Ok, so we get it: AZ likes AZ. Nice.
@Mind Trick:
Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm glad I got to go on stream again and play better. I appreciate the feedback, and at some points I was very aware of me putting myself in shield too much, I'm trying to get to the point of consistency where being in shield isn't much of a disadvantage and I can just shield drop 98.4% of the time, but I definitely choked several times, and I also simply got beaten on several times for doing it. I've seen Eggz use shield drops like that, and I think it will pay off later once I get it down without choking. . . When I practice I get it much easier. . .
My grabgame I neglect pretty often, and I think that is because I used to choke on DJC U-air more than not, I've gotten much better at it, but still haven't put grabs into my game to the degree that I should.
The forcing smashes thing. . . yeah, that kills me. It is almost a random reflex when I think I see an opening, and I eat a ton of attacks for it, I need to get that out of my head. It is really holding me back. It gets really bad whenever I'm down on stocks are frustrated, I just almost spam it, embarrassing.
In a similar fashion to the above, I also get into weird loops, like I think I'm jiggs or something and think I need to zone the other guy, then I get punished. Same thing with D-tilts sometimes. I think a lot of it is my opponents too. Like playing against campy people I will get into realllly stupid loops.
Thank you very much for the feedback, there is also another recording up from the actual tourney, I have some good matches, one in a crew battle (I beat a guy that was talking insane amount of trash on FB, and then went on to take another stock off their CP. Felt awesome.)
@Kimimaru, thanks on the pressure, I mess up tons too, you might have just seen a few matches where I was on point. I do jab reset sometimes, usually only against fastfallers because they're the only people I get into the position for it on. I should try to do it more though.
Edit: Also, the most disappointing thing about the weekend, is that on Friday's stream I thought Leffen complimented my Yoshi, turns out it wasn't really Leffen. Should've known, Leffen doesn't really compliment
Also, I'm going to post some of my notes soon.