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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
Guess who's back?

I'm making some lunch now. Will be on for like, the rest of the day. :).

Oh and I suck so bad now T_T, my best search game has been like, 8-1, and i've had a couple where i'm 1:1, but for the most part i get like, 1 or 2 kills and die every round :(.

I'm also addicted to CoD4 again...I miss the AK74U, the old AK-47, the M40, and the Remington sooooo much :(


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Guess who's back?

I'm making some lunch now. Will be on for like, the rest of the day. :).

Oh and I suck so bad now T_T, my best search game has been like, 8-1, and i've had a couple where i'm 1:1, but for the most part i get like, 1 or 2 kills and die every round :(.

I'm also addicted to CoD4 again...I miss the AK74U, the old AK-47, the M40, and the Remington sooooo much :(
The what? :confused:


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I'm mad that you can't save replays of matches in this game. I had this amazing kill today on Terminal. I was over inside the Perfume Shop, looking at the building opposite the plane from over the glass display pedestal. On a whim, I took out my AT4, aimed it at the doorway, and fired.

I got a headshot and blew the up an additional guy in the area.

So amazing.


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2010
Hi all,

I have a new call of duty clan and i was looking for good members. we play modern warfare reflex for the wii, as well as modern warfare 2 for the PS3 and Xbox360. The clan is FTR (Fu** The Rest). Read the rules http://ftr.gamingww.com/index.php?p=Rules , and the requirements http://ftr.gamingww.com/index.php?p=Custom&cpid=1 , then inquire about joining in the chatroom found on the side bar. You will be tested to make sure you meet our standards. thanks


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
i've never used javelin. i don't get how it works on any target that isn't aircraft.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Hi all,

I have a new call of duty clan and i was looking for good members. we play modern warfare reflex for the wii, as well as modern warfare 2 for the PS3 and Xbox360. The clan is FTR (Fu** The Rest). Read the rules http://ftr.gamingww.com/index.php?p=Rules , and the requirements http://ftr.gamingww.com/index.php?p=Custom&cpid=1 , then inquire about joining in the chatroom found on the side bar. You will be tested to make sure you meet our standards. thanks
This isn't the CoD4 thread. (that thread died once MW2 was released)

And why would you buy Reflex for the Wii?

It's like buying MW2 for the PC right now. :laugh:


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2010
personally i dont, but i figured since this was mainly a wii forum, there was bound to be some reflex players around. most of our players right now are ps3 with mw2 but we still need to expand.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
personally i dont, but i figured since this was mainly a wii forum, there was bound to be some reflex players around. most of our players right now are ps3 with mw2 but we still need to expand.
Well, you're in luck, cause several people members here play MW2 on the PS3. Most of us play it on the 360 tho.

And I doubt you'll find any Reflex players here cause I don't think anyone cared about/bought the game. (except Patinator) :chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2010
like i said ps3, 360, whichever. we just really need some good players. we have a really good team so far and are looking for more so anyone that is interested please stop by

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Awesome news! Looks like I can prestige again and abuse the double exp weekend to quickly get back to 70 again! :)

EDIT: Hahaha Delta has the same thought process as I do. But it's gonna take forever for 70...


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
woo MW2

my lil bros are pro at this game, a good TDM game for them is like 25-5

im just average tho

my personal account (NestiXXVI on PSN, add me ;)) is like lvl 38 or so, and the class im running right now is:

Barrett w/ Thermal (Blue Tiger camo and moving on up)
PP2000 w/ RDS
SoH Pro
Coldblooded Pro
Steady Aim Pro (for Barrett shotgunning)
Smokes and Claymores

Im considerting dropping the PP2000 (kinda slow on the switch)

Obvoiusly i use CB so i can chuck a smoke without fear of getting counter-sniped, but i also use them tactically (ie if im under fire, i chuck a smoke at my feet to gtfo, if someones guarding their sentry, chuck the smoke at the sentry, run in, knife it, run out). Im also looking at dropping the claymore for a semtex, but am in doubt as to how feasable that would be (if anything, itd be map-specific).

On an unrelated note, is there any info on whether the DLC will come to PS3?

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
MK26, feel free to add me. My PSN is: NiightShade- (the two i's and the dash you see ARE part of my name.)

The PP2000 is an insanely powerful secondary, but the m93 raffica does the job better, imo. They also come out a lot faster.

Babyeater, I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at this game, but I'm not particularily interested in the competetive scene at the moment, and I barely play as it is.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Just finished playing some Michael Myers in CoD4. Good times. :D

"@SJQ10035 The first map pack is coming out March 30th on Xbox Live, and to other platforms on a later date TBD.

@Abtean There isn't an official date for PSN yet, but once there is one, I'll pass it along."

Source: http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo
The first map pack will probably be released on the PS3/PC on April 29th. (Cause it's a 30 day timed exclusive on the 360)

But of course, we have to wait for an official confirmation. This is just my speculation.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Awesome news! Looks like I can prestige again and abuse the double exp weekend to quickly get back to 70 again! :)

EDIT: Hahaha Delta has the same thought process as I do. But it's gonna take forever for 70...
Just play Search for the end of the prestige. 2000 xp per headshot with double xp. That's amaaaaaaazing.

We should all form an xbox live party and play in ground war the entire time.
Yes, I can work up my launcher multi kills for those challenges. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
hey, can some of you guys critique or analyze my class?
i know a lot of it is preference, but certain perks/weapons are better choices for certain playstyles or situations. with that said, what do you guys think are the strengths and weaknesses of my current class.

ACR w/noobtube
akimbo magnums
scavenger pro
cold blooded
commando pro
painkiller (so gay but rarely put to use anyway)

care package
predator missile
harrier strike

i play other classes too, but this is my "well rounded" class.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
hey, can some of you guys critique or analyze my class?
i know a lot of it is preference, but certain perks/weapons are better choices for certain playstyles or situations. with that said, what do you guys think are the strengths and weaknesses of my current class.

ACR w/noobtube
akimbo magnums
scavenger pro
cold blooded
commando pro
painkiller (so gay but rarely put to use anyway)

care package
predator missile
harrier strike

i play other classes too, but this is my "well rounded" class.
If you can stomach losing CB Pro, I'd go for SP Pro. It makes the ACR more formidable in those close-range battles, making up for the only real weakness of the gun. Akimbo Mags are great, but any reason you're not going with Mag + Tact Knife? Combined with Commando, Tact Knife is super gay, and you don't have on Steady Aim to really make the akimbo that much of a better option. If you want to keep akimbo, I'd suggest switching to Steady Aim. Rest of the class looks pretty standard, Scav is great for Pro Pipe and Claymores.

IF you think you can get away with it, I'd switch to the 5-7-9 or 5-7-11 Killstreaks. Care package is too much of a nuisance and doesn't add to your killstreak, and can be dangerous to use. For the 9, I'd use pavelow; for the 11, I'd personally go Chopper Gunner, but the AC-130 is also a good choice.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
I wish I could like this game again now that two of my favorite maps are coming back in the map pack, but I will not give in xP! There's too many nuances in this game that make me pull my hair out...is there a no killstreak rewards playlist out yet? Or a patch to the Danger Close + One Man Army + Noob tube thing where you get unlimited, large blast radius and powerful noob tubes? That stuff was ridiculous!


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2008
If you can stomach losing CB Pro, I'd go for SP Pro. It makes the ACR more formidable in those close-range battles, making up for the only real weakness of the gun. Akimbo Mags are great, but any reason you're not going with Mag + Tact Knife? Combined with Commando, Tact Knife is super gay, and you don't have on Steady Aim to really make the akimbo that much of a better option. If you want to keep akimbo, I'd suggest switching to Steady Aim. Rest of the class looks pretty standard, Scav is great for Pro Pipe and Claymores.

IF you think you can get away with it, I'd switch to the 5-7-9 or 5-7-11 Killstreaks. Care package is too much of a nuisance and doesn't add to your killstreak, and can be dangerous to use. For the 9, I'd use pavelow; for the 11, I'd personally go Chopper Gunner, but the AC-130 is also a good choice.
i really need to get CB pro, lol.
i try not to use SP if i can go without it and ACR doesn't have any recoil, so getting that extra bullet in isn't that big of a deal unless it's close range.

here's why commando w/akimbo magnums makes sense to me for this class.

1. i rarely need to aim down the sights with magnums because ACR isn't bad at midrange so i don't think i'd benefit from steady aim either.
2. you can go twice as long without reloading with akimbo (still not too long with magnums) and you can essentially kill with the time it takes to fire one shot.
3. commando is my last ditch effort when i get caught reloading the magnums or when i have ACR out and unexpectedly bump into someone.
4. i rarely have to knife when i have the magnums out and i rarely need to knife two people back to back (where tac knife comes in handy)

i use tac knife on my stealthly class with ninja pro and cold blooded.
this is my "all around" or "any situation" class.

and i've been using 5, 7, 9/11 just like you said but lately i swapped the 9/11 for 4 because of how rarely i was getting to 9 kills. (about once every 5 games)
basically i lost confidence and went with a shorter killstreak.

trying to cover all options with my class and don't get 9 kill streaks as often as i get 4 kill streaks.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
i really need to get CB pro, lol.
i try not to use SP if i can go without it and ACR doesn't have any recoil, so getting that extra bullet in isn't that big of a deal unless it's close range.

here's why commando w/akimbo magnums makes sense to me for this class.

1. i rarely need to aim down the sights with magnums because ACR isn't bad at midrange so i don't think i'd benefit from steady aim either.
2. you can go twice as long without reloading with akimbo (still not too long with magnums) and you can essentially kill with the time it takes to fire one shot.
3. commando is my last ditch effort when i get caught reloading the magnums or when i have ACR out and unexpectedly bump into someone.
4. i rarely have to knife when i have the magnums out and i rarely need to knife two people back to back (where tac knife comes in handy)

i use tac knife on my stealthly class with ninja pro and cold blooded.
this is my "all around" or "any situation" class.

and i've been using 5, 7, 9/11 just like you said but lately i swapped the 9/11 for 4 because of how rarely i was getting to 9 kills. (about once every 5 games)
basically i lost confidence and went with a shorter killstreak.

trying to cover all options with my class and don't get 9 kill streaks as often as i get 4 kill streaks.
Fair enough. I still think SP is better for this class because of the all too often close-range shootouts that occur, and you're going to be losing to a TAR user or any other 40-30 gun, and SP can give you that extra boost to put it in your favor. If you like CB, stick with that though.

Akimbo magnums versus Mag + Tact knife really comes down to preference, so fair enough. You should still consider Steady Aim though then, I hate using akimbo anything without it. Commando Pro (if you have it unlocked) is awesome though, I really hate not having it on classes as I can't stand falling damage.

CB Pro is the easiest Pro perk to unlock in the game though... All you need to do is shoot at a falling killstreak (i.e. Pavelow) with any automatic weapon and each bullet you hit it with counts toward your total number of killstreaks taken down. Of course you need CB on for this to count, but you can get CB Pro in one game.
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