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Beyond the Limit 2 ~ BRAWL+ ~ Results! 11/14/09


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
MD/VA crew was:

-TheCape (Ness)
-JCaesar (ROB)
-G-reg (Falcon)
-VisT (Falcon)
-Thunderhorse (Falco)
-Lobos (Toon Link)
-ChaosKnight (Marth)
-Count Kaiser (Ness)
-quinnydinny (Zelda)
-BionicSonic (Sonic)

Shoutouts later.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
GGs everyone, next time I gotta bair camp hard with DDD if I don't want to lose to more Nesses.

I think it's the only move out of all my mains that can get through fair...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2009
1: MexiMadnez :squirtle: - glick uses GPS to play against you.
2: TheCape :ness2: - you're a much cooler person in-person :D wish we got some friendlies in
3: Vex Kasrani :marth: - fun to play against. mad beasst
4: Glick :jigglypuff::dedede: - we're winning doubles next time >:D
5: Blackanese :gw::fox: - random apple guy on the bus shoulda been ur teammate
5: JCaesar :rob::wolf: - wish we coulda got some friendlies in
7: ChaosKnight :marth: - idk hi
7: greg :falcon: - interesting in teams
9: Lobos :toonlink: - idk hi
9: Yes! :fox: - obamaaaaaaaa all day erry day
9: ChiboSempai :rob: - idk hi. lol jk. you're cool but i didnt wanna do singulzzz
9: Thunderhorse :falco: - had fun against you in tourney/pools. better than i expected, need more play against you.
13: Ref :ness2: - your partner carries you in teams. jk i luff you ref ;D
13: VisT :falcon: - idk hi
13: Cactuar :peach::squirtle: - i think we played first round of tourney. fun stuff even though i didnt want to play, i did try my best. legin squirtle
13: .com :ness2: - this guy stalks me sonz (no fooling him with fake register name)
17: F00LY - idk hi
17: Silven - should've 5 dollar money matched you in running. im 2 good.
17: Count_Kaiser - fun playing FFA's with lmao
17: Veril - we barely played or talked this tourney
17: Ryoko :shiek::zelda: - fun seein ya. 2 bad i was too tired to actually really talk when we played. and yea im full of sound effects when i play. >:D
17: Khanti - a link who gimps himself. FAIL haha
17: Beat :metaknight: - idk hi
17: Shongotskills - wow some random *** scrub guy
25: DaiAndOh - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGh4ZU4H5Hk
25: Naza - fun guy to play against, use more lucas nair, its mad brokenz.
25: CloneHat - idk hi
25: Bakuryu - idk hi
25: Truth - I THINK I KNOW, HI?
25: Phillyrider :peach: - idk hi
25: Sabs801 - idk hi
25: MXXD - idk hi

i had fun but was so sleepy most of tourney but no johns, tried my best and played as hard as i could. also, philly food sucks ***. next time im packing my own shiz. anyone i left "idk hi" i cant really remember hearing/seeing/playing you. anyone i left out didn't make it out of pools or didnt enter singles. im disappointed with my placing in singles. im better than that. :dizzy:


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
Using the pools for shout-outs, guys.

So I kinda dropped the Brawl scene a while ago, but Metaguy is too cute so I have to play Brawl+ so I can have him be fun instead of cheese. Anywho...

-Vexticles: Always fun to see you, man. I hate Marf but I love you. Come to Drexel and play me so I can get bettah.
-Blackanese: **** you for being able to play EVERYONE. I improved my MK in the middle of singles just by watching yours beforehand. Too good.
-MexiMadnez: Supersquirtle! We're finishing that set next I see you. Actually play the game so if I win it feels like I earned it.
-TheCape: Must has your B+ codeset nao kthx. Thanks for all the pointers. Hopefully when I get some EXP points I'll be a contender.
-G-Regulations: I'm still hurt you said I look like Zach Gelifanakis. Fawk that. Good to see ya again.
-JCaesar: Shoulda gone ROB. I would have lost.
-Thunderhorse: Your name makes me have inward guitar solos. I had fun with you in teams, you seem like a badass guy. Hope I see ya around.
-F00LY: **** your bombs. **** your boomerangs. **** your arrows. **** your upsmash. **** your upair. That said, glad we played.
-Ryoko: Thanks for giving me a venue to be a trashtalker in crews. Much **** was yours.
-Lobos: You're right. We DIDN'T play!
-ChaosKnight: Marf. Gross. Had fun playing you despite the mystical random mid-match pause from god-knows-where.
-Cactuar: You're a prick. Play this. Team with me again, I had too much fun. The team that poops together wins together.
-Yes!: Love that name. Play me next we meet!
-Veril: Please nerf Ness. kthx.
-ElChibo: Thanks for the amazing venue. Such a good time. Thanks for the lift to the bar, too. Good times as always.
-Beat: What can I say? I want you inside me.
-www.dotcom.com: Why did my Ike blast your Ness and my MK got spanked? I love/hate you. Also, filed for adoption papers.
-Khanti: Best friendlies of the night, haha. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME THAT SONG NAME!
-TUSM: lol Jiggs. Everyone should sell out and play Ness or Squirtle.
-Bionic Sonic: Thoroughly enjoyed smacktalkin ya. Hope you didn't take it personal.
-Xlax: "Did I do good?" Beat: "You did good, kid." Haha, love this kid.

Overall, had a great time. If you don't remember who I was, I was the guy screaming while Ryoko ***** in crews. Or the only dedicated Metaknight. Or APPARENTLY THE GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE ****ING ZACH GALIFANAKIS. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUU-

Glad I finally got to try a match-up other than Cactus' Peach and Chibo's ROB/Falcon...


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I'll def. make sure I make it to the next one representing that Ness


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
1: JCaesar and TheCape (JCaesar + TheCape) -- MD/VA winning teams all day, congrats guys! JC and Cape are too good
7: Lobos and VisT (Lobos + VisT) -- TL/Falcon team X_x ggs in teams
9: Bionic Sonic and Count_Kaiser (Bionic Sonic + Count_Kaiser) -- Our double G&W worked better than our G&W/Ness LOL
13: Khan and Veril (Khan + Veril) -- very good team
13: quinnydinny and Thunderhorse (quinnydinny + Thunderhorse) -- ggs in friendlies
1: MexiMadnez :squirtle: -- Congrats for winning
2: TheCape :ness2: -- I'm pretty sure you used Mario and D3 too =O BOWSER IS MORE BROKEN THAN NESS ITS BEEN PROVEN SO
3: Vex Kasrani :marth: -- Your marth impressed me a lot, nice meeting you too
5: JCaesar :rob::wolf: -- Your ROB and Wolf got so much better I was astounded, i'm not joking either
7: ChaosKnight :marth: -- *****es don't know about my cuffs
9: Thunderhorse :falco: -- thx for the ride
13: Ref :ness2: -- ggs in pools
17: Veril -- nice meeting you, ggs in friendlies, best jiggs+ I ever saw
17: Ryoko :shiek::zelda: -- lol, "You're too slow you're too slow you're too slow" "-grab- Stop that" You're tough to fight but fun x_x just like when we wifi'd
17: Beat :metaknight: -- Surprisingly enough I could beat Meta Knight with Sonic because he has end lag I can punish, thats how I took stocks off of you in crews, I didn't know you trashtalked me?
25: Bakuryu -- ggs, I was so close, I even won game 3 on pictochat just to find out Chibo changed the stage list without me knowing and removing pictochat from it...wtf?!?! we also went pretty close when we redid game 3 on frigate, but I fell for that fsmash when we were at high %'s and got knocked out of pools, your Ganon is beast though
25: Phillyrider :peach: -- darn good peach
33: TUSM -- best commentator ever

lol @ what boss and GIMR missed out on, you should've came to this :p



Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
17: Beat :metaknight: -- Surprisingly enough I could beat Meta Knight with Sonic because he has end lag I can punish, thats how I took stocks off of you in crews, I didn't know you trashtalked me?
Haha, the "s" in "stocks" implies taking more than one... And I did my Metadance after that part of the crew battle. I'm a loud guy.

Incidentally, if someone wants to play around Philly sometime soon lemme know. And since I think this event scarred Cactus, I'm sans partner for future venues. Hit me up, kinda wanna find a steady partner. Characters who are light and can't kill need not apply.

The Phazon Assassin

Smash Champion
Nov 23, 2008
For me, this tourney didn't start until I failed to get out of pools. Me and .com did solid in teams, though there were times where I could've performed much better. But, again, we did well. It was fun running the tourney (you're welcome Chibo <_<) and commentating/hatertating in varying accents was too much fun. glad everyone enjoyed it.

My only shoutout goes to dabuz. Please, keep coming into chat rooms when I'm commentating. I love the extra incentive to be a douche. I mean, not only do I dislike, but it seems like everyone in the chat, AND at the tourney dislikes you as well.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
lol im always 2 lazy 2 do shoutouts 4 every1 but uhh, it was nice seeing every1 again & meeting new ppl as always. rly sad guru couldnt come :[ i think tourny couldve went by a liiiiil faster , but thats just my opinion , but regardless good stuff chibo 4 hosting.


The Cape

Smash Master
May 16, 2004
Carlisle, PA
lol im always 2 lazy 2 do shoutouts 4 every1 but uhh, it was nice seeing every1 again & meeting new ppl as always. rly sad guru couldnt come :[ i think tourny couldve went by a liiiiil faster , but thats just my opinion , but regardless good stuff chibo 4 hosting.

You mean Cape is 2 Brolic!


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Mexi is too good, get at him. Kinda wish I was there for this it seemed fun plus Brawl+ is actually decent.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2005
Wilkes-Barre PA
To All: Sorry I had to leave so abruptly. You all know how it is ~_~

Beat - UP+B!!!! By far the most intense and fun matches I had there. It was great to meet you. Me and Woahhzz want to hit up some serious practice for BtL3 with you and Cactaur if you'd like. Maybe some Melee too? Send me a PM with your number. We go to USP, so its a 10 minute walk, 5 minute trolley drive away. ^^ Good stuff, sorry for the tough breaks in pools.

Veril - Great to finally play you. I despise fighting Jigglypuff, but I got more practice than I ever could need. The tips you gave through your commentary of our matches + others were some of the most helpful pieces of advice I ever got for Smash. Good ****. BTW I will figure out that Shield Rest.... >_>

MXXD - It was great to finally put a face to the tag. Great 2v2s. Great mix of serious and fun matches. Caught me off guard, didn't realize you were doing commentary though hahaha. Next time I'll be more prepared. Definitely going to have to work on some anti pikachu methods...

Blackanese - ***** me in pools T_T Great games though, you learn a lot from getting your *** kicked. Lol

TUSM - Great games. You're hella funny on commentary too, lol. Very dynamic personality XD

Ref - Solid Ness in the works son. I assure you I'll be more prepared next time. I couldn't figure that out til it was way too late.

Truth - SHORYUKENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theres more shoutout I know, but Im tired...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2005
Wilkes-Barre PA
BTW Whens the next tournament in Philly? I'll be there. Hands down. First tournament ever and I feel addicted....>_> I want moar. Need more money, but then more tournaments! KTHX.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
1: MexiMadnez: Thanks again for the help carrying Khan's tv. I hope to see more of your squirtle.
2: TheCape: Most thoroughly made point ever. I appreciate that you took the time to clear up our unfortunate misunderstanding. Come to NY!
3: Vex Kasrani: Wish we had gotten to play. Watching your amazing Ganon in Cape's set left a pretty big impression on me. Next time...
4: Glick: F*** random ditto MMs forever. Let me know when you're having those smashfests plz.
5: Blackanese: Probably the most entertaining smasher ever.
5: JCaesar: WBR bros x2. Don't hate on Japesknight.
7: greg: If you ever come up to NY I will host you. Getting to meet you finally was really cool. Glad you got to play me offline finally. "bums Greg infinite cigarettes"
9: Lobos: My *** will never be the same.
9: Yes!: <3. We shall meet again.
9: ChiboSempai: Thanks for running this thang. I had a great time :D
13: Ref: I have a replay (on my wii) of you playing some Ganon and really showing how amazingly gay fair is. Want me to upload it?
13: Cactuar: I was a little starstruck when we played. :laugh:
17: Count_Kaiser: GW needs more terminal cancer.
17: Ryoko: Lighten up.
17: Shongotskills: :(
25: MXXD: You're a nice kid. Keep playing B+, maybe we'll run into eachother again. Did you get that silly FoG technique down?

TUSM: Don't get discouraged by pools. Besides, you got to see me get absolutely destroyed by Lobos right after lol

Veril - The tips you gave through your commentary of our matches + others were some of the most helpful pieces of advice I ever got for Smash. Good ****. BTW I will figure out that Shield Rest.... >_>
Thanks! That means a lot to me.

I will never reveal how I pull off the shield rest ;p


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Chibo, if it even matters at my placing, you can put Pit as my character....

Blackanese also used a lot of MK.

Lord Khanti

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Locust Valley, Long Island NY
yea and im a falco

lol Skip, shout out about my self gimping link lol. trying to recover and oh here comes the boomerang, catch and fall 2 death lol.

and np beat on finding the song name, lol. also that version of the song is the "D-Code" remix

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I think BtL2 really set the stage for what the BtL series can become. Almost a mirror of the CoT series but for + exclusively. Oh, and there won't be riots at BtL4 lol.

Everyone had a blast at BtL2 and everyone who wasn't here wanted to be here lol.

I'm going to plan BtL3 to be even bigger. To hold people off in the meantime I'll start holding + tourneys more often in Philly (probably under a different series title) building up to BtL3.

I'll probably stick to the same venue for BtL3 but I will change some things. I'm going to be a tad more organized in terms of extra staff and venue layout. I had some ideas for BtL2 that I wasn't able to carry out due to me getting to the venue only a half hour before it opened to the public (@ 8:30). It sucks not living in Philly atm, it was like a hour and a half drive to get there. I also sort of whimped out on the technology side of the tournament, with not having premade SD cards for everyone (the ones I bought turned out to be non-compatible with the Wii wtf), no projectors, no dedicated recording setups (aka relying on saved replays), etc. Also not using a freicken netbook for the livestream lol. I'll have my old more powerful laptop up and running again soon for things like that.
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