Smash Champion
Yeah, a fair amount of pika stuff has changed since i first argued in this, heh.
Sheik is worse for pika than marth. Move her to 1, marth to 2.
Jiggs is eeeven with pika at decent levels of play, probably change that to a 5. While she can't WoP pika, not much prevents her from just retreating bair-ing you to death. Pika's approach options are lackluster at best. Usmash kills retardedly fast, yes, but pika doesn't have a whole lot to lead into it (nair can with bad DI, dthrow can with really bad DI, but nothing inescapable). I end up killing jiggs with nair more often than usmash, and nair doesn't kill until like 110%ish on most stages. And jiggs still has a few tricks that work, namely utilt -> rest.
Sheik is worse for pika than marth. Move her to 1, marth to 2.
Jiggs is eeeven with pika at decent levels of play, probably change that to a 5. While she can't WoP pika, not much prevents her from just retreating bair-ing you to death. Pika's approach options are lackluster at best. Usmash kills retardedly fast, yes, but pika doesn't have a whole lot to lead into it (nair can with bad DI, dthrow can with really bad DI, but nothing inescapable). I end up killing jiggs with nair more often than usmash, and nair doesn't kill until like 110%ish on most stages. And jiggs still has a few tricks that work, namely utilt -> rest.