I am not fond of Knifing, Noobtube, and rockets. Two of those are just compensation for one's lack of confidence in their ability to aim.
That is what I feel. But yesterday it felt like designated noobtube day. Not a single room did I enter that saw very little of the three I mentioned. It's why I run with Silenced Scar, Scavenger, CB, and Ninja (might replace that, actually). At least I can't be seen on UAV making all grenade launchers head in my direction when I kill someone because my shooting revealed my location.
That is what I feel. But yesterday it felt like designated noobtube day. Not a single room did I enter that saw very little of the three I mentioned. It's why I run with Silenced Scar, Scavenger, CB, and Ninja (might replace that, actually). At least I can't be seen on UAV making all grenade launchers head in my direction when I kill someone because my shooting revealed my location.