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ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Okay so I need some advice people. I used Falco this weekend with success (only used him one set but I won it soundly) but I felt like I was a bit textbook in my playstyle. What are some of the mixups you guys use in between lasering and phantasming away. I just need some general ideas.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Does dair always beat tornado, or just the spike part?
Dair doesn't beat tornado afaik, but it's pretty good at hitting its blind spot.
So yes, if you hit the blind spot you will always beat tornado, be it with Dair, Bair or even Fair (lulziest tornado break ever).
Aug 6, 2008
There is only one move I know that beats nado, and that is Snake's Utilt move. For some reason, it seems to beat it out.

Does anyone else thing that Jab cancel -> roll away from opponent is impossible to punish realistically?

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I do it all the time and I never get punished for it. Its retardedly (totally not a word) safe. But I guess frame data can help support/debunk this myth.
Aug 6, 2008
Since Clowsui brought it up lol

Okay so I need some advice people. I used Falco this weekend with success (only used him one set but I won it soundly) but I felt like I was a bit textbook in my playstyle. What are some of the mixups you guys use in between lasering and phantasming away. I just need some general ideas.
I use a mixture of baits, approaches, and running away.

The biggest one I do is merely running away at random times to go back into lasering for a few rounds. That can be done with phantasm, jab cancel -> roll, or merely running away. It might be annoying to get in only to jab once or twice into rolling away, but it seems to get you away and act as a bait for them to follow you.

For some approaches it would be the usual walk up or dash up into rolling away or behind, spotdodge, or shield. With walking up you might throw up a spaced jab or ftilt.

Basically anything one can do to keep horizontal distance between you and your opponent. A spaced SH Bair.
I do it all the time and I never get punished for it. Its retardedly (totally not a word) safe. But I guess frame data can help support/debunk this myth.
I think that a whole 2%-4% might not be worth it, but it seems to be sort of worth it. Although, it seems to help give you breathing room.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
It seems like we have similarities in our play. I have no problem Jabbing once or two and then rolling away or even Instant Phantasming away if I spaced the Jab correctly. My theory is..if I can sit there and laser people all day because its safe I should be able to do the same with other moves. Every hit helps. 2%, 15%, 24% whatever it all leads to the kill. I think its also important to know ALL your options and know when it would be more beneficial to go for a Nair or F-Tilt for example.

@Jackie Clow: Kind of and also trying to figure out how to mix it up when in close quarters. I know how to camp but I feel very linear when in mid range/close range.
Aug 6, 2008
Do not forget you have aerials. Falco's SH aerials/airdodge is not too bad at doing things.

It seems like all of falco's moves are not horrible ideas to use in just about any situation.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Yeah, I believe I need to experiment with them a bit more. I do use Nair a bit though as I love how the hitboxes pretty much cover his body and make it hard to stop. And Bair is **** as always. I would like to experiment with SH Up-air as like a cross-up. I got a SH Uair off in some friendlies and it ACed afterthe first hit which allowed me to somehow get the Up-Smash off. It was hot.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@tchase that's called the ozz special haha, we didn't release the tactic out of FBR because we never got enough testing. it's difficult + risky to perform anyways

idk i would need to play your falco to help you w/ this because this kind of question is super general. every falco is stronger/weaker at certain camping aspects

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Pick :marth:

Seriously, this matchup is really stupid.

If you really want to attempt this you have to play extremely safe and campy. Aggro Falco is going to get grabbed to 100%. If you have to play in close quarters space your Jabs well and your F-Tilt. You beat him in the air and Back Air is very crucial in this MU. However when it comes time for the kill you will always be putting yourself in extreme risk. And getting hit off the stage is also a huge problem. Ugh its so dumb but others here would know how to deal with Pika better than I would.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2010
I don't think Falco will be able to do it because he doesn't flip when he jumps.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2010
Do you literally make a quarter circle motion like you're doing a Hadoken or do you just press in the diagonally while pressing B?
Yeah. I seriously can not figure out how to do this. What do you mean make a quarter circle?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2010
Hey all Falco Players it's NAKAT after a couple of hours I finally got this down consistently with both Fox and Falco! Good bye to MK dair camping LOL xD.
What are the exact controls, and do they differ from Fox to Falco?
Also Fox will be high teir now.
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