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Ashunera’s Library - General Discussion, Q&A and Index

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Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
devil's advocate/trolling lol.

San, i think I do better against you on neutrals than RC or other good MK stages lol. Typical me though...I only CP neutrals in tournament.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
It is confirmed. Myself and several others from NS are gonna be road-tripping it down to Apex this summer. You guys should definitely ALL go as well. Biggest Ike main group photo evar.



Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
So we're going from the best of the best minus Mr. Doom Ike picture to just a scrubby Ike main picture. Nice. If San goes, it should bolster your picture a bit. Penta and Kimchi will bring it down though.

Your ideal photo should include San, Red-X, and New York Shark just cause he came down from Canada. Other then that, everyone else should stay out.

if we're having a Ike photo at Apex I'll be there. I live in NJ -_-;; so would be pathetic to miss it.
You're not a true Ike main. We only had A_B in there cause he's the **** thread creator of Ashu's. Dammit, I'm gonna see if Hylian can transfer ownership of this thread to me.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
You're not a true Ike main. We only had A_B in there cause he's the **** thread creator of Ashu's. Dammit, I'm gonna see if Hylian can transfer ownership of this thread to me.
i thought it was cause i was back to being the best ike in texas :)

edit: even if you where to own it (which i think i have to give permission to) I still created it!!! your stuck with me forever!


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Your ideal photo should include San, Red-X, and New York Shark just cause he came down from Canada. Other then that, everyone else should stay out.
Whoa, that is the most obscure nickname for me I've ever seen. If it weren't for the mention of Canada and the fact that some guy on XBox live a few years back used to call me "New York" all the time, I would not have known you were talking about me.

Also you Texas Ikes should probably migrate up for it too. Even though I plan on going to the next WHOBO, that may not happen... cause I planned on going to this last WHOBO, and that didn't happen.



Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2008
Wifi training room waiting...
Definitely am not going to a national tourney.... Definitely would not get permission for it XD furthest i think i could negotiate would be going to an Oh Snap since its in oklahoma... Possibly a No Koast in the future XD


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yea, during Summer, I'm stuck with my parents which disapprove of this stuff. So it's meh. Besides, I'll be working and going to school over the summer so blah. Life johnz.

Oh and I'll be paying attention to the FIFA World Cup.

I just saw A_B's facebook. Dude looks like some emo ****** who's about to cry.

Whoa, that is the most obscure nickname for me I've ever seen. If it weren't for the mention of Canada and the fact that some guy on XBox live a few years back used to call me "New York" all the time, I would not have known you were talking about me.
Lol...NY for New York...Syarc just sounds like shark so New York Shark. Makes no sense, but it's better than Kimchi noodles or Metroid despite not maining Samus.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2009
Eglin AFB, FL
Lol...NY for New York...Syarc just sounds like shark so New York Shark. Makes no sense, but it's better than Kimchi noodles or Metroid despite not maining Samus.
And my name doesn't even mean anything, but people end up calling me 'bengay' out of nowhere, like that stupid cream. =_=

And I would be up at Apex, if I had the money for it and wasn't going into the AF. Oh well.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Kimchi's B-day, he's 17 now ;o
Tell him happy b-day from me. Unless he's lurking in which case happy b-day Kimch!

And I would be up at Apex, if I had the money for it and wasn't going into the AF. Oh well.
Army johns are more valid than most. I was in the reserves for a few years and even that crap took the vast majority of my spare time and left me exhausted during the rest of it.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Question, can someone tell me how to use BF to my advantage? Like, maybe I just suck but I don't know how to utilize platforms for the most they can be....


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Platform abuse:
usmash under the platform when the foe is either landing or has to roll from landing on it

fsmash someone landing on a platform. You have 2 frames to hit their landing lag. Or shield poke

Use an uair or nair from under the platform.

Use fair from across the platform

run off (the platform) fair/nair/uair/bair/dair(sweetspot hitbox comes out at the ledge when you run off the platform)

drop down bair

aether from under

aether and land on a platform to be harder to punish

attack tall characters from above platforms. I actually pulled off a dair > usmash before doing this (risky as hell though)


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
I'll go over some platform techniques for you:


Ike can move much faster vertically than horizontally. Ike's fast-fall is very quick and this can be used to make you seem faster. Jumping onto platforms and doing walk-off aerials like Nairs while fast-falling (use the c-stick for the Nair, if you use Smash stick, you'll have to stick to Fairs or something) is a good way to throw off your opponent.

Using Quickdraw to get onto platforms is a great way to move across a stage like Battlefield quickly. Instead of simply dashing across the stage or QDing across the ground, do a full-hop and immediately Quickdraw so that you land on a platform and end up at it's edge. Make sure the QD takes you all the way to the far edge of the platform, so you have no ending lag. You can then proceed directly into a walk-off aerial, a move like Utilt or Jabs if you're opponent is above you, or pratfall and use a Bair.

Platform Sharking:

Many of Ike's attacks, including Nair, Uair, Utilt, Usmash, Fsmash, Bair, and Fair can be used for what's called Platform Sharking. When an opponent is above you on a platform, you can pressure them with these attacks, thus reducing their options for getting down while remaining safe underneath the platform.

The best attacks for this IMO are Nair and Uair. Uair, if timed correctly, can cover a whole BF platform and punish your opponent if they try to spot-dodge or roll away from it. Nair will cover most of the platform, and it has minimal landing lag, allowing you to do another one very quickly even if you fast-fall it. Bair is also good on BF, since it comes out very quickly. Doing a full-hop Bair to punish a spot-dodge or roll on a platform works very well.

Use Usmash and Fsmash to punish players that land on platforms or that do a roll/spot-dodge that you can predict. Usmash will hit nearly the whole platform, while Fsmash will hit directly above you and a tiny bit in front. The good thing about Fsmashing someone on a platform above you is that unless they DI it very well, they'll be sent almost perfectly horizontal, giving you an opportunity to gimp them or KOing them right there and then.


These are some things I like to try out, but which won't always work. For example, using Aether from the ground when your opponent is on the very top platform. If you use it at the right spot between platforms, you can adjust so that if your opponent evades the attack, you can retreat and land back on the stage, but if he gets caught in it, you can land on the platform to deal that extra bit of damage.

If my opponent is near the ledge and I'm standing under the platform near the same ledge, I like to try and confuse them by retreating, jumping away, and then turning and using QD to board the platform I was just under. Once you're on that platform, you can then pratfall -> Bair, and it works a lot more often than you'd think. Don't do it too much or your opponent will catch on and interrupt your QD by ADing in front of it, leaving you helpless.

Falling and using Uair is IMO a very effective trick in a lot of match-ups, and particularly on BF. Prat-falling the top platform and using an Uair if you're against a tall character like Ganon or DK will take them by surprise if they're expecting something like a Dair. People will often let go of their shield too early, or Uair's hitbox will shield-poke the top of them. Once they're up above the platforms, it's sharking time.

If you're opponent is on a platform and you're falling from up high, you can fast-fall between the the platform they are on and another one while using Uair. Again, this often takes people by surprise and could even poke under their shield if they're expecting it. Uair has more horizontal range than most players realize, and it lasts quite some time, so IMO it's a great way to cover your approach when falling from above.

If you have any more specific questions or if you want me to clarify anything, just let me know.



Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2009
Bronx, NY
Yea, it's because Brawl doesn't have much shield stun lol
But I heard it works if you just tap it enough to move but not enough to roll.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
What's the difference between reserve and enlisted? I never asked about it.
In the reserve up here we literally just train our ***** off every weekend and some evenings on weekdays and earn $10 an hour doing it. The reserves never actually get sent to active duty unless there was a huge war that required conscription. In order to avoid having to conscript regular joes, they have the reserves on hand for emergencies.

Being enlisted obviously just means that you will be sent on active duty for things like the nonsense going on in Iraq right now.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2010
Hey guys, what the heck am I supposed to do against Wario? The best player in my area is a really good Wario and he 3 stocked me on Delfino... -_-

EDIT: Happy B-day Kimchi! :D


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Hey guys, what the heck am I supposed to do against Wario? The best player in my area is a really good Wario and he 3 stocked me on Delfino... -_-

EDIT: Happy B-day Kimchi! :D
Go to stage with no platforms, grab, grab release, ****. When he's jumping around, air dodging, use n-air since it lasts forever. Wario's like to use N-air as an approach, but you can grab out of it during a certain part of the attack. Charge up-smash if they are falling towards you and don't fall for the air-dodge.

Edit: Okay, something just went airborn in the cafeteria and caused our half to clear cause everyone (including me) were coughing and choking. So if news breaks out of a zombie or disease out break from a college in Austin, TX, chances are that I'm a victim.

Penta, you better do a **** good job of carrying out my legacy if something happens to me. Though nothing will happen to me, cause my immune system uses special cells called "Awesome" cells that totally **** any bacteria or viral infections.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2010
Go to stage with no platforms, grab, grab release, ****. When he's jumping around, air dodging, use n-air since it lasts forever. Wario's like to use N-air as an approach, but you can grab out of it during a certain part of the attack. Charge up-smash if they are falling towards you and don't fall for the air-dodge.

Edit: Okay, something just went airborn in the cafeteria and caused our half to clear cause everyone (including me) were coughing and choking. So if news breaks out of a zombie or disease out break from a college in Austin, TX, chances are that I'm a victim.

Penta, you better do a **** good job of carrying out my legacy if something happens to me. Though nothing will happen to me, cause my immune system uses special cells called "Awesome" cells that totally **** any bacteria or viral infections.

Neutral air seemed to work except for one thing, he rarely air dodges (Believe me when I say I've forced the habit out of everyone I played lol) he likes to to do a short hop Dair to approach and if I shield it he will just retreat to where I can't punish and pretty much repeat. And he always hit's me with some really fast arial if I try to stop his approach with a Nair or Fair. It's really annoying -_-
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