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Carolina Brawl Power Rankings [1/27] Breaking Bad PRs!! YAY!

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Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
cullowhee, nc western carolina university
NC Smash Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke Challenge update!

Diatenshi - Level 17 Magnemite - Tackle/Thundershock/Sonic Boom/Supersonic
Twitch - Level 20 Togetic - Sweet Kiss/Charm/Yawn/Extrasensory Yay - Level 28 Crobat - Shadow Ball/Confuse Ray/Wing Attack/Bite
Stingers - Level 28 Bayleef - Cut/Magical Leaf/Razor Leaf/Synthesis
Joshsyde - Level 27 Graveler - Strength/Rock Blast/Rock Throw/Magnitude
Ocean - Level 27 Gyarados - Dragon Rage/Bite/Surf/Attract

They are my only 6 pokemon =[ the rest all died

I just got the 4th badge thing.


@hyl nah I dont think the girl at animazement was that cute LOL
i hate you stingers...


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
Marth vs. Bowser? Craig could provide better insight on that than I could, but I can describe the matchup in a nutshell.

The Bowser really has to have his OOS game down tight here. That way Marth can't really walk all over you and he'll be forced to space at his best.

Also, Bowser should use fire breath sparingly in this matchup. Any Marth worth his salt will Dolphin Slash your *** if you get flame-happy.

If you grab Marth, you should go with the SideB release for damage, and the Ftilt release for the kill (SideB could work too, if its fresh and they're damaged enough). Keep in mind that no air release options are viable on Marth.

Overall, it's just another one of those "winnable but tough" matchups for Bowser. 60/40 is the ratio I seen thrown around the most by players of both characters.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i dont think ive ever lost one at a gym

its always those freak occurances

wild pokemon that crit me for no reason =[

one of the stipulations is "No running from battle" so random encounters can be p. dangerous

and another rule is no healing outside of battle so I can't just stock up on a ****load of potions and heal everyone.

and I can't fly/dig/teleport either x.x


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
20,000th post

i dont really know what to say so im just gonna start typing random thoughts and see where I end up =D lets see how serious I can make this loooooool

1) im kind of a douche

i dont mean to be...really

i just have an abrasive personality

sorry =[

2) smash is really fun and im glad I got into it competitively. if I didnt get into smash my life would definitely be waaaaaaay different. probably for the better LOL but maybe not. Either way, smash has helped me meet a lot of people I never would've gotten to meet otherwise, whos company I genuinely enjoy. unfortunately however, my interaction with all of you is limited to infrequent tournaments that always have tons of other people at them anyway. the memories I've made at these tournaments I'll never forget, but two of you guys I would say have actually changed my life, so I'll just give you shoutouts in public here.

Jim Pearse - I doubt you'll read this but I'm gonna put you here anyway. We became friends because of smash, we got into smash competitively together, and you've been my best friend ever since. If I never met you then at least 95% of my life would be completely different. Thanks for sticking with me through it all. I owe you. I'll pay it all back somehow.

Kevin Nanney - Thanks for talking to me on the way back from B-Ski's. I needed to hear something like that. I need to hear it more often but people just give up after awhile. Thanks for not giving up.

3) I dont see myself stopping going to tournaments any time soon, but I do plan on taking MVC3 pretty seriously. unless I just seriously don't like the game for whatever reason (me sucking at it being the likeliest possibility), I imagine brawl will be on the backburner for a bit. but seeing as how I've still got 20,000 posts on this forum, being on the backburner for me is probably above average for the rest of you :laugh:

4) Melee is a really, really fun game and I enjoy it a lot. I always felt limited at it though. Partly because I began as a scrub, partly because I began as a 12 year old, partly because I began when the game had already had a competitive scene for 4 years already. I just didn't feel like I had the ability to become good in that game, but it was so fun I felt like playing it anyway. When Brawl was announced, I saw it as an opportunity to finally become something in the smash community. I felt like the dreams I had of becoming the next PC Chris or Mew2king up on the MLG stage playing for thousands of dollars was something I could actually achieve if I just played from the start.
So when Brawl came out, that was all I was concerned with: becoming the best. I would play wifi a lot, first on gamefaqs with people there, then I started finding matches on Allisbrawl (I never really used smashboards for online stuff). Jim quickly lost interest in the game, so wifi was my only option for getting better. It took about...4-6 months of main hopping before I finally settled on ROB, and to this day I don't regret it. I have more 'fun' playing competitively with ROB then any other character. I don't think ROB is the most fun character in the game (I don't really like playing with him in friendlies but I do anyway because I know people don't really want to play my random lol), but when it comes time for serious matches, winning with ROB is immensely satisfying.
But when I was losing to Peepee every tournament, I just kind of...gave up, I guess? It just didn't seem possible to beat him with ROB, and I wanted to be the best. I honestly don't remember the first time I used Meta Knight, but I do remember it wasn't planned at all. I just had to play Peepee, again, and I decided to use MK for the hell of it, no prior practice whatsoever. I also don't remember if I won or not the first time I used MK, but evidently I did well enough that I decided to start using MK seriously instead of ROB, so I began "co-maining" them both. Lol, everyone knows you can't co-main MK...it's really no exaggeration to call him like...the drug of Brawl. He will become better than your main if you put time into learning him, and then what competitive reason is there to use anyone but him? There isn't one.
The only reason I stopped using MK is because I stopped caring about becoming the best. Peepee quitting brawl had some to do with it I think, since my GOAL was to beat him, and I'll never have the chance to now. I think it's for the better though, because I enjoy playing solo-ROB more than I did MK anyway. Personally, the challenge of using such a flawed character who has a pretty bad matchup with the most common tournament character (by far, he's at 20% usage atm. 1 in 5 players uses Meta Knight. Fucking ridiculous) is more fun for me than trying to win with MK ever was. So while my goal isn't to be the best player anymore, trying to become the best ROB is far more fun. And I personally don't think I've hit my plateau's yet, so I don't have any reason to stop trying now.

...but I don't really feel like writing anymore, so sorry if anyone read all that for no ending loooool. I <3 you all though. Peace


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
also diatenshi died in the making of that post

but now I've got DJ the girafarig. definitely a bad tradeoff but what can you do =[


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2010
stingers, you forgot to mention you took a match off of adhd at mlg.

you threw your hands up in the air and everything.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2010
The Smang House in Trollingwood, NC
Yo Stingers 20,000 posts wtf??? Yo man GET A LIFEEEE nahhhh jk your pretty cool. If i combined all posts including my previous accounts id be around 8,000 which is kinda a lot so I cant really make fun of ya. Its a good accomplishment and you have come a long way in smash. Hell everyone knows you and your considered the best ROB noooo you ARE the best ROB.. Keep rising man. Your the best and a really awesome guy... Im happy to live in the same state as you :D


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
welll pp's the biggest dbag in the world and got rid of my pics. if u saw the rest of her, u would see that she is infact chun li.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
vice beAT shady.

me and vice were in WF

i 3-1d him.

2-0d everyone in brac except vice

vice is waiting for someone in lf

- Mongoose
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