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Important Carefully Ask PPMD about the Tiara Guy


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2009
Didn't he lose to like, every good Falco he played at the last APEX?
Haha, I don't know why you hating so much, KK.

I don't believe Apex is a good indicator of how well I play. Only people like Raynex can injure themselves badly and still play well; I can't. If you ask NY guys if I played better a week or so after Apex, they'll confirm that I got better as my thumb healed.

I had little problem with Bam in the friendlies I played with him in Montreal (maybe he was rusty?). And overall I do pretty well against the Falcos here in BC. Wait for some vids of this Saturday's tournament before you cement your opinion of the BC players!


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Facts are facts.
he lost to chopz?... that's it, isn't it? he also took shiz out of crews.. he got destroyed in a friendly by mango which was his first match of the day lmao, and i know first-hand he plays like a scrub when he's warming up lol.

and i'm under the impression that diakonos is confused why KK is being a ***** to WC because i'm sure KK seems like a nice guy irl?

just assuming though, lol, cause i hear kk is cool.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Finally starting to get shield dropping down somewhat consistently. I think it'll help a great deal against platform harassment of all sorts. Kinda obvious, I know, but I think it's gonna be even more helpful for Marth, considering it's currently one of his weaker areas. Implementing shield dropping will greatly reduce this large weakness. Everyone should learn it.
Aug 6, 2008
Now your ready to play gamecube games for another 10 years, but only play melee for 2-3. That controller will break somehow.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Just to clarify, Fox and Falco can shine out of an un-DI'd uthrow at around 20%, right? Yet I'm sure I've seen tournament vids where they DI away even when it's obvious that they won't reach a platform and end up in range of tipper utilt -> regrab. Is there a good reason for them to do this or are they just messing up? Or, looking at it another way, when do I have to worry about them shining/jumping out of the combo if they DI left or right with no platform nearby?


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
if they DI away and don't land on a platform you are guaranteed a follow for basically... forever. They might be trying to get you to regrab and move towards a platform for the next uthrow, or to get you to utilt and DI behind you and land on the ground at lower percents. But yea in general it's a good thing if they DI in a direction.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
^ I HATE that.

If they're intent on DI'ing away that's when the fsmash signal in my head goes off (percent dependent of course...).
Yea, this reminds me of something I've been meaning to post: walk up tilt is the metagame.

If you can get a walking up tilt (which tips spacies around 40-45ish) you should definitely take it over anything else imo (unless they are for some reason DIing off stage then obv fsmash). It just leads to enormous combos always. Most relevant on FD, but sometimes people will DI in, away from platforms on stages like BF and dreamland.

And another tangent: DL64 is a really underrated marth stage. It's easy to not like it since you can't get platform tippers and a much smaller window for utilt (but is still there, mind you). I just think Marth's great movement is well designed to take advantage of space and there are some good nerfs to other characters (like for instance, sheik's platform needle fair stuff has huge holes on DL64 compared to battlefield). Since Marth is primarily an edgeguarding/gimping character the hugeness of the KO barriers is actually to his advantage in a bunch of matchups (spacies, ganon, basically any character that once off stage you can reliably kill with edgeguarding and won't need to eventually up tilt at 180 like peach, etc).

Also I think, but am not certain, is the top platform on DL64 actually lower than top plat on BF? If so, that's pretty helpful against plat campers. A big stage just plays well for his DD game and his dominant air to air game. I feel like it's actually a viable CP against certain spacies (like the super aggro techy ones who seem to thrive on being able to keep constant pressure on you).



Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I think it's better because basically you can get a tipper, more up tilts, an up air, a fair, or a regrab from that. If you shffl up air it gives you less control (you're mostly looking for a regrab from that) plus on platform stages you are risking letting them get a tech to a platform much more than with up tilt (they either DI away, into more up tilts/fsmash, or DI behind you which should leave you time to tipper them the other way or turn around and up tilt again.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Well, like Niko said, it's not so bad against spacies and Ganon for example. I wouldn't exactly CP it against them, but I don't mind it that much either. I think I actually prefer it over PS against spacies (at least against Fox).


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Really? Ganon? DL is my CP vs Marth because he has a much harder time to kill Ganon and Ganon can survive forever. Marth has to make like 10 more guesses to kill him if I do it right.. I mean I don't mind getting techchased grab all day but there's limits to that on DL.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Really? Ganon? DL is my CP vs Marth because he has a much harder time to kill Ganon and Ganon can survive forever. Marth has to make like 10 more guesses to kill him if I do it right.. I mean I don't mind getting techchased grab all day but there's limits to that on DL.
Well, I don't really mind any stage against Ganon :p. I guess I don't like BF very much against him but eh.

It's true that Marth loses a lot of killing efficiency on DL, but on the other hand he gains a lot of room for DDing and moving around, which is pretty good against slow characters like Ganon.

Again, I wouldn't really CP it, and I usually strike it for game one, but it's not necessarily terrible in every single matchup.

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
It's not that big stages are OMFG terrible for Marth. It's just harder for him to control space. That's why YS is the best....cause it's so dam small. Where ya gonna hide?


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
Kage would sell his soul to be an American lol. (Or he just hates leffen, or both)

I think its only PP whos above the rest, eu has got some great falcos, I didnt see aldwyn mentioned. Hes often overlooked.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2011
I know nobody can really help me with this, but does anyone have any tips on adapting quicker?

I played a friend of mine last night for the first time in 2 years. I've gotten significantly better, and he hasn't. But, his play style was weird enough that it took me a match and a half to figure him out and it almost cost me the set.

I was marth he was samus, idk if that helps.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2011
New York, U.S.A.
I just learned to do a rising dair, fair, uair, and counter from the ledge but I can't figure out how to nair from the ledge. When I'm holding towards the stage he does a fair. And if I try to do it early just pressing A he falls off. Help?

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Let go, dj, press A, then start holding toward the stage. Keep practicing and you'll get it.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2011
New York, U.S.A.
I know nobody can really help me with this, but does anyone have any tips on adapting quicker?

I played a friend of mine last night for the first time in 2 years. I've gotten significantly better, and he hasn't. But, his play style was weird enough that it took me a match and a half to figure him out and it almost cost me the set.

I was marth he was samus, idk if that helps.

Adapting quicker takes a lot of experience and practice. Put it this way, when your in the match try not to think that you might lose but focus on trying to adapt to what hes doing. After the match ask yourself what he was doing and how you can retaliate next game :) Just don't get nervous about losing, that clouds your thinking. (Not saying you are but most people that do just think about winning and don't focus on how to adapt and learn their opponents movement and attack patterns.

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
If I land a late fair on someones shield (spaced) Should I follow up with like a grab/jab? Or should I just wait until they do something and punish?
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