I'll only answer the ones I have good answers for
As you wish, J4pu.
Hello Falcos, I'm MK26 but you can call me Maestro. I usually hang around the Kirby boards, but I'm trying to pick up Falco as a secondary (or at least a tertiary), and I have a few questions.
1) I've seen some Falco vids and it seems like Falco's f-air and u-air are neglected. Do these aerials have much use?
2) Should I save Falco's b-air as a kill move, or is it an all-purpose, spammable move?
3) Which of Falco's tilts is used the least, or do all of them have a place in competitive play?
4) When you're playing a character that is difficult to chaingrab (ex. G&W, Olimar, Kirby), how do you go about racking damage?
5) When your opponent is out of chaingrabbable percent range, which throws do you use?
6) Do you use dash grabs or running shield grabs while chaingrabbing?
7) What are Falco's consensus worst matchups, and do you counterpick characters or just stick it out and hope for the best?
8) What are Falco's favourite stages, both in general and against Falco's worst matchups? I know Jungle Japes is generally, and I'd assume that a Falco would usually prefer stages with small blastzones. How about stages to ban or avoid?
9) Are there any Falcos who play with Wiimote-Nunchuck? If so, do you have any controller-specific advice besides "get a gamecube controller"?
10) In your opinion, why is Falco so high on the tier list?
11) What is a Falco's preferred tactic to cancel momentum when hit?
12) I am used to playing more aerially based characters (Kirby, Shiek, ROB etc.). Should a Falco generally be more ground based, or is an even mix more effective?
13) How do you get around being edgeguarded often?
14) Who are the pros that commonly place high in tournament?
Thanks for your input, everybody.
1)Fair is great at building damage but it lasts way to long and has terrible after lag if you don't let it finish, so only use right away during a full hop.
Uair is actually great if your opponent understands how to DI, when you get hit upwards you are supposed to use an aerial to FF ASAP, this gives us an opportunity to make the most out of Falco's great jump height and punish their after-lag with a potential kill move.
3) Dtilt is currently without a good use, but the other two have their uses, Ftilt for quick ranged attack and to avoid shield grabbing, Utilt comes out quickly and can potentially kill.
5) Dthrow is almost always the best option due to it having the most follow-up potential although if your back is facing towards and edge, you might try Bthrow them off the stage and edge guard
6) Walking CG is nearly always the best becase it has optimal grab range (vertically and horizontally) and you won't trip (exceptions: Pivot boost grab, moving slightly farther with the CG)
7) IC's, unsure
8) we have an incomplete CP and ban stage guide that I recently bumped, should be on first page
10)CG + Lasers
11) we don't have anything special, Bair and jump towards stage if hit off the side, and Dair if hit off the top. Always DI to the corner
12)SHLasers (and CG's) are the only consistency, there are both grounded and aerial and mixed styles
13) read your opponent, if they are gunna punish a phantasm onto stage, then phantasm to the edge, if they are going to edge-hog then phantasm onto stage. If DEHF is standing at the edge about to grab you if you go for the stage or edge-hog you if you go for the edge, then you are screwed. Save your 2nd jump as long as possible to keep options open.
14) Sethlon is my favorite, SK92, DEHF, Kismet2, some others that I can't think of. (theres a recent thread asking the same thing on the first page)
hyo said:
I always thought the point of OoS attacks was a "get away from me!" Sort of mentality. Things like Bowsers whirling fortress or Marth's dolphin slash OoS prove as ways to get the enemy away, more than anything else.
OoS reflector + trip = win for get away.
Like you said, DI in the air and there isn't any lag when you reach the ground.
So.. techchase? You could even boost smash.
normally the point is gtfo attacks, unfortunately your idea is more of a "I'm gunna annoy you while I get away from you" since the trip is inconsistent, the attack is weak, and the reflector lags, thus DI'ing away in the air keeps you safe.
We basically have better options, SHDair OoS, JC Usmash OoS, grab