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Alex Strife presents: Apex 2010 ResultS(BROOD VS M2K VIDZ UP)

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Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
The character results for brawl were very wrong. Here is what the real character usage was.

1st - DEHF (Falco)
2nd - Brood (Olimar)
3rd - Mew2King (Meta Knight)
4th - Lee Martin (Lucario/MK)
5th - Ally (Snake)
6th - Lain (Ice Climbers)
7th - Atomsk (Ice Climbers/D3/Wario)
8th - Rain (Falco/MK)
9th - Anti (MK)
9th - Shadow (MK)
9th - Shugo (Falco/MK)
9th - San (Ike)
13th - Gnes (Diddy)
13th - Malcolm (Wario)
13th - Inui (MK)
13th - SweetPea (Diddy kong)
17th - ChuDat (Kirby)
17th - UltimateRazor (Snake)
17th - Vex Kasrani (D3/Ice climbers)
17th - Jerm (Toon Link)
17th - Doom (MK)
17th - Bizkit (Snake)
17th - Ninjalink (Ice Climbers/ROB/Diddy)
17th - Earth (Pit/Shiek)
25th - Logic (Olimar)
25th - Blue Rogue (Wario)
25th - PatG (Lucario/ZSS)
25th - HolyNightmare (ROB/MK)
25th - Swordgard (Ice Climbers)
25th - Nairo (MK)
25th - SK92 (Falco)
25th - Jash (Toon Link)
33rd - Vinnie (Game and Watch)
33rd - Squall (Snake)
33rd - vVv Fino (Olimar)
33rd - Bloodcross (Falco)
33rd - Snakeee (Zero Suit Samus)
33rd - Mintyflesh (Marth)
33rd - Speed (Sonic)
33rd - Kel (MK)
33rd - Jtails (MK)
33rd - CO18 (D3)
33rd - Eggz (MK)
33rd - Keitaro (Falco)
33rd - Cable (Donkey Kong)
33rd - Junebug (Lucario)
33rd - Koolaid (Pit)
33rd - Bill_ (snake)
49th - Suinoko (Actually not sure on this but it definitely WASNT pokemon trainer lol)
49th - Dr. Grandpa (Donkey Kong)
49th - Boss (Luigi/Mario)
49th - DeltaCOD (Yoshi)
49th - Chaos Marth (MK/GnW)
49th - Jbandrew (luigi/MK)
49th - Big Lou (Luigi)
49th - Fujita (Falco)
49th - Will (Donkey Kong)
49th - TUSM (D3)
49th - Orion (MK)
49th - Trela (Lucario)
49th - TeeVee (ROB/MK)
49th - Zucco (Lucario)
49th - Coney (D3)
49th - (no one, M2K had a bye)


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
i am missing a memory card that has zelda ocarina of time master quest saved data and smash saved data.... please PM me if you have it. it was in a cube that had a biohazard memory card.

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
Oh and also AlphaZealot, I was wondering. Did you copy some of my twitter updates and post them as yours? Because some updates you had I have no clue how you would have gotten them otherwise without you being at the tournament.

I don't really care or anything, I just felt alittle annoyed seeing how everyone is saying "thanks AZ for the twitter updates" when I updated everything basically until grand finals where my phone died and you taking credit for it.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
good **** everyone

good to see all the east coast smashers doin work son

nice megavolt in 64 dude glad to see you still got it hah

jerry and will, i didn't expect anything less lol how many people entered for 64 total?
I think there was 24 total.

We should have entered and done our Link MM *****!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2010
Those matches with m2k/Brood are absolutely ridiculous! It was so entertaining to watch!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2009
Awesome tournament, probably the best first national I could've went to.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
OP should def take them vid links off. thats not cool. oh well vgbootcamp will have better quality and stuff.

wow someone named shift? I approve

mini shoutouts:

commentary crew; good stuff glad I could help. you guys did a great job with the rotating. well played.
my hotel room; you keep bumping into me dawg! you already know what it is!!!!
wenbo; mad chill dude. our hotel room was crazy lol. chipotle at 11am I approve.
AZ; good **** overall
nitendude; thx for being a great teammate and beat in 64
josh; you are a cool guy :cool:
eggm; good **** for silently ****** losers for a bit
pbnj; glad I could help
subway girl; DIP!
chipotle girl; kinda cute
qdoba girl; not as cute as the above
ms brawl; DIP!
gmoney; late night upsmash all day
colbol; late night upsmash lol
alukard; i really liked you yankee hat
Darc; being like the coolest smasher evar XD. next time we got this.
cyrain; omfg you beasted
Idea; good stuff coming out of nowhere canada is getting soo good.
canada; good friendlies as usual. i think i got around to all of you this time =)
diakonos; cheering mad hard for armada haha. great marth. i <3 marth so like you are in the cool ppl club.
hax; still undefeated vs me >_________>
silentwolf; tight arse fox as usual
lucky; you really dont stop once u get on offense. It was hard slowing ur arse down. lol
chillin; you aint washed up glad to see you are on the grind still. I took alot of your tricks back in the day and stuff so its always respect.
KDJ; you wouldve won this..........
ARCnatural; thx for making me think about KDJ
cactuar; thx for enlightening fox dittos
cali guys; i'll see you soon in dec.
DR. PP; coming soooo close to beating armada. this guys is the humble pie distributor. you have a great attitude.
waffles/phil; for re birthing commentary
wife/husband; for being legendary commentary
guys at seven-eleven trying to fight; wtf wearing them clothes form 2001...DIP!
JAPAN; shoutouts for crying after beating m2k
sarge; for the beast commerical. I watched it again today lol

I think thats everyone off the top of my head.
thinking of making video shoutout type thing.


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
Yeah i know lol, Im just teasing. i wouldn't expect it till like tomorrow or wednesday. He deserves like a week paid rest lol.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
well luckily for me I already made my shoutouts and I guess I'll have to copy+paste em just in case lol. Apex was toooo good. Also chain-ace I finally beat your falco in single friendlies lol. (doubles don't count xD )

Good **** man. Hope to play you again. : D


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway


Last minute shinanigans thanks to people who wanted to switch teammates....

Shoutouts later


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
I cannot begin to describe how good this tourney was. Every second of it was a pure blast. It's almost surreal looking in retrospect. 5 months ago I was just a WiFi player; I had virtually no hope of ever making it offline. Next thing you know, I'm playing people I never thought I'd even speak to in person and meeting people/making friends from all over the ****ed world.

I just can't depict how amazing each and every one of you was. People I never began to imagine I'd get along with were some of the coolest folks.

Just being able to play everyone in and of itself was amazing. But then the hotel? That place was ridiculous. Classy as ****! Aside from the fact that the stupid ***** in NJ see no need for refrigeration, so all the cereal and oatmeal I brought to save money on food was for naught, due to being unable to have milk at hand unless I kept it at a perpetual boil in the coffee maker.

The day then passed. Apex: Day 1. At the end of the day, I found myself with Praxis, Dark Pch., Adumbrodeus and Ed (Ed59, top-tier Zelda/Sheik) wandering around New Brunswicks in desperate search of good. We finally stumbled upon a 711 where I, in my fiscal conservatism, bought bread, jelly and peanut butter and ate 3 fatass PB&J sandwiches before I died of starvation.

God, I can't even recant all the memorable moments there. Met so many cool Melee players, too. In particular Shiz, Hungry, Kage, the Twins and so many others. At the hotel, I showed Kage how to do a Ganon back roll to FAir IRL. Earlier that night I was mimicking Sheik moves (badly) to Tutu (Endymion) and attracted a bunch of people inadvertently lol. I then proceeded to arm wrestle Hungrybox, and from there, 80% of the **** venue crowded around the table and I arm wrestled Hungry, the Twins, Ed and SK92. I was so ****ing tired afterward. All of 'em were strong as hell.

I also was told my Diem that me playing that MK on the big projector screen was livestreamed. Is that true? If so, sick. xD

Anyway, before I have a post-tourney hype hissy fit, I'd best get to the shoutouts and pictures! >:U Long-*** list.

Ed - I gotta say, man. I only met you 2 days ago, but you've got such an amazing character to you that I feel like I've known you forever. I'd definitely consider you an IRL friend. Top-tier player, too, man.

FWK - I never in a million years thought we'd meet. Yet there I saw you and your hat, standing before me. So glad I finally met you, Flame.

Tutu - Same as Ed. You and Ed are funny as **** and I loved every second hanging with you guys. Such an awesome Sheik, too.

Diem - We may have givene each other hell online, but ****, man, you're a solid dude. Really nice to have met you, Diem.

Vex - Same as Diem. Really enjoyed talking with you, Vex!

Inui - Same as Vex and Diem. XD We didn't talk too much, but you were a good dude as far as I could see.

SK92 - Fun arm wrestling matches, man. XD You're another person I never ever thought I'd meet. But I'm glad I did. You're a great guy.

Praxis - I watched you play San. You were SOOOO good until you got nervous! But aside from that, you're also such a wickedly awesome guy. It was fun as hell hanging with you to say the least.

Dark Pch - Same goes for Praxis, man. I nearly dropped a load when I saw you playing Rain. So ****ing legit.

KirinBlaze - I've heard so much about your Link, and was so stoked to finally get to play it. I was not at all disappointed. Impressed the hell out of me! Getting near you was like... oefrgnbaeoitnhb!r,tn[]pm

Shado - We only played one game, but **** your Sonic is good, man. Hanging with you was so fun. Hope to see you again sometime soon!

Jbandrew - Took me a second to realize Jband = Jbandrew. XD We didn't play or talk much, but you were such a cool guy. I hope we see more of each other come the MLGs and other big tourneys.

san - You're as good as they say, man. Your executions are phenomenal. I'm so glad we got to play. Impressive as hell, san! 'Grats on 9th AT A FREAKING NATIONAL!

Seagull - Your MK actually impressed me. It legit impressed me. I watched you play and you used him with such a unique flair. Good stuff, man.

NinjaLink - Ganon dittos were so fun lol. XD Good job on your set with BC, man. I love BC, but since he takes the game to heart, I could tell you felt pretty bad after the set. But good stuff nonetheless, dude! Nice to see you again.


Cable - Saw you go vs. SK92. So **** good, man. XD Nice to meet you at long last.

Gunblade - I legit never thought we'd meet either. But we did, and it was magic. You're more legit than I expected. Not to say I didn't think that already though. XP

HolyNightmare - Nice meeting you, Holy. I wish we could've played though. D: I saw you play though and your ROB is definitely a beast. Also really cool, too. You impressed me, man!

Ally - Your ICs are too good! Sorry we didn't get to play either as well, man. :/ NEXT TIME, THOUGH!

Stroumbert - Easily one of the toughest players I had to fight. You knew the Ganon MU in and out and were one of the smartest players I've faced. Impressive, impressive!

King Kong - When I played you, I felt bad for having such a tough time against you. Then Vex told me you're probably the best Bowser your skill level suddenly made sense. XD

Bizkit - Nice job beating Nairo, dude. Amazing final match. Your grenade placement is SOOO good.

Sphere - What do YOU want?

Fats - Getcha *** outta here.

GAY - Great to meet you, man. Amazing Peach.

Kiwi, Tempest and Bill - Endless <3s your you guys as usual. X3 I don't think I laughed harder than when I was with Bill and Tempest. You guys are the best.

BC - You're better than most peopel you know. But your anxiety brings you so far down. If you can overcome that, you'd be top-tier, easily.

Mike and Hink - o u guise lol

Papa Saucem - Why do you even bring Saucem along any more?

Saucem - Just kidding, Sauce. <3 We all love you. XD

YoshQ - Best Falcon and Luigi I played all **** day. Sorry I kept making you hurt yourself. XD

Japanese players - E. Honda

Doom - Sick MK, dude. Nice to meet you.

Shadow - You did so good in pools. I'm majorly impressed.

KSizzle - Didn't get to see you play, but you're a cool guy. Glad we met, man.

Anti - So legit in your matches against Brood. XD

Swordgard - Nice job trading 3-stocks with Inui. XD

Sherise and Deven - Nice meeting you two. Sorry we didn't talk more.

Nicole - Really good stuff with Peach. Every Peach main there had such a different style. You all impressed me a ton. Glad we got to play. Keep it up!

TKO - You're such a good dude, man. So glad we met. Thanks for all the help with the situation again, dude. And thanks for letting me use your body wash, too lolol. I was so unclean. D:

Shiz - Not only was the fact that you shaved your name onto the side of your head effing amazing, but you're a great dude. It was a total pleasure.

Eggz - Man, whatchu talkin' 'bout Nordic Viking man, getcha *** outta hee. >w< Really nice meeting you, man. Wicked cool, dude. Beast Melee player, too. I also saw you play someone on RC as MK. Didn't know you played Brawl.

Hungry - Thanks for turning me into a sideshow exhibit you *** >:I

Vato - Really great meeting and playing you, dude. Beast Mario. Stylin' on that Samus on the projector. XD

The Twins - Beasts. Nothing else to say. Beast Bros. I love you guys. XD

Allied - YOU ARE SUCH A ***

Kage - Our destinies are entwined. The cosmos would not allow the two different versions of the same person not unite.

DEHF - Really good job in the tourney, man. You functioned so well under all that pressure.

Chair - Beast Wario. I seriously have never had an issue with any other Wario. It is such a good MU for Ganon considering Wario's tier placement. You're awesome as a person, too. Funny as hell, man. XD

NikeNick - We didn't get to play, but I saw you plan San, and your decision making and quick reactions impressed me a lot. Really good stuff, Nick!


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Oh and also AlphaZealot, I was wondering. Did you copy some of my twitter updates and post them as yours? Because some updates you had I have no clue how you would have gotten them otherwise without you being at the tournament.

I don't really care or anything, I just felt alittle annoyed seeing how everyone is saying "thanks AZ for the twitter updates" when I updated everything basically until grand finals where my phone died and you taking credit for it.
Nope. All updates were basically listening to stream/watching stream/calling people at the tournament/retweeted things like Alex Strife's lightxdream twitter (FYI: the SECOND a match was entered into tio results, it got retweeted onto Alex Strife's twitter via a new feature in tio - chances are I knew more about what was going on match-result-wise at the tournament then you did if you didn't know his twitter account lol). Any tweets specifically? And I'm not sure I even know your twitter account...(am I subscribed to you?). Oh and a few of the updates were just logical deduction (example: placements is just looking at bracket, saying what matches are next are looking at the bracket and remembering results so I can fill in what hasn't been updated, announcing that R2 pools will start soon after R1 pools had been completed for an hour, etc etc).

On another (unrelated) note, I'm closing this until Alex Strife gets up the full results tomorrow. Angel feel free to PM me and/or bring the topic back up in the official results thread if you want to further discuss it, I don't mind. In the meantime for anyone who wants to talk about Apex just post in the thread still open in tournament listings (which will likely get closed like most big tournaments once the results go up so the thread doesn't float).

Also, I've gotten a request to have the videos removed because VGbootcamp will be putting up the official videos. I'd like to see this happen without me moderating the OP but if it doesn't happen quickly I'll edit and remove the links.
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