Mk wins 6-4
just nado smart. robs bair nair, fmash can go through nado. and upsmash. but if an mk nados right he wont get hit by that. He may get hit by a Fsmash that comes out fast. Or at least seems like it does.
ROB cant do much from a far or uplcose.
only mks that dont know the MU should lose to a ROB, unless the ROB is just better than the mk player
what ROB can do:
not really sure about the ROB, just know from playing stingers.
when mk attempts to glide attack u, and u have a top, it's free damage. ( just aim good lol)
spot dodge to dmsash works, idgaf what anyone says.
mk cant really gimp rob.
so he will need a dmsahs to kill meaning he will have to approach.
of course he can just nair u or up b, but try not to get in those positions where he has that chance.
IF he dair camps the top of ur shield, dont be afraid to roll away, i dont think rob really has an answer besides timing a short hop fair or up-air right.
spot dodge the crap out of his dmash, and use ur own dmsash ( it works)
PSC grab him out of nado if ur on the ground, or fmsmash him out of it.
i forgot which throw sends mk up in the air vertically, but i think that kills around 160 if it's fresh and ur able to get it off.
just bait mk into doing stupid things with lasers and gyro. this is a hard mu.
try and go to FD, that is ROBS best stage imo.