Kinda sorta off topic, this feels like a better topic than tier lists and how2DIboostkick anyways, but I had an epiphany. I'm sure people get tired of my league comparisons but honestly it's usually decent examples most of the time and sometimes I'm not the only one that does it.
This involves the debate between 2 stocks/3 stocks and customs on or off.
All thanks to
this post and some disagreements with someone else on their opinion later on in the thread
Most regions in the League scene have different series, which is completely fine. If they all went on one system, even if it's vastly inferior (best of 1) there would 1. Be too many games for analysts to analyze, pick apart, use even more time to watch the games etc. 2. Time constraints. 3. Tiring for the players early on until they get used to it (they already have to play 15+ hours a day for practice and 5ish hours of scrims) 4. Would become stale and not as spectator friendly thus slowly kill the scene.
Though for formats like Bo1, it leaves people prone to being able to try something off meta and screw the enemy team up entirely with their oddball team comp.
TSM Vs UOL with the Jungle TF pick back in preseason changes, or Gravity vs TSM with the Urgot mid pick are two good examples.
Gravity is top of the table right now and the entire season they've been a wildcard with both their picks and bans. Not many regions use Shen as a
support but at the same time China/Korea uses Trundle support so we're no special snowflakes.
That's Bo1 out of the way, but Bo2/3?
Bo2 is more different, it shows either that a team is good/bad if they get 2-0/0-2 by a team or gives them a fighting chance by being able to go 1-1 and shows promise of possibly being able to win next time they play, though generally when it comes to bigger tournaments the main thing people go is Bo1 early on sometimes or Bo3.
Bo3 now is what's prolly the best, but most certainly the most mindnumbing. Despite that though, it helps the team practice for worlds by playing
more games and getting used to the format. "alright we lost to cheese or made a couple bad decisions game 1, let's adapt game 2 and after hopefully winning that go off on that momentum and keep playing the way we were while figuring them out more, slowly fixing our mistakes as Game 2 goes on"
How does this all go into the 2/3 stock debate? Well, 2 stocks generally gives us quicker matches (most of the time) due to one less stock.
Though because we always do the Bo3 format, this might be a bit tougher to figure out. 3 stocks leaves people less prone to a silly suicide or some mid 70+% rage spike to kill us at like 20 cause of one single mistake and instantly losing momentum + most likely game 1 because of that mechanic. 3 Stock gives us more of a chance to bounce back and hopefully take the match, Game 2/3 can happen the same way but still generally speaking 3 stock, while it makes the match/set longer (which in turn either goes back to the players fault or their characters actually unable to kill each other) it still generally gives them both more time to adapt and more playtime to get experience against a character/player.
2 stock is Bo2 and 3 stock is Bo3 basically.
In theory as well, because there's less stocks, people feel the need to play even more safe unconciously. Which in turn, makes matches even
longer than 3 stocks. inb4 sonic ditto match or almost any dabuz match at nationals linked by someone
This makes me think of something I believe overswarm stated.
This is why the 2 stock is used in a vast majority of areas, because APEX/EVO had these certain rules in their ruleset.
APEX just picked up FG rules basically as most of us know, EVO followed suite cause APEX (and every other nation getting their players ready for APEX) had the 2 stock rules and thought it was standard but decided to go about it differently and try out customs to see how it'd go cause I believe AA told Wizard about customs.
Which is why I hope once EVO ends we can get off this wild ride of one or the other as default and just choose hopefully 3 stock in most areas and the main thing people can focus on is whether to have customs on or off.
It all really depends this weekend to see how it all goes.
For customs on/off, I'm still on the side of keeping them off. Areas that're accustomed (no pun intended) to 2 stock ends fast enough already if the players actually try to fight and smash can have really unfortunate things happen to people.
Top player or not.
Whether people abuse 1 custom or not is one thing, but it's still prone to happen with someone getting borked by a custom even if they studied it extensively. No player is perfect, we all mess up or have an off day eventually. We won't always have the perfect DI out of OP BOOST KICK or make the correct 50/50 guess of Sheik Dthrow into Fair Uair or UpB kill.
This is essentially what customs on turns into for some lower tier characters that suddenly become "viable" because of one or two customs.
It becomes a circus of just spamming that one ability, and people trying to find the most meta/OP things about them and abuse it as hard as they can. Villager camp/time out when people thought for a bit with trip sapling, doesn't matter if it never won anything it's obnoxious and boring anyways, DK cyclone Pika HSB Mii brawler one inch punch/helicopter kick etc.
The whole Customs On thing is similar to how doubles has always been. Find the most dumbest thing you can do and win, at least in Smash 4 and kinda brawl (lucario lucas with Lucario SD and have aura, never won tournaments but still a thing)
Sheik/GnW or Pika/GnW before the patch. Custom Lucario + villager pocket, or just almost any teammate with villager Ness or GnW becomes incredibly strong if they have a projectile.
URF mode was supposed to be a fun mode, but rito was half smart and banned some things like sona Hecarim soraka etc. from even BEING able to be chosen, while giving us a draft phase to ban 6 more characters. The game mode is
fun, but while still trying to keep it balanced by banning things it's still of course incredibly unbalanced. Just like Sakurai and many many people with a good head on their shoulders has said.
Customs is
fun, I'm still on the fence that if there's ever a point when people start actually banning certain custom moves or limiting them. It prolly shouldn't be the main event for a tournament in 1v1's.
Custom doubles could be extremely fun since Doubles is just find the most annoying doubles characters and abuse that anyways.
To clarify, while I haven't entered customs tournaments. I been around them along with seen of course multiple tournaments with them in my own State and online.
Most of the time, top players don't even
use customs, they default to 1111/vanilla anyways. While the more less than prone to get into the money players just use customs cause why the hell not. They might as well have fun and test a few things, or even try their characters one possible OP custom and see how far they can go.
I also still do not like the whole "DLC characters have no customs" as well, it really sucks for them and future characters, which I find is another decent reason to not have them on.
Even if Sheik or whatever next top tier when the next patch hits happens and they invalidate the DLC characters, still unfair say Zelda for example can get a custom to have a better chance at winning against them while the DLC characters are just plain stuck.
This is just something I thought of in the past 5 minutes honestly and typed up thinking of more stuff and other sources as the time went on. This was not some deep intricate topic that's been swimming in my head for months.
If for accuracy sake, then I guess once the Yoshi boards started talking about it and yesterday it had me a smidgen interested in the whole topic for once.
I outz.