This is hilarious. I love how these stage discussions always turn into a Bash *insert character X* here because people decide to main ****ty characters like captain falcon.
Dont ban stages cuz chars are better than u on said stage. Believe it or not there is no 100% fair stage (as had been said many times) and there will always be a stage that you will be bad on.
The pros just want to make it so that there is only enough stages where they have 1 bad stage. Thus making it so they are never at a disadvantage as long as they auto ban that stage.
Thats fair I think HOWEVER that can be achieved by just giving you 2 bans in the *insert # of stages* list.
These Topics should always be lets change the counterpick system/rules not lets delete *insert random stage here*
Personally It should be Yoshis, FoD, PS, BF, FD, DL, RC, Brinstar, KJ64 AT LEAST to start maybe more but those just might be personal preference, ON from the START. You strike down from all the stages. Round 2 you get 2 bans.
@ drugged fox: Falco doesnt have to ban brinstar on jiggs? and Marth doesnt **** him on neutrals cept dreamland which he ALWAYS strikes? you obviously dont know anything about falco.