That changed a lot of my perspective on Marth pressure. Def write more! Particularly any info/advice about the actual covering of their OoS options.
Okay, so in order to explain how to cover OOS options, I have to explain some stuff about shield pressure first. Marth actually has pretty good shield pressure.
Now before I even begin explaining a bunch of nuances or mixups, I want to talk about pressure a little. Remember when I said Marth could just stand still and cover all of an opponent's options when they're shielding? As long as Marth is close but still safe, that is PRESSURE he is exerting on the opponent. Whacking someone's shield and going nuts is something spacies(maybe just Falco) and Peach do. That's not what Marth is supposed to do always(sometimes works). Consider Marth's moves. Are they super fast with small lag and constant hitboxes? Unless you are thinking of Dtilt, then no. They are arcs that only enter a favorable position for Marth AFTER they come out usually, so you have to add time to whatever calculation you perform when swinging at someone or threatening to do so. Get too close and they can hit you before your move is out, guess wrong and back up too much to get the sword in the right place when they get to you, and the pressure is off+you've given up stage. It's Marth's fundamental problem, but it can be converted into an advantage in some ways. That's not what this post is about though, it is about shield pressure lol.
Marth tends to put ENORMOUS pressure on someone when he's on top of them and he just used an aerial very low to the ground. This is because the move is strong, he tricked their timing/spacing usually, and he can't really be punished afterward if he dashes away(it's because he leans....try it with Fair/Nair). Plus, one's shield is eaten up in all that time he set up his aerial, so they likely will get stabbed by another move if they don't react.
Okay NOW THEN, I have to explain a little bit about shield pressure before tying Marth back into it.
Shield pressure factors to manipulate include: the way you're facing, the way your opponent is facing, positioning/spacing, timing, opponent's OOS options, shield size, stage control, which stage you are on(platforms, blast zones, etc) % of both characters, and most importantly: what you both did last time a pressure situation occurred.
I'm not covering all of these because this is about Marth, but I'll go into a couple and tie him in.
If an opponent is facing towards Marth, there is always the option of a shield grab in addition to retreating aerials, so in a Marth ditto this would be the less ideal way for the opponent to face while shielding. However, this also makes the option of shield grabbing more tantalizing in general because people want to get Marth when he's close. Spacing literally any of Marth's aerials in addition to delaying them on someone's shield puts pressure on them because they cannot reliably shield grab Marth unless he runs in/tries to grab as well(aka he committed to something unsafe because he thought they would stay in shield/run away).
If Falco is shielding, you must worry about AC Bair, retreating Dair, FH, laser, and shine OOS(unlikely but it could happen). Shield grab too I guess but Falco never does it usually. If Falcon is shielding you have.....stomp OOS, Bair, roll, FH....Nair I guess? Both of them have WD OOS but it doesn't do either of them much good. When you consider that both of them will primarily be jumping OOS to do whatever they want to do, you can sometimes wait for the jump then get a free juggle if you don't want to attack. For Falco, I've literally jabbed, put a Falco in shield, and then just sat there until they tried to laser and tipper Fsmash'd them before. It's....pretty funny LOL.
Some mixups for some of these variables:
The way you're facing:
-forward: delayed/rising/double aerial, empty hop, shieldbreaker, grab, jab, tipper fsmash
-backward: back hit of Uair/Dair/Nair?/Bair, empty hop, ground moves
most important thing to note here is that you can turn around and change up these options VERY QUICKLY when grounded. keep that in mind it's very important.
-tippered vs untippered moves(deals different hitstun additionally)
-grab vs not grab spacing
-moving vs standing still
-FF vs no FF
opponent's OOS options:
-Falco: AC Bair is beaten by running under it, shine is beaten by spacing, retreating Dair you can hit him on the head or grab his landing lag, laser can be hit/powershielded I guess lol, FH you need to get under him and Uair asap
-Fox: upsmash needs to be spaced around/hit Fox's head before his legs get to you, SH Bair you beat by running in, FH same as Falco but it's easier since his Dair isn't scary.
-Puff: her WD OOS is beaten by Dtilt/Fair, Upsmash OOS loses to spacing/timing, otherwise just catch rolls pretty much LOL
-Sheik: Nair OOS should never happen....Sheik just SHs to dodge usually or WDs OOS. Beat SHs by hitting her as she jumps/Ftilt'ing after she does. WD OOS is beaten by hitting her as she moves or taking stage and keeping pressure.
Stage Control:
-if you have more stage, they're probably gonna slide to the edge/have to make a desperate roll/dodge/jump
-if they have more stage, they're probably gonna WD OOS/roll away/jump away, and sooner
Now, there are obviously some ways to influence this "game" and get results/options you like to cover. If you're amazing at comboing off of grab and you LOOOOOOVE your grabs, then you need to threaten with moves/movement to get someone to think you won't grab or they're extremely uncertain about when you grab.
If the opponent loves to pop Nair OOS with Peach, then get close to them and swing some/act like you'll run in to grab and shield to get free hits on her.
Considering all options evenly is pointless when everyone has favorite options. It's your job to figure out what those favorites are and exploit them.
I'm going to write about Dtilt now. There's too much to write about here so just ask if you want me to break more of this down and I might do some other section or something LOL.
Would PP or anyone be interested in writing a guide on Dtilting for Dummies? I probably don't use it nearly enough because I'm such a DD *****. When I do use it, it's almost always dash canceled which always feels super telegraphed and easy to avoid.
*incoming Cactuar theory*
Okay so you read my post above where I explain Marth's Fundamental Problem right? The one where all his moves have lag and the sword arcs right? Okay good thought so.
So if you think about Dtilt, that move doesn't really have the problem pretty much all of Marth's other moves have. It's not slow to come out, it stays in one convenient place, it has low lag, and even IASA frames! Sweet move imo.
Since it also has quite a bit of range and stays on the ground, it allows Marth to have someone respect his dash+range more.
Btw Bones, you should WD Dtilt more. It comes out faster than dash-canceling by a landslide and it's safe(unless you play against people that like blindly aerial'ing into Marth I guess....).
The point isn't even really to hit with Dtilt after a while, it's using Dtilt to get FREE STAGE because people have to run away/shield/jump to dodge it. No one wants to block Dtilt or get hit by it because that's a free mixup/combo for Marth LOL. So, you eventually stop using Dtilt and start running at people and then Fair'ing and then they think Marth is just stupidly swinging his sword and getting kills. It's pretty awesome.
That same technique also begins to minimize Marth's Fundamental Problem because they get so concerned with Dtilt they don't have time to worry about Fair as well. Even if they do see it coming, there isn't much anyone can do about it when they're already cornered....Marth's corner game is amazing.