my brother recently picked up sheik in melee and so far I really like the match-up it's like fighting a marth with less range, easier to deal with attacks, harder punishment, less moves, worse recovery. mindgames it makes up for chain throwing.
There are maybe a handful of low tier players capable of beating Armada's Kirby. The thought that Pichu > Kirby is laughable.
I'll beat him with pichu let's go KJ64 he'll quit before I land a nair.
his kirby is hella good mango was f***ing around a lot a SD missed wavedashes. Really I wish mango started bair camping him back mario would beat out kirby it's that funny. heck he even got some sweet combos. Mango was trying to be flashly and have fun.
mango refuses to play gay which I respect, but it's just to easy to out gay kirby. or to simply outdo.
kirby can't cut off your options(not counting falco here) really other than maybe tech options if your on a platform you can get off kirby can't keep you up there afraid of giving beaten down. Kirby can't control you other then like 3rd world tech chasing. At the begining of a match what is kirby going to do? is he going to take over stage control,charge up something, create an unpassable wall, projectile at them to limit options? what? NOTHING kirby starts off no control what so ever the space he control is like the hitbox up his up-smash and WD lenght.
He controls next to no space he can't bair camping is pretty s***y DK,sheik, zedla, marios, marth,falcon, gannon, ness(fair), fox, G&W, peach. So when you lose that then WHAT? you took more damage and lost a lot of stage control and your going to be backed into a corner forced to approach with what? fair? CC punish with d-smash not your off the edge now what?
please tell mewhat kirby has going for him? he has 3 good things not compared to himself but to the cast. grab range, duck, up-tilt
most people have better tilts(f-tilt/d-tilt) than kirby but oh wait nair shine is worlds better I can approach and mix-up with it. At least pichu has an approach jolts, nair, fake-outs(countless many), and d-tilt.At least pichu can recovery, at least pichu can combo, at least can control space I start I jolt and take up most of the map and force them closer to the edge and have a bit more control.
If they run away I have projectiles, I can keep up and am near impossible to hit sometimes. At least pichu has a great mix-up that is hard to counter attack all the time. at least it's not as easy to force pichu into a corner.
II'm sorry about the rant but WTF people never give a good reason why kirby is better I play a fairly of kirby and pichu I've studied bioth carefully I don't see why kirby is so much better it should be duh.