Then again, I'm one to think any character in the right hands could be viable to some degree.
To some degree =/= Enough
Nobody cares if a character is viable enough to place Top10. That's not balance.
I agree with this, but weren't people saying you can't use a good player as an example of viability before when comparing Azen and Lucario?
We said you cannot use
single cases as examples. If so, Mewtwo is obviously pretty viable in Melee what with Taj and others around.
Lucario (16 top8, 9 top4, 5 top2, 5 wins)
Donkey Kong (10 top8, 7 top4, 3 top2, 11 wins)
Olimar (19 top8, 12 top4, 3 top2, 4 wins)
Diddy Kong (22 top8, 5 top4, 6 top2, 3 wins)
Kirby (13 top8, 10 top4, 5 top2, 1 win)
Ice Climbers (5 top8, 8 top4, 5 top2, 5 wins)
Fox (8 top8, 2 top4, 1 top2, 4 wins)
Wolf (22 top8, 3 top4, 3 top2, 3 wins)
Pit (7 top8, 2 top4, 2 top2, 3 wins)
Zero Suit Samus (4 top8, 5 top4, 2 wins)
Peach (10 top8, 4 top4, 3 top2, 2 wins)
Pikachu (7 top8, 8 top4, 1 top2, 3 wins)
Now compare that to how well the Tops and Highs have placed. We must also consider that a lot of these results come from smaller tournaments with a small concentration of skill. People are too lax about what tournaments qualify for these rankings.
Ranking battles and weeklies are allowed in!
Of course bad players can win then. If, say, there's a weekly in New York City and that city's best player (present) happens to play Peach that day and manage a close win... that's skews the results.
Also, notice that while those mids mostly enjoy 3-5 wins each, the Tops and Highs are all in their 20+s by now. Good chances my tuchas.
This is assuming everyone sucks who is playing or playing against, which I've seen you claim they suck without any proof other than the character used.
Umm... no? I claimed people suck if they're getting
owned by bad to useless characters. Because, really, if they're getting
owned by them, then they just suck (or they're mediocore and the player they're facing is amazing).
Enjoy your infraction. Not only did you flame and use personal insults, you purposely circumvented the filters to do so.
I was a **** for saying "Obviously, your opinion should be law" when you claimed most of Melee's Bottoms should be Mid without providing
any arguments for why?
How about looking at the melee tier list and seeing how the high is way too small for what it should be.
How about you provide valid arguments for once instead of just saying "Things should be like this and this and this".
I am aware of that, but Yuna doesn't see much Lucario potential, and keeps going on about how it's all Azen. Due to this mindset, it makes it difficult to argue with him that there are a large number of very viable Brawl characters, as he often dismisses a lot of the high tiers. A better example may have been Tudor's Samus (although I don't know how he places in tournaments).
Lucario has potential to place high. He dodesn't really have much potential to win entire tournaments. At least not when compared to some other characters. If 5 characters are at least 5 times more likely to win than Lucario, then Lucario doesn't
really stand much of a chance of winning entire tournaments.
It's like how a college athlete can be really good and beat any amateur. But if he goes up against a Pro, then he'll most probably lose. Lucario can be Good, Game & Watch can be
Amazing. Both tournament results and theory fighter state this.
Well, we either need to examin the likes of Azen, Gimpyfish, and other players from both games and use them as examples of how even a less than great character is relatively balanced and can compete against the highest tiers, or we need to discredit evidence of all great low tier character users as being "exceptional," and thus do not apply to the debate.
No, we can't.
Because in every fighting game, there are people who are able to do very well with bad characters. Is Akuma not ban-worthy just because a lot of Pros can easily beat Akuma in SSF2T?
In Melee, did Pichu and Mewtwo, the two worst characters in the game, stand a chance of winning tournaments since certain players could place Top10 or even Top5 as them?
THC, this is where more experience would've helped you not make the same mistakes as 29 other people in this thread already. "Azen can do well with Lucario, hence Lucario stands a good chance!". O RLY? Then why aren't tons of other Lucarios doing well? After all, they could just emulate what Azen's doing.
I'll tell you why Azen can do well as Lucario:
That tournament was a relatively long time ago. The metagame was still fresh. Mew2king played pretty badly, what with leaving himself open time and again and missing several airdodges... and Azen happens to be one of the best players
in the world.
His mindgames are superior to 99% of the world's players. He's just that good. But in the end, despite leaving much less openings and Mew2King leaving much more openings, who won? That's right, M2K. Potential my tuchas.
It can be one, or it can be the other, but you can't side with both based on convenience. So we should probably settle this part of the discussion now, so as to end the double standard that many of us (myself most likely included) use in these debates.
One of the world's best players can take Lucario far. 1,000 Snakes can win tournaments even if they're mediocre. Yes, that's balanced all right. Lucario stands a good chance alright.
So is Azen's use of Lucario an exaple of balance or exceptionalism? Is Gimpyfish's use of melee Bowser an example of balance or exceptionalism? The answer to one is the answer to both.
"Exceptionalism"? Also, they're exceptions, obviously. THC, try applying logic once in a while.
i hear other Bowsers were able to replicate Gimpy's Bowser.
I heard Gimpy was never even close to winning a major tournament as Bowser nor was any other Bowser. I heard other than Azen, no one else has been able to place high against players on Mew2King's level as Lucario. I heard Pichu and Mewtwo placed Top8 in plenty of tournaments if wielded by the right people. I heard all of this means Hello Kitty.
Gimpy's Bowser, M2K's Mewtwo, who cares? Pick whichever low-tier users you want from the two games.
M2K doesn't even play Mewtwo. THC, please stop spouting off ignorant opinion and assumptions. Your lack of knowledge is glaring.
although since Yuna is headstrong in believing that low tiers placing well are usually something like and exception or, like with Tudor, fault with the opponents not being good against Samus you could alwyas go prove their viability, and Yuna wrong yourself. by being the first example and then having followers. that could help your PT argument better.
Someone: "One player can do well as Samus"
Me: "Then more players should be able to replicate that or it's just an exception."
How very headstrong of me.
Lucario doesn't lack potential. He has some. It's just that there are several characters with
much more potential.
And you know what, you guys kept throwing Azen's Lucario at us.
And?! Lucario's not even that bad. He's in the upper crust of Mid. I
never called him bad. Guess what, Azen was able to place Top5 and Top3 as
actual Low Tiers in Melee! If we're gonna use Azen as proof, then Azen's proved Melee is more balanced as he was able to do just as well as much worse characters in Melee.
Logic dictates that since Lucario's potential is relatively OK in Brawl, Azen should be
winning many tournaments as him. But he isn't. He's only doing as well as with actual Low Tiers in Melee, which means Brawl is less balanced.
Way to defeat yourselves.
The only reason why Brawl is imbalanced is because of MK. MK has an aggressive game that cannot be punished unlike many others. MK's ledge game is nearly ungimpable with the exception of DK. DK is probably the only character that can punish it.
tl;dr banning MK actually makes Brawl worth something competitively.
Yes, let's ban anything that's "too good". Next, let's ban combos.
If Brawl is so imbalanced we have to actually consider character bans, then it's
obviously less balanced than Melee.
O.K., so are the low tier characters with amazing people behind them, namely PC's GW and Chu Dat's Pikachu (the latter not quite so impressive as the former, but still decent) doing well because of balance, or because of personal ability? The implication in naming specific persons is that it is a matter of exceptionalism.
... ... ...
Brawl is far more balanced as far as players goes. Maybe not characters, but now average people have a small chance against pros instead of no chance.
200 dollar moneymatch.
Also, what kind of BS is this?! A game is balanced if the potential for improvement is low?! Stop being a scrub and learn how to play games properly if you want to win instead of looking fo a game where you don't have to be good to do well (even if that's a lie).
And, no, that's
not balance.