hey man i am kinda new 2 melee and i know a lot of AT's plus i played with rayn ex a few times

but i dun reallt understand the marth vs fox match up can u help..i know chain grab then u-tilt and then try to ken combo and i know that grabs are realy important so i need to know what is important to do in this match-up[/QUOTE
Yes up throws are going to be your bread and butter on this one. If you dont want the ken combo approach f smash after a up throw and tip it then edgeguard. for edgeguad if you want to get fancy forward b them get back to the ledge and they should be below you. You can spike or bair depending on how long you want to play around with this stock. Or you could simply bair them to death or anything you want. Remember marth is king of the edge and no1 can do anything about it. once that menace of a fox is off the stage that should be a stock.