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Brawlers hate us-What can we do?-READ FIRST POST!

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Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
Ok, this is just getting ridiculous. I only lashed out at banks because i hate corrosive sarcasm. I never said anything bad to anyone else. I was just politely wondering why you guys think we hate you. But for some reason, none of you are capable of being anything but jerks.
I was sarcastic because your first post was really stupid and funny.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
The brawl forums is a cesspool of ignorance and scrub attitude. F*** them. Most brawl players Im sure do not share the views of the f***ing morons in that section.

Deleted member

Miharu said:
Get your immature **** out of this thread. "I only hate ____ because they hate us"; don't need kind of ****ing joke of an argument in here.
I'm only posting in this thread to laugh at the amazing amount of hypocrisy in this post.

Carry on.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2008
Scotland,Near Glasgow
Ok while i may not have anything new to say, but i will say it anyway.

I picked up melee i think in 02 and i played it a lot for the first couple of years then it was on and off until i picked up brawl fairly recently.

Yes i do notice and find annoying some of brawls features but melee was@nt perfect either.

Brawl:Snakes n Meta knights rampaging at the moment.

Melee:Fox was the choice for everybody and their granny.

Yes i pefer brawl but i can understand why peeps enjoy the melee better and thus i would rather not battle in a flame war.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Ok while i may not have anything new to say, but i will say it anyway.

I picked up melee i think in 02 and i played it a lot for the first couple of years then it was on and off until i picked up brawl fairly recently.

Yes i do notice and find annoying some of brawls features but melee was@nt perfect either.

Brawl:Snakes n Meta knights rampaging at the moment.

Melee:Fox was the choice for everybody and their granny.

Yes i pefer brawl but i can understand why peeps enjoy the melee better and thus i would rather not battle in a flame war.
The fact that you think Fox was the choice for EVERYBODY shows your ignorance to the Melee scene. I would say Marth/Sheik are more prevalent, and even than there are multiple characters that go into the Mid tier that are usable (icies, samus, ganon, jiggly... maybe the Marios?).

While the Brawl tourney scene might be relatively new, Snake and Meta Knight are CLEARLY the most tournament viable characters with GaW, DDD and Marth having a slight chance. The gap between the Top tiers and even the mid tiers in Brawl is astounding, the bottom- mid tiers have NO shot at winning a major tournament ever.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2006
Zodiac, it seems to me that you want everyone to acknowledge melee as the superior competitive game and play it instead of brawl. But if you're just worried about keeping hostility down, as you say you are, then just be careful about what you say. There are tons of brawl players and you might be accidentally exaggerating the overall brawl community's reaction based on a small percent of those players.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Zodiac, it seems to me that you want everyone to acknowledge melee as the superior competitive game and play it instead of brawl. But if you're just worried about keeping hostility down, as you say you are, then just be careful about what you say. There are tons of brawl players and you might be accidentally exaggerating the overall brawl community's reaction based on a small percent of those players.
It's not possible to get the whole Brawl community to give up on their game. It's THEIR preference to play Brawl, who's to say they are wrong? I believe a more plausible claim would be to play both as opposed to only just one, especially since Brawl is no where NEAR as good a competitive fighting game.

This is more of a backup. Imagine we're right, and Brawl ends up being a huge failure that the rest of the Competitive community deems unworthy of being on major tournaments (Evo, Mlg). Granted the underground scene might continue, but look at what happened with the Soul Calibur series. Just because a flashy new, "update" comes around doesn't mean we have to jump on it because it's the 'new thing'. This reflects more on our consumer culture than anything that has to actually do with video games themselves.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
In my opinion, instead of making one game banish the other, maybe we could host tournaments where you can play both melee and brawl, and maybe 64. That way, brawlers will get interested in melee, and meleers will find brawl more interesting when brawlers develop the game further. If that happens, we will have well-rounded community, where people are good on both brawl and melee, and instead of being divided on brawlers or meleers, we would simply be called smashers.

(BTW i don't hate you people)


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Maine (NSG)
why not just have melee tourneys alongside mario party, fuzion frenzy, and tic tac toe??... because it's a waste of time.

I don't think putting crappy party games next to melee just to please some stinky emo kids, who think their shiny new party game is some elite game of chess is worth it...


Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2006
why not just have melee tourneys alongside mario party, fuzion frenzy, and tic tac toe??... because it's a waste of time.

I don't think putting crappy party games next to melee just to please some stinky emo kids, who think their shiny new party game is some elite game of chess is worth it...
Whether you like it or not, future Melee players will most likely have to be culled from Brawl. The debate over which game is better is sort of pointless actually, because unless we can find a way to bring new people into Melee, Melee will die out no matter whether everyone agrees it is a better competitive game or not. If we can't encourage new people to get into Melee, all the Melee community can do is dwindle until there isn't one left.

Personally, I think we should have free or low cost sort of Melee tournaments catered specifically towards people who normally play Brawl or aren't ridiculously good at it at least. That way, they won't be deterred from playing in the first place just because it costs money, and they'll play with people who're generally in their skill level, so that they don't get immediately discouraged and shunted off by someone far above their skill level. Sure, it's sort of mollycoddling them (hopefully they won't take it as being patronized), but we have to figure out someway to get people exposed to and enjoy Melee, without being completely shut down from the start.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
You guys want to know how to make us not hate you?

Shut the hell up.

We get it. You don't like Brawl. That's fine with us, just STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. You guys are always going on and on about how 'zomg their liek traing to mayk us liek Brawl!11' when you guys are doing the exact same thing with Melee.

Many of you have posted in the Brawl discussion saying to stop playing Brawl to play Melee because 'zomg Brawl is nawt deep!1'. Guess what? The game hasn't even been out for three months. We're not going to find anything like wavedashing this fast.

Don't like Brawl? Stay in the Melee forum. That simple.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2007
New York-Main(s): Ike, Luigi
Well not reading the last 11 pages I just want to say my piece.

I use to play melee. Trying to get better and better with each day I play. And in some cases, getting into a smashfest or two in a day. Melee wasn't exactly the top thing in my life went to a few regional tournies didn't place no higher than tenth the last time I went. And I just accepted that I wouldn't be as good as some mainstream players I've seen on youtube and stuff like that. And then brawl came out and I got into that, and well still playing as I always do, and just having fun, people can only have the same fun as me when i'm playing them.

Well getting that out I can go into the topic now with no regrets. I don't believe brawlers "hate" you. To what I have seen people just have there own tastes and preferences with the gaming experience. People loyal to melee find distaste with brawl since it seems to shorten the gap between "noob and pro". I find this claim to be utter stupid and fruitless to uphold. Just because because you (a pro from melee getting into brawl) got baited by some guy who picked up the game in about a few weeks with his f-smash and won the tourney because of it doesn't mean brawl isn't in a good game.

Melee did have its point, with all the adv. techs under the sun, You couldn't just pick up the game in a matter of a few days and even think of being competitive compared to some players who studied and lock down information like character's framerate, the hitboxes, certain glitches, etc. etc. But I believe that some meleenites are becoming a little cocky and overzealous that brawlers are playing a "casual game". With that said, they claim that true "hardcore gamers" player melee and brawl sucks that, and they hate this about it. Well yes... well, that does cause people to be offensive and battle back, claiming that brawl that supemacy over melee.

To be truthful... if the adv. techs were never discovered, we would be shielding, spotdodging and dodge rolling all the same as it is in Brawl. Now is Melee better than Brawl?... No in my opinion. Is brawl better than Melee?... Well no either... And I know it funny to say that, but they are both worth their weight in gold , and that gonna be that about it. But I do think the equality of brawl is very good for more people to come on that melee. Think about it... do you think a thirteen-fourteen year old kid who see two pros going at it in melee and seeing all the things that could be done could be easily grabbed as to maybe seeing the simplity of brawl and maybe getting into that and having more fun? Yeah, to the term of making a kick *** combo vid someday, but to be competitive and have fun, well... that's a different story.

If this post offends anyone, I apologize, because that's how I see it. I worked quite hard to learn any of the adv. techs in melee and still just looked on as noob and always being a noob. Brawl, I learned a few things and having fun with others and still learning other things... techs of a game that people say that in brawl you can't combo, or in brawl there's no depth and such of that nature. I just think maybe the hate will stop when people just stop telling others how they are and how this game sucks more *** than that game.

That's all...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Andover, Minnesota
While I do prefer Brawl over Melee,I can totally see why people prefer Melee.I haven't read all of this thread so bear with me.I don't really like how many wil say Brawl is better without a real argument.I enjoy both.They're both amazing games.However I can't say I've experienced a real tourney yet so my opinion doesn't really matter to many.I kind of like the lax feel of Brawl and the characters in it.I can't really explain why.I have been playing Melee much more recently and still have fun playing.I lost the little skill I had and was like I was starting over.I LOVE pulling those combos off on people and the change of pace from Brawl.I really wish I could've experienced Melee in it's prime.I just don't want a stupid argument like this to destroy the community.If you like Melee or Brawl,play it.Don't let anyone except yourself decide.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
The fact that you think Fox was the choice for EVERYBODY shows your ignorance to the Melee scene. I would say Marth/Sheik are more prevalent, and even than there are multiple characters that go into the Mid tier that are usable (icies, samus, ganon, jiggly... maybe the Marios?).

While the Brawl tourney scene might be relatively new, Snake and Meta Knight are CLEARLY the most tournament viable characters with GaW, DDD and Marth having a slight chance. The gap between the Top tiers and even the mid tiers in Brawl is astounding, the bottom- mid tiers have NO shot at winning a major tournament ever.
I just won in a tournament using Peach.



Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
IMO, Brawl and Melee are both great games, but Melee has the competitive edge. I love playing brawl with a group of friends, 4 player FFA, but if I wanna get into a smash competition, I want to be playing Melee. In Brawl, spammers can surpass even some of the greater players, because more of the moves for some characters are broken. In Melee, if you spammed a certain move over and over and over again, chances are, you'd get f***ed up the ***. Plus, Brawl feels like Melee-underwater.

Another thing is, that advanced techniques also make Melee a better competitive game. Those little difficult to master advanced techs could've been the difference between a good player and a bad player, and some techs could even win a match. In Brawl, without the advanced techs, it limits the players to mindgames more than anything. I liked being able to see videos with people being able to win with technical skill, or mindgames, because it added variety in the competition.

Of course, I've never been to a tournament, for Brawl, 64 or Melee, so what i say doesn't really matter, I'm going from strictly opinion. Brawl's lack of speed, advanced techs and various other little things make everything sort of one-sided. Melee was a little more unpredictable.

....opinions FTL?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
know what game is better than melee and brawl, the original. its so simple but yet really competitive too. no advanced tactics or anything.
... *facepalm*

64 is more broken than Melee or Brawl. There are advanced techs, and they make certain characters (Pika, kirby, ness) a lot better than the rest of the cast. All combos are pretty much set in stone, and zero to death combos happen quite frequently in advanced level play.




TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
People who bring up Gimpyfish and stuff as their saviors in ball should open their eyes and realize that us Melee people are just taking your money, and still staying true to Melee. I love playing people in Brawl, they underestimate me because I say I hate it.. and then the money falls in my pocket... in that regard I LOVE Brawl. Then I go play Melee with friends, because I enjoy that game more.

Welcome to the brawl community,
The Melee vets are still better then a majority of the scrubs, theres just more bank in it.

Just like Melee was, the better players made bank of tournaments and money matching the worse players. With a HUGE influx of bad players how could you not farm the resources?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Doesn't TGM suck at both games? Why is he still posting on these boards El Oh El

Edit: Double post, don't care

Edit2: Skyler, you can't use a tournament with no big names as evidence. Especially a no name tourney ready watch this.

I just won a tournament with Mewtwo in melee, therefore the game is ridic balanced if you put in the time...


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
Exactly, even the worst characters in Melee could stand a very good chance in tournaments, if used correctly. IMO, unless you use Snake, MK or ROB in brawl tournaments, you really have to be much better than MK, Snake or ROB users to win. I main Luigi in brawl, and though I can beat good MK , Robs or Snakes, I usally lose most, because Luigi has nothing on those characters. ( actually, I do really well against Snake, but you get the point)

I'm really tired, so I'm sorry if that post makes no sense >.<


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
Melee- Best competitive Smash game
Brawl- Best casual Smash game

I agree that Melee's style of play suits the competitive scene more than brawl's, but when I want to play with a group friends, just casual play, I'll choose brawl.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Melee- Best competitive Smash game
Brawl- Best casual Smash game

I agree that Melee's style of play suits the competitive scene more than brawl's, but when I want to play with a group friends, just casual play, I'll choose brawl.
Then you choose death...Lulz

Kirby M.D.

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2006
The Melee scene just needs to run stuff and stay alive. Ignore the noobs and the idiots in GD, most Brawl players in the know respect Melee and still like it. Don't fall for the stupidity, and don't act elitist when responding to the Brawl camp. People like different things, don't force anything and show, not tell.

I can't stress this enough, DO NOT BE SMUG PRICKS ABOUT MELEE OR BRAWL'S MERITS. Saying "lulz Melee > Brawl nub" will only fan the flames. See both sides of the coin, and if you don't like the other side, keep it to yourself. The main reason that Brawl cats flip out in GD is because the Melee side come off as elitists and jerks.

Don't talk ****, won't be ****. It's as simple as that.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Andover, Minnesota
The Melee scene just needs to run stuff and stay alive. Ignore the noobs and the idiots in GD, most Brawl players in the know respect Melee and still like it. Don't fall for the stupidity, and don't act elitist when responding to the Brawl camp. People like different things, don't force anything and show, not tell.

I can't stress this enough, DO NOT BE SMUG PRICKS ABOUT MELEE OR BRAWL'S MERITS. Saying "lulz Melee > Brawl nub" will only fan the flames. See both sides of the coin, and if you don't like the other side, keep it to yourself. The main reason that Brawl cats flip out in GD is because the Melee side come off as elitists and jerks.

Don't talk ****, won't be ****. It's as simple as that.
Couldn't say it any better myself.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2007
The Melee scene just needs to run stuff and stay alive. Ignore the noobs and the idiots in GD, most Brawl players in the know respect Melee and still like it. Don't fall for the stupidity, and don't act elitist when responding to the Brawl camp. People like different things, don't force anything and show, not tell.

I can't stress this enough, DO NOT BE SMUG PRICKS ABOUT MELEE OR BRAWL'S MERITS. Saying "lulz Melee > Brawl nub" will only fan the flames. See both sides of the coin, and if you don't like the other side, keep it to yourself. The main reason that Brawl cats flip out in GD is because the Melee side come off as elitists and jerks.

Don't talk ****, won't be ****. It's as simple as that.
i definitely feel like this is the only person who has made any sense on these boards in a while..
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