Analysis of my game with Overload:
game itself
Inaccuracies: 2 = 7.1% of moves
Mistakes: 6 = 21.4% of moves
Blunders: 1 = 3.6% of moves
lol there's nothing like feeling you played well than the computer shows you that actually you played horribly.
Red text is main line. Blue is computer statements. Normal text is computer variation...
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bb5 d6 5. d3 Bd7 6. Bc4 h6?!
(0.31) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 6... Na5
Book moves until suggests Na5 although I don't see the benefit in that... Overload has a 0.31 advantage right now...
( 6... Na5 7. Bb5 c6 8. Ba4 b5 9. Bb3 b4 10. Ne2 Nxb3 11. axb3 )
( 6... h6 7. O-O Na5 8. Bb5 c6 9. Ba4 b5 10. Bb3 Nxb3 11. axb3 )
7. h3 g6?!
(0.72) INACCURACY - With that last move you went from roughly equal to having a worse position. Your best continuation was 7... Be7
( 7... Be7 8. O-O Na5 9. Bb5 c6 10. Ba4 b5 11. Bb3 Nxb3 12. axb3 )
( 7... g6 8. O-O Na5 9. Bb5 Bxb5 10. Nxb5 a6 11. Nc3 Nc6 )
8. g4 Bg7
(0.11) ALTERNATIVE - The game is now roughly equal.
( 8... Na5 9. Bb3 Bg7 10. Be3 O-O 11. O-O h5 12. gxh5 Nxb3 13. axb3 Bxh3 )
( 8... Bg7 9. Be3 Na5 10. Bb5 c6 11. Ba4 b5 12. Bb3 Nxb3 13. axb3 )
9. Nh4 Nxe4 10. Nxe4 Qxh4 11. Qf3 O-O 12. Be3 Nb4 13. O-O-O b5 14. Bb3 a5 15. g5 a4 16. Nf6+?
(-2.79) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 16. gxh6
Got a clear advantage now...
( 16. gxh6 axb3 17. hxg7 Kxg7 18. Bg5 bxa2 19. Bf6+ Kh6 20. Bxh4 a1=Q+ 21. Kd2 Qxb2 22. Rc1 Ra3 23. Rhg1 )
( 16. Nf6+ Bxf6 17. Bxf7+ Rxf7 18. Qxa8+ Rf8 19. Qe4 Qxe4 20. dxe4 hxg5 21. a3 Nc6 22. Kb1 Be6 )
16... Bxf6 17. gxh6??
(-7.88) BLUNDER - Lucky you! Your opponent blundered! The best move was 17. Bd5
( 17. Bd5 Nxd5 18. gxf6 Nxf6 19. Qb7 c5 20. Qb6 a3 21. Qxd6 axb2+ 22. Kxb2 Qb4+ 23. Kc1 ) ( 17. gxh6 Bc6 18. Bxf7+ Rxf7 19. Qg4 Qxg4 20. hxg4 Nxa2+ 21. Kd2 Bxh1 22. Rxh1 Nb4 23. g5 )
17... axb3 18. a3 Nxc2?
(-9.19) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 18... bxc2
( 18... bxc2 19. Rdg1 Nxd3+ 20. Kxc2 e4 21. Rg4 Bxg4 22. Qxg4 Nxf2 23. Qxh4 Bxh4 24. Rf1 Nxh3 )
( 18... Nxc2 19. Rdg1 Nxe3 20. fxe3 b4 21. Rg4 Bxg4 22. hxg4 Qg5 23. h7+ Kh8 24. Kb1 bxa3 )
19. Bd2?
(-10.36) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 19. Qb7
( 19. Qb7 Nxe3 20. fxe3 Qxh6 21. Kb1 Qxe3 22. Qxc7 Be6 23. Rhg1 e4 24. Qxd6 )
( 19. Bd2 b4 20. Rhg1 bxa3 21. bxa3 Nxa3 22. h7+ Kxh7 23. Qb7 Kg8 24. Qxc7 )
19... Ra6?
(-9.27) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 19... Nd4
( 19... Nd4 20. Qe4 Qxf2 21. Rdf1 Qh4 22. Rh2 Bf5 23. Qxh4 Bxh4 )
( 19... Ra6 20. Qb7 Rc6 21. Kb1 e4 22. Qxb5 exd3 23. Qxd3 Qxf2 24. Qxb3 )
20. Rhg1 Rc6?
(-9.24) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 20... Bc6
( 20... Bc6 21. Qg3 b4 22. Qxh4 Bxh4 23. Rg4 Bxf2 24. Bxb4 Nxb4 25. Rxb4 Be3+ 26. Kb1 )
( 20... Rc6 21. Kb1 Nd4 22. Qe4 Qxf2 23. Rgf1 Qh4 24. h7+ Kh8 )
21. Kb1 Ra8?
(-9.03) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 21... b4
( 21... b4 22. Bxb4 Nxb4 23. axb4 Rc2 24. Qe3 e4 25. d4 Rxf2 26. h7+ Kh8 27. Qxb3 Qxh3 )
( 21... Ra8 22. Qd5 Kf8 23. Be3 Qxh3 24. Qh1 Kg8 25. Qxh3 Bxh3 )
22. Rg4 Qh5??
(6.15) BLUNDER - Don't punish yourself too badly, but you were winning, and now you are losing. You should have played 22... Rxa3
This move swung the game in Overload's favour and how, from -9.03 to 6.15. The computer says I should have ignored the threat to my queen and pushd on with a kingside attack. When I played Qh5.. I totally missed that my bishop was under threat. Looking back Bxg4 looked appealing but losing rooks didn't look good.
From here I went from two pieces up to even.
( 22... Rxa3 23. bxa3 e4 24. d4 exf3 25. Rxh4 Bxh4 26. d5 Nxa3+ 27. Kb2 Ra6 28. Be1 )
( 22... Qh5 23. Qxf6 Kf8 24. Bg5 Qxg5 25. Rxg5 Ra4 26. h7 Rh4 27. h8=Q+ Rxh8 28. Qxh8+ Ke7 )
23. Qxf6 Kf8 24. Qh8+??
(0.2) BLUNDER - Lucky you! Your opponent blundered! The best move was 24. Bg5
Don't worry Overload, I totally missed this too. You went from 6.15 to 0.2. If you played Bg5 it was practically all over if I played Qxg5 according to the computer.
( 24. Bg5 Qxg5 25. Rxg5 Ra4 26. h7 Rh4 27. h8=Q+ Rxh8 28. Qxh8+ Ke7 29. Qh4 Ke8 30. Rc1 Nd4 31. Qh8+ Ke7 )
( 24. Qh8+ Ke7 25. Qxa8 Bxg4 26. hxg4 Qxg4 27. Bg5+ f6 28. Rc1 Nd4 29. Rxc6 Nxc6 30. Qxc6 Qxg5 31. Qxc7+ Ke6 32. Qc8+ Ke7 33. h7 )
24... Ke7 25. Qxa8 Bxg4 26. hxg4 Qxg4 27. Rh1?
(-1.65) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 27. Bg5+
Again, ignoring that bishop..which the computer says would have lead to a drawish position.
( 27. Bg5+ f6 28. Qxc6 Qxd1+ 29. Bc1 Qxd3 30. Qxc7+ Ke6 31. Qc8+ Kd5 32. Qb7+ Kd4 33. Qb6+ Ke4 34. Qc6+ Kf5 35. Qc8+ Ke4 36. Qc6+ )
( 27. Rh1 Qg2 28. Rd1 Nd4 29. Qc8 f6 30. Be3 Qf3 31. Rg1 )
27... Qg2?
(-1.6) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 27... Qf3
( 27... Qf3 28. Bg5+ f6 29. Bxf6+ Kf7 30. Qg8+ Kxg8 31. h7+ Kf7 32. h8=Q Qxf6 33. Rh7+ Ke6 34. Qg8+ Kf5 35. Qxb3 )
( 27... Qg2 28. Rc1 b4 29. Qa4 bxa3 30. bxa3 Nd4 31. Rxc6 Nxc6 32. h7 Qh1+ 33. Kb2 Nd4 34. Bg5+ Kf8 )
28. Rd1 Nd4?
(-4.24) MISTAKE - That was a mistake. Much better was 28... Qf3
Despite the mistake, it gives me a clear advantage now...
( 28... Qf3 29. Rg1 Qxd3 30. Bg5+ f6 31. Bxf6+ Kf7 32. Qxc6 Nb4+ 33. Ka1 Nxc6 34. h7 )
( 28... Nd4 29. Be3 Rc1+ 30. Rxc1 Qxa8 31. Bxd4 exd4 32. Rxc7+ Ke6 33. Rc1 Qf3 34. Re1+ Kf5 )
29. Qa5?
(-4.14) MISTAKE - Your opponent made a mistake! Better was 29. Qh8
( 29. Qh8 Qxf2 30. Bg5+ Ke6 31. Rh1 Rc2 32. Qc8+ Kd5 33. Qb7+ c6 34. Bc1 Ke6 35. Ka1 )
( 29. Qa5 Qf3 30. Bg5+ f6 31. Qe1 fxg5 32. h7 Qf6 33. Qh1 Qh8 34. Re1 )
29... Qf3 30. Rc1??
(-Mat05) BLUNDER - Lucky you! Your opponent blundered! The best move was 30. Bc1
This allows both to queen, but even after that black has the clear advantage according to the computer.
( 30. Bc1 Qxd1 31. Qd2 Qc2+ 32. Qxc2 bxc2+ 33. Ka2 Ne2 34. Bg5+ f6 35. h7 fxg5 36. h8=Q c1=Q )
( 30. Rc1 Qxd3+ 31. Ka1 Rxc1+ 32. Bxc1 Nc2+ 33. Kb1 Nxa3+ 34. Ka1 Qb1# )
30... Qxd3+ 31. Ka1 Rxc1+ 32. Bxc1 Nc2+ 33. Kb1 Nxa3+
( 33... Nxa3+ 34. Ka1 Qb1# )
The game swung a few times. I was two pieces up by move 17 but the game changed after 22. Qh5 when Overload was able to claw back the two pieces and end up just two pawns behind and just a disadvantage of -0.41. The key move you missed was 24. Bg5, threatening mate with Qh8. I think if you played that Overload that would have sounded my defeat.