That's fair, stomp in place is pretty good against Luigi ... but that's only because his movement is so based on his wavedash that his other "approaches" hardly even count
It's pretty bad vs the rest of the cast (works decently against ICs because they're, again, a wavedash character)
Vs Jiggs in general I think you should be looking to get under her and abuse Uair and Bair, using some combination of moves that aren't Bair to try to hit her as she jumps back if you want to approach and using Bair in aerial spacing wars (although usually you're much better off running around than challenging a Jiggs at a Bair off)
As for whether or not you were doing things right or the Jiggs was messing up ... well ... beats me ~_~
I feel like matches played at that level usually come down to whoever messes up less / has better tech skill
Watched half of game 4 you could definitely do some work running out of aerials faster and fastfalling better (notably after you hit knees you'll usually miss the fastfall)
Also I saw you do some move into edgecancel Uair or something and just get Fsmashed for it ... after the Jiggs had just missed a couple Fsmashes in a row and was crouching under the platform ... come on now, no tech skill autopiloting you're not technical enough for that yet

... .__.
Jiggs specific thing - you're really slow out of Dthrow sometimes
@ j00t - first match was tragic I thought he'd die after that Bair
Unfortunately I have very little to say about the Samus matchup, maybe I'll look at it again later