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Ashunera’s Library - General Discussion, Q&A and Index

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Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
The general consensus seems like we should make a new thread. The only problem is the question of who should let their profile be in the thread and what purpose we should have behind making the thread (so that it doesn't count as spam).

I think that we should do what the Peach boards did; have another post under the OP of their discussion thread (in our case, Ashunera's Library) for their profiles. If Arturito is willing to, we might be able to have a mod create another post under the OP and then have him manage all the profiles that people add.

In terms of who can add their profiles to the thread, that is a more difficult issue. I agree that I think we should only let good players and/or prominent posters have a profile, but determining who is a good player or a prominent poster present another issue - I don't want the Ike boards to seem elitist and haughty. If Arturito is going to be the manager of the profiles though, I think it should be up to his discretion to add people or not.

Of course, if Arturito is going to be the manager, we'll need to get his consent and the consent of the people interested. Arturito, do you want to do it? Are you guys okay with that choice?


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
@metroid - That sounds like a plan to me!
I second this motion.

Awesome, gave me some new ideas for fighting Falco.

metroid1117 said:
Hmm... MK is not banned... what do you guys think? Personally, I haven't fought enough MKs to absolutely loathe him, so I was pretty ambivalent towards the whole argument.
Well, it doesn't really affect me because my local tournies probably wouldn't have banned him even if the SBR did. However, I think the voting was kind of bias, since half the BR mains MK and many of the others second him as a safe counterpick. Let's face it, they wouldn't want to make it more difficult for themselves to win tournaments just so low tier mains could have it easier. We can't expect anyone to be saints.



Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I'm just disappointed that the topic won't be discussed until a year from now...that's too long in my opinion. But I guess if it ends up proving how gay MK is or can be, then why not...

Also, yea the entire backroom does use or CP with MK..hence...he will never get banned lol.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Awesome, gave me some new ideas for fighting Falco.
He wasn't the best Falco I've seen. But well played, Kirk, nonetheless.
Well, it doesn't really affect me because my local tournies probably wouldn't have banned him even if the SBR did. However, I think the voting was kind of bias, since half the BR mains MK and many of the others second him as a safe counterpick. Let's face it, they wouldn't want to make it more difficult for themselves to win tournaments just so low tier mains could have it easier. We can't expect anyone to be saints.
Meh, yeah.

I just know that the argument isn't over. It may be over for now in the SBR, but all over the place, everyone else in the community is still going to be at it... forever.
More and more arguments will spread. And whether or not he is banned per the SBR standard, it won't stop.
They just need to -better- encourage TOs to host MK banned tourneys (which they SAY they do) without creating the controversy of having him banned -by standard-.

I was pro-ban. But as long as TOs realize their freedom in their ability to make their own rules about this... I'll be okay. Because that's the least violent/controversial option I see open to the community and the SBR.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I got 2nd at a tournament today out of 21 I wish more people from el paso had gone because it was pretty much the top 2 me and a guy who hates brett =\. So i didn't get to use Ike as much and only have snake videos from winners semis WF LF and GF...

that sounds like to much snake now lol.

edit: I honestly don't mind the arguement being over for now i think in the long run it will help because after the first vote many MK mains picked up secondaries to pretend they could do just as well. Now that its over maybe MK will dominate more.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
lol he told me why he thought you where bwett on saturday it was pretty funny. He saw you playing against a yoshi player from san angelo and apparently you where getting ***** so when they said brett and he saw you he thought oh they meant bwett.

also :

I would like to do that metriod I haven't done much in a while and i want to help out the boards more and use ike more =\


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
Hmm... MK is not banned... what do you guys think?

It's a pile of bull.

It's obvious that the SBR doesn't want MK banned, so they made it so he couldn't be banned outside of a sudden huge shift in the public opinion by picking such a large number that pro-ban needed when it's obvious that the SBR isn't divided evenly. The poll was a shame at best.

The four polls have show that constantly the public wants MK banned by roughly a 55/45 split. I'm sorry, a clear majority is a clear majority. If it was "evenly split" as some people claim, the polls would have bounced back and forth with who was winning. It would not have stayed 55/45 for all four polls. I can understand some amount of hesitation if it had been only one poll, but four. No, I'm sorry but the results are clear now. The majority of the public wants a ban. It should not be a majority of the SBR.

Lets go onto the SBR and the staff shall we? It's plainly obvious they were supporting Anti-ban for the most part. Just take a look at how long it took Inui and RBK (or who ever that guy was. The guy with three letters, red letters in his name and a monkey avi) to get banned. There were other trolls, but those were the two I remember the best They were plainly trolling in the topic, despite the big letter posted warning. And they were allowed to for a long time. Both of them should have been ban hammered the first post either of them made. Why? They weren't even debating, they were just plain old flaming and trolling, in a topic specifically warning against somethings. RBK/whatever initials they were should be permaban. He came into the topic solely to flame and troll, and admitted he didn't even like Brawl and much preferred Melee. Inui shouldn't be staff or in the SBR. I'm surprised he has lasted as long as he has with all of his unashamed trolling through-out the whole board. Heck, why else did everyone in the WHOBO topic laugh at him when Ruddy told his story about beating him with Fox after Inui trashed talked him? He's a complete and utter joke of a SBRer. It should be simple: you can't follow the rules, you get booted. He can't follow the rules, he should be gone. Heck, those two are the reasons why I barely posted in that topic. I wanted to debate, not sit there and watch two obvious trolls get away with trolling for who knows what long, only to finally get a small slap on the wrist.

And the criteria the SBR put up for MK being banned: complete and utter bull. 2/3 majority, in a place were the majority of the members use MK? What a joke. That's not how you decide things if you are going to use public opinion at all. The moment you use public opinion to decide things, groups like SBR don't get a say besides their own vote in the big poll. You have an even number of supports for both sides of the poll that are in the SBR say their thoughts in the OP of the poll topic, and thats it. You don't go "Yes, the public's vote effects the poll, but our few opinions decide if he's banned or not unless there is a complete and utter outcry for him to be banned." Imagine if voting for the President or Prime Minister worked that way? (Yes, I know in the US you are actually voting for electorals(sp?) who then cast their vote for President, and can technically vote either way but lets be honest, they vote for what the public said and the party they are a part of. Thats why I added in the PM, cause in Canada there are no electorals(sp?)) You would never get a new party in. It would be "Yes, I know that the country as a whole voted 55/45 for the Republicans/Conservatives to be in, but we in Congress had our own vote. As the Democrats/Liberals had a 6/4 lead in seats within the Congress, Democrats/Liberals actually won 59/41, as the Congress vote counts for more then the public vote."

You see how insane that looks? Same thing applies here. If the public is going to be involved, the public gets the final say. No whishy-washy "Yes, you get a part, but a very tiny part to make you feel better." It's all, or nothing.

"But what about the idiots who are obviously clueless about the competitive scene and shouldn't be allowed to vote?" Guess what? Idiots get to vote for the leader of the country. Idiots get to vote for character bans as well. "But they don't know what they are talking about!" So? They are still a part of the community. You don't get to decide who's "smart enough" to decide something like a ban. Public opinion is public opinion, idiots are a part of the public wether you like it or not. And honestly, the Elitists keep acting like they only exist on one side of the poll. Newsflash for ya: they exist on both sides of the poll. "Lulz, I want MK banned because I don't like him." VS "Lulz, I don't MK banned, because I like using him to beat up my little brother and he has a cool cape." Which one is more stupid? Neither.

"What about alt accounts made to change the poll results?" Guess what, that sort of stuff happens in real life as well. One political party will go and bribe those who didn't plan on voting to vote for their party (Free limo ride to vote for you guys? Sweet.), the other party will go through the list of people who are allowed to vote, look for those who are dead but haven't been removed from the list yet, and hire people to act like said person complete with fake ID. And you know what? They generally speaking cancel out each other. Obviously, if you see something like "JimBobTheGreat" and "JimBobTheGreat2" you can catch the guy using alts to affect the vote and veto his votes, and maybe run an IP check on all of the votes looking for alts but otherwise who really cares? People from both sides are going to do that, and quite frankly they will cancel each other out within a few votes.

"The SBR decides things all of the time! We should have just let them have the say on if MK is banned or not!" Yes they do make decisions all of the time. They decide on smaller details. Yes, stage legality is a small detail, as is the tier list. TO will still have what ever stages they want legal (as seen by the NE's silly decision to have perfectly legal stages like Pirate Ship banned, but thats a different argument), and people will still have their own opinion where character so and so should be. Having a character banned? Thats a big issue, one that requires public opinion. "TOs don't listen to the SBR all of the time, just look at the different stage lists! This wouldn't change anything if MK is banned or not!" Wrong. A vast majority of TOs closely follow what the SBR recommends closely. It does play a huge factor, which is a shame seeing how bias this decision was. Smart TOs would look at the SBR's decision, look at what the general public thinks, ask their local area what they want, and act accordingly. Local area should come first for TOs, but they should be aware of what most TOs are doing. Xyro did this in Houston, and his MK banned tournaments are a huge success. He had people fly down to play in his first MK banned tournament. Such a huge success other Texas cities may end up following his/NM's footsteps I doubt the same would occur in the NE area, which is an MK orgy basically. The tournament would probably get half as many people at best.

For the big tournaments (APEX, etc), TOs should pay more attention to the wide public opinion rather then their local area. If that means so and so won't show and has a hissy fit in the discussion topic so be it. If ten guys, or twenty guys do that who cares? They are but a handful of hundreds of people showing up. It'll cost the winner ten bucks out of several grand, I doubt they are going to miss those people's money at all.

"But so and so he/she would quit brawl if MK is banned/legal." You know what I say to that? GOOD.. Let the whiners go. In fact, they should leave right now if they can't adapt to changes in the Brawl scene. Frankly, they don't matter. I don't care who said it, if it was M2K, or my little sister. If you can't take it, leave. Stuff changes, deal if it or cry that life isn't fair and quit. If you can't take it the sooner you're gone the better. "But they said they would leave because it means the SBR is stupid!" If thats the case, it's even better if they leave.

"You yourself are bias! You are obviously pro-ban!" Clean out the mud from your eyes. Everyone is going to have at least a small bias, otherwise they wouldn't be able to vote in the poll. And yes, I was pro-ban. However, if the public opinion had been in favor of anti-ban, I wouldn't be making this post. My points are still valid. "You don't even place in tournaments, you've finished dead last twice, and only beat one person in the other tournaments! And your main is Ike, who sucks against MK!" Yes, I know I suck. I never said I was good at Brawl. As for my main, I have yet to faced an MK in a tournament (Yes, they were MK legal tournaments. Texas happens to like using more then three characters though.). And before you open your mouth with another accusation about my credibility, my ability at Brawl does not change the facts about this poll and decision making process.

Honestly, this whole thing sickens me with the amount of pure bias in the decision making process. He's the facts kids:

1) Public voted in favor of a ban.

2) Public did so four times in a row at roughly the same ratio. It's not random chance or evenly split: it's a clear majority. Stop beating around the bush and accept it. And for crying out loud stop making up weak excuses like "Thats because pro-ban had more idiots." You're just hurting your side more.

3) You let the Public have a say, and as such they should have the final say. That's how it works in the world, there is no reason it should be different here.

4) SBR never intended to ban MK, unless there was a HUGE shift in public opinion. Like, 8/2 in favor of the ban.

5) The modding of the topic, poll and decision making process was heavily in favor of anti-ban.

6) TOs should throw the recommendation out the window and ask their city what they want to do, except for the huge, multi-state tournaments which should be MK banned as thats what the public wants by a 55/45 split.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
4) SBR never intended to ban MK, unless there was a HUGE shift in public opinion. Like, 8/2 in favor of the ban.
That's the problem; so many scrubs, intermediate players and pro non-BRoomers main or rely on MK to win that the poll will never come out better than 60-40 in favor of a ban at the absolute most. They need to do it by majority, not by a certain amount of majority. All of anti-ban's reasonings and limitations make it painfully obvious why they don't want him banned and how smug they are about him never being banned.

I mean really, some of the arguments they've used in MKs favor have been laughable at best, but if they had even the slightest notion that MK would actually be banned, they would surely try to actually come up with good arguments. The problem is that they don't need good arguments because they have limitations (like the 80-20 thing) and a ton of brawlers use MK.



1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Frankly, after the second poll, I'm not very surprised. I did think pro-ban's arguments were much stronger/organized this time around. though.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
I'm not in epic picture with other Ike mains.


And more on the MK ban thing: Has anyone crunched the numbers to see how much the poll would have needed to win by to ban MK? It's laughable.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
Have you? How bad is it?
We all know the SBR doesn't want him banned becuse alot of them use him and if he is banned they won't play as good. I think they should have based it more on the facts of the disscusion.


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2009
Alright. So I have been practicing with Ike obsessively and have come across these problems.

1. I almost never use my Counter. I can't seem to use it when it works so I usually just dodge. Any advice on when to use this (Besides the obvious opponent smash attacks)?

2. It seems that if I miss an aerial I have a TON of lag making it hard to recover when I am off stages. So if I use Nair and miss by the time I am able to Aether its too late. Any advice on how to fix this?

3. Grabs. I can rarely grab because it seems like Ikes grab range stinks just like C. Falcons. Any ways how to fix this?

4. Getting around. Alright. Ive tried the quickdraw way of getting around but it seems like moving around regularly might still be quicker because of the charge on quickdraw. Any experiments regarding this?

Thanks for any answers to these questions.

Melfice z

Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
liberty/kansas city, missouri
Alright. So I have been practicing with Ike obsessively and have come across these problems.

1. I almost never use my Counter. I can't seem to use it when it works so I usually just dodge. Any advice on when to use this (Besides the obvious opponent smash attacks)?

2. It seems that if I miss an aerial I have a TON of lag making it hard to recover when I am off stages. So if I use Nair and miss by the time I am able to Aether its too late. Any advice on how to fix this?

3. Grabs. I can rarely grab because it seems like Ikes grab range stinks just like C. Falcons. Any ways how to fix this?

4. Getting around. Alright. Ive tried the quickdraw way of getting around but it seems like moving around regularly might still be quicker because of the charge on quickdraw. Any experiments regarding this?

Thanks for any answers to these questions.
1. You SHOULD only be using counter on the more obvious attacks, and powerful ones at that. it should be used to punish when your opponent gets too predictable, otherwise, youll be the one geting hurt :p

2. Don't use nair offstage :laugh: if anything, you should be using walk-off f airs or even a back air if your opponent has no way of retaliating. Spikes are unconventional but they're always nice =D As for onstage areials, you should short hop them like, 80% of the time.

3. Mix up jabs and grab occasionally to keep your opponent on their toes so they wont be sure to shield or spotdodge... ill leave someone else to elaborate on this.

4. Ike is slow :ohwell: you could repeatedly use uncharged quick draws, but meh. youll just have to deal with it :urg:

i hope this helped! :psycho:

Also, big shoutout to bob for using the library! :chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2009
Yeah. Just tried a match against Diddy Kong. FAir have a lot less lag then a NAir... Any tips on how to counter Diddy? I could stop him. I won but barely. The bananas werent a problem but the grabs, smashes, peanut gun, and especially the speed were tough... Any suggestions? I think the only thing that let me win was smash attacks after he used his barrel rocket.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico

How should the format of the profile be? Also, should we ask a mod to create a second post under the OP so that the information can be right there?
well I can re organize the op since i already have 2 posts and the first one hardly has anything on there.

I think it would go

paragraph about your self
Ike color?
tournament placings?

also am i m2k?

Melfice z

Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
liberty/kansas city, missouri
Yeah. Just tried a match against Diddy Kong. FAir have a lot less lag then a NAir... Any tips on how to counter Diddy? I could stop him. I won but barely. The bananas werent a problem but the grabs, smashes, peanut gun, and especially the speed were tough... Any suggestions? I think the only thing that let me win was smash attacks after he used his barrel rocket.
try this thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=241497


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2009
Alright. Sorry for so many questions but im loving this thread. I am having trouble with DTilt as sad as it sounds. It seems to take WAY to long and I seem to telegraph it too much. Any tips on how to speed it up?

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Because RoK was extremely cocky, probably.
Not that he was a complete scrub or anything, but he always, always talked himself up to be more than he -really- was.
But Niddo, I think when he stopped posting was better than when he stopped playing. The posts and trash talk were all that got to me.

Anyway. I'm thinking about experimenting with Dtilt onstage as a punishing move at certain low-ish %s... IF people would fall into jabs or grabs afterward.

^ Idea or waste of time?
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