Smash Hero
i've read that about CB pro on this thread, just haven't done it yet (i don't think about it).Fair enough. I still think SP is better for this class because of the all too often close-range shootouts that occur, and you're going to be losing to a TAR user or any other 40-30 gun, and SP can give you that extra boost to put it in your favor. If you like CB, stick with that though.
Akimbo magnums versus Mag + Tact knife really comes down to preference, so fair enough. You should still consider Steady Aim though then, I hate using akimbo anything without it. Commando Pro (if you have it unlocked) is awesome though, I really hate not having it on classes as I can't stand falling damage.
CB Pro is the easiest Pro perk to unlock in the game though... All you need to do is shoot at a falling killstreak (i.e. Pavelow) with any automatic weapon and each bullet you hit it with counts toward your total number of killstreaks taken down. Of course you need CB on for this to count, but you can get CB Pro in one game.
i'll do that. and i like commando pro for maps like favela, invasion, karachi and even sub base.
thanks for the tips. i'll consider taking your advice.