This is the most pointless arguement ever. Kupo, you're making a big deal of nothing, really you are. As far as competetive gaming is concerned your point is moot. Take PC shooters such as CSS (Counter Strike: Source) for example. In a competitive setting you aren't required to use a particular mouse. Some mouses, the G5 for example, have extremely high sensivity levels, which, can boost acuracy quite a bit, giving the player more finesse control. Conversely, I have nothing but my regular mouse, nothing fancy at all. Just a Microsoft 2 button scroll wheel optical mouse. I contend fairly well with those who have "performance enhancing mouses" simply because I'm so use to my mouse, and it's sensitivity. I pull off headshots just as much if not more than them, even though I should be disadvantaged. It all comes down to prefernce, and what feels right.
I switch my buffer depending on the character I'm sporting. Specifically, I use 40-60 for Falco, 60 for Ness, and said settings feel great to me.
As far as Ness's Fair goes, i feel some people made a huge deal of nothing. It has tiny range. Most other aerials have better range, and can beat it out. It has to be spaced properly. the enemy can also DI down and away to escape it. It's one if Ness's most useful moves in that it is the basis of his combo game. I don't see how this gives him an unfair advantage over many other characters. Marth still has disjointed hitboxes (range) and priority over his fair. In addition, his very own Fair is the basis for his own combo game, being able to combo into itself, even at high percents, and it leads into finishing aerial attacks, one of which being his Dair spike. How can Ness have a similar tactic and it be deemed OP by a few people? The enemy needs only to space his attacks and himself as to avoid the Fair, and that's entirely doable.