplishment unless I beat someone without using a top tier. It's like bringing 12 gauge shot gun to kill a cripple. Just doesn't feel that great. So I think I'll stick with Ganon. Although I'm working on my maylay fox, that **** is just way too fun to not secondary.

Keep practicing, I think cello even has a higher dropout rate than the IB program. hahahaha

Except that CO sucks at Brawl right now. Not to steal his props, but seriously, Ganon should get double-peaced every time. He's that bad, no joke. I ~think~ Moblin would agree with me on that.
Yep, he's pretty bad.

This is what people need to be saying/doing/thinking. At the beginning of CO's Melee scene really coming to life, I'd drive anywhere within 2 hours just to greet a new player. Smashfests happened like school days, and we were thirsty to improve. Where's CO's drive now? Start playin', or start packin'.
I don't know about everyone else, but I have a life. As some of you know, I play cello along with some other hobbies. Also, I'm in the middle of a disgusting divorce that includes abuse charges against a member of the family.

Overall, though, I'd say it's the negativity towards some of the games that are included in the scene that is causing the overall lack of member participation ;P

hint, hint.

And the highlight of the day was when we all picked random in the teams matches and our mains got switched, AND Tim predicted his cpu partner would be Peach. That was pretty awesome.
LOL. yes, yes it was... Just behind the cello lessons....


Feb 5, 2009
Actually, we played melee at Tim's for like 20 minutes at the end of the smashfest cause Moblin wanted too.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Completely related: I didn't get the smash CO pw in a pm, so I can't put the matches up thar.

Dave: didn't mean any disrespect, you play well and read people well, but metagame wise you do seem to be lacking. For instance, GaW can super DI to the bottom corner of the whorenado and upB, launching mk in the air for a free whatever. I haven't seen you do it though.

EDIT: Wait, moblin is getting divorced?!?! =(


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
In a way, melee is an obstacle because good players go back to melee, leaving us with few good brawl players, but the rest of us need to make up for that and become good ourselves. Not rely on other people to make us look good.
Wow, 200+ respect points from me.

Melee's taken a significant number of players from Brawl. It's their decision in the end, and that's cool. It still stands that Melee and Brawl are in a tug-of-war right now in CO, dividing the state into two. You got 17th out of 39 (49?) at C3T and lost to Lawkk and Over9000 and you got 13th out of 32 at King of the Springs. Doesn't look like top 4 to me. Prove ya'self Tony!
I'll make sure to actually sleep before a tournament, then. Seeing as I was playing on no sleep for 2 days for both tournaments, and I decided to play MK without really getting practice with him, I don't think I did too shabby. But johns, amirite?

The people that want to play Melee, play it. The people that want to play Brawl play it. The people that want money from Brawl also play it, but I digress. Melee isn't "stealing" anyone. Brawl took its toll on our Melee scene, and now the scene is rebuilding. Can't help it that Brawl didn't meet our top players' expectations. Moblin likes Melee because Brawl just kinda ***** him over. Saying Melee is stealing Brawl is like saying that SF4 stole the GG scene.

my metagame is pretty solid so im not worried, even my marth and snake matchup for gnw are solid, i would love to win supercon for colorado
Do et.

Fix your bad habits, though.


Feb 5, 2009
Also, thanks a bunch Moblin. That gave me a mental boost. I thought I hadn't improved at all. :D The moment you told me about my rolling habits, I tried to stop them. So critique really helps people improve and get rid of their bad habits. Everybody needs to give everybody critique.

I'm gonna play moar Falco to anger you Moblin.

Edit: What's this about Moblin and divorce? D:


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Okay, after this Imma go shower and leave to play... MELEE!

I'll resurrect our ranking thread under 3 conditions:

1) We agree on a panel of 3-5 people. I would very much like to be on this panel, since I tend to give a lot of people advice/can read/kinda started that thread waaaaay back in the day. I'd suggest Meno and Tim for secondaries on the panel, but I really leave it up to you guys.

2) We have a ranking tournament, round robin, for money. Everyone stays the entire time, or they instantly go to the bottom.

3) We establish a clearly defined means for moving up in the ranking system.

3b) Someone teaches me how to do those nifty arrows.

During the Brawl Grand Finals I was up on the upper floor playing Melee. The one time I look down, Flux and Dook are playing on pokemon stadium. There are about 5 people sitting in the chairs behind them, the rest of the 60 or so people in the room and either:

A)Playing Halo/guilty gear/SF4/some other game.
B)Have their backs turned to the screen, playing brawl friendlies. It was kind of one of the saddest things I've seen - especially compared with the wildly entertained, screaming crowds of melee.
QFT. I can't be the only one contributing hype. D:

wait, what's the downside Tony...?
If it's at Rafa's, there's normally something that accompanies it. No one has to take part, but if you want to play for more than an hour or two, you need to learn to accept it/put up with it/whatevs. Kenny gets routinely cranky after a wasted LoVo/Jeris/Whoever stomps him. D:

yeah, brawl is just too defensive and boring. And I don't have any sense of accomplishment unless I beat someone without using a top tier. It's like bringing 12 gauge shot gun to kill a cripple. Just doesn't feel that great. So I think I'll stick with Ganon. Although I'm working on my maylay fox, that **** is just way too fun to not secondary.
Isn't he? Doesn't hurt that he's REALLY REALLY good, either.

Keep practicing, I think cello even has a higher dropout rate than the IB program. hahahaha
How can you drop such a tight instrument? I spent 1 hour without even realizing it just doing 4 notes.

I don't know about everyone else, but I have a life. As some of you know, I play cello along with some other hobbies. Also, I'm in the middle of a disgusting divorce that includes abuse charges against a member of the family.
Didn't know that. If'n you need anything, lemme know and I'll try to help. I feel ya on that ****.

Having a life, I mean. wtf is a cello?

Also, gimme ur number. You live all close to me, we should be playing super often.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
sorry guys, I have something to confess.

I'm like one of the worst Ganon mains ever, I have sooooo much to catch up on that I'm just too lazy/addicted to melee to work on.

I have to sit down and actually work on my tech skill in Brawl. YES, you heard me right. Brawl Ganon has some pretty **** hard techs, although nothing crawling near the dark alley of waveshining. *shudder*

First of all, Ganon has this sort of super jump that I can do from a short hop air dodge; It'll help intercepting snakes that recover high especially, but other uses include: Getting over a MK's tornado, since it can be done quickly and succinctly; greatly helping the D3 matchup because Ganon is in one of the best situations when his opponent is below him; surprise surprise. Not to mention he can't get grabbed.

Then he's got a lagless ledge hop Up air that he can follow up with for some close-to-true combos as retaliation from the ledge.

And then there's that crazy Chain-choking thing; the theory is that Brawl is so slow that you can literally, after a side B: #1: React, not predict, their get up attack due to memorization of the starting animation. Promptly power shield it and re-choke them.
#2: Memorize both rolling animations of each character and hone your reflexes to choke whichever way they are rolling on reaction.
#3: Memorize and be able to discern whether they are using a get-up attack or simply standing up in order to get another choke in after they finish the animation.

I'm getting a new cell phone tomorrow, but I don't think my number is changing. Everyone add this and text me your name so I can add you into contacts: 303-501-6898.

Oh and yeah, I'm getting a divorce. Couldn't stand that ***** any longer so I'm moving out and getting a hot new trophy wife from Brazil.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Dude shut up. I see you hyping yourself all over the tourney thread, and the more you talk the less I think you're good.

I'll just f*cking pick Dedede and scream GG when Luigi pops out of his pipe.
Ah, the fat penguin. I'll be sure to keep my fist alight with flame just for you. $5 MM then, good sir? That should settle the question of who is the better of the two of us.

For the record, Luigi doesn't need chain-grabs, bulk, multiple jumps, a modified hammer, infinites, or a limitless army of goons to win his fights, only the BURNING POWER OF HIS SOUL.

SHORYUKEN, good sir.


Feb 5, 2009
That Ganon jump is sexy. I like tech chasing with Ganon's choke. It's like Snake's d-throw.

And Underload needs to get on wifiiiiiiii~.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Oh and yeah, I'm getting a divorce. Couldn't stand that ***** any longer so I'm moving out and getting a hot new trophy wife from Brazil.
There are no women in Brazil. They're all former men. Enjoy your new, oddly arousing best friend!

Ah, the fat penguin. I'll be sure to keep my fist alight with flame just for you. $5 MM then, good sir? That should settle the question of who is the better of the two of us.

For the record, Luigi doesn't need chain-grabs, bulk, multiple jumps, a modified hammer, infinites, or a limitless army of goons to win his fights, only the BURNING POWER OF HIS SOUL.

SHORYUKEN, good sir.
I take that as a no?



Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Okay, the only texts I've gotten so far have been from Zach and Tony, both of which I already had numbers for since Tim gave me Tony's # during his smashfest cuz he was late. Step it up, people! 303-501-6898 Don't worry, I don't care if I don't know you. :D

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Why all the hostility? Can't we all just love eachother?

I thought we were just having a friendly bout of trash-talk back and forth... No ill will intended, just good natured ribbing in order to foster some out-of-state support for our tourney. ;)

I've also looked into that Supercon, and if we can muster enough support, Oklahoma will try to come.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Ah, the fat penguin. I'll be sure to keep my fist alight with flame just for you. $5 MM then, good sir? That should settle the question of who is the better of the two of us.

For the record, Luigi doesn't need chain-grabs, bulk, multiple jumps, a modified hammer, infinites, or a limitless army of goons to win his fights, only the BURNING POWER OF HIS SOUL.

SHORYUKEN, good sir.
You don't even have an awesome flowchart for yours! >.<

Edit: Do or do not, there is no try(ing to get to Supercon!) With advanced warning, we may be able to supply hoosing.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Yeah, my state's been really flakey when it's come to OOS trips as of late. Usually, we'll get six people confirmed to go, and then only myself and KOS-MOS wind up going anywhere.

We'll see, however. We'll see...


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Yeah, my state's been really flakey when it's come to OOS trips as of late. Usually, we'll get six people confirmed to go, and then only myself and KOS-MOS wind up going anywhere.

We'll see, however. We'll see...
Come anyway. If'n you can win Brawl, it'll more than pay for your expenses. Worst-case scenario, I can house you two.


Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2009
Paradise, Nevada.
Couple things. Short thing first.

1: I would like to be on a brawl powerranking panel, just throwing that out there.

Longer thing.

2: As far as out of state is concerned. I'm gonna go on a bit of a rant, take it how you must.

The last two tournaments I have lost to out of staters, yes. Both very good players, no doubt, I respect and keep in touch with them both. But that doesn't affect you. It seems clear to me that you guys are frustrated with how out of state is beating us in Brawl. But honestly guys....

It's a PROBLEM when you are not supporting your Colorado players against an out of stater. Tournament finals versus Dekar, I had maybe 4-5 people watching from CO. All of NM was watching Dekar iirc. CCCT, most of you guys were playing friendlies while I was playing Dook. No offense, but it's kinda rude when that's happening, especially when our CO player is playing someone out of state, and more so in the finals. Thanks to those of you who DID watch.

But it should't be just me, or the finals. It should be EVERY time someone from CO plays someone from somewhere else, you need to remind that outsider that we are in COLORADO, and that this OUR house. You want to talk, be loud, and empower our CO players. CO needs support.

If I make a suggestions Tony? I know many tournaments shut off tv's during finals. Maybe we should do that? I think it would be much better for the state....

Discuss please.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I won't do that, because it forces people that don't like a game to watch it. If you want me to ****-talk for you, I'll do it for a round or two. But I won't subject anyone that doesn't want it to watch Brawl finals. Maaaaaaaybe we could turn off the casual Brawl set-ups, but that's really up to the Brawl players. Until we get finals worth watching, though, I probably won't watch them. Which means someone here needs to beat m2k.

That and I really hated when Grand Junction forced us to pay attention and all that crap. It's madd gay. If you want people to watch, give them a reason.

Also, I just realized that tourneyplay2 had more Melee players than Bawrl. lolololol

Also, t!mmy got double-peaced, and t0mmy only won once. Get owned, OR.


Feb 5, 2009
I agree that we need to root for our players when they're against people from out of state, but we shouldn't have to force them to watch. They should want to watch. They should want to root for their own team.

I don't get why people wouldn't want to watch the finals anyway. It's the two best people there going at it. People could learn a thing or two. :/ That's how I see it.

I was one of the few people who watched the finals. And I liked them even more because of the characters who were in it. Snake and Pika all the way!


Smash Cadet
Mar 30, 2009
Paradise, Nevada.
Perhaps they should feel obligated to watch? I don't know. One guy should say to the next, "Yo lets go support this guy." Just get people to go, it takes like 15 mins.

I suppose you can't make people watch, but you really should be watching.

Oh and please **** talk, I love it.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I'll start watching the finals too. I usually mean to, but me and Ova9000 only find TVs for our matches after everything's over. :p

And panel duty sounds good. *nod nod*


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Perhaps they should feel obligated to watch? I don't know. One guy should say to the next, "Yo lets go support this guy." Just get people to go, it takes like 15 mins.

I suppose you can't make people watch, but you really should be watching.

Oh and please **** talk, I love it.
The guy in the finals should be yellin' for support. Not weakass halfro or Recon. That and saying that Brawl was the better game. D:

But yeah, yell for people. I'll ****-talk for pretty much any CO player I know, and ain't no one can see me in that department. If the matches get boring, though, you can't expect me to stay. So keep them lively!

Dunno why I'm telling you this. Imma go Jiggz in the finals at Supercon.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Wow, I don't read the forums for a day, and I come back to a huge in depth discussion O.o I agree with a lot that has been said

So I think I'm going to hold a smashfest this weekend...


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Wow, I don't read the forums for a day, and I come back to a huge in depth discussion O.o I agree with a lot that has been said

So I think I'm going to hold a smashfest this weekend...
Okay then, nevermind, I'm probably going to this :/

Davey, do you want to team with me or Meno during SuperCon? It's cool if you go with Meno, he's awesome n' stuff. I also have a backup partner.
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