Here's the analysis for my game with OlimarFan. I don't have time to do what N9NE did with the colors, sorry.
The obvious blunder was 20. Rd3. I don't even know why I made that move. I had first considered it, then discarded it because of the fork. Then sometime later I come back to make the move, and forgot about that and made it anyway! wtf was I thinking.
The other inaccuracies I'll have to sit down and look at myself so I can understand them. Besides that, there were a lot of times when my score would drop a couple tenths of a pawn, so I'm guessing I had a lot of small chances to capitalize the weaknesses in blacks position, but I failed to do so. Good game
{Inaccuracies(?!): 4 = 13.3% of moves | Mistakes(?): 1 = 3.3% of moves | Blunders(??): 1 = 3.3% of moves}
1. d4 {(Book Move)} d5 {(Book Move)}
2. c4 {(Book Move)} Nf6 {(Book Move)}
3. Nf3 {(Book Move)} e6 {(Book Move)}
4. Nc3 {(Book Move)} Bb4 {(Book Move)}
5. Bg5 {(Book Move)} c6 {(Book Move)}
6. Qb3 {(0.44)} a5 {(0.69)}
7. a3 {(0.58)} dxc4 {(0.67)}
8. Qxc4 {(0.67)} b5 {(0.8)}
9. Qb3 {(0.68)} Be7 {(0.73)}
10. e4 {(0.75)} h6 {(0.64)}
11. Bh4 {(0.57) ALTERNATIVE - You slipped from a better position to an equal one. You should have played 11. Bf4}
({BEST MOVE (0.85)} 11. Bf4 Ba6 12. Bd3 b4 13. Na4 c5 14. Rd1 c4 15. Bxc4 Nxe4 16. Nc5 Bxc4 17. Qxc4 Qd5 18. Qxd5 exd5 $16)
({ALTERNATIVE (0.57)} 11. Bh4 O-O 12. Be2 g5 13. Bg3 Nh5 14. O-O-O Nd7 15. Kb1 b4 16. Na4 bxa3 17. bxa3 Nxg3 18. hxg3 $14)
11... g5 {(0.59)}
12. Bg3 {(0.43)} g4 {(0.62)}
13. Ne5 {(0.43)} Qxd4 {(0.49)}
14. Rd1 {(0.47)} Qc5 {(0.6)}
15. Be2 {(0.49)} Nbd7 {(0.41)}
16. Nxg4 {(0.38)} Nxg4 {(0.57)}
17. Bxg4 {(0.42)} Qg5 {(0.4)}
18. Bf3 {(0.4)} e5 {(0.65)}
19. O-O $6 {(0.06) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 19. Ne2}
({BEST MOVE (0.65)} 19. Ne2 O-O 20. Qc3 Qg6 21. O-O b4 22. Qb3 Nc5 23. Qe3 Qe6 24. Bh4 Bxh4 25. Qxc5 bxa3 26. Qxa3 $14)
({INACCURACY (0.06)} 19. O-O Nc5 20. Qc2 Be6 21. Qd2 Bb3 22. Qxg5 hxg5 23. Bxe5 Bxd1 24. Rxd1 f6 25. Bc7 Ne6 26. Bb6 Kf7 $10)
19... Rg8 {(0.76)}
20. Rd3 $4 {(-1.26) BLUNDER - With that last move you went from roughly equal to having a worse position. Your best continuation was 20. Ne2}
({BEST MOVE (0.79)} 20. Ne2 Qg6 21. h3 Kf8 22. Qc3 b4 23. Qe3 h5 24. axb4 axb4 25. Ra1 Rxa1 26. Rxa1 Kg7 27. Qd2 Bc5 28. Bh4 $16)
({BLUNDER (-1.26)} 20. Rd3 Nc5 21. Qc2 Nxd3 22. Qxd3 Bg4 23. Bxg4 Qxg4 24. Qe3 Qe6 25. Qb6 b4 26. Na4 bxa3 27. Bxe5 a2 $17)
20... Nc5 {(-1.36)}
21. Qd1 {(-1.44)} Nxd3 {(-1.4)}
22. Qxd3 {(-1.24)} Be6 {(-1.32)}
23. h4 {(-1.37)} Qf6 {(-1.48)}
24. Rc1 $6 {(-1.79) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 24. Ne2}
({BEST MOVE (-1.17)} 24. Ne2 b4 25. Qc2 Rc8 26. axb4 axb4 27. Ra1 Kf8 28. Bh5 Rg7 29. Ra7 Kg8 30. Nc1 Bg4 31. Bxg4 Rxg4 $17)
({INACCURACY (-1.79)} 24. Rc1 Rd8 25. Qe3 Bg4 26. Be2 Bxe2 27. Qxe2 a4 28. Kh1 Rd4 29. Kg1 Qg6 30. Rd1 Rxd1+ 31. Qxd1 Qe6 32. Qd3 $19)
24... Rd8 {(-1.73)}
25. Qe3 {(-1.6)} Kf8 {(-1.26)}
26. Qb6 $6 {(-1.82) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 26. a4}
({BEST MOVE (-1.34)} 26. a4 bxa4 27. Nxa4 Bg4 28. Bxg4 Rxg4 29. Nc5 Qg6 30. Qc3 Bxh4 31. Bxh4 Rxh4 32. Qxe5 Qg5 33. Qxg5 hxg5 34. g3 Rh6 35. Kg2 $17)
({INACCURACY (-1.82)} 26. Qb6 Bg4 27. Bxg4 Rxg4 28. Nd1 Rxe4 29. Ne3 Rd6 30. Qxa5 Bd8 31. Qa7 Qg6 32. Qc5 Bxh4 33. Bxh4 Rxh4 34. Qxe5 $19)
26... Bg4 {(-1.35)}
27. Bxg4 {(-1.35)} Rxg4 {(-1.35)}
28. Nd1 {(-1.93)} Rxe4 {(-1.86)}
29. Ne3 {(-1.9)} Rd6 {(-1.59)}
30. Qxa5 $6 {(-2.15) INACCURACY - Perhaps better was 30. f3}
({BEST MOVE (-1.56)} 30. f3 Red4 31. Qb8+ Rd8 32. Qxe5 R4d6 33. Qxf6 Rxf6 34. Bc7 Rd2 35. Rc2 Rd3 36. Kf2 Re6 37. Nf5 a4 38. g4 $19)
({INACCURACY (-2.15)} 30. Qxa5 Qe6 31. Qb6 Bxh4 32. Bxh4 Rxh4 33. Qb8+ Ke7 34. Rc5 Rhd4 35. Qh8 Re4 36. Qb8 Qd7 37. Qh8 Rf6 38. Qg7 $19)
30... h5 {(-1.88)}
31. Qc3 {(-2.02)} Qe6 {(-2.2)}
32. b3 {(-2.22)} Bxh4 {(-2.45)}
33. Bh2 $2 {(-3.24) MISTAKE - Your position is getting even worse - you are now losing. The best line was 33. Bxh4}
({BEST MOVE (-2.2)} 33. Bxh4 Rxh4 34. Qc2 Rhd4 35. Qh7 Qf6 36. Qxh5 e4 37. Qc5 Rd2 38. Nf1 Rd5 39. Qb4 Rd4 40. Qc5 Rd3 $19)
({MISTAKE (-3.24)} 33. Bh2 Qf6 34. Qc2 Red4 35. Rf1 Rd2 36. Qf5 Re6 37. f4 exf4 38. Qxf4 Qxf4 39. Bxf4 Bg3 40. Nd5 Bxf4 41. Nxf4 $19)
33... Qd7 {(-2.9)}
34. Bxe5 {(-2.84)} Rd3 {(-2.3)}
35. Qc5+ {(-3.23)} Be7 {(-2.44) BLACK WINS - Play might have continued...}
({CONTINUATION (-2.44)} 35... Be7 36. Qb6 Bxa3 37. Qb8+ Qe8 38. Rxc6 Qxb8 39. Bxb8 Rxb3 40. g3 Rd3 41. Bf4 Be7 42. Rc8+ Rd8 43. Rxd8+ Bxd8 44. f3 Re6 45. Kf2 $19)