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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Well, I got the Conditional Action Mods to work by putting the two codes last. So there's a chance that some other code was canceling it out by being after it (just maybe). Well, I don't feel like looking too much into it, just as long as it works. :)
But it seems that this way is a big improvement over the old FallSpecial Mod code, since not only does it have less lines, but you now no longer have to attack after up-b first in order to be able to jump.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Well, I got the Conditional Action Mods to work by putting the two codes last. So there's a chance that some other code was canceling it out by being after it (just maybe). Well, I don't feel like looking too much into it, just as long as it works. :)
But it seems that this way just a big improvement over the old FallSpecial Mod code, since not only does it have less lines, but you now no longer have to attack after up-b first in order to be able to jump.
Not to mention that you can replace anything not limited to fall special. We may be able to remove auto powershielding with it ;)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
for the brawlplussary set, it uses both meteor smash and spike terms when talking about changes. Is this just inconsistency, or are some moves now true spikes?
Yes, there's some true spikes now (actually only one lol) the rest are meteor smashes however.

Link's Dtilt is the only spike change made so far (it is a true spike). Everything else can be meteor canceled.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Yes, there's some true spikes now (actually only one lol) the rest are meteor smashes however.

Link's Dtilt is the only spike change made so far (it is a true spike). Everything else can be meteor canceled.
Isn't the initial hit of ganon's aerial wizkick a spike too?


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
im trying to load brawl+ for the first time
and in gecko it says "SD codes found. Applying"
It's been doing this for 10 minutes v.v


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
theres none inserted.. :( Guess my wii froze.
Am I supposed to have the private>wii>APP>RSBE>PF>RSBE01.gct
in there too?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
theres none inserted.. :( Guess my wii froze.
Am I supposed to have the private>wii>APP>RSBE>PF>RSBE01.gct
in there too?
Umm... here's what you should be doing:

gameconfig.txt in the SD Card
RSBE01.gct in the codes folder
Gecko OS 1.9 in apps

That's it. Try it again if you've done all of the above. If you're still having problems, it might be because you're on a 4.0 Wii, I've heard there's problems with Gecko OS 1.9 working with it. You may want to try Gecko OS 1.8 if you can find it (search Google).


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Umm... here's what you should be doing:

gameconfig.txt in the SD Card
RSBE01.gct in the codes folder
Gecko OS 1.9 in apps

That's it. Try it again if you've done all of the above. If you're still having problems, it might be because you're on a 4.0 Wii, I've heard there's problems with Gecko OS 1.9 working with it. You may want to try Gecko OS 1.8 if you can find it (search Google).

Thanks. I have 4.0 with hbc.
I think I had the wrong RSBE01 file in there..
sometimes it freezes sometimes it doesnt.
maybe i'll get 1.8.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
My impressions on the 5/8/09 set:

Things I Liked​
Being fairly more conservative when it comes to character buffs and nerfs i really enjoyed that a lot of the unneeded changes were scrapped from the game. I like a lot of the fall speed removals though some need to be tweaked (ivy: more lag). On the contrary to "unnecessary buffs" I really love Lucario's new up b. It is possibly one of the most badass things in the game now and i find my self playing him from time to time to just try and incorporate it into my combo game. While it is a "buff" the start up lag prevents it from being too overpowered. This game needs more unique moves and character styles that differ from vbrawl and I think this is a wonderful addition to the game.

Suggestions for improvements​
I'm not quite sure if i should post my suggestions in here or the plussery but i wanted to keep it all together
Sonic: I'm not even gonna pretend to be a sonic main (or even like him) but one of my favorite Sonic buffs was the u-smash spike. I really love tech chasing and i believe increasing his tech chasing options was a great addition to his game. While a lot of Sonic mains would prefer the n-air change I think the unique u-smash was a better "fun" buff and equally as good for his game. ( I dont play sonic tho so eh.. take it with a grain of salt i suppose)

Peach: Peach is a great character but I feel she deserves a little something. Peach lacks in good kill options, while we dont need to get rid of this weakness we could improve on it. I would compare Peach to Shiek. Shiek can rack up damage with great combos but she lacks (as it should be) in raw killing potential. Though she is a good character she received a slight f-air buff. I think the same needs to be done for Peach. I suggest two things: a small increase for the KBG on Peach's fair. With good DI I've survived to the mid 100's with kirby against what is suppose to be one of Peach's best killing options. A small increase in KBG will help reduce this burden on her.

My second suggestion would be to increase the BKB on Peach's Frying pan (Fsmash). I dont know if it is possible to increase the kb on just one of the moves but i would guess that it is considering they all act a little different. Since the gravity was increased this move (like others) got a nerf. Considering Peach could use a small buff maybe we can bring back the kill percent of this move back to its original vbrawl counterpart.

Kirby: I preach about this all the time but i might as well say it again. Kirby's copy ability should have a higher BKB to prevent it from being punished. It's ridiculous that a character would get punished for successfully pulling off a move that isn't even that great. Not only does doing the move lead to a free damage option for your opponent but it can also potentially knock out your ability as well. The risk=reward ratio is out of whack.

Aesthetic buffs: :psycho: Since we are weaning out some of the balancing issues of brawl+ it would be nice to see some more unique fun things added to game to help improve the game from a different stand point. I suggest putting in the melee kirby taunt and getting the Yes! knee incorporated as well as any other nice tweaks you guys can come up with. While its not neccessary, it's just a fun addition to the game since most of the main changes are being finalized.

This is all I got right now. I should be playing a lot more often now so I hope to provide some more constructive criticism. I'm sorry if it's too long but i want to provide as much feedback as i can.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Thanks. I have 4.0 with hbc.
I think I had the wrong RSBE01 file in there..
sometimes it freezes sometimes it doesnt.
maybe i'll get 1.8.
You need it.

And why are people talking about Kupo's codes? This is for discussing the nightly builds.


Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2007
I think lucarios down b should be a little less useless and sheiks jab should do less damage it can rack up 22% in a split second and can be spammed


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
You need it.

And why are people talking about Kupo's codes? This is for discussing the nightly builds.
Nightly builds are not limited to shanus. I have my own nightly build which is right underneath shanus'. The entire point of this thread is to post different nightly builds for people to try out and pull the stuff that they like from all the sets so it can be added to the plussery. Seems to have failed so far.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I'm fine with buffing a move on a good character as long as that move is pretty much useless, like Lucario's case, but when the move it already useful enough, I don't think it's necessary to buff it.
Being punished upon successful connection is basis for a good move?

It's ridiculous that a character would get punished for successfully pulling off a move that isn't even that great. Not only does doing the move lead to a free damage option for your opponent but it can also potentially knock out your ability as well. The risk=reward ratio is out of whack.
Guess we don't need to buff Kirby's copy after all.

My ultimate point, light snark aside, is Falco's old shine is hardly considered a good or even moderately useful move. A number of people that have made replies pertaining to the matter in the Falco discussion board are in agreement. cAm8ooo unintentionally summed up my thoughts on Falco's old shine with his on the Kirby copy ability: The risk=reward ratio is completely out of whack. It is extremely difficult to land with; unless you hit with the tail end of the attack, it is extremely punishable even when you connect with it because of the time it takes for Falco to put away the shine; and on the off-chance you are able to space it well enough to not be punished for it, the reward you get from spacing the attack perfectly is next to nothing to be blunt. The new shine will allow proper reward for hitting with the shine and eliminating the possibility of being punished for it with a successful hit along with deepening Falco's game considerably and opening up new possibilities and strategy for the character. This is balanced by not only a nerf to Falco's lasers (a nerf that is well-deserved considering how much they can shut down taller characters), but also by making it even harder to successfully connect with outside of an established combo by doubling the first four frames of startup.

Needless to say, I am in favor of bringing back the Falco shine buff; my reasons for can be found a few pages back in the Falco discussion topic if you're interested (they spanned several large posts which I don't feel like reiterating at the moment unless pressed). I'm actually very supportive of alot of the original changes made to some characters, including Wolf's "Melee Falco" shine, Lucario's Extremespeed buff (I'm very glad to see that's still kept in), and Sonic's spikesmash (I like it so much that even if my playstyle is much more suited to the normal usmash because I can follow it up much easier, the originality of an usmash that sends the opponent down and the depth it gives to Sonic's metagame is simply too delicious to pass up).

I can see why most conservative-minded players would take the stance that they do, and I respect them and their opinion for it, but I would be willing to give a unique buff to Metaknight if it could significantly deepen his metagame while not breaking the move or the character.

I personally don't agree with the criterion that a character has to be mediocre or bad to receive unique buffs. I understand the sentiment that people want to buff the lesser characters with unique things before the "better" characters (I use this term subjectively, because the game isn't complete, therefore we don't know who will end up being the better characters in the game) I don't think we should ignore a unique buff for a better character if we have one lying at our feet already. Again, it's more a matter of trying to optimize character (and by extension, game) depth without sacrificing balance or suffering homogenization. One of the primary complaints of vBrawl is the lack of depth, correct? Brawl+ is an attempt to fix everything we can that is wrong with vBrawl to the best of our extents, and though the community has differing opinions on how to achieve that, I view that giving characters increased depth and increased options is one of the primary ways to go about doing such so long as we don't break the game in the process. We have a opportunity to do great things. Why shouldn't we make the most of what we can do?

...Ok so I did ramble on about my reasoning for wanting the Falco Shine buff inadvertently. ****.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I was un-aware that you could be punished for successfully using Falco's shine. If that's the case then I would agree that some kind of fix should be added. I just saw it as more of a spacing utility then a combo starter. Unless your opponent can always hit you before the lag of the move is over then im against the buff just like if there was enough hitstun to shield or dodge with kirby's copy then i wouldn't want a fix for it. Just because a move isnt "that great" doesnt mean it deserves to be buffed tho. If the move is basically broken (ex. always punishable) then that is when a fix should be implemented.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
What did the previous buff to Falco's shine do that made it so desired by the Falco mains? I don't think I download shanus's nightly build when it had the buff for Falco's shine, so I wouldn't know.

Also, about Ike's side-b change. When Ike hits someone with him side-b while recovering, he falls WAY too low until he can do anything again, at which point, there's no hope for him to survive, even with a jump remaining (chances are, he won't have a jump remaining, anyway, since considering the circumstances, he'll use it before using side-b). Now, this is taken into consideration by using kupo's set, with the higher gravity. (But the lag is still probably too much for shanus's set as well.)
But I don't see why Ike can't just have his side-b never put him into special-fall. Even if it is like that, it would only be similar to Pikachu's recovery (probably a little worse than Pikachu's), so it's not like that type of recovery would make him ridiculously broken (as you can still intercept his side-b).
So I think the best option is having his side-b never put him into special-fall. But if not that, then at least cut out most of the wind-down lag after he hits someone with his aerial side-b (with this option, there would be testing needed for both nightly build codesets, since the gravity is different). If neither, then him having the property of no special-fall after hitting with that is pretty pointless.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
What did the previous buff to Falco's shine do that made it so desired by the Falco mains? I don't think I download shanus's nightly build when it had the buff for Falco's shine, so I wouldn't know.

Also, about Ike's side-b change. When Ike hits someone with him side-b while recovering, he falls WAY too low until he can do anything again, at which point, there's no hope for him to survive, even with a jump remaining (chances are, he won't have a jump remaining, anyway, since considering the circumstances, he'll use it before using side-b). Now, this is taken into consideration by using kupo's set, with the higher gravity. (But the lag is still probably too much for shanus's set as well.)
But I don't see why Ike can't just have his side-b never put him into special-fall. Even if it is like that, it would only be similar to Pikachu's recovery (probably a little worse than Pikachu's), so it's not like that type of recovery would make him ridiculously broken (as you can still intercept his side-b).
So I think the best option is having his side-b never put him into special-fall. But if not that, then at least cut out most of the wind-down lag after he hits someone with his aerial side-b (with this option, there would be testing needed for both nightly build codesets, since the gravity is different). If neither, then him having the property of no special-fall after hitting with that is pretty pointless.
Falco's shine had the following changes when I did it:
-Start up time till hitbox doubled from 4 frames to 8 frames
-Shine hits inwards and upwards (noDI sets up for grab or utilt)
-Endlag sped up 1.5x

Regarding ikes side B: With it giving normal freefall on all of his sideB, he can actually trivially go under smashville and live.he can also jump, sideB off the edge, dair, jump upB or side B, side B, upB, etc. It was so imba. Also with our grav, it seems to be fine unless he is gimped from below, in which case he shouldnt be sideBing anyway.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hm, I guess Ike's side-b just didn't seem that good since I was using it with the higher falling speed of kupo's set. And now it's horrible with kupo's gravity due to the nerf for shanus's set... LOL

Oh, and I'm not sure if it was that change in Falco's shine, or another change, but at one time (I remember the shine hitting people upwards instead of forward, though), whenever I hit with the shine, the one getting hit would fly towards me and could just n-air me immediately, before the shine wind-down animation ended. Hopefully, that one isn't the "buffed" one that people are talking about, for the Falco player's sake.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
What nerfs did shanus give to ike?
shanus didn't give any nerfs. We just made it so his Side B, when it is in the attacking form, he doesn't go into fall special. Otherwise, if he uses it normally when it doesn't attack, it has fall special. This is what Chaos is talking about and it is not a nerf.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Oh, and I'm not sure if it was that change in Falco's shine, or another change, but at one time (I remember the shine hitting people upwards instead of forward, though), whenever I hit with the shine, the one getting hit would fly towards me and could just n-air me immediately, before the shine wind-down animation ended. Hopefully, that one isn't the "buffed" one that people are talking about, for the Falco player's sake.
It was the primary build for the Falco Shine buff we're talking about now. That one was taken out because, as you said, the move was essentially worthless thanks to it giving no hitstun. Shanus later found a method to give the shine proper hitstun by giving it the hitbox property of 0F I believe. That version was only on a nightly build for one day, and that is the shine buff we are arguing for. The one that works properly.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
So basically, I need to speed up the cool down from the sword swipe?
Thunderhorse, do you remember the date of that nightly build?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Umm ivy is broken. Simply broken!

I haven't played brawl+ in over 3 weeks because my sd slot on my wii is broken. (Seriously if anyone know of a version of gecko os that can load codes through a usb flash drive please let me know. I know it's possible because i have a old version of the open source gecko os with usb support. However this version don't have the 8000+ hack so i stillc ant load brawl+)

I played brawl+ at apex over the weekend. Ivy is so **** it makes no sense. I tried to do some 1v1's to really see how good he is but never got a chance but i did a good amount of doubles and he is too good.

I think the speed of razor leaf needs to be toned down a bit. He can short hop double razor leaf just like falco but razor leaf has bigger hitboxes and does more damage. He never has to approach you. I was faced with 1v2 situations at the end of doubles alot and i won more then i loss. I just went the edge and just spammed razor leaf til they came to me then just ledge hopped nair to bair until i got a safe smash attack out for the win. Ivy never has to approach.

I already knew he was a combo machine and didn't mind this because the ability to gimp him is suppose to counter that. HE CANT BE GIMPED now. Razor leaf comes out 2 fast and with multiple up'b's it's too easy to get back. Now i do support more then 1 up b. But not inf amount. Maybe 2 times??? Ivy can air camp his death til his partner can save him.

Like i said i have yet to play 1v1's with him so i don't know if these tactics can be avoided or countered in 1v1's but in doubles he is simply ****. If yall keep him like this i will officially switch my main from peach to ivy. lol Hopefully Jcease can upload the vids i saved so yall can see what im talking about.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Umm ivy is broken. Simply broken!

I haven't played brawl+ in over 3 weeks because my sd slot on my wii is broken. (Seriously if anyone know of a version of gecko os that can load codes through a usb flash drive please let me know. I know it's possible because i have a old version of the open source gecko os with usb support. However this version don't have the 8000+ hack so i stillc ant load brawl+)

I played brawl+ at apex over the weekend. Ivy is so **** it makes no sense. I tried to do some 1v1's to really see how good he is but never got a chance but i did a good amount of doubles and he is too good.

I think the speed of razor leaf needs to be toned down a bit. He can short hop double razor leaf just like falco but razor leaf has bigger hitboxes and does more damage. He never has to approach you. I was faced with 1v2 situations at the end of doubles alot and i won more then i loss. I just went the edge and just spammed razor leaf til they came to me then just ledge hopped nair to bair until i got a safe smash attack out for the win. Ivy never has to approach.

I already knew he was a combo machine and didn't mind this because the ability to gimp him is suppose to counter that. HE CANT BE GIMPED now. Razor leaf comes out 2 fast and with multiple up'b's it's too easy to get back. Now i do support more then 1 up b. But not inf amount. Maybe 2 times??? Ivy can air camp his death til his partner can save him.

Like i said i have yet to play 1v1's with him so i don't know if these tactics can be avoided or countered in 1v1's but in doubles he is simply ****. If yall keep him like this i will officially switch my main from peach to ivy. lol Hopefully Jcease can upload the vids i saved so yall can see what im talking about.
Ivy kills stupidly early with Uair and she can combo into it fairly easy, and if the opponent messes up their DI then it becomes stupidly easy to hit with. Maybe using poor DI as an argument is bad, but IMO her stage game is more than enough to make up for her recovery issues.

However I think the Up B becomes more justified when you look at the best comparison to Ivy, Olimar. I would say Olimar combos better, can kill just as early or pretty close to as early, camps better and rack up more damage for camping, his grab game which is easily one of the best with the range and versatility of it, super armor on his whistle, and to top it all off Olimar has a better recovery while naturally being harder to gimp with his floatiness and whistle.

I'm not so sure it is really needed, but I don't have a problem with it besides having to wait longer for Ivy to die as I hang on the ledge.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Umm ivy is broken. Simply broken!

I haven't played brawl+ in over 3 weeks because my sd slot on my wii is broken. (Seriously if anyone know of a version of gecko os that can load codes through a usb flash drive please let me know. I know it's possible because i have a old version of the open source gecko os with usb support. However this version don't have the 8000+ hack so i stillc ant load brawl+)

I played brawl+ at apex over the weekend. Ivy is so **** it makes no sense. I tried to do some 1v1's to really see how good he is but never got a chance but i did a good amount of doubles and he is too good.

I think the speed of razor leaf needs to be toned down a bit. He can short hop double razor leaf just like falco but razor leaf has bigger hitboxes and does more damage. He never has to approach you. I was faced with 1v2 situations at the end of doubles alot and i won more then i loss. I just went the edge and just spammed razor leaf til they came to me then just ledge hopped nair to bair until i got a safe smash attack out for the win. Ivy never has to approach.

I already knew he was a combo machine and didn't mind this because the ability to gimp him is suppose to counter that. HE CANT BE GIMPED now. Razor leaf comes out 2 fast and with multiple up'b's it's too easy to get back. Now i do support more then 1 up b. But not inf amount. Maybe 2 times??? Ivy can air camp his death til his partner can save him.

Like i said i have yet to play 1v1's with him so i don't know if these tactics can be avoided or countered in 1v1's but in doubles he is simply ****. If yall keep him like this i will officially switch my main from peach to ivy. lol Hopefully Jcease can upload the vids i saved so yall can see what im talking about.
yeah ivysaurs infinite upb + fast razor leaf is so gay. he didn't need a buff. he was already good. zelda's upb needs landing lag. she's still good, even better now that she can forward b in mid air. also why can't falcon have infinite jump recovery but ganon can. it's not that game breaking. also, falcon's dash attack needs less stun. dash attack to knee is so stupid and easy


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
also, falcon's dash attack needs less stun. dash attack to knee is so stupid and easy
Can't do that for Falcon's dash attack, sorry.

Umm ivy is broken. Simply broken!

I haven't played brawl+ in over 3 weeks because my sd slot on my wii is broken. (Seriously if anyone know of a version of gecko os that can load codes through a usb flash drive please let me know. I know it's possible because i have a old version of the open source gecko os with usb support. However this version don't have the 8000+ hack so i stillc ant load brawl+)

I played brawl+ at apex over the weekend. Ivy is so **** it makes no sense. I tried to do some 1v1's to really see how good he is but never got a chance but i did a good amount of doubles and he is too good.

I think the speed of razor leaf needs to be toned down a bit. He can short hop double razor leaf just like falco but razor leaf has bigger hitboxes and does more damage. He never has to approach you. I was faced with 1v2 situations at the end of doubles alot and i won more then i loss. I just went the edge and just spammed razor leaf til they came to me then just ledge hopped nair to bair until i got a safe smash attack out for the win. Ivy never has to approach.

I already knew he was a combo machine and didn't mind this because the ability to gimp him is suppose to counter that. HE CANT BE GIMPED now. Razor leaf comes out 2 fast and with multiple up'b's it's too easy to get back. Now i do support more then 1 up b. But not inf amount. Maybe 2 times??? Ivy can air camp his death til his partner can save him.

Like i said i have yet to play 1v1's with him so i don't know if these tactics can be avoided or countered in 1v1's but in doubles he is simply ****. If yall keep him like this i will officially switch my main from peach to ivy. lol Hopefully Jcease can upload the vids i saved so yall can see what im talking about.
lrn2DI his Dthrow > uair combos. You can completely escape most of his combos, especially Dthrow. And no, we're not going to tone down Razor Leaf because guess what? Just jab it. It breaks the leaf, jabbing it completely destroys it. If it gets any slower (the wind-down) it becomes useless as an approach, or not as good at all.

Up B needs working I don't know, it's mixed.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Can't do that for Falcon's dash attack, sorry.

lrn2DI his Dthrow > uair combos. You can completely escape most of his combos, especially Dthrow. And no, we're not going to tone down Razor Leaf because guess what? Just jab it. It breaks the leaf, jabbing it completely destroys it. If it gets any slower (the wind-down) it becomes useless as an approach, or not as good at all.

Up B needs working I don't know, it's mixed.
Hmm. Ok then. I have no problem with yall keeping it like that as i was the one playing ivy not getting ***** by him. Looks like i got a new main. lol


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Everyone pretty much uses Ivy haha. :p
He's so fun to play. He feels like mk at times. Just the stuff u can do in the air with ivy is crazy. Not to mention his ledgehopping tactics just visually looks cool as hell lol.

Also one other thing i noticed at apex. Does shiek really has a wavedash? WTH? That looked cool as hell.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
yeah ivysaurs infinite upb + fast razor leaf is so gay. he didn't need a buff. he was already good. zelda's upb needs landing lag. she's still good, even better now that she can forward b in mid air. also why can't falcon have infinite jump recovery but ganon can. it's not that game breaking. also, falcon's dash attack needs less stun. dash attack to knee is so stupid and easy
I completely agree.
lrn2DI his Dthrow > uair combos. You can completely escape most of his combos, especially Dthrow. And no, we're not going to tone down Razor Leaf because guess what? Just jab it. It breaks the leaf, jabbing it completely destroys it. If it gets any slower (the wind-down) it becomes useless as an approach, or not as good at all.

Up B needs working I don't know, it's mixed.
Why would you speed up the razor leaf so that you are forced to jab every leaf and in doing so just puts things at neutral status again? I didn't see anything wrong with it before or why it was sped up so much. Projectiles don't have to act like falco's SHDL for them to be good. Ivy's razor leaf was good enough so that if you knew how to use it, it worked well and if you didn't, you got hurt.

The only good from speeding it up so drastically is to make it more noob friendly so its harder to punish poor usage. Its changes like this that makes the game more campy
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