Fortress | Sveet
nah that sounds about right. pretty much what i do. I was just thinking of other possible escape options and the airdodge thing popped in my head. I have to remember to try it the next time i happen to play sheik vs marth.I usually fthrow her at 0% actually and I usually get a regrab.
Personally speaking I most of the time uptilt then wait so that air dodge down thing would just give me a free regrab *shrugs*
And well iunno you know more percentage ****, I dunno **** about percentage specific stuff D=
one of the best things about marth's grab game is the mixups. Don't get in the habit of only doing 1 throw in a certain match-up. All 4 of his throws are siiiick.
One thing thats not really talked about but a lot of people know about it, and i mean the throw mix-up game. In order to escape the throw combo you have to DI a certain way, but there is another throw that compliments it. Falco's fthrow and bthrow come to mind. If the opponent DI away from falco they can avoid fthrow combos but in order to avoid a bthrow combo they have to DI towards falco. Marth has similar traits. PEACH DOES NOT! If she grabs you (marth) and you're within fthrow kill threat range, just hold that DI (which is about 30 degrees counterclockwise from straight up, not 45 degrees or directly back). This will also escape any uthrow combo automatically, and because the escape for dthrow is actually DIing into her you will have enough DI to avoid that too. Only risk is if you're in fthrow kill range and for some reason she grabs you with her back to the edge. She could simply bthrow and you'd die loooool
just had to get that off my chest