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Bushido Brawl Impact [Paris, France]


Smash Lord
Sep 15, 2008
Barcelona, Spain
shoutouts time?

Deimos: I wanted to play you and I didn't even get to meet you, next time I guess D:
Scarhi: Nice Olimar, ggs vs Mr.R
Neath: wow, good job beating joan, I didn't expect that, you're 2 good
TKS : ggs in low tiers, nice yoshi :p
Leon: This time I took a game of your marth in the MM, I'll get even closer next time. Really cool seeing you again, thanks for everything and I hope to see you in spain for the big tourney we'll have in october
Chair: GGs, I got to admit you're better than I expected, but to me nexo is still better D:
Marcbri : thats me, suck less
Greward : epic, a teams la vaig liar massa.
Zulu: we should have played and you should have placed a lot higher, you're epic man.
Achoral: thanks for everything, good job hosting the tourney and we know the faults of the tourney are not because of you or shloka ( who also did a great job)
Joannett88: Ho farás millor a la próxima, ja veuras.
FotuRAN: No te desanimes, eres mucho mejor de lo que quedaste tanto singles como sobretodo low tiers
Satanpuuuu: GGs, I feel my win in sv was a bit stupid because you kept failing the cg.
Charby: thanks a lot for the housing, we seriously should play sometime
Rydle : bueni perder contra un paleto
EDU: una pena lo del lag de les tvs D:
S1-14: bartolol
Kaos: Congrats for teams and 3rd in singles, I'll beat you in tourney next time, you know it :p
TreK : Noone warned me of the group photo :/, I saw your matches vs edu, good luigi!
Desti: I also saw your luigi, you have a great one
Crysis: What to say, good job, I feel sad you had to forfeit after beating me, you're snake is really original, although I would have loved to end our set in a stage not called brinstar :/
JuJux: Amazing zelda, I've always thought zelda sucks but you're making me think about it twice, really impressive, we should play next time!
Cong: Good diddy kong, ggs in the MM and the tourney set.
Cenel: nice seeing you, I feel you don't deserve 33rd, you can do much better!
Glutonny: crazy kid xD we only got one game D:
Raw: /wario's ftilt
Yikarur: **** yoshi, good job on low tiers, I'll get you next time and won't get grabbed xD
Garian: Really good wario, I felt I played a lot better vs you in bracket than in pools, first match of the day johns for the pools set xD still you really surprised me.
King Funk: Nice to see you again, you have the potential to get out of pools, moar training!
Chiiiiiiiii: Reallly good mk, so patient
KiyoRsu: GGs, I dunno what else to say xD
Izaw: grab release to dsmash -> T__T. I'm happy I beat your c.falcon, you have a good one, and a really good sheik as well.
Veyron: Pasa a brackets la próxima D:
Inter : I wanted to play you, your snake seems pretty legit, good job beating raw
Nexoult: You can play way higher than that >_>
Haze: Your marth really impressed me, you know how to do some pressure in teams.
Ally: I'm glad I got to meet you, you sir are epic, I thought we wouldn't be able to play, but at the end I stayed at charby's last night and we got a lot of friendlies, **** snake, I felt a bit bad that you didn't win and I hope you get a cheap way to go back to Canada
Joseph PT : epic, sabes que te vas a petar a más gente a la próxima!
Cp2: no te quedes en pools y plankea sin miedo xD
L!nk : I saw you play, I was scared of meeting you in brackets xD
Staco: We only got a friendly late night :/, I wanted to MM you or play you in tourney. Nice to meet you and congrats on 7th, even after being sent to LB so early.
Tonie Montana!!!!!!!!!: wow you beat joan in a MM, too good. we'll do everything we can to bring bardo next time.
Jumpman: Not a real troll offline, ggs xD
Mr-R : Why you of all the people I could have played in loser bracket xD I'll find a way to beat you, I don't think I have one at the moment, but I'll find it, for sure =D !
Gregs: raaape xD. your matches vs joseph were pretty cool, congrats on best placing falco.
IStudying: GGs in our MM, I'll get you next time I guess xD
Glarion : I wanted to play youuu
Semifer ^same
Kaak : ^same but at least we played in low tiers, ggs there.
Biggad : GGs in low tiers, at the end you showed to be a way better low tier player than me, getting in the top 8, too good. lets play some main vs main friendlies next time.
Yass: your set vs nexoult was epic xD I still want to play you D: dang so few tvs
Zudenka : GGs at charby's ! your yoshi and peach are both really awesome, different from the others and able to do epic combos.
River: GGs in pools
Luigi_player : GGs in low tiers, **** ness, better than mine D:. Lets get some falco vs diddy next time.
Hope !,M' : I expected you 2 to place higher, go to training mode, I'm sure you can do better than that.
Manko: I wanted to play you :/
Miquel0123 : gay tenir que fotret fora del torneig
NeJi : bueni neji, y aún puedes hacerlo mejor
Bjay: good seeing you as usual, I'm sorry we couldn't play your revenge set in tourney because of me losing to crysis :/, we'll play it next time :p
Kira: **** falco, you do some really cool things and your bracket was really hard, let's play next time. you had your revenge on edu and mikel xD I won't let any falco outplace me again haha
Anaky: your marth is amazing, we do need go get a tourney set between the 2 of us
Calzorz: you sure got a lot better and beat neji and rydle, but you can't with grew haha. congrats on top 8, I hope we play in tourney next time.

I copied from the registered list so I'm prolly forgetting many people


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Pas-de-Calais, France
We also needed him to get down Glutonny, but apparently it didn't work out. D:

Jokes apart, I've been told he found a plane today. I hope it's true.

King Funk

Int. Croc. Alligator
Nov 1, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
Haha, I was watching the end of Marcbri's doubles set with Jumpman's team.

I saw Marcbri furiously wind up the cable on his controller and I was like "is he really angry, or is he just joking?". Then he marched violently towards me. I felt suddenly scared and took a few steps back as I witnessed the spectacle: he punched the wall on his left, I was like "dayum...", and then I saw the actual hole on the wall. That's when I thought "hm... I'll just wander away.". xD

Morale of the story: you don't **** with da Marc unless it's ingame. I guess that's why we have sports and video games, it prevents wars and its casualities. :p


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
i would do a huge lists of shoutouts
but im tired and am in a min already leaving for another trip to france

so just so you know
you guys rock, nice meeting alot of u, and this deffo wasnt the last time!



Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
TreK : Noone warned me of the group photo :/, I saw your matches vs edu, good luigi!
I and my ****ty accent did an announce on the mic D:
But yeah we were kinda in a hurry, Bushido gave me 5mn to gather everyone and that included bringing those Frenchies from my crew to the center of the stage because people never want to be 'the first one to get up'... Took too long moving their ***** <_<
*and I didn't shoryuken Edu, therefore I sucked in the matches in which you saw me playing haha*

Edit : The group Photos :D
very front row : Raw!
front row (left ro right) : King Funk, ? , Joseph PT, TreK (me... but from now on call me KerT xD), Edu
almost-2nd row : Achoral
2nd row (left to right) : Lucar, Glarion, Reil, Scarhi, C-DS, doob, Neath, Jujux, Crysis, Desti, ?
3rd row : Kitsune, SureU (TekaT ?), Telu ? XD, Nintenpro, Kestrel, Zudenka, Ezgon, Zulu, ?, ?, ?, TRIO3, Calzorz' back ?
last row : random guy with pedo smile, random guy not smiling, ?, Kaos, Alucard, Bam ?, Overgame, Vahn, that gaw dude I teamed with but that had no tag.

~40 people out of 140. THAT'S EFFICIENCY, PLOX !

2nd version : http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/8799/p1070984.jpg


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
i cant get picture 2 to load but yea the 1st pic looool also WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WEARING SUN GLASSES FOR PHOTO too pro , and yea that is me with my back to the camera i had no idea u was taking a pic lol


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
i cant get picture 2 to load but yea the 1st pic looool also WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WEARING SUN GLASSES FOR PHOTO too pro , and yea that is me with my back to the camera i had no idea u was taking a pic lol
Zulu stole mine, so it looks quite ridiculous that I'm glasses-less when I asked 70 players to bring them, btw x)
Not as dumb as 20 of them doing so.

Resized photos :


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
1st. Glutonny [France]: Very good job, never played you/spoke with you.
2nd. Ally [Canada]: Amazing guy, nice to meet you man. Might wanna get some sleep 'n' stuff, gl on getting back to the US. Also, second best player in the world. Great Snake, didn't stand a chance :urg:
3rd. Kaos [France]: You're way too cool, thanks again for the housing, had a great time hangin out with you.
4th. Leon [France]: Thanks for the housing, you're great, also congrats on the fourth place.
5th. Greward [Spain]: This guy trolls irl, and he's good at it. Congrats on getting fifth.
5th. Mr R [Netherlands]: Ramiiiiiiin :( Low tiers was zo mooi, altijd leuk met jou.
7th. Staco [Germany]: You suck man. Just kidding, great guy, no tourney without you.
7th. Calzorz [England]: You finally got revenge for TSL, great guy, great snake.
9th. Bjay [France]: Nice meeting you man, you rock.
9th. Gregs [Netherlands]: Gregs, mah *****, altijd goed van jou.
9th. Luigi_player [Austria]: Too bad I didn't get to play you.
9th. Neath [France]: :( :( :(
13th. Rydle [Spain]: Nice meeting you.
13th. T [Netherlands]: Zeker leuk met jou, moeten meer melee spelen. Jou zie ik nog wel.
13th. Kasper [England]: Jimmy, my man, great Falco, nice meeting you.
13th. istudying [Netherlands]: No words for this guy (in a positive way)
17th. Inter [France]: You got a great Snake, cool guy, had a great time with you.
17th. Marcbri [Spain]: Easy on dem walls my friend, this taught me never to mess with you.
17th. L!nk [Austria]: Good job man, your ICs improved a lot, cool guy as always.
25th. Semifer [Germany]: DOWNSMASH, great wolf man, loved talking to you
25th. Charby [France]: Stop hatin' ******
25th. Kaak [Netherlands]: Jij weet
25th. Anaky [England]: Good job in teams.
25th. Zulu [France]: what happened, coolest guy right here

Yika: epic
Epic Norwegian guy who sat next to me: You're great man, nice meeting you
Ayoub: Zo hard, gewoon niet slapen XD
Guvan: Slaap lekker man
Bart: Sorry man, ik faalde jou in teams (maar U MAD)
Cenel: Was chill reizen met jou, thanks man
Stoel: What happened?
Izaw: Sup
Cong: Amazing Diddy, cool guy
Yass: best pit right here
Gheb: Where the **** was u at?
Dem guys I forgot: Sorry, I have this thingy which makes me forget cool people

And last but definitely not least, Achoral: Thanks for everything, you were a great host and a great person. I loved coming to BBI and will be there next time (as long as you're hosting).


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
I knew it -_-; I was thinking "KF is not in the brackets list, give him a shoutout" ALL THE TIME.

So here we go
King Funk: Great 64 player, good brawl player, speaks all languages, 5 stocked me all the time, great guy. You better keep coming to tourneys.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2009
Gotta love the johnsies

Glutonny ur too ****ing good.
I think that Ally's "john" is probably pretty legitimate, but that's what makes Gluttony better. The fact that he doesn't let himself get really discouraged even when he loses.

This was my first time to finally see the European scene in Brawl and I was impressed as I was when I first saw it in Melee. Gluttony is clearly amazing and probably in that very exclusive top level with M2K, Ally, and ADHD. Leon and Kaos seem like they would give any of our other pros a good run for their money as well. I only saw 1 set with Greward and he looked a little shaky, but I am sure he is really good usually as well.

I can't wait to see the next really big European tournament or for when either the U.S. travels there (yeah right :/) or Europe travels over here!


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I think that Ally's "john" is probably pretty legitimate, but that's what makes Gluttony better. The fact that he doesn't let himself get really discouraged even when he loses.

This was my first time to finally see the European scene in Brawl and I was impressed as I was when I first saw it in Melee. Gluttony is clearly amazing and probably in that very exclusive top level with M2K, Ally, and ADHD. Leon and Kaos seem like they would give any of our other pros a good run for their money as well. I only saw 1 set with Greward and he looked a little shaky, but I am sure he is really good usually as well.

I can't wait to see the next really big European tournament or for when either the U.S. travels there (yeah right :/) or Europe travels over here!
WOW aslkdsasdsd. please dont even go there rofl. Gluttony is very good no doubt and is a top player and from what Ive seen Id agree hes best/2nd best wario but dont even go there.

Beating ally does not = Being in exclusive level rofl snake can randomly get ***** at any time allys lost to like 20 ppl and loses to two other warios as snake so are they in that exclusive list too? Obviously not and they also did it without an entire continent cheering for him.

Send gluttony to america when he has to play 34343433432 top players in various mus like dehf/tyrant/riddle etc, mks that know how to adapt(sorry kaos but you let alot of the same noob stuff go unpunished though you are still very good) and Dedede. He would still place high but hes no diff than any normal top player.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Sweden, Stockholm
Everyone that travels ofc knows what he is up to over there.
260 + ppl cheered against Armada at Genesis, won WF then lost GF AND he didnt say stuff like "i was playing good then choked and thats kinda the reason i lost" i know u didnt say that but it sounds like that , he just accepted that mango was the better player.

U cant compare the eus with americans cause alot of europeans where cheering for u and even told that it was sad that u lost. While no american did that for Armada, they just started to talk **** on boards.
. i know that ur a hella good player and person, hope u could get back home, peace out.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
I am going home. Europe people just need to go to Apex. Beating me is big but heh I feel like ive been sucking too much lately. Glutonny wouldnt handle the pressure and glutonny isnt on our level lol. I just suck. Unless you guys send him to Apex or another national tournament you will never know how good he is.

Damage Points

Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2010
Apex, NC
Gluttony is pretty **** impressive. I do wanna see how he would do in a US tourney or even in a state like FL or NJ. Only time will tell. They way he plays wario is def **** tho.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
I am going home. Europe people just need to go to Apex. Beating me is big but heh I feel like ive been sucking too much lately. Glutonny wouldnt handle the pressure and glutonny isnt on our level lol. I just suck. Unless you guys send him to Apex or another national tournament you will never know how good he is.
Lolwtf, "Let's go to europe, then lose and john and say how good US is."

I'm sorry, I don't get this. If we send Gluttony to the US, and he loses and gets fourth, we could do exactly the same thing. Oh, and GLuttony doesn't feel pressure.


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
Glutonny is so pressure resist, It was like he hasn't even got what he did after beating Ally, everyone was like "GLUTONNY!! OMG" and he seems to be totally calm. Too good.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Im pretty sure i heard Ally say, "The Quality of play in Europe is the same as America, but the Quantity is different", quantity doesnt make us worse players lol.

But i do kinda agree with America slightly, we cant base how good we are over 1 tourney beating the 2nd best player in the world, when many have people have already done it, as CO18 said. But the fact that Ally said Europe are on the same level as America changes this.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
CO18's post is completely true. how da **** can you say glutonny is on m2k ally and adhd's level when he hasnt played the gdlk players of the UNITED STATES? not canada.

and to the above post.

so you're saying that the opinion of one player > the skill of 50 states?

Mew2king thinks im the best lucario because he played me. is he wrong? yes. its not a fact.

I think Anti is 3rd best player in the world. could i be wrong? yes.

im pretty sure ally think his brother is better than 90 percent of the top players in the united states but what has his brother done accomplishments-wise? so maybe hes wrong there too.

i can keep going with all these opinions but im stating what they are : opinions.

how would you guys feel if all your top players came over to US or vice versa and U.S dominated very hard? pretty embarassed and pathetic is how i would feel.

thats why you should base your assumptions on actions, not the opinion of one player who went over there playing FALCON and SNAKE and took 2nd. maybe you guys knew how to fight his snake style pretty well and he thought you guys are da bess cuz of it. stuff that doesnt work that way.

you guys had no american mk's, snakes, marths, olimars, falcos, lucarios, zss's, and others to play. you played one canadian snake player who plays vastly different from all the other snakes.

as i said earlier, do something instead of taking a word for it.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Ok i guess not but i could say Europe is on the same level as America in the Snake matchup LOL, guess we just need to be sure that were good at the other 36 matchups in this game. I aint gettin involved in this tbh, i dont care enough to wine about whos better than who etc.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
why has it always gota be usa is better than eu or eu is better than usa ? why cant it be said they both have top players who could challange each other and stop the *****ing?

"CO18's post is completely true. how da **** can you say glutonny is on m2k ally and adhd's level when he hasnt played the gdlk players of the UNITED STATES? not canada."

europe is many countrys also so how can america say this about europe? it works both ways


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
why has it always gota be usa is better than eu or eu is better than usa ? why cant it be said they both have top players who could challange each other and stop the *****ing?

"CO18's post is completely true. how da **** can you say glutonny is on m2k ally and adhd's level when he hasnt played the gdlk players of the UNITED STATES? not canada."

europe is many countrys also so how can america say this about europe? it works both ways
didnt most of europe's top players get together for this tourney? thats what i heard.

your post doesnt make sense. glutonny or mr r or kaos have NOT played the best of over here so you cant come to conclusions saying hes on the level of m2k ally and adhd just cuz he beat ally and won a european tourney.

wanna know what glutonny got for beating ally?

"join the club"


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
lol at just a random guy saying that Glutonny is as good as ADHD, M2K n Ally and the Americans and everybody raging.

Although I gotta be honest here, atm Europe has as much chance as winning a tourney like MLG or Apex as CO18 and Ksizzle, meaning that it ain't gonna happen!
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