Vs that Sheik:
You need to control the space better, instead of approaching B reversal bacon, you could just do standing SH Double bacon or retreating bacon, she got into you so many times because that. Also, when you got a grab i feel you didnt follow up correctly, you went for bthrows instead of uthrow (or even frthrow), and followed with an Uair instead of a fair, side b or even and up b to combo extend. Y also recommend you to use your waveland more, its amazing how many space you can control with wavelands/Empty jumps-> waveland
Vs marth:
That match was better, but you still need to try to control space, marth just went ape**** on you, you were the first 30 seconds hanging from the right ledge scared, when you could just grab it and up b out of it to safety. You followed better here, but you didnt grab or use bair often enough, in that matchup grabbing and turtle are your best friends because marth basically destroys you. Also, when yoou did grab you went for bthrow-> nair, which doesnt work, always try to go for uthrow because you can get the most out of it