I personally have a problem with the pools.
Currently it's 80 pools of 5 people each or so. Top 2 advance.
This gives us 80 1 seeds and 80 2 seeds.
After this, they are going to do a second round of pools. We have 160 people going into round 2 of pools, and they want to do 32 pools of 5. Here's the problem though, 32 does not go into 80 evenly. This means approximately half of the round 2 pools will have 3 1st seed players in them while the other half will have only 2 1st seed players. This makes them very imbalanced.
I personally think we should instead do:
Round 1 of pools with 64 pools of 6-7 people each. Advance 4 players from each pool and you have an even 256p bracket seeded properly.
Now even though a 256 bracket sounds daunting, in terms of time, they are less than an hour of difference. Even though we won't have 128 TVs so the first round of the big bracket is done in waves, with the other plan we won't have 80 TVs so that would be done in two waves also.
Basically my plan would possibly have a little lower efficiency in terms of organization, but saves time from not needing to create a round 2 of pools. But the biggest advantage is having 100% accurate seeding, since it all uses powers of 2.
What do you guys think is best?
For the record, I have nothing to do with the current 80 pool system.