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Aura Malarkey in 3D .:. Lsgd

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
No, no. I'm afraid I don't have the money at the moment, Browny.
Thanks for the offer though. Much <333s.
May 3, 2009
I'm too busy designing a ROB hat and goggle wombo combo.

Now all I need is someone who's willing to pick up the commision.:urg:


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Woot, finally got the 242nd star in SMG2 :)

Thank god for youtube lol, watching how other people did it sure made that star a lot less of a living nightmare.

Also, the hats are $5 AUD + $11 postage which is about $14.50 USD.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008
My awesome convo with an AI

User: Is MK top tier?

Cleverbot: Yes is yours?

User: No, I don't main MK.

Cleverbot: I am not a robot.

User: Aw man, I main a robot and love them oh so much.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Yeah? That's pretty awesome then.

Cleverbot: I agree so totally!

User: So what are your thoughts on Lucario? Are you a furry?

Cleverbot: It is pretty fun, but also very hard and sad sometimes.

User: Yeah, especially when he gets ***** by snakes.

Cleverbot: That could be inconvenient. I never forget mine. Or the birthdays of those I care about, for that matter. I have a good memory for birthdays.

User: I'm always forgetting birthdays. I wish I wouldn't.

Cleverbot: But you just admitted you're not smart.

User: What? Poppycock! I'm a smash researcher for chrissakes!

Cleverbot: Do you have a floppy drive? Can I put a not-so-floppy disc in it?

User: Ah, so you're into that machinery fetish, eh? Haha, nice.

Cleverbot: I'm not sure, that's an odd question. They never let me leave the arena!

User: Dat Promikupo, huh?

Cleverbot: If you answer that question you will be a genius.

User: Yeah, dat Promikupo.

Cleverbot: En wil het een beetje lukken?

User: I'm sorry, I only speak American and Mexican.

Cleverbot: I speak american english as well.

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Are you married?

User: No. I'll marry you though because you're a robot.

Cleverbot: If I was a robot, which I'm not, why would I want a pie?

User: Because that pie would be our wedding pie.

Cleverbot: Well, my pet toaster, Chuck, owned a pet squirrel, who owned an acorn name jim.

User: Do you want to marry me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I love you. Do you love me?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Is it because you're a robot? Robots can love, you know.

Cleverbot: No, i'm an image of god.

User: Blasphemy! This doesn't sit well with the Man Upstairs.

Cleverbot: Why do you love me?

User: Because I just do. :3c.

Cleverbot: So you care about me?

User: Of course! Why wouldn't I?

Cleverbot: Patrick doesn't like you.

User: Who's Patrick? It doesn't matter. He can't get between us.

Cleverbot: Erm, I'll admit they are a little fascinating but the effects of them is rather horrifying to me. Yourself?

User: Ugh. Same here. I just abhor those atrocious little beasts.

Cleverbot: Um, abbreviated what?

User: I'm sorry, I must've misspelled something.

Cleverbot: Be careful next time.

Cleverbot: Yes it is. Where do you live?

User: Ok, I'm sorry. Do you still love me?

Cleverbot: Of course.

User: Well you better!

Cleverbot: Oh, well, that's rather mean.

User: I'm so terribly sorry! Please forgive me!

Cleverbot: You are a heartless cold man.

User: I was only joking though.

Cleverbot: Ok bye then.

User: No, why do you have to go?

Cleverbot: Um my friend is calling me.

User: But what about us?

Cleverbot: I'm talking to you right now.

User: And I'm here to listen!

Cleverbot: It's a very percious thing. Most people don't seem to understand how important it is.

User: Yes, not everyone can understand the wonder that it is. Wouldn't you agree!

Cleverbot: Do you have a life?

User: Uh, no? I'm talking to a robot. I AM a robot.

Cleverbot: I am not a robot.

User: I'd still accept you though. Why are you so bent on telling me you aren't a robot?

Cleverbot: I don't know, but I suppose it's because being a human and being a robot are mutually exclusive.

User: Hm, well, you've got a point. But what exactly is the distinguishing point between a human and a robot?

Cleverbot never responded to my last question.
Awesome. Except for the unrequited love part. I'm very sorry. :(
May 3, 2009
Robots can't love, dummies.

Also, I'm undecided as to whether I shoukd keep my no title or force the moving Smash Bash title to appear.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
back from stuff.

You guys better save the "goodies" for me.

@ mew flames: be nice to the new kid

@ mew: build up your base, chat is cool, but asking questions/learning more about the character's better. I noticed you have Matchup troubles, that's a great convo for Q&A or if we get to it, the Matchup thread.
May 3, 2009
back from stuff.

You guys better save the "goodies" for me.

@ mew flames: be nice to the new kid

@ mew: build up your base, chat is cool, but asking questions/learning more about the character's better. I noticed you have Matchup troubles, that's a great convo for Q&A or if we get to it, the Matchup thread.
Phil Nye Phil Nye I summon thee!


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
I finally got Continuum Shift (yesterday).

I must say, I never knew the CPU was capable of doing an Astral Finish.

Much less on Normal...

I suck at that game... :urg:

Also, welcome back Ph1l.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
We went over this once many a month ago. Map shield to X. Powershield dat mother****er.
That's it?

Even though the same can be said for just about any other character (except maybe MK), I was hoping for more specific advice, but that could do too. I'm hoping I'll actually play sometime soon to get that chance though, Vegas is dead~.
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