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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Yeah it's the only reason I play Sheik, it's so awesome :p
JCease!! Yea your shiek was ****!!! Not to rush you or anything but let me if u can upload some of those ivy vids. Especially the one with me and dotcom(he was lucas i think. or ness??) The one where we team comboed to a spike for the win. I want to use that in the PA Brawl+ vid we going to make after BTL!


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Zelda isn't better with the no freefall din's btw... simply because a) the priority of din's is low and b) the end lag is HUGE, making it a gimmick. Those that know the matchup can simply run into her and nair her, as it cancels din's anyways, so it never becomes an option.

It's nice and all, but it still doesn't make din's very usable. Because everyone's that much faster now, and din's has stayed the same, it becomes even less of a useful harass tool =( I feel as it somehow needs to be very slightly sped up, or the ending lag needs to very slightly reduce imo (I'm using the latest PAL nightly build btw)


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2009
Union City, CA
I got Brawl+ working on my home console for the first time last night, using the 5-8-09 nightly build. My impressions:

Lucario's up+B buff is one of the sweetest things ever. However, I noticed that there was a bug when using it on the ground that prevented you from using it until you jumped or got hit again.

Link's speed buffs are amazing, but I can't help but think that his dair landing lag is too short. It seemed pretty fast for the power it has.

Snake is a beast with the current ALR. I'm not sure if it's just me, but he was consistently trumping most of my approaches when I was fighting him (primarily with Captain Falcon, which may have had something to do with it). Combined with his utilt and the first hit of his ftilt, he was kicking me all over the place. Are there changes for Snake coming down the pipe, or is he whupping as intended?

Good work guys, I love this project.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
JCease!! Yea your shiek was ****!!! Not to rush you or anything but let me if u can upload some of those ivy vids. Especially the one with me and dotcom(he was lucas i think. or ness??) The one where we team comboed to a spike for the win. I want to use that in the PA Brawl+ vid we going to make after BTL!
Tournament vids get first priority and I have a bunch to go through, so don't expect it soon.

Zelda isn't better with the no freefall din's btw... simply because a) the priority of din's is low and b) the end lag is HUGE, making it a gimmick. Those that know the matchup can simply run into her and nair her, as it cancels din's anyways, so it never becomes an option.

It's nice and all, but it still doesn't make din's very usable. Because everyone's that much faster now, and din's has stayed the same, it becomes even less of a useful harass tool =( I feel as it somehow needs to be very slightly sped up, or the ending lag needs to very slightly reduce imo (I'm using the latest PAL nightly build btw)
I agree it's not some broken buff like some people would make it out to be. Really it just lets her not kill herself if she accidentally slides off the edge on Yoshi's or something like that.

Din's was never an amazing projectile 1v1, and never will be. It's super-**** in teams though, which is where Zelda shines imo.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Zelda isn't better with the no freefall din's btw... simply because a) the priority of din's is low and b) the end lag is HUGE, making it a gimmick. Those that know the matchup can simply run into her and nair her, as it cancels din's anyways, so it never becomes an option.

It's nice and all, but it still doesn't make din's very usable. Because everyone's that much faster now, and din's has stayed the same, it becomes even less of a useful harass tool =( I feel as it somehow needs to be very slightly sped up, or the ending lag needs to very slightly reduce imo (I'm using the latest PAL nightly build btw)
ah yes, lets buff a good character even more. I also think her aerials should give characters landing lag +10% each time she uses them.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Lucario's up+B buff is one of the sweetest things ever. However, I noticed that there was a bug when using it on the ground that prevented you from using it until you jumped or got hit again.
CLICK HERE for the discussion talking about this

As for Ivysaur's Razor Leaf, I personally like what kupo did to it. In kupo's set, it was only sped-up during the latter half of the attack (at the point the leaf comes out) by a factor of 1.3. Shanus's set has the entire move, from start to finish, sped-up by a factor of 1.5 (which is overdoing it, IMO).


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
new set online

did someone say ICs infinite removed?
Why?? After watching m2k vs lain it's your own fault if u get caught in it. Especially since you can no longer trip into it. As soon as you see ic's on the select screen you know whats going to happen when u get grabbed. DONT GET GRABBED. Ic's main use them for the chain grabs. To take it out is just saying a big F you to the whole gameplay of ic's.(Yes i know only the infinite is out and the other cg's are still in)

O well this is just my opinion as i don't play ic's.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
One grab = death is ****ing stupid.

Chu proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that ICs don't need infinites in Brawl+.

Edit: In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Chu won the B+ tourney at Apex with ICs, and he didn't do a single alt grab.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT-6fHfPRl8 - grand finals match 1


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Aww too late lol. Whatever, i can just download the next one. Also, to get rid of the infinite i think you have to buff a lot of other things. Albeit i haven't played IC that much so i don't really know what they can do without it, so don't take my opinion as stone. I just think that since the main part of their gameplay was taken out, they need to be compensated.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Aww too late lol. Whatever, i can just download the next one. Also, to get rid of the infinite i think you have to buff a lot of other things. Albeit i haven't played IC that much so i don't really know what they can do without it, so don't take my opinion as stone. I just think that since the main part of their gameplay was taken out, they need to be compensated.
They already have been, in spades. Check out the total changelist.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
One grab = death is ****ing stupid.

Chu proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that ICs don't need infinites in Brawl+.

Edit: In case you don't know what I'm talking about, Chu won the B+ tourney at Apex with ICs, and he didn't do a single alt grab.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT-6fHfPRl8 - grand finals match 1
Great to see Chu playing the IC's. I missed all the **** that came from him in Melee.

I can't wait to see what he can do with the Nana fix!

Also, thanks a lot for getting vids of Apex up!


Smash Rookie
Oct 24, 2005
from future codesets, can you put a .bin codeset and a snapshot loader.gct? some people have problems to load gecko 1.9 because it reads two times the brawl disc, and if someone has problems with the brawl (a scratch or something like that) you just can't use gecko 1.9... and using double gct method doesn't work correctly because it doesn't load all of the codes


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008
So, earlier today I was playing Brawl+ and something felt weird about it. So I kept playing and realized that you can no longer jump and attack immediately.
Why is that? Is it purposely like that or is that just a glitch? I don't see anything wrong with adding it back in if you can.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
So, earlier today I was playing Brawl+ and something felt weird about it. So I kept playing and realized that you can no longer jump and attack immediately.
Why is that? Is it purposely like that or is that just a glitch? I don't see anything wrong with adding it back in if you can.
Most likely your not used to buffer. Or rather lack there of. Put your handicap to 100. It will feel like normal brawl again.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
The Falco shine buff is great, adds quite a bit of depth to Falco! The laser nerf is also a fine nerf, complementing his new shine. Great add. Brawl+ is awesome!


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Wait... why was the wolf shin buff removed? D:

And Lucario still needs his down b attack to be sped up so it actually works D:


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
@DarkDragoon: I was waiting for the new set to go up so I could play Glick and find a Brawl+ main, but brawl hates me right now... so I'm going to bed. I better see you at some tourneys this summer kit.


Smash Cadet
Apr 28, 2009
Union City, CA
5-11 Impressions

Falco's new shine is interesting and definitely has potential. As it is, it seems like it needs to be very specifically spaced to be combo-viable, but it's still a good change.

New Pork City is fully playable. The Waiting Room has not been swapped (I personally enjoy NPC, but for tournament play, I realize it's pointless). Pirate Ship is also not frozen.

DDD is still throwing minions with jab. :/

Mario, Link, and Peach changes all seem to be working properly.

Wolf's UpB doesn't seem to be allowing DI any earlier than normal.

Edit: In a really weird note, I'm running Brawls against one CPU to try these fixes out, with items on high and only food set, and with this new code set, suddenly Smash Dollars are spawning. The ones that are worth ten each in Coin Battle. o_O Wha...?
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