We even have a recent thread titled "Why did you pick your mains", lol.
But I'm not that anti-fun, heck I may've even been the precursor with my Marth/Falco mention.
Long story short I'm a character loyalist who learned the world of competitive gaming and fighting games primarily through Smash (64) and was on the ball ready to take over the world with Marth (and Falco) when Brawl got released. I played games "seriously" before but I had no logical base of understanding high level concepts. I played 2D fighters online for a while and was always focused on execution ("gotta get mah combos") and came frustrated at lack of growth and the 'fluidity' I felt when I decided to try Smash64 online, "freedom of movement" being something I immediately felt connected with. I was into fire emblem separately before first playing melee properly in like 06/07 and it was the Fire Emblem spark with people saying "Ken mains Marth" that started the "I know who I'm playing" journey.
I like playing good characters; I don't mind weaknesses, I just expect a character to be compensated well in areas of skill while being able to manage their weaknesses sanely. I can't really stand thinking "no option at all", if a character has that then I probably can't enjoy them.
I came into this mindset of playing to get better and also being masterful of the game, in training with partners I felt the need to play 'every good character'. Not only did it help my partner learn the match up it helped me learn the character/etc too. I have a specific anticipation and option coverage playstyle and enjoy characters who can achieve that the most. Smash 4 falls and I'm still playing Marth and Falco who were both underwhelming, I did a few US tournaments with them meanwhile looking for a different character in the cast that fits my playstyle; ZSS was my new lover. Not only was she one of my most played against characters in Brawl (5,000 years of playing the match up), she was spacing focused like Marth with similar tool sets, while sharing a lot of attributes of both Marth and Falco (heck me going 'wow runs faster than marth, moves in the air faster than Marth, jumps as high as Falco with options oozing out of every orifice).
At some point someone told me "I'm a character loyalist and you aren't" I got kind of mad, but at the same time it reflected my position / understanding of the game at that point. 6+ years of Marth hours transferred really fluidly into ZSS so I still reject that "hate". But I want to know/understand as much of the game as possible (as was the case in Brawl although 95% Marf) and in terms of play maximising fundamentals and adaption comes from being challenged, so playing lots of characters promotes that. I'm roughly a swordsmen player, and I like the term because it's mighty competitive between such sword saints (I heard FOW coin the term) and generally covers what play style/attributes I look for.
I've used Falco, Marth, Pika, Sheik, Sonic, G&W, Diddy (post-patch

) and ZSS in S4 tournament.
I like working on MK for mid range rushdown, hit confirming and the right type of patience. I work on Pit for the pure mid-ranged footsie focused character with a high-skill niche in his arrows. Diddy is fun and being unique with his options comes a lot easier in this game compared to most other characters (doing cool/unique things kept me going in Brawl over all those years), but I couldn't handle him in Brawl at all. G&W is good as a "you cannot make mistakes" but as long as you don't you're amazing type of character. I otherwise purely use all the other high/top tiers for training purposes.
If you hear me positively comparing a character to Marth, you can assume they're someone I like.
Everything I look/think about in Smash is under a
Mars Lens and will do 5ever.