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Beyond the Limit 2 ~ BRAWL+ ~ Results! 11/14/09

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007

1: JCaesar and TheCape (JCaesar + TheCape)
2: ChiboSempai and MexiMadnez (ChiboSempai + MexiMadnez)
3: Blackanese and Ref (Blackanese + Ref)
4: Ryoko and greg (Ryoko + greg)
5: Beat and Cactuar (Beat + Cactuar)
5: Glick and Shongotskills (Glick + Shongotskils)
7: Lobos and VisT (Lobos + VisT)
7: .com and TUSM (.com + TUSM)
9: Bionic Sonic and Count_Kaiser (Bionic Sonic + Count_Kaiser)
9: Khanti and DaiAndOh (Khanti + DaiAndOh)
9: Yes! and Vex Kasrani (Yes! + Vex Kasrani)
9: Truth and Xzax (Truth + Xzax)
13: Khan and Veril (Khan + Veril)
13: quinnydinny and Thunderhorse (quinnydinny + Thunderhorse)
13: CloneHat and MXXD (CloneHat + MXXD)
13: F00ly and Woahz (F00ly + Woahz)
17: Sabs801 and Bnzaaa (Sabs801 + Bnzaaa)

Singles Pools

1: Vex Kasrani
1: Blackanese
1: Glick
1: MexiMadnez
1: TheCape
1: VisT
1: greg
1: JCaesar
9: Thunderhorse
9: F00LY
9: Ryoko
9: Lobos
9: Ref
9: ChaosKnight
9: Cactuar
9: Yes!
17: Shongotskills
17: Veril
17: Count_Kaiser
17: Silven
17: Phillyrider
17: ChiboSempai
17: Sabs801
17: Truth
25: Naza
25: Beat
25: .com
25: MXXD
25: Bakuryu
25: CloneHat
25: DaiAndOh
25: Khanti
33: TUSM
33: quinnydinny
33: Bionic Sonic
33: Khan
33: Xzax

Singles Bracket

1: MexiMadnez :squirtle:
2: TheCape :ness2:
3: Vex Kasrani :marth:
4: Glick :jigglypuff::dedede:
5: Blackanese :gw::fox:
5: JCaesar :rob::wolf:
7: ChaosKnight :marth:
7: greg :falcon:
9: Lobos :toonlink:
9: Yes! :fox:
9: ChiboSempai :rob:
9: Thunderhorse :falco:
13: Ref :ness2:
13: VisT :falcon:
13: Cactuar :peach::squirtle:
13: .com :ness2:
17: F00LY
17: Silven
17: Count_Kaiser
17: Veril
17: Ryoko :shiek::zelda:
17: Khanti
17: Beat :metaknight:
17: Shongotskills
25: DaiAndOh
25: Naza
25: CloneHat
25: Bakuryu
25: Truth
25: Phillyrider :peach:
25: Sabs801
25: MXXD


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The tournament was pretty awesome. It took a really long time for singles to start and that's my only complaint. Wish we could stay long enough to win crews for the tri state. That crew battle doesn't count lol. Gurus our best player and this tournament had a serious lack of guru.

I'm on my brothers iPhone so I'm not going to get into personal shoutouts but good games to anybody I played.

Dai I'm still thinking about giving you that one dollar.
Silven fails at running.

Some people were suprising me with great playing while others showed me how skill-less the game can get. *cough*ness

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007

Pools started during losers finals of doubles, and bracket started like 10 mins after the last pool was handed in


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Let me be the first to shoutout:

1: MexiMadnez - we didn't really talk, but good stuff winning
2: TheCape - 2nd isn't bad either!
3: Vex Kasrani - lol @ you and Yes!, Bowser doesn't exist in this game. Fun match on the new SSE stage, ggs.
4: Glick - Where did D3 come out of? T3 next one! If you make top 3, then you'll give me the dollar ok?
5: Blackanese - Monique is too good.
5: JCaesar - Nice to finally see the face behind the robot
7: greg - GGs in pools. Falcon dittos with Cactuar looked fun, but I'd probably get 4 stocked.
9: Lobos - GGs in friendlies. Toon Link mad homo!
9: Yes! - New stage was nice. Now are you gonna learn that fancy tech skill jc shine stuff
9: ChiboSempai - gj running it. Didn't place badly in teams either of course.
9: Thunderhorse - ggs in teams.
13: Ref - You were slacking that first game against us, but pulled it out in the end. Good show.
13: VisT - GG in bracket. So much Falcon is fun.
13: Cactuar - You were on point with the jab resets. Gotta tech always. GGs in pools, hope you enjoyed the B+ experience.
13: .com - Genesis 2 - The EC trashtalk experience.
17: F00LY - ggs in bracket. Once more, TL mad homo.
17: Silven - Glad you got warmed up or whatever in our friendlies. You got bracket screwed though with Yes! first round. Good showing with Ike though.
17: Count_Kaiser - I like how you dress kind of like your avatar :p
17: Veril - Glad to see you again.
17: Khanti - Yay!
17: Shongotskills - OBAMA!!! That race outside was too good.
25: DaiAndOh - A wise man said: PICK A TOP TIER!
25: Sabs801 - ggs in pools, close matches!
25: MXXD - ggs in friendlies. I hope the finder gets bigger.
33: Khan - Despite not making it out of pools, you generally did very well, especially for your first tournament.. You had leads on EVERYONE in our stacked pool, just don't blow it or suicide. Hope you come back for more.


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
Just got home 10 min ago (thx TH for the ride btw, sorry bout the GPS fail) shoutouts later


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
1: MexiMadnez (Squirtle)
2: TheCape (Ness, Mario, Dedede)
3: Vex Kasrani (Marth)
4: Glick
5: Blackanese
5: JCaesar (ROB, Wolf)
7: ChaosKnight (Marth, Ness?)
7: greg (Falcon)

Random guessing, but that's what I saw

Lord Khanti

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Locust Valley, Long Island NY
tourny was fun : D
just got home, im beat from being out since 5 am. still prob gonna stay up practicing bow skills in MHFU : /
good seeing the NY crew again

-Silven of course always complaining about my textures lol, ur hair is funny, and you failed at running
-Skip, that obama mask was hilarious
-Glick, gj gettin 4th, guess its a good thing i didnt force Cosby Bebop on you, but now i will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcCZVgqisic
-Blackanese, that famous trash talk in that MM, oh how i miss hearing that every week at W2Z
-Ref, gj reping Ness as always and forever
-Dai, GG tourny tommarow, teams was fun, our team was supposed 2 be called "Kirin Cheese comes from where?" any MH player will under stand what it means.
-Mexi, owned me, but get at me for raging in the middle of the match and breaking total conncentration bc Dabuz entered the live stream chat
-Phillyrider, good singles sets, never really fought a good peach in B+ b4
-Xzax, falco ditto's : / we both play very different falco, you got more laser game and i bair a lot.
-Vex, SSE stage in teams was mad lol
-Yes, same thing as Vex, also fun times in pools, also Hell March ftw on ur PS2 stage.
-JCaesar, now i kno what you look like when ur talking in the B+ chat room, gg's in pools also
-Thunderhorse, fun in teams match, we never got 2 play those friendlies : (
-Truth, gg's in pools, my concentration broke during the luigi fights, didnt get it back till fighting philly lol, owel next time, next time : D
-Beat, fun friendlies, and that song is called Mambo Gallego.

videos i mentioned 2 Beat
Melee Powerthirst - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH4sUrQAabY
Melee Powerthirst 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx5JZOTCisY
Randell Slot **** - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgU9gLFaSvc
Perfect Falcon match against 3 comps - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5AkW5gD-CE

tired, gonna go bow down a rathalos : /


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Oh yeah.

Shout out to the guy talking in the mic for most of the while for being fun, and shout out to Dabuz for chatroom hilarity :chuckle:


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Good tourney, too lazy to say much. Bai

edit- Oh btw Chibo PLEASE! Send Guru the replay of me vs. Mexi on Delfino..I promise I won't Youtube it..it's just too hilarious to miss!


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Do we need anymore proof that Ness is broken?

Shanus, time to fix this totally abusive character. PK thunder is obviously broken, as is Fair and shield stun. Plus the Down B pushes them way too far away, thats ridiculous

I'll bet anyone that fought Cape was like "man **** ness" after the match

I played Cape at hackfest 3, I beat all of his characters, and then got 4 stocked by his ness, Ok its his main sure, but the radical difference is obvious. Cape good **** abusing his brokenness though, it got you a ton of cash, I'm proud. Lets play brawl+ again sometime, and lets play your version to try it out

Good **** JCaesar and Cape for winning, Team almost Westminster is too good


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Our team name is The Praetorian Guard.

1st place at a pretty major B+ tourney, not bad for our first outing.

This was pretty much my best tournament ever. I beat a lot of really good people that I never expected to beat. And that was after losing to Beat's MK first round :laugh:

Shoutouts to come.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Tant, I dont think anyone was questioning not fixing Ness, lol


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Thanks Keitaro! Get good at Brawl+ so we can team and randomly 2-0 amazing players again :p

<- doubles genius? :laugh: nahhhhh, I just get lucky a lot. It's better to be lucky than good.

1: MexiMadnez - Great stuff in teams, and good job winning! Your Squirtle is vicious, and you're a good guy, you deserved it.
2: TheCape - Makin dat money like M2K! Our teamwork is too pro, and Ness is too gay :laugh: I hope a lot of people got to try your set.
3: Vex Kasrani - My biggest fan! Wish we got a chance to play.
4: Glick - I have a lot of good Jiggs experience from G-Reg, but I've never played a DDD on your level before, good stuff. I kinda wish I had tried Wolf the last match.
5: Blackanese - The king of trash talk. I thought you guys had us in teams too. Good seeing NY again. Too bad Guru couldn't make it :ohwell:
5: JCaesar - Not bad, scrub, not bad.
7: ChaosKnight - Good stuff, especially in crews. Mexi could've been a serious threat but you took care of it. You definitely have the potential to place better.
7: greg - Thanks for driving. I'll give you Wolf practice if you teach me to play as smart as you :p
9: Lobos - Best TL+ no doubt! You gotta camp more though :p Thanks for coming though, it made the trip more fun.
9: Yes! - My only regret is not playing you in a serious set. Random dittos on the livestream were too fun though.
9: ChiboSempai - Great tournament, and good job repping ROB! I tried to use him as much as I could but I definitely sold out to more broken Wolf in some matchups.
9: Thunderhorse - Best Falco+! Good stuff against that broke-*** Ness in crew battles.
13: Ref - Nice Ness, and good stuff in teams. I was actually hoping to run into you in singles to see if my Cape training has paid off. I think I was one of only a handful of people here who knew how to fight Ness.
13: VisT - You can definitely do better next time. I wanna see more Weegee.
13: Cactuar - I hope you didn't get too bad of an impression of Brawl+ from this. Did you at least try Cape's set? It's not nearly as ******** as this one.
13: .com - Friggin megaphone, this guy...
17: Silven - I saw you taking Mexi to town with Ike, good stuff.
17: Count_Kaiser - Great job in crews! We were counting on you and you came through.
17: Veril - WBR bros! Nice Jiggs, but arrrrgh I hate MK.
17: Ryoko - Hey man don't take your losses so hard. It's kinda rude to not even shake hands after a match :ohwell:
17: Khanti - Good stuff in pools. See you on the IRC.
17: Beat - Argh ****ing MK :laugh: My Achilles heel. Luckily I didn't run into any in Loser's.
17: Shongotskills - Good stuff in teams. We shouldn't have had to play first round, both our teams had a legit shot at winning this.
25: DaiAndOh - The Pika player right? I heard good things about you from G-Reg.
25: Truth - Sorry I played pretty gay against you. Luigi's down-B is mad frustrating to deal with. It sucks we had to play twice. You're a cool guy though.
25: Phillyrider - GET ***** IN CREWS! Nah, it was cool seeing you again, good stuff.
33: TUSM - Chill as always. Don't quit!
33: quinnydinny - erm um I don't know what to say. Thanks for coming though, it's always cool hanging with ya.
33: Bionic Sonic - Good stuff in crews, you surprised me.
33: Xzax - Always good seeing ya. Falco is homo.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2008
Stream was fun to watch..
TUSM was funny as hell with the commentary..
Squirtle too good xD


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Thanks Keitaro! Get good at Brawl+ so we can team and randomly 2-0 amazing players again :p

<- doubles genius? :laugh: nahhhhh, I just get lucky a lot. It's better to be lucky than good.

25: DaiAndOh - The Pika player right? I heard good things about you from G-Reg.
Nah I was the Pit the player.

Well you got the first letter right I guess :p

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I had fun at this tournament. Despite getting pretty good after pools ended its ok :)

1: MexiMadnez- How did it feel hoppin over the border and winning money despite not getting any benefits?
2: TheCape - gay character is gay. Good meeting you bro.
3: Vex Kasrani - Good job. rawrawrawrawr
4: Glick- DDD is too ****ing good
5: Blackanese - in NY papa blacka is the **** yo.
5: JCaesar - my favorite farmer, good job, next time ill beat you!
7: G-reg- Good seeing you bro, and no I am not Cactuar Jr.
9: Lobos - TL is gay. Haha just playing good stuff bro.
9: Yes! - rawrawrawrawr nessssss. I still <3 you
9: ChiboSempai - MR. CHIBS I 2 stocked.. ya azz....dawg...(MIB Post because he ***** u in 2v1)
9: Thunderhorse- Falcooooo dittttosssssssss :)
13: VisT- Falcon awesome
13: Cactuar- Buffalo Chicken Pizaa too good. Good seeing you Charles, its been awhile.
13: .com- nadim harris too good
17: Silven- hi
17: Count_Kaiser- Ness = Gay
17: Ryoko- You ***** in crews....<3
17: Khanti- Falco dittos suck haha next time I'll camp you with snake or mk
17: Shongotskills- your name is a fraud
25: CloneHat- Soniccccccccccc
25: Truth- yousuckbignuts
25: Phillyrider- EVVVVANNNNNNNN
25: Sabs801- The pizza was awesome haha
25: MXXD- Sonic dittos lawlawlawlawl


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
4: Glick - I have a lot of good Jiggs experience from G-Reg, but I've never played a DDD on your level before, good stuff. I kinda wish I had tried Wolf the last match.
That's a lot of the reason I didn't pick jiggz vs your Rob loll

That's the reason i picked DDD for half my matchs. Though I sorta regret not using jiggz vs vex at the end there.

greg is a great jiggz, and nobody has seen my DDD yet so I figured I'd go the smart way.



Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
1: MexiMadnez - GGs in pools, you're too good
2: TheCape - Great job bro, more friendlies next time
3: Vex Kasrani - You're marth is good, GGs
4: Glick - We never played
5: Blackanese - Always a pleasure, trash talking too good
5: JCaesar - Good job with the placing and a funny ride back lol
7: ChaosKnight - This is your last one, I got your marth next time
7: greg - Thanks for driving bring more **** next time!
9: Lobos - Not bad.....BEST TOON LINK in B+ :chuckle:
9: Yes! - We didnt play!
9: ChiboSempai - I still beat ROB in B+ :psycho:
9: Thunderhorse - Good job md/va!
13: Ref - GGs, I got pay back from teams
13: VisT - You could have done way better but good job in teams!
13: Cactuar - Good seeing you again, double fox was too fun
13: .com - Loud as ****! lol
17: F00LY - GGs in friendlies
17: Silven - They call me the ike killa!!! nah jk GGs
17: Count_Kaiser - Had the pimp hat on! MD/VA!
17: Veril - GGs, I went all out in our match since I decided not too take it easy at all!
17: Ryoko - GGs in friendlies, some intense matches
17: Khanti - Did we play?
17: Beat - We didnt play!
17: Shongotskills - Same
25: DaiAndOh - GGs
25: Naza - GGs
25: CloneHat -GGs
25: Bakuryu -GGs
25: Truth -GGs
25: Phillyrider - GGs
25: Sabs801 -GGs
25: MXXD - Toon Link owned you! ;)

Great job MD/VA winning crews, NO johns we didn't even have some of our top players either.

All in all great tournament md/va kinda got bracket ***** but oh well:psycho:

Edit: thanks jerm you know I gotta Rep TL

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I should have the paper somewhere...

Both crews were crippled pretty bad though

Tristate was:
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