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Important Carefully Ask PPMD about the Tiara Guy


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2011
Anyone know where people around NYC go to local tourneys? I'm trying to improve and want to hit up some locals. Places where good Marth players go would be helpful since I want to get help with my Marth. Thanks :)
Don't know you but I'm a marth player from Suffolk county (near smithtown if you know where that is)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2011
New York, U.S.A.
(Putting this in this thread too lol) Hey guys I would like to get some help on my matchup versus Peach. I really struggle killing her and in the beginning I was winning my matches (17:25) but then I started losing like every game (56:00) I also wanted to ask: Does her fair outprioritize my nair? Because I remember approaching in the air with my nair, it comes out and then she just fairs it like nothing. And one time her dash attack went through my lightshield, like what's up with that? Oh and I was also trying to Shuffle during our matches because I am just starting to learn how to. Thank you :D

Skip to 56:00 that's when I start losing

Ps. I hate it when he just dodges behind me and Down Smashes. How do I compensate for that?

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
(Putting this in this thread too lol) Hey guys I would like to get some help on my matchup versus Peach. I really struggle killing her and in the beginning I was winning my matches (17:25) but then I started losing like every game (56:00) I also wanted to ask: Does her fair outprioritize my nair? Because I remember approaching in the air with my nair, it comes out and then she just fairs it like nothing. And one time her dash attack went through my lightshield, like what's up with that? Oh and I was also trying to Shuffle during our matches because I am just starting to learn how to. Thank you :D

Skip to 56:00 that's when I start losing

Ps. I hate it when he just dodges behind me and Down Smashes. How do I compensate for that?
I already texted you some things but one thing you do is give peach too much space. You should always be close enough that if she pulls a turnip you can hit her. You WD back for no reason when you are in no danger at all, which does nothing but gives her stage control and limits yourself. And she can also pull turnips....


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2011
New York, U.S.A.
I already texted you some things but one thing you do is give peach too much space. You should always be close enough that if she pulls a turnip you can hit her. You WD back for no reason when you are in no danger at all, which does nothing but gives her stage control and limits yourself. And she can also pull turnips....
Yea man you are totally right I give her too much space I gotta work on that thanks man :)


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2008
Do you guys WD oos with separatle shield buttons or the same one?


Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
Do you guys WD oos with separatle shield buttons or the same one?

Just depends on what your comfy with. I use L for everything. And I used to WD OoS with R. But now I only use L for WD OoS. It's just preference. People use both.

Wait, you people have each others phone numbers? Yo, someone gimme some digits. Lol
I like texting smashers. If im bored we just talk MU and stuffs.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
What is the best way to DI fox's up throw in order to try to SDI his up air? Some people have told me that DIing hard behind (which is what I always try to do) is not conducive for SDI.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
What is the best way to DI fox's up throw in order to try to SDI his up air? Some people have told me that DIing hard behind (which is what I always try to do) is not conducive for SDI.
Nah, hard behind is def. the best. If you get the throw DI (which is ridiculously hard because Fox's uthrow is so absurdly fast), the SDI should be easy tbh.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2010
In the Land of Amazeia...
DIing the throw will make it more likely for the fox to hit with just the last hit of the uair, which is exactly what we want to avoid. we are trying to sdi the first hit to that the second one does not connect. what i think should be done is to not di the throw and quartercircle di behind the fox after being hit with the first attack. qc di isnt necessary all the time, but it will certainly help.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
^That's what I'm thinking. But maybe DIing the throw UP would help?

Also does anyone know any ways to practice SDI without another human? Like, it doesn't have to be fox up throw up air directly but some sort of situation where I can confirm that I'm doing SDI properly?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
DIing the up throw upwards does not affect its trajectory.

For high percents, if you're actually looking to SDI the up air, then it's probably better to not DI it. To my knowledge, running FJ uair stops working on Marth around 95% or so (might be higher) and spacing for the single uair with a double jump is extremely difficult so it may be worth DIing the throw again after that point. Or whatever point it is. I dunno.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
^That's what I'm thinking. But maybe DIing the throw UP would help?
As KK alluded to, Fox's uthrow is one of those DI specific moves. Only left/right DI is read. DIing up, down, etc does nothing.

For high percents, if you're actually looking to SDI the up air, then it's probably better to not DI it. To my knowledge, running FJ uair stops working on Marth around 95% or so (might be higher) and spacing for the single uair with a double jump is extremely difficult so it may be worth DIing the throw again after that point. Or whatever point it is. I dunno.
The single hit uair is a good point but I'd argue that if they are able to hit that consistently throughout a set then you should just unplug your controller and shake their hand cause they're a god.

Besides, at 95+% they always go for bair or whatever and no DI just makes that easier..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2010
Cambridge, MA
As KK alluded to, Fox's uthrow is one of those DI specific moves. Only left/right DI is read. DIing up, down, etc does nothing.
Can someone explain what is up with these "DI specific" moves? I've heard things about moves that react weirdly to DI, but I don't really remember. (I figured DI up did nothing only because it's parallel to the move trajectory.)


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Fox's uthrow takes 8 frames until you're released btw, one of the fastest throws in the game (Marth's bthrow is 7, tied for fastest). Adding the slide animation while getting grabbed, I'd estimate you have around 11-12 frames to react and DI (.183 seconds....).

You have to be ON YOUR **** to DI Fox's uthrow if they throw you immediately.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
it's fairly easy to anticipate when you are going to be grabbed tho, and particularly out of a waveshine (where fox gets most of his grabs) you have all day

anyway after talking to Arc he said that using a "sheik dash dance" type of input on no DI is really good, so no DI is fine

he says he likes DI behind and then half circle input back in the other direction as well


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
The single hit uair is a good point but I'd argue that if they are able to hit that consistently throughout a set then you should just unplug your controller and shake their hand cause they're a god.
Unknown522 and Weon-X can consistently do the FJ single hit uair on my Sheik if I DI the throw for a certain range because... that's a legit combo for a certain percent range. It's actually not that hard to do on the horizontal DIs at the appropriate percents because the second hit of the uair has more range than the first. So it's just... timing. And the timing window is actually pretty forgiving on a lot of characters.

Marth is one of them, although his percent window is significantly smaller than that of Sheik's. Sheik's is enormous and I hate it lolz.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Can someone explain what is up with these "DI specific" moves? I've heard things about moves that react weirdly to DI, but I don't really remember. (I figured DI up did nothing only because it's parallel to the move trajectory.)
tbh I don't know much about them, and I can't find many posts on it. I just know that Fox's uthrow can only be DI'd left/right. I'm not sure what other moves have similar properties.

Unknown522 and Weon-X can consistently do the FJ single hit uair on my Sheik if I DI the throw for a certain range because... that's a legit combo for a certain percent range. It's actually not that hard to do on the horizontal DIs at the appropriate percents because the second hit of the uair has more range than the first. So it's just... timing. And the timing window is actually pretty forgiving on a lot of characters.

Marth is one of them, although his percent window is significantly smaller than that of Sheik's. Sheik's is enormous and I hate it lolz.

****ing 2012 space animals. Urgghh.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2010
Cambridge, MA
tbh I don't know much about them, and I can't find many posts on it. I just know that Fox's uthrow can only be DI'd left/right. I'm not sure what other moves have similar properties.
Oh. I'm not sure if that's a special property of Fox's uthrow, or just a consequence of the fact that its default trajectory is vertical...

I'm not sure if you know this, but on the off chance that you don't: when trajectory DI is input, only the component orthogonal to the default trajectory is considered (you can only change the angle of knockback, not the strength). So, DI along the trajectory does nothing (unless you can SDI/ASDI the lasers, which I believe only works for Falco's lasers). This is assuming all moves behave the typical way; if there actually are weird moves that break the normal DI mechanic, then I'm not sure what the deal is.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
tbh I don't know much about them, and I can't find many posts on it. I just know that Fox's uthrow can only be DI'd left/right. I'm not sure what other moves have similar properties.
Aren't all moves like that? They have a "default" trajectory, and if you point the control stick in the exact same direction then you don't get any DI. It just so happens that Fox uthrow sends straight upwards, so finding the "no DI" direction isn't very hard.

At least that's my understanding of it.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

****ing 2012 space animals. Urgghh.
I'm actually planning on making a video guide on how to space the uair with Fox vs. Puff after up throw so you second hit only. It's actually not THAT hard after about 60%, but that's when you want to be doing it anyway so it works out kind of conveniently in that respect.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
I had considered that, but I don't think thats it.

Take for example Marth's fsmash facing right. Lets say the default trajectory is 45 degrees up and to the right. That would mean that if you held up 45 degrees and to the right or down 45 degrees and to the left, you would experience no change in trajectory. This is true, and consistent with Fox's uthrow. However, if you map out the other angles of Marth's fsmash, connecting a line between him and his opponent up to when they escape hitstun, you'd get a semicircle. Do a similar thing with Fox and his uthrow and you get a triangle...

I might be wrong but I think there is more to this than simple default trajectory DI shenanigans.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 14, 2011
here and there
Just a quick question for you Marth experts. If I'm chain-grabing a spacie, at what percent can they DI out of it? Also I heard if Fox DI's slightly behind Marth he can escape with a shine?



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I am pretty sure Fox can't DI slightly behind you until 16%, and Falco can't until 26%. So you can chain grab until those %s, and once they reach those %s you can start pivot grabbing, but idk if shine beats pivot grab. If it does, it's really hard to do so I would just recommend utilting, or maybe baiting the shine then SHFFLing an uair to catch them as they jump out? Not sure how reasonable that is.
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