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Brawl Is Serious Business 2, Featuring Blazblue! - October 16 & 17 - Montreal, Quebec


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
The argument that they can be predicted is getting old. Nobody counts 10secs repeatedly to avoid klaps. This isn't a 1P platformer game. 95% of the time when you're being killed by a klap, you simply can't help due to the klap getting in the way of your recovery or you being stuck in water / whatever reason. Nobody plans such elaborate offensive schemes to send you to your doom when the clock strikes twelve. When's the last time you actually blamed a klap trap death on your own miscalculation?

Also you can plank on pretty much any map, what makes JJ any different? The klaps? But you can predict those =o!

As for "soft" planking, you either are planking or you're not. If you're stalling/planking, then that is against the rules (though there is no real way to enforce this eh), if you are simply running away from an opponent to reach a better position, then it's perfectly legal. I don't see how making up an in-between criteria makes much sense here.


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
90% Confirmed, should be 100% confirmed by next weekend :)

I should be able to bring Wii with melee, brawl and brawl+ also =)

Oh, anyone knows about a bus that goes from Longueuil to saint-Lambert?

Also, what about housing? Is there a place to sleep? and is it free? thanks a lot :)


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
So you avoid getting hit by your opponent when you suspect a klap trap should be nearby, which is every 10 secs or so? Why not avoid getting hit all the time then; in order to avoid getting sent flying into a falling bomb or klap? Its simply not an element you can always account for when playing. Realistically. And it can have a huge impact on the game. If what Kingkong says is right, you should also be able to predict when Pictochat changes form, and seeing as staying at the center of the stage will always put you at an advantageous position, you should be to blame if you happen to have rockets spawn in your face. Really?


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
So you avoid getting hit by your opponent when you suspect a klap trap should be nearby, which is every 10 secs or so? Why not avoid getting hit all the time then; in order to avoid getting sent flying into a falling bomb or klap? Its simply not an element you can always account for when playing. Realistically. And it can have a huge impact on the game. If what Kingkong says is right, you should also be able to predict when Pictochat changes form, and seeing as staying at the center of the stage will always put you at an advantageous position, you should be to blame if you happen to have rockets spawn in your face. Really?
Staying at the left side, actually.

And yes, really. It is my fault for getting myself pressured into that area WITHOUT SHIELDING when the transformation spawned.

It's my fault not playing conservatively when the klaptrap is coming by.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Staying at the left side, actually.

And yes, really. It is my fault for getting myself pressured into that area WITHOUT SHIELDING when the transformation spawned.

It's my fault not playing conservatively when the klaptrap is coming by.
This, you can even time your spikes if your falco lol.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
But you can't always play conservatively on maps like Green Greens?

And sooooo, why is Picto banned again?

Also, in the occasion that a whale/pile of blocks/spikes/flames spawn, staying at the left would severely limit your options if your opponent is in the middle. Your opponent could simply camp in whale/pile of whatever for free. But that's me.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I have a question for the people supporting the following stages. Please respond in this format next to the stage with what you consider to be a good reason to CP this stage, I'm looking for specific reasons why your character is good on that stage. Please do not list this one: I think my opponent outclasses me in skill so I hope he will get gayed by stupid stage hazards because "he doesn't know the stage as well as I do".

Jungle Japes:
Green Greens:


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
I'm kinda against Pictochat as well. Tring to recover from below on the left side with a character that doesn't have a really good recovery and having the large diagonal bar appear, preventing you from grabbing the ledge, is pretty ghey.

Add to that the two sections with spikes, the pirahna plant and the rollercoaster, and that's a bit too many hard-to-predict potentially killing elements for a legal stage, if you ask me.
All of this. This is what happened the last time i played in a weeklie bracket. Bar appeared during my MK recovery (yes, mk). And there's a lot of bs on this stage. I think that if you take more than 30-50% damage in a match because of hazards, it should be off the list. Halberd isn't banned, but if you're paying attention you shouldn't get hit by blue balls lol or claw (unless you're unlucky like me).
The changes in picotchat happened every 13 seconds, also there is a safe place in the left side of the stage. If you stay there when the stage changes you will never be hurt by this one. Each time the stage changes you must take advantage of the situation. If you take time to learn it, its not so bad. I dont like this stage though but I still think its a good cp.
Ok so if I take this, I should camp the left side of the stage. But it's not always safe I guess. Hmm, do the changes appear in order? I don't think so, it's not rainbow cruise. So the changes appear in random order, but 13 seconds apart. So every 13 seconds I should camp the left side, k k I'm getting this more and more...

If I had the time, I would take a screenshot of each of the Pictochat hazards, and overlap them, just to see all the safe spots. But I'm not because this idea is as stupid as allowing pictochat in the stages list. : )

I dislike Pictochat, Japes, AND Norfair. :)
This is how most good tournaments work, no PC, no JJ, no norfair. Hell if my opponent gave me the choice to play on Green Greens instead of PC, I'd accept in a heartbeat and go Fox.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I have a question for the people supporting the following stages. Please respond in this format next to the stage with what you consider to be a good reason to CP this stage, I'm looking for specific reasons why your character is good on that stage. Please do not list this one: I think my opponent outclasses me in skill so I hope he will get gayed by stupid stage hazards because "he doesn't know the stage as well as I do".

Jungle Japes:
Green Greens:
Jungle japes: Huge ceiling, anti snake lol, great for ice climbers vs people who cant camp that well as the longer as each stock lasts longer, meaning more chance of getting a chaingrab for earlier kills.
Green greens, very low ceiling, great overall for planking otherwise.
Pictochat: Someone bans FD, i cp them there. Simple.

Chester, you obviously already saw that pic or its just an odd coincidence.



Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I have a question for the people supporting the following stages. Please respond in this format next to the stage with what you consider to be a good reason to CP this stage, I'm looking for specific reasons why your character is good on that stage. Please do not list this one: I think my opponent outclasses me in skill so I hope he will get gayed by stupid stage hazards because "he doesn't know the stage as well as I do".

Jungle Japes:
Green Greens:
And why ISN'T knowing the stage better a valid reason?

I can counterpick a character they have little experience against, right?

Pictochat: I don't play Kirby, but this is a great counterpick for him. He has a lot of useful Stone shenanigans here.
As a whole, this stage can vary wildly, promoting multiple characters over the course of the match. It's one of the stages closest to true neutral. Also, upward KO's are harder on this level, making this a good pick against Snake and Luigi.
Jungle Japes: This stage is a great counterpick for characters that rely on camping. Certain characters can also abuse the klaptrap pattern to their benefit. This is also the best stage to take upward KOers to, as well as heavy characters.
Green Greens: I am trying to figure out what causes the Bomb Glitch. Anyway, this stage is amazing for the PK Kids, and basically anybody else with maneuverable attacks. High BKB moves are promoted on this stage, and to throw the person getting camped a bone, apples will spawn that can either interrupt the camper or heal the person behind in percent.

In response to Safety Zone:

If you shield on the right side, you're also safe there.

PLUS, getting MK gimped is a reason to ALLOW the stage XDD

If you're taking more than 30% from PictoChat (without the opponent purposefully hitting you into hazards), you're not playing right.


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Chester, you obviously already saw that pic or its just an odd coincidence.

This is the funniest **** ever. Why is this being considered for a valid level. It would be ok if it wasn't that bad, but this definitely deserves a ban in my book.

And this should be in the Brawl Failbook.
In response to Safety Zone:

If you shield on the right side, you're also safe there.

PLUS, getting MK gimped is a reason to ALLOW the stage XDD

If you're taking more than 30% from PictoChat (without the opponent purposefully hitting you into hazards), you're not playing right.
I should be concentrating on the fight more than the stage.
Rainbow cruise is simple enough that people don't have to think about the stage, they just flow with it.
In this case, all these hazards impede battle to the point where the level takes too much of the games focus.

Stay on the left is the safest bet, and then shielding on the right side. So if you want to play the game like a real fighting game (I'm using this loosely here), you'd have to space your opponent, choose your moves properly to fight the opponent character, AND keep out of the air every 13 seconds (just in case) and shielding on the right side, while ensuring that you're not fighting at the same time or else you'll take damage-

Ok you know what, I don't give a ****. tl,dr; brawl is campy.
I guess if you WANT to camp, then you won't get hit by so much ****. Thanks Linkshot, you've opened my mind.

I'm out of this discussion.

edit: ok one last bullet.

like think about it
if you play on halberd
how many times will you land on the dock
in one game
2-3 times tops?
and everytime there's 2-3 claw/balls appearing
so about 4-9 hazards
that are really easy to see and evade
compared to pictochat
that has an event every 13 seconds
where a match lasts between 2:30 (if the 3 stocks are ***** fast enough to save the video) and 7 minutes
that's 11-30 occurences of potential damaging or fight retardant/stoppers
this only promotes camping
and if you are fighting, you are bound to see **** hitting you, without even getting chopped by the fan
just like, a big turd of damage, but 11-30 times
or just a big turd that makes both players go EWW LET'S CAMP SOMEWHERE ELSE
the only reason I'm still typing is because I do not see how this stage has (or even creates for the game) more pros than cons. Ok it's a high ceiling, ok it's flat, ok bla bla bla but it's a party stage.

To me pictochat is like Flat Zone with better boundaries.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
JJ: High Ceiling; Water helps with recovery (i.e. refreshes peach's float); can camp on side platforms; it looks pretty.
GG: Low Ceiling and side boundaries help with chars w/ lackluster killing options; easiest stage to control space in due to the fact its effectively separated in 3 by blocks/walls; gives certain characters more recovery options as there are 6 ledges instead of 2; it looks pretty.
Picto: It's loltastic; I can claim to have beaten you due to my clearly superior time management skills when in reality you simply got your *** random'd; advantages the more adaptable player. Oh and it looks **** good. Very colorful.

All in all, ban JJ or allow all 3.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
As much as I'm for occasionally testing out a new stage or two (and don't mind Norfair much), I do have to admit that I can see why people wouldn't want Green Greens, Pictochat, or Japes as CP stages.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Why don't we legalize rumble falls? All you need to do is keep moving up which really isn't that hard. The stage hazards are always in the same place and are very easy to see coming. If I know where they are better than my opponent I can use them to my advantage.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Oh **** it's good for fox? Fox needs help he's not high tier. MAYBE IT'S BAD FOR MK!? Legalize it like weed son


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Please don't be sarcastic about Rumble Falls.

I am passionate about that stage.

It's the Rainbow Cruise for vertical characters.

It's amazing for MK, sadly. He can get early uThrow kills (intensely situational, though; you have to suck to get gimped by it)


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'm pretty passionate about pictochat, green greens, and jungle japes if I do say so myself. Please refrain talking about them thanks

EDIT: Linkshot I think you should look into all-brawl, I think it's the correct ruleset for you.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
This is the funniest **** ever. Why is this being considered for a valid level. It would be ok if it wasn't that bad, but this definitely deserves a ban in my book.

And this should be in the Brawl Failbook.

I should be concentrating on the fight more than the stage.
Rainbow cruise is simple enough that people don't have to think about the stage, they just flow with it.
In this case, all these hazards impede battle to the point where the level takes too much of the games focus.

Stay on the left is the safest bet, and then shielding on the right side. So if you want to play the game like a real fighting game (I'm using this loosely here), you'd have to space your opponent, choose your moves properly to fight the opponent character, AND keep out of the air every 13 seconds (just in case) and shielding on the right side, while ensuring that you're not fighting at the same time or else you'll take damage-

Ok you know what, I don't give a ****. tl,dr; brawl is campy.
I guess if you WANT to camp, then you won't get hit by so much ****. Thanks Linkshot, you've opened my mind.

I'm out of this discussion.

edit: ok one last bullet.

like think about it
if you play on halberd
how many times will you land on the dock
in one game
2-3 times tops?
and everytime there's 2-3 claw/balls appearing
so about 4-9 hazards
that are really easy to see and evade
compared to pictochat
that has an event every 13 seconds
where a match lasts between 2:30 (if the 3 stocks are ***** fast enough to save the video) and 7 minutes
that's 11-30 occurences of potential damaging or fight retardant/stoppers
this only promotes camping
and if you are fighting, you are bound to see **** hitting you, without even getting chopped by the fan
just like, a big turd of damage, but 11-30 times
or just a big turd that makes both players go EWW LET'S CAMP SOMEWHERE ELSE
the only reason I'm still typing is because I do not see how this stage has (or even creates for the game) more pros than cons. Ok it's a high ceiling, ok it's flat, ok bla bla bla but it's a party stage.

To me pictochat is like Flat Zone with better boundaries.

Your wrong. On average, in an 8 minute match, youl get 8 times a dangerous hazard, your whole argument falls appart.

8 minutes=480 seconds
6/27 transformations have damaging properties(such as seen on the drawing too).
A transformation occurs every 13 and 1/3 second.
Any transformation which occurs cannot occur until the loop finishes(which means all other drawings).
This means, the 27 first transformations will occur, taking 360 seconds, with 6 damaging transformations.
120 seconds left=9 more transformation.
6/27*9 = 2 more transformation on average being dangerous
Halberds average=9

You cant argue maths lol.

EDIT: Seems like you can argue math. I once heard 2+2=5 for very large values of 2.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
to me (and nI think chet) the random parts where you end up just camping in the center of the map is a hazard which distracts from "real" gameplay...

I don't mind pictochat, but I wouldn't be sad if it got banned


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Ok look, theres a smashfest coming up this weekend, were going to play on it a couple of times and see how good/bad it is, then wel come up with an answer. Fine with everyone?


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
I think you should test out Wario Ware I feel the competetive community was too hasty in banning it.

Edit - Japes isn't nearly as bad as Green Greens or Pictochat why are you guys trying to ban it. ):


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Not really; we've had a year and a half to play on the **** stage already.
Look, if your completely sure its that bad, you should not have a problem with people testing it.

Unless your scared you might be wrong : P


Oh **** it's good for fox? Fox needs help he's not high tier. MAYBE IT'S BAD FOR MK!? Legalize it like weed son

**** fizzi, that was some great stuff XD . Im not going to legalize something cause it sucks for high tier btw. Thats ******** >.<.

BTW, what happened to people saying pictochat was full of dangerous hazards, i just proved otherwise and nobody came back on it ...


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Look, if your completely sure its that bad, you should not have a problem with people testing it.

Unless your scared you might be wrong : P
You seriously, genuinely, honestly think that playing on Pictochat a couple times in a smashfest with a couple people is going to affect your opinion of a stage in which we've played on for a very prolongued period of time? What kind of Inui logic is this?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
You seriously, genuinely, honestly think that playing on Pictochat a couple times in a smashfest with a couple people is going to affect your opinion of a stage in which we've played on for a very prolongued period of time? What kind of Inui logic is this?
I dont recall playing for years and years on the stage. Also yes, i do believe that there is a slight chance that we may have done a mistake in banning it, is it that hard to believe. Montreal isnt exactly known for researching stuff on in games mechanics to improve, so yes, il assume theres a possibility we did a mistake in banning it. Wouldn't be the first time montreal is wrong about stuff, wouldn't be the last time either.

And lol, inui logic? Seriously, overall the guys bright enough >.>


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
ottawa has had it legal since, well... obscene... officially, we kinda had it legal before that...

everything chet said about it is technically correct, you just have to decide what type of stage-list you want... also, everything Linkshot/Infzy say about the stage will also be technically correct, you just have to decide what type of stage-list you want


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, Linkshot and Infzy have put some time into going over stages for sure, so yeah I think they have some idea what they're talking about. We've had Pictochat legal for a bit too, but we've also had it at one point where Norfair was legal and Pirate Ship was banned I think, even though it wasn't long lived. I do think though that if you're looking at a few stages to possible ban/make legal, you should slow integrate them by introducing one at a time for example to see how it turns out. Just my opinion though.
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