Ok I'm on a computer now
=^.^=Falco's sideB=^.^=
Just some stuff off the top of my head
-Our utilt, dtilt, and nair beat the move most of the time. I haven't tested ftilt, but I'd imagine that works too.
-All our smashes will beat it sometimes, the timing and spacing are hard.
It's a quick move, and it's hard to react to. The key though is not to try to time the move. The moment you see the sideB coming, just do one of the tilts. They like to sideB out of laser, and also when they are seemingly in a bad position.
Now when it comes to Falco being offstage, I think he have a lot of options. A trick I like to use is I'll stand sorta close to the ledge to make it look like I'm gonna try to edge hog, but I'll face AWAY from the ledge and shield. Then, when Falco sideBs to the stage, I'm already in a position to shieldgrab him.
This one I haven't really been able to put to work, but I'd imagine this would work amazingly. Since our dtilt beats his sideB as well as reaches over the ledge slightly, it'd probably be a good idea to wait at the very ledge to make it look like you're going to edge guard, then just dtilt the illusion. This also puts Falco a little above you so you can fair him, or even spike him if possible.
If he decides to recover really high to avoid all of this, just upB.
If he decides to just start recovering to the ledge, then you can edgehog him.
Super Rich Brown special: When they are coming back, do that thing where you run off the stage and tether, except you immediately land back on the stage, it practically ensures that he's gonna recover to the stage. (I'm NOT referring to instant return. I think there's a video of this somewhere from like 2008, I'll try to find it in case any of you are confused).
Messing up Falco's sideB requires some very quick reactions/smart decisions/prediction, so just work on it. Avoid just sitting there and waiting for the sideB too because the falco will catch on and stop doing it as much, plus he has plenty of other options anyways. Maintain your mobility and react quickly to the move.
OH also, if you utilt sideB, it will interrupt your utilt, and Falco will land right next to you, allowing for a free move of your choice.
Other Falco stuff since I'm here:
-We can probably usmash OoS between Falco's 2nd and 1st jab (I'm referring to when he cancels it).
-There's NO REASON to fight him when you're at chaingrab percent. Just hop around on platforms, dair, maybe try to pivot grab, or dsmash him through the platform (holy **** that's so ****) or even usmash OoS. You can be a little more loose when you're not at CG percents, but still avoid getting grabbed by Falco because it can lead to some serious damage.
-Just keep Falco at Fsmash range at all times. Don't close the gap for any reason, even if he seems open.
I'm also digging Brood's mixup where he starts to jump at you, then DIs back ever so slightly and grabs. That's really good.
Yeah that's all for now.