Ok so haven't checked this thread in a while and haven't read anything you guys have posted, just was going to post my analysis of this game so far:
-Connection issues/server stuff kinda sucks
-if you are trying to melee someone (knife/riot shield) and they are moving you will miss, I hate all of you who complained about 'panic knifing' b/c you ruined this >.>
-c4 is broken
-combat axes are a lot harder to hit with, i think part of the reason is because I don't think target assist works with combat axes as well as it does with a gun, I've tested it in combat training, when i scroll over someone with a combat axe it seems to go by the person much faster than a gun
-I think the guns in this game might be the most balanced yet.
-Bouncing bettys are stupid
-They nailed it with the ghost/cold blooded/blind eye usage/overpoweredness, really pleased with the outcome of this.
-So far I enjoy playing all of the maps, there isn't one I particularly dislike except maybe Slums but only because I've played that map like 50 times as much as any other for some reason. I played on it 6 times in a row once. I don't really have a "omg i <3 this map though" like I've had with all of the other games (WMD best map)
-Happy about them splitting domination in 2 rounds
-I like Tranzit and Zombies, wish they were more creative and just put in a whole other map than w.e the other one is rather than making it a section of Tranzit
-Shotguns are pretty good
-Sniping is weird. The party I play with seems to complain about them being too easy and good at the same time, I haven't had an issue with them when playing against anyone and the couple of times I picked them up it seemed different than any other cod game to me, but maybe I haven't used them enough I've really only picked them up off of a dead body like 2 or 3 times.
-I want my marathon pro back

-I want pro perks in general back, but i don't think it'd work with the 10 point system thing. I think the 10 point system thing balances some stuff out, but damn it's making it hard for me to have a class I actually want/like
-mute all buy your party thing is awesome
-hearing your opponent rage is awesome
-Happy with the scorestreaks method they put, much better than MW3's system, like how objectives>kills for the scorestreaks
-I like the title/emblem/calling card system they have, no cod points is good, but I do miss hear people raging in double down high roller sticks and stones when i tomahawk them
-I've only used theater once, but I'm happy they added a tomahawk following cam and a 6x speed
-Crossbow is cool
So ya from what I've played so far I think it's probably one of the most balanced cod games since cod4, I personally haven't had too much fun with the game because tomahawking/riot shielding are both a lot harder/worse in this game, kinda forcing me to actually use a gun which sucks. I do have the diamond camo for the specials though, it's pretty cool. Overall, fairly pleased with the game.