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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Maybe that person's downright competitive, and doing what they can to improve their chances of winning is a bad thing?

I guess it depends on what what you call competitive - the person using metaknight or some other high tier in order to improve chances of winningas much as possible, or the one maining a low tier because they're out there to prove that they're better than anyone else, with the general consensus that if you beat a snake with captain falcon, that CF player kicks ***.

And which decision provides more evidence that the player who won is better, rather than tending to invoke statements that it could have gone either way?(On the strange occurence that the low tier actually wins.)

And don't compare that with the reason for why I main ganon. Even I've got a Marth/DK/Fox McNerfed combination for when my opponent's playing a campy falco.

Ganon is a Snake counter


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Yoshi breaks tiers. He can do things to **** whoever ends up on top, it's just everyone else that gives him tons of trouble...

As for calling you a tier *****, I did it for the only reason anyone does anything.

Also, is judging why a person is playing a character better than meddling in their decision? Even they are playing for something they enjoy, and that's what games are about, right?

In conclusion, the words "in conclusion" are the most common words to begin final paragraphs of essays.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2004
Yoshi breaks tiers. He can do things to **** whoever ends up on top, it's just everyone else that gives him tons of trouble...

As for calling you a tier *****, I did it for the only reason anyone does anything.

Also, is judging why a person is playing a character better than meddling in their decision? Even they are playing for something they enjoy, and that's what games are about, right?

In conclusion, the words "in conclusion" are the most common words to begin final paragraphs of essays.
Detrimentally truly truthful in an earnestly honest way of telling anti-lies. The concluding fact of data is undoubtedly non-fictional.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Detrimentally truly truthful in an earnestly honest way of telling anti-lies. The concluding fact of data is undoubtedly non-fictional.
Yes Yes I concur. (Says this why puffing a cigar, swirling wine in a glass and speaking in a british accent.) Also I cant wait till the election is over so I can stop getting 400 calls in the middle of the day from both partys.


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2007
Thornton, Colorado
WOW arguments galore... lol i dont play MK or Snake cus i just cant seem to be good with them. HAHA i suck at being good lol. so i play Lucas.

I post these things so someone talks to me lol im lonely and carless so tony ill try to play with you guys what are your plans for like saturday and sunday


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
If your playing a game for a large sum of cash why would you not choose a high tier character that your good with...that seems obvious to me....

If you can get good enough with a character who is low tier then sure win with them, the fact that they are lower means people won't know how to counter them as well and you'll look like a bad ***.

But if it's between potentially looking awesome or winning a lot of money I would definitely play the high tier character. Use the high tier character winning, use and get good with whatever character you want for casual non-competitive (or at least nothing at stake) play.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008
To get good with either you have to learn to spam, No joke... its why I cannot play MK or Snake. You have to rely on one or two killing moves, its disgusting. >.<


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Depends on what kind of Snake player you are cause I definitely don't spam cause I get bored with it real fast. So I usually crawl or walk towards my opponent and do some CQC(The no spamming thing includes my F-tilt I use my down tilt and jabs pretty effectively and who doesn't like saying go to sleep when you down grab someone). Also I understand the sentiment with spamming cause a lot of characters with projectiles are starting to especially characters like ROB and Pit who ledge hang, come up to shoot you and gimp you when you try to go down there. I mean I understand the reasoning behind wanting to win but god that makes for a really gay match.
Edit: I have seen some pretty good snakes who don't spam that much and use the C4 and neutral Air A really well like AfroThundah
Heres a vid for an example:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDlxqgSnKxY&feature=related


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Depends on what kind of Snake player you are cause I definitely don't spam cause I get bored with it real fast. So I usually crawl or walk towards my opponent and do some CQC(The no spamming thing includes my F-tilt I use my down tilt and jabs pretty effectively and who doesn't like saying go to sleep when you down grab someone). Also I understand the sentiment with spamming cause a lot of characters with projectiles are starting to especially characters like ROB and Pit who ledge hang, come up to shoot you and gimp you when you try to go down there. I mean I understand the reasoning behind wanting to win but god that makes for a really gay match.
But when your playing for money you play to win, even if it does make it a gay match. In a casual, no stakes environment I understand where your coming from. I try not to do some things like Falco's infinite grab and stuff. But if I were playing for say, over 100$ I wouldn't care if it's a gay strategy, I could earn 100$.

Mentioning Falco.... I might start using him more


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Yeah I'm not dissing on spamming players It just makes for a boring match and like you said money is important but I guess if you are getting spammed and your character can't deal with thats what choosing a different character is all about. Lucas is one of my anti laser spammers characters cause nothing makes me smile more when you heal me unintentionally.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008
Samus matchup guide vs another guys whos only played Wifi and friends.
Any numbers i should change? I know you all main other characters besides Samus, so input is wanted. xP
Ganondorf (70-30)
Charizard (70-30)
Bowser (70-30)

Captain Falcon (70-30)
55-45 CF deserves more credit. Even fought a hard CF? they are not easy to camp.

Ivysaur (60-40)
90-10 (Too easy. Could rant. )

Jigglypuff (60-40)
... No. Try 45-55.

Fox (55-45)
Lol... sounds about right, id even push 40-60

Link (55-45)
40-60 also.

Ike (55-45)
Apperently... You never fought a good Ike that can infinity Jab you. More to rant on later 35-65

Donkey Kong (55-45)
Now this i do not agree with. 65-35 Samus Favour. big targets ALWAYS get ***** by Samus.

Sonic (50-50)
Sonic sucks? but id even push 55-45 because of Samus > Projectiles Then Sonic.

Diddy Kong (50-50)
Diddy favor much? Granted you can glide toss more. Being small is a huge factor, and a good diddy isnt going to let you just take his naners. 40-60

Ice climbers (50-50)
small, Hard to hit, easily able to CG you. Projectile and Desyncable. 35-65

Samus (50-50) Why is this here?

Pit (45-55)

Rob (45-55)
ROB > Samus... 35-65

Falco (40-60)
Alright.Id even go for > camping over Samus. mmaybe 35-65

Peach (40-60)
Ive fought peaches like Skys and KB's alongside even seeing dark Peach play. the more i fight peaches, the more I am able to say... They **** the **** out of a Samus, granted a good match can be done and you can win, but its a 35-65.

Lucas (40-60)
Lucas is nothing like Ness, stop comparing them, Also. 65-35. Lucas isnt a hard matchup if you watch what you are doing.

Ness (40-60)
35-65. An agressive Ness will beat a Samus, Regardless of what you may think or even begin to think.

Sheik (40-60)

Wario (40-60)
50-50 All about playstyle. Id even push this in samus's favor due ot Warios low projectile and ranged game.

Wolf (40-60)
Easily gimpable. 45-55.

Toon Link (40-60)
Ew.... 20-80.

Zelda (40-60)
Zelda will beat a Samus... Lol... But just try your best to get her offstage. 30-70

Mario (40-60)
Lolwut. 60-40

Squirtle (40-60)

Pikachu (40-60)
you will not beat a Pikachu thats a pro. /end. 10-90.

Marth (35-65)
Ive had no problems with Marths in tounries, even ones that are all Fair and Sworddance, which is all Marths now do in brawl. but sadly, His Fair eats projectiles and as was said before, Zair gets too predictable. 40-60

Luigi (35-65) Gah...akjlghlkgjhg Right on.

Lucario (35-65) This goes either way, if you know how to kill with Samus, your all good, but sadly, At this point, Samus racks up damage to fast and cant kill below 120%. Lucario at that point, can kill you when your at 50%. Go Die lucario. I agree with the numbers.
ZSS (35-65)... LOL ZSS gets more credit then she should. She is /not/ Good at all and easily edgeable and easy to approch, her speed is a only real factor. Samus has a great edgegame. Use it? 60-40

Yoshi (35-65)footstool. Learn to footstool... Cannot stress this enough, Once you grow afraid of the super armour.. You wont win. Eggs = Zair. not greater then, they are equal, its who gets out which one first. 50-50

Meta Knight (35-65)
Samus is a decent MK CP. You do know you can grab MK out of his whorenados and also mines stop both of them, proper spacing and downdodging is needed to avoid a lot of them, but because MK is so overplayed, no matter what i say will change these numbers. My numbers would say 55-45. But right now its a 5-95 :/

Snake (35-65)
Again, not agreeing... Samus is again a epic CP for Snake. Zair, easily spikeable, Campable, Comboable. A good snake will put up a good fight, but i am sure a lot of people who use Samus a lot and go to tounries, are getting much better at fighting Snakes. 55-45

Kirby (30-70)
Sadly, I agree.

King Dedede (30-70)
25-75 nuff said.

Mr. Game & Watch (30-70)
Fought a few pro Gaw's. Not this bad of a matchup. 45-55.

Olimar (25-75)
What are you on? LOLimar isnt that bad.You just may not know how to adjust or fight them. A small jab knocks pikmin off, and simply spacing and id even recommend being very agressive to beat them. 65-35


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Are the written comments yours, Ravin? If so, remind me to have a few matches against you as olimar. Also, Sonic beats Samus, his side b will get him under any projectile that isn't a charge shot, and his recovery is ungimpable, so it'll be a high % game, and as sad as it is, he has more "kill" options than samus =/


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Denver, CO

Anyone plan on playing friendlies anytime soon? I'd like to test my skills (or lack thereof) at some point or another, even if it's just over WiFi.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
1. XBox 360, a system you DO have.
2. It's a rental.
3. No.

Ima G. <3~
Fixed that for you.



Jigglypuff (60-40)
... No. Try 45-55.
I'll help you figure this one out. My jiggz is tight.

Ike (55-45)
Apperently... You never fought a good Ike that can infinity Jab you. More to rant on later 35-65
He can infinite jab Samus, or whut? I'll play you with mine. It doesn't play like other Ikes, though.
Sonic (50-50)
Sonic sucks? but id even push 55-45 because of Samus > Projectiles Then Sonic.
Sonic can **** most people that depend on projectiles and spam. >B can eat a fully charged charge shot if he hits with the first part of the hop. He can also perfect shield and run in and grab while you're still lagging. Sonic's good ****, just underestimated and hard to play. Still, zair isn't bad if you space it right.

Peach (40-60)
Ive fought peaches like Skys and KB's alongside even seeing dark Peach play. the more i fight peaches, the more I am able to say... They **** the **** out of a Samus, granted a good match can be done and you can win, but its a 35-65.
Dark Peach sucks. I can help you figure this one out sometime, though mine isn't up to snuff. Still.

Lucas (40-60)
Lucas is nothing like Ness, stop comparing them, Also. 65-35. Lucas isnt a hard matchup if you watch what you are doing.
Let's do this ****. Pretty sure you've played terrible Lucas players if you think it's that much in your favor.

Mario (40-60)
Lolwut. 60-40
Whose favor are you saying this is in? I can do this one for funsies.

King Dedede (30-70)
25-75 nuff said.
Don't get grabbed. Ever. Hope you put this in his favor.

Mr. Game & Watch (30-70)
Fought a few pro Gaw's. Not this bad of a matchup. 45-55.
Fight Ferdi, lemme know what happens.

Olimar (25-75)
What are you on? LOLimar isnt that bad.You just may not know how to adjust or fight them. A small jab knocks pikmin off, and simply spacing and id even recommend being very agressive to beat them. 65-35
Erm... I want you to play Tim, or even me. I don't know how this goes in the least, but I'm positive it isn't 65 your favour, if I'm reading your stuff right. D:


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Using snake regardless, shows its boring.

Everyone and their dog uses Snake or MK.
Honestly my opinion is if a character is so overpowered that there is no point in choosing any others that one should be banned. I'm not saying either of those characters are like that, I'm not good enough nor have I played either of them enough to make that call.

But I do think the smash scene is really slow about potentially banning characters. I mean other fighting games do it all the time. I think just because Melee and Smash64 didn't have to people are slow to want to try it. But if it makes it so people use a wider variety of characters then I'd be all for it. Of course it's pointless if say you ban them then Marth (just using as an example got nothing against the guy) just takes their place.


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2007
Thornton, Colorado
Let's do this ****. Pretty sure you've played terrible Lucas players if you think it's that much in your favor.
Hey you calling me terrible.... well anywho with Lucas i always seem to only have problems with fast characters up close in a range game im always doing fine and i read Samus pretty easy... Samus isnt a hard matchup if you watch what you are doing


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Samus matchup guide vs another guys whos only played Wifi and friends.
Any numbers i should change? I know you all main other characters besides Samus, so input is wanted. xP

Captain Falcon (70-30)
55-45 CF deserves more credit. Even fought a hard CF? they are not easy to camp.
**** Yeah I totally agree with you here.

Donkey Kong (55-45)
Now this i do not agree with. 65-35 Samus Favour. big targets ALWAYS get ***** by Samus.
F-tilt knocks away alot of your projectiles and he has a ton of invincibility frames like donkey punch plus I can just power shield alot. Your Z-air is tough tho so I would say 55-45 also for Samus.

Lucas (40-60)
Lucas is nothing like Ness, stop comparing them, Also. 65-35. Lucas isnt a hard matchup if you watch what you are doing.
I would go 45-55 in lucas favor actually because Lucas can very unpredictable with psi magnet and pkfire pulling him to certain cause of brawls physics so its pretty easy to get in close if you want to against a Samus.
Snake (35-65)
Again, not agreeing... Samus is again a epic CP for Snake. Zair, easily spikeable, Campable, Comboable. A good snake will put up a good fight, but i am sure a lot of people who use Samus a lot and go to tounries, are getting much better at fighting Snakes. 55-45
50-50 Can crawl under Z-air and approach with a mortar slide to catch you in F-tilt and jab but like you said recovery is so easily spikeable and you can learn to adapt to that approach but don't underestimate snake he can surprise you especially with a well timed Neutral A.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.

Anyone plan on playing friendlies anytime soon? I'd like to test my skills (or lack thereof) at some point or another, even if it's just over WiFi.
While we HAVE been getting together guys, we haven't exactly been playing fighters, per say... Especially with tournaments coming up (that I still may or may not be able to make it to, but since I've been pretty sick these past few days, it's probably going to be a no on OK unless I catch up to my workload by a miracle...)

I'd say this Saturday, we oughta throw down some Brawl, and GGs. I just hope I'm well enough to go out :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2008

Not 40 Qqing posts going OMG fight me so i can prove you wrong.


Details plox?

Congrats, you can beat a Samus


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2008
**** OFF,CO
We're only really challenging you on the ones that either you or him put way in samus' favor. So shove the sarcastic congrats Ravin. If you have that much of an advantage, it should be obvious to us, even if you lose. We have been playing these games for a while and can tell why something gives an edge.

Plus, some of them were just to help you if you wanted to work on getting the list more accurate.

Also, pre-johns? Really? pre-character-johns? Maybe you should just drop samus if you're so sure you'll lose. The people that get better don't go into matches assuming they'll lose. No matter the match up.

PS: This is Tim in disguise!


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado

Not 40 Qqing posts going OMG fight me so i can prove you wrong.


Details plox?

Congrats, you can beat a Samus
Wow... Really?

Like... Really?

Maybe we should change your name to Gojira. I wasn't saying "OMG FIGHT ME!", I was offering to help you.

Also, Samus isn't that bad, and you know it. Don't use a character as your excuse for losing. If Moblin can **** face with Ganon, you have NO room to complain.
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