Seclusion being our usual lack of interaction with the rest of the smash community, something I consider global. We're not as bad as we once were. But we need to be getting on twitter. Embracing da e-sport. To me it's a privilege to be apart of what I consider the global smash scene.
Scoot, you misunderstand a lot of things and are heavily prone to feeling persecuted in any conversation whatsoever. I didn't make it obvious, but my condescension came after you made out I was "demeaning other people", it also didn't help that you estranged yourself from any point made with "in regards to my opinion against being mostly personal preference and not necessarily a solid argument either way. Last thing, I really disagree with this mentality. (Love you Shaya)" You should speak for yourself or at the very least be coherent (I'm still confused).
I may not be good as a condescending prick but you aren't good at making a point (that isn't obvious or otherwise been said); of course we're deciding for ourselves, this is NORMAL FOR EVERY SINGLE SCENE and it's happening RIGHT NOW. You've interpreted things as egotistical (yep trying to be interconnected is egotistical) and my belittlement of you due to lack of "investment" (no, it's because of how you communicate), and as rare as it is for me, I found it amusing (Luke's rubbing off on me, it's usually depressing). So here we are, where my original "why?" compounds itself indefinitely.
Also dammit Luke, I deserve this, I know. You told me to stop. You begged me to stop.
But to address the misunderstanding with you, it isn't about travel. It's about us all being able to share in growth and representing ourselves outwards. Why would I want our scene to piddle to just what foreign scenes say or do? We've never been like that. I already feel our scene is behind but I don't think we have any reason whatsoever to be.
, that's why I did say "traditional". It isn't really our fault we're a western nation in the middle of the ocean far far away from all society and how that's impacted us culturally over 200 years, but like omg we JUST GOT NETFLIX. We're almost there, team.
Scoot, you misunderstand a lot of things and are heavily prone to feeling persecuted in any conversation whatsoever. I didn't make it obvious, but my condescension came after you made out I was "demeaning other people", it also didn't help that you estranged yourself from any point made with "in regards to my opinion against being mostly personal preference and not necessarily a solid argument either way. Last thing, I really disagree with this mentality. (Love you Shaya)" You should speak for yourself or at the very least be coherent (I'm still confused).
I may not be good as a condescending prick but you aren't good at making a point (that isn't obvious or otherwise been said); of course we're deciding for ourselves, this is NORMAL FOR EVERY SINGLE SCENE and it's happening RIGHT NOW. You've interpreted things as egotistical (yep trying to be interconnected is egotistical) and my belittlement of you due to lack of "investment" (no, it's because of how you communicate), and as rare as it is for me, I found it amusing (Luke's rubbing off on me, it's usually depressing). So here we are, where my original "why?" compounds itself indefinitely.
Also dammit Luke, I deserve this, I know. You told me to stop. You begged me to stop.
But to address the misunderstanding with you, it isn't about travel. It's about us all being able to share in growth and representing ourselves outwards. Why would I want our scene to piddle to just what foreign scenes say or do? We've never been like that. I already feel our scene is behind but I don't think we have any reason whatsoever to be.

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