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Bushido Brawl Impact [Paris, France]


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
Right now I honestly think Glutonny, Kaos, Leon, Greward and Mr R are our only "true" top level players with 7th - 13thish placing ppl @ Bushido being like semi-top (mainly LP, Staco, istudying, Calzorz, Gregs and BJay).

U werent there so just stop saying stuff like that.

Calzorz plays an amazing Snake.
LP almost took down Leon, I almost took down Mr-R.
Kaspers Falco is really good, his bracket was extremly hard. :/
The sets between the from you so called top players and the places below all were really close, I dont see a big gap between em.

But yeah, I agree to Gluto, Kaos, Leon, Mr-R and Greward beeing the top5 of europe imo and Greward really deserves to be up there.

I don't think Greward is up there. I'm sure Kasper is.

LP, istud, calz, bjay are up there. Staco and Gregs (sorry) definitely aren't. Leon's marth is so offensive and fast, it's really amazing.

Also, about the GFs: Gluttony beat Ally at close range A LOT. He got a lot of bites and like 2 farts every match. Ally got a lot of grabs on gluttony. In the second set Ally started nade camping more instead of trying to beat gluttony at close range. Camping worked but he didn't do enough damage to make up for the juggles etc. Gluttony had on Ally.

Also, I took a match of Ally :D
istudy sure isn´t, when U look at this tourney

Im pretty sure BluB is much better than Kasper, Gregs and Marc in the MK MU, but its just my own opinion and its just based on some friendlys we played at 2am or something, so I cant really say. I also dont know whos better in general, Kasper and BluB both play amazing Falcos.
Sadly I just played friendlys against Kasper, I need to MM him next time we meet.

Jumpman, how many good players do I have to beat, that U start calling me a good player?


Smash Lord
Sep 15, 2008
Barcelona, Spain
U werent there so just stop saying stuff like that.

Calzorz plays an amazing Snake.
LP almost took down Leon, I almost took down Mr-R.
Kaspers Falco is really good, his bracket was extremly hard. :/
The sets between the from you so called top players and the places below all were really close, I dont see a big gap between em.

But yeah, I agree to Gluto, Kaos, Leon, Mr-R and Greward beeing the top5 of europe imo and Greward really deserves to be up there.

istudy sure isn´t, when U look at this tourney

Im pretty sure BluB is much better than Kasper, Gregs and Marc in the MK MU, but its just my own opinion and its just based on some friendlys we played at 2am or something, so I cant really say. I also dont know whos better in general, Kasper and BluB both play amazing Falcos.
Sadly I just played friendlys against Kasper, I need to MM him next time we meet.

Jumpman, how many good players do I have to beat, that U start calling me a good player?
I agree with most of it, except the blub part cuz I don't have a clue about that, but I think I'm better at the mk match-up than Gregs ( I'm not saying I'm a better Falco, I don't really care xD)

Imo: there are many more top players than people expect, I'll make a post about this later I guess. Some ppl are just underrated even when they place well ( grew being the most obvius)


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
Yeah, just as U said Marc, a lot of europeans really got underrated.

For example look at Jumpman when he played Ally, he played sooooo well.
Ive never seen a MK spacing the tornado so perfectly and getting the grabs that well.

What I also liked was that everything was pretty close and that there really were that much good players.

Also some people that didnt place that well like Kasper, King Funk, Rydle, Anaky, Biggad, Joanett, Semifer and some more played really good and could give some of the top players a challenge.

I really would love to see all this good people going to a big american tourney together to look how we would do there.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2008
Barcelona, EU
i cant be top5 in europe, i play lolimar. seriously, most people have never thinked of me as a good player, not when i got 4th in TSL, not now.

kira (kasper) is ****ingly god, hes not like all these dumb parrots that throw illusions all the time, love ya kira. calzorz is really good too, but i think kira is better than him (this doesnt mean ur bad). UK is way better than what i though =P

biggad was an awesome sheik, but i couldnt say which sheik is the best one in europe. biggad, edu and izaw are all good, even though edu's playstyle is way different than the other 2 (a lot more campy).

i got lucky with brackets/pools, i just got to play one falco and it was on pools.

leon didnt use peach, **** ya leon


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Good **** Calzorz for beating Istudy! Just realised that o_O

Unlucky Kasper for getting bracket gayed and Anaky for getting gayed in his matches, I'm sure you both could of got top 8 or 12! =D


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
the characters are so wrong D:
Deimos played Diddy and Snake as well, I didn't see him playing as Falco but I think he used him too.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Lol Staco, you're good, I just hate your style. Instead of playing against your opponent, you use Meta Knight. You win, that makes you good. I'd just love to see you use your brains, because you got them.

I myself don't use Meta Knight enough, I usually forget to use nado etc. I try to outplay my opponent, and that's the reason I lost to a Meta Knight who doesn't. It explains my terrible placing.

Staco, I love you man, but your style XD. We should do a MM next time, I got the feeling I did better in friendlies, but you could've been sandbagging.

King Funk

Int. Croc. Alligator
Nov 1, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
Also some people that didnt place that well like Kasper, King Funk, Rydle, Anaky, Biggad, Joanett, Semifer and some more played really good and could give some of the top players a challenge.
I don't know why you place me in the same category as all these players. I was absolutely awful.

Although I must admit that I suddenly started playing a lot better in friendlies (with Jumpman especially) after my disastrous exit in singles pools. It must have been because I was relieved of my stress and expectations. I'd also have to thank Kasper who comforted me and was really really nice. One of the coolest people I met out there.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2008
England, London
I don't know why you place me in the same category as all these players. I was absolutely awful.

Although I must admit that I suddenly started playing a lot better in friendlies (with Jumpman especially) after my disastrous exit in singles pools. It must have been because I was relieved of my stress and expectations. I'd also have to thank Kasper who comforted me and was really really nice. One of the coolest people I met out there.
Heh heh ^_^ no problem man, i just thought it was the right thing to do as i believed u deserved better. KASPER HAS GOTTA COMFORT HIS FELLOW BREAD PROTECTORS NO MATTER WHAT!!

Im pretty sure BluB is much better than Kasper, Gregs and Marc in the MK MU, but its just my own opinion and its just based on some friendlys we played at 2am or something, so I cant really say. I also dont know whos better in general, Kasper and BluB both play amazing Falcos.
Sadly I just played friendlys against Kasper, I need to MM him next time we meet.
tbh i totally agree with you in terms of blub being better than me in the mk mu. blub is a really legit falco. at 2am we were both tired so i dunno, i just went to sleep after playing you lol.



Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
I am very sorry King Funk, but I sandbag a lot in friendlies. I don't do that because I want to get an advantage in tournament, it's just that I don't feel like trying once I know I can beat my opponent. For example, after every spot dodge you down smashed, you never waited. I could just wait for a spot dodge and get a grab etc. Also, I never used nado, not even to recover.

Of course you're a decent player, but I honestly don't think we're on the same level.

Also, I'm not on Staco's list :(


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
The Netherlands
Shout ooouuutssss !!

Bushido staff Good **** of organiziing such an amazing event. Venue was great, lots of people and biggest european brawl tournament so far !! The organization could be better though

Charby Thaaaaankk youuuu sooooo muuuuch. I really apreciate the housing you gave us. I defenitely enjoyed my stay at your place. Thank you.
Kaos and LeonCongrats on your top 5 placing in both sinlges and teams. Too bad you (Kaos) lost to Ally. Ally is too good.
Geneke Colgateeeee !! You are so funny :p. I really laughed a lot because of you. I'm never gonna forget what you said the night when we all got on Chat roullette: "No no, she wants a black ****" xD
MankoMy fellow bird player <3, too bad we didn't play a lot (although i hate dittos :()
ZuluNoooooees, you forgot to give me that epic mario game of you xD.
Too all (other) French people It was really nice seeing you all again and i'm already looking forward to an other tournament again in French ^^.

AllyGood **** that you really showed up. At first I thought you might be trolling, but you ain't like that. Congats with your top2 placings for all events (and 1st in teams). Looking forward too see you again sometime.

KiraaDon't care if you're called kasper now, you're still kira to me ^^. I saw your bracket and i've to admit it was hard. Tbh I think that you might be the best falco in Europe :o(at the moment :p). I'm gonna steal some of your moves and improve my birdy with his lasers ^^. Btw, I know you liked that stanky legg vid xD.
CalzorzToo good. You improved a lot compared to last year. Winning against Istudying and (hate to say it <.<) "destroying" me in brackets. Good ****.
Anaky and Cong We didn't talked a lot, but nice seeing you guys.
UK people Of course nice seeing you (again). You really stepped up your game compared to last year. Keep it up !

StacoCongrats on your placing, I think you deserved it. Too bad we haven't played at all, I really wanted to see how my falco would have do against your MK.
YikarurOur last match in pools. Enough said I think xD.
Luigi playerYou're very legit. You got a nice (campy :p) Diddy. I'd like to play you again sometime.
L!nk_autStupid IC's :p. Too bad you messed up some grabs in our match. I got to say that you really improved. Keep it up.
To all German and Austrian players I'm looking forward to see yall again on a big event like this.

To all Spanish people I haven't really talked a lot to yall, but nice seeing some of you again. Congratz Greward for getting 5th place. You're really legit. Good **** of beating Ramin ( I was really surprised though when I heard this). One more thing: "Raaaaaaapppeeeeee". It really sound crazy when some of you were spamming this when some people were playing xD. And the movements you make with this is also epic :p.

Last but not least:
Dutchies Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hoezo geen ramin of istud in GF :(. Naja, makt nie uit. We moeten met z'n allen meer gaan spelen en wat MU's opbouwen en dan moet t wel goed komen. Vond het gezellig dat we met z'n best velen daar waren in France. Zo voel je je soms niet alleen tussen al die vreemde talen :p.
Tony en Kaak, goed gedaan in teams en Tony jij goed gedaan in singles. Ik blijf wel stil over Cenel en Jens maar Jens wel goed gedaan tegen Ally.
De mensen die bij Charby waren: Chatroulette xD


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
it just occured to me i'm the only dedede
you better bring el bardo next time spain!!
Mar 28, 2008
kira (kasper) is ****ingly god, hes not like all these dumb parrots that throw illusions all the time, love ya kira. calzorz is really good too, but i think kira is better than him (this doesnt mean ur bad). UK is way better than what i though =P
That's not make assumptions based on how Calz performed against you in comparison to Kasper, when the MUs are quite different in their own respects ^^.

King Funk

Int. Croc. Alligator
Nov 1, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
I am very sorry King Funk, but I sandbag a lot in friendlies.
Of course I know you were sandbagging, you didn't use tornado like more than twice in a match and were spamming tilts.

I wasn't saying I played better because I won some funny friendlies with you, it was more directed to myself. I just felt like playing better because I was calmer and more patient.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2009
he's 14* and looks like 14* ^^

and he ***** xD

but wait in 2 years, i have a feeling that he will **** look like his brother Karma, so don't forget what i say today xD


Smash Apprentice
Dec 18, 2008
Germany, Bochum
by Staco:

Lol Staco, you're good, I just hate your style. Instead of playing against your opponent, you use Meta Knight. You win, that makes you good. I'd just love to see you use your brains, because you got them.

I myself don't use Meta Knight enough, I usually forget to use nado etc. I try to outplay my opponent, and that's the reason I lost to a Meta Knight who doesn't. It explains my terrible placing.

Staco, I love you man, but your style XD. We should do a MM next time, I got the feeling I did better in friendlies, but you could've been sandbagging.
yeah, sure
I know that U disliked my playstyle against iStudys ICs, but I tried to do the necessary thing to win that matchup and I feel like that this is the way to do best in the MU (outcamping pepe, when nana is killed)

I think that I didnt play like that against ramins marth or against lps and istudys diddykong

and I sure sandbag in friendlys, like testing stuff and doing much more stupid stuff.
I also e.g. dont play deffensive against falcos in friendlys (trying to sure not getting chaingrabbed until ~35%)

I am very sorry King Funk, but I sandbag a lot in friendlies. I don't do that because I want to get an advantage in tournament, it's just that I don't feel like trying once I know I can beat my opponent. For example, after every spot dodge you down smashed, you never waited. I could just wait for a spot dodge and get a grab etc. Also, I never used nado, not even to recover.

Of course you're a decent player, but I honestly don't think we're on the same level.

Also, I'm not on Staco's list :(
U took a match of ally, did I really need to mention U? :p
I didnt mention a lot of great european players, who deserve do be called good players :)
as I said there are like 20+ europeans which are all really really good and should travel to america together
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