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Alabama Thread! (10/26/2016 update)

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Okay, because saving people money is something that people won't pick up on and follow if we have a proven method. Because running better tournaments and giving smashers benefits is a turn-off. Because reaching out to casuals is a bad decision. Because trying to change a norm you don't agree with is a sin?

Bro, you're damn right I'm going to try and effect a change at a higher level and if it doesn't happen, I pushed it as far as I could and tried my best. If that's delusional, I'd rather stay that way.

Your argument is still **** because I don't care two cents about how it affects Alabama's ability to play at the national level. Tbh, Reflex is our national level and he supports it. I don't even give one **** about MK not being a problem at the local level. I want him banned to better the game and to push for extending this farther and farther. We're not the first to do it and we won't be the last.

I've done my research. I've played ****ing M2K. I've seen all the things Meta Knight already does in addition to knowing the theory behind how he's even better. I know the numbers behind how much money Meta Knight wins nationally. I know that multiple rules have been put into place specifically to gimp MK. Do your research before you tell me what I can and cannot form a valid opinion on.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
or i can just go to tournaments and do those ASL ELO ranking matches so i can use the character that i main and they are basically the same as bracket matches anyways? does that work?
lol this is dumb.

so you dont care how banning mk effects the skill level of players in alabama compared to the USA and you dont care how banning mk effects the skill levels of Alabama period, you just want mk banned because you dont like him?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I don't know how that idea was attributed to me. I had an issue with PR candidates not being able to play eachother. For example, I never got a chance to play you, Spade, or Cam although I did beat Ing and T1J when I played them. This lead to an issue with placing spots 8-11.

Those ELO matches would cause all kinds of hell with what an ELO system is supposed to accomplish in a season format. I need to talk to John about it.

Slam, I obviously want him banned because I think it's healthier for the game. Because I think he breaks it. Because I think he's over centralizing the meta game. I like MK, he clicks with me. Ask Rag or M3t as I've mentioned it to them multiple times. I've considered maining him on multiple occasions. I've also said that after Snake and G&W, he's the character I'm most comfortable fighting. I don't think I've lost to an MK in tournament outside of Rag and Kismet. The last one I played was DRN's at Geeks and Gamers. Banning him forces me to actually play to the counterpick system instead of having a pocket MK for Pikachu, ICs, and Rainbow/Brinstar. It hurts me, but I think it's needed.

So no, I'm not banning him because I don't like him.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
oh and you dont care about national level gameplay but you are using m2k, a national player, as an example as to why mk should be banned? that doesnt make sense. his skill level should be meaningless to us, right?
also what exactly is it you are trying to further? you are trying to further make brawl the type of game that you'd like to see it be instead of what it is. instead of the way the rest of the community plays it.
see thats the stuff i dont want to be a part of. i want to be a part of the smash community not some dumb ****s making up their own rules saying "that is gay you cant do that!!"

ok. you could have a pocket snake for ic's or something. those are just bad MU's that exist regardless of the character.

how does the metagame focus around him if you dont care about national level gameplay and there is only two metaknights in your state who arent even that good? tell me pleeeeassse.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I don't care about how it affects our national level presence. I do care about how it affects the game at the national level.

Yes, exactly that. If given the choice, I'd make Norfair, Japes, YI:pipes, and Onett legal. I'll campaign for it, but I don't have the platform right now. If I don't make a change, who will? If you seriously don't want MK to be banned, read up on the arguments from both sides and become a voice rather than an uninformed follower.

I could, but I don't. You could be a Wolf main and work on that. Don't give me your double standard.

As for the metagame? Dude, look around you. Look at tier lists. Look at who good players play. It's all tailored around Meta Knight and who beats Meta Knight. Reflex is great, but he doesn't win APEX. He plays freaking PT.

You want a specific example from a local level? Ing and me played a close game in tournament Game 1 on Smashville. I won the game. He then counter picks me to Rainbow Cruise and I go, "lolololololol MK" and he gets ***** for counterpicking me to a stage my main is bad at. It wasn't that hard. That was the first time I had ever used MK in tournament.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
there is only two metaknights
Is that me and Rag you're talking about? Or maybe Dan and Will_? I hear both Cam and Billy can play a pretty good MK. And you, I suppose.

You want to go out of state? Kismet, Micaelis, DRN, Loser, Lee Martin, and Curlz all play MK and I've played all of them in AL tournaments.

There's more than two.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
I could, but I don't. You could be a Wolf main and work on that. Don't give me your double standard.

no, i thought you were saying that mk is broken because he can counter stuff, to which i was responding that he is not the only character that has counters, an example is snake vs. ic's. its a really obvious statement but im trying to be literal here and realistic in this debate.

so no one else here would be pissed if your main got banned for no real reason? i mean, there is a reason to ban mk at nationals, maybe even i am skeptical about that, but in AL there is literally no reason.
maybe i should join the debate and do something because frankly i feel 100 percent entitled to play mk if i want to and not have to suffer for stupidity.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2010
Pensacola, FL
you could have a pocket snake for ic's or something. those are just bad MU's that exist regardless of the character.
Throwing in my input for a second.
Pocket MK is a free win.
Pocket Snake isn't.

MK:ICs is 60:40 on neutrals, which aren't his counterpicks. Throw in a counterpick, and it's like 85:15, lol.
Top level, of course.

Snake:ICs is 50:50 on neutrals, which you WILL be playing counterpicks on.

Where's the most dynamic place Snake will take you if you ban Halberd? Frigate? It still plays into the ICs's hands.
Should've used Toon Link as your example.

I'm out.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
Is that me and Rag you're talking about? Or maybe Dan and Will_? I hear both Cam and Billy can play a pretty good MK. And you, I suppose.

You want to go out of state? Kismet, Micaelis, DRN, Loser, Lee Martin, and Curlz all play MK and I've played all of them in AL tournaments.

There's more than two.
yes but which of those are ranked? 2 out of 10. thats our metaknight statistic 2 to 8. its just ridiculous and i dont like wolf lol say i banned falco, mk, luigi, idk anyone everyone you liked to use in the game would that be cool with you? im not cool with it because there is no real reason for AL to be doing this.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
Throwing in my input for a second.
Pocket MK is a free win.
Pocket Snake isn't.

MK:ICs is 60:40 on neutrals, which aren't his counterpicks. Throw in a counterpick, and it's like 85:15, lol.
Top level, of course.

Snake:ICs is 50:50 on neutrals, which you WILL be playing counterpicks on.

Where's the most dynamic place Snake will take you if you ban Halberd? Frigate? It still plays into the ICs's hands.
Should've used Toon Link as your example.

I'm out.
yeah thats why my mk beats your ics every time. where are those free wins at? mk could have an advantage in brawl in general but i feel like you are exagerrating it vastly here. no matchup is 85 15 cmon.

also lain, an IC's main, consistantly beats Judge, a mk main, and they are both top level players ranked number 1 and 2 in michigan which is a legit state. lain/ic's ranked number 1, judge/mk, ranked number 2. not saying that ic's are better than mk. but its not a baaaaaaaad horrible dreadful matchup. its hardly even bad.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2010
Pensacola, FL
yeah thats why my mk beats your ics every time. where are those free wins at? mk could have an advantage in brawl in general but i feel like you are exagerrating it vastly here. no matchup is 85 15 cmon.

also lain, an IC's main, consistantly beats Judge, a mk main, and they are both top level players ranked number 1 and 2 in michigan which is a legit state. lain/ic's ranked number 1, judge/mk, ranked number 2. not saying that ic's are better than mk. but its not a baaaaaaaad horrible dreadful matchup. its hardly even bad.
You should've beaten me that match on RC.
60:40 isn't a free win.
You notice I never 2-0 you? That's because MK WILL win on his counterpick. I have to choose between Brinstar and Rainbow. 85:15 on counterpick.

ICs:Ganon is 100:0. :troll:
That was trolling. I assume you mean VIABLE match up.
MK:ICs on MK's CP is definitely 85:15. For at least the first CP. Or somewhere around there. Either way, it's bad.

There are two reasons I beat you, Slam. You don't know the MU; you play against ICs in an unsafe way, and it gets you grabbed. And the other reason is that I'm a better player. I read you more accurately, and respond to Meta Knight's crap extremely well because I am WAY more used to grabbing Mach Tornado's lag than you are used to ending Tornado at the perfect height to get no lag. That was an example, but the idea is that I'm more used to fighting Meta Knights that play like you than you are to fighting Ice Climbers.

Lain beats Judge in the same way. He's a better player. That's why he beats Judge.
I could perhaps be convinced that it is 50:50, but there's no way Ice Climbers have an advantage.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
Slam we're not banning MK because we don't like him. It's basically an experiment to see what will happen. I'm not even on the panel so I didn't vote but I do agree with it. We're not trying to be *******s to MK mains but this could make the game more balanced.

Honestly I do beleive I could train my PT to a good level so he can be competitive. I would be mad if Diddy got banned but it wouldn't be the end of the world. Ask anyone in Huntsville/Madison and ask them if I pick up other characters and win. I think your problem is you want to be good with MK instead of just being good at the game. Honestly if you just use random you'll find other characters you like. I know its not a good comparassion because Munkus is rusty as hell but My DK was just as good vs his MK as my Diddy was. Why? because one day I was messing around and I said hey I like playing DK imma learn to Dsmash my way to the top with him.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
so no one else here would be pissed if your main got banned for no real reason? i mean, there is a reason to ban mk at nationals, maybe even i am skeptical about that, but in AL there is literally no reason.
maybe i should join the debate and do something because frankly i feel 100 percent entitled to play mk if i want to and not have to suffer for stupidity.
Yeah, I would be mad. However, there's a reason here. How about banning him in order to support banning him at a higher level?


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
There are two reasons I beat you, Slam. You don't know the MU; you play against ICs in an unsafe way, and it gets you grabbed. And the other reason is that I'm a better player. I read you more accurately, and respond to Meta Knight's crap extremely well because I am WAY more used to grabbing Mach Tornado's lag than you are used to ending Tornado at the perfect height to get no lag. That was an example, but the idea is that I'm more used to fighting Meta Knights that play like you than you are to fighting Ice Climbers.
Let's not even take it that far. Metaknight is very common. Why bother learning the game when you can learn to vs MK and win? It makes the metagame stale. We won't to get past the pick MK and be top tier metagame and start a new way of playing.


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
Dun worry Slam, like you said. You and others (me) could go to all GA tournaments from now on and see your MK in action there. o:

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Slam, the problem here is I'm behind a cause that I feel strongly about. You don't agree with it and I've yet to even see a legitimate attempt at justifying why other than "It's stupid. I don't like it. I want to play Meta Knight."


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
banning MK is johns, i agree. but you're johning and whining really hard right now. if you can't find the game fun or interesting without playing the most broken character in it, then you don't really like this game and probably shouldn't be playing it anyway. I have literally never heard of a person who ONLY likes to play one character in a game they claim to like.
BUT I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. i think you're just whining because we banned your character. You're always talking about how you want to get good at the game and get frustrated when you don't improve, and you're mad because now you have to actually play the game rather then just out gay everyone with an OP character? LOL. it doesn't take long to learn a character. you have been playing this game for 3 years, you already know how to play. you can learn the specifics of a character in a week or two, like i did with Pit.
and you claim to not "want to", which I don't believe, i think you're just salty. but if that's true, then i don't even know why you claim to even like this game as a whole.

I think MK will eventually be banned nationwide, not because of alabama itself because of the numerous communities that are banning him and numerous, almost unanimous voice of top players saying that he should be banned, including people who main him.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
im not outgaying people when i win with mk i hardly ever tornado and im bad with sl.
at least i dont feel any obvious advantage when i play with him.
its possible to be only use one character and be good at the game.
and i do hate evryone else. not because they arent god but because i am really into mk's playstyle because it has so much you can do with it and everyone else is just kind of stale and boring to me.
im not lying about any of this. i am really passionate about being against the mk ban, why is it hard to believe that you cant be passionate about the subject unless you are against mk?

and just for the record it sucks that people think you arent actualy playing the game when you use mk, imho you are actually playing the game to the most it has to offer when you play with mk. do you think calvin would trade his skill to just go and outgay people instead? no, i know how calvin thinks of smash and he wants the most that he can learn out of it and thats at least some of the reason why he switched im positive. metaknight makes you incorporate every single thing the game has to offer and opens your mind up to it. unless you are just a spammy tornado mk, but those never get far anyways,

but for the record yes it does suck that i have to basically ignore a year of practice and throw away all the potential i feel like my mk was on the brink of having and i only say its for no reason because we are in alabama and like ive said before we do not have a mk problem so if we are only focusing on alabama's metagame then it really doesnt incorporate mk into it that much anyways.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
and it will literally burrough AL to the bottom of the smash scene.
how are we going to compete against mk's at nationals or regionals now?
do you think people will honestly see Alabama ban mk and follow suit?
you guys are getting a little delusional if you think ASL is going to change the entire community.
and honestly if you are doing it to change the community, then that is dumb bc no one cares about AL.
if you are doing it to change OUR community then that is also dumb bc WE DONT HAVE A MK PROBLEM.
the highest ranked mk is number 3 wtf
so i cant see you guys doing it for any other reason other than selfish reasons which is scrubby which in turn will turn us into a scrubby state who cant compete and this dumb state where everyone only plays "respectable" characters and does ganon dittos in GF's for the lulzz and that is not what im about. i am a serious player who wants to learn how to play the game on a national level and wants to learn everything there is to offer about brawl without limitations, which is no longer what ASL or AL is about.

also research does not take the palce of actual experiance, which you or no one else except for reflex has on a national level here. and he seems pretty biased. also i have experiance with maining mk and i dont think he is broken so idk for sure honestly but i think i know more about mk than you do through experiance and limited research bc i dont like to research lol.

but like i said ill play yalls little stupid ASL game and sign up for this season until you guys become disillusioned and realize there is no point for a mk ban in alabama and if you dont then im out. im still pissed that i have to learn wolf. the only reason i am signing up for this season is because one torunament will be as expensive as signing up for the season so i may as well but i will be traveling to GA to actually compete during this ASL season so i dont lose touch with the real community.
We were never competing with Meta Knight players in regionals and nationals before, and when we did, it's because we were significantly more knowledgeable in matchups and/or general skill, both of which do nothing to prove that Meta Knight is balanced, beatable, or whatever between two players of equal skill level.

If the ban appears to help the scene grow and flourish, people might feel more inclined to try it in their own area.

Did you know that there were over ten MK-banned tournaments across the US last week? A bunch more are happening this coming weekend. People are simply starting to realize that nothing will be done if they just accept the status quo, and they feel that something must be done, something that should've been done a long time ago.

The ASL is an attempt to change the way our scene does things as far as the tournament scene goes. If others follow suit, it's a nice bonus, but we are primarily looking to foster growth and competition in the community that we share and enjoy. Based on our data, it would seem that there are a number of ways to do that, one of which is a Meta Knight ban. If you disagree, that's fine, but you should know that you're in a very small majority in our community.

Many people have been losing interest in the game, and a great deal of it has to do with Meta Knight. Losing tournament entrants is a problem. People questioning game balance is a problem. People not feeling like their learning the game is making a different is a problem.

Meta Knight will eventually be banned on a national level. I am almost entirely sure of that. Don't worry, you'll be able to learn how to compete on a national level soon enough. ;)

The Meta Knight ban will probably last for the entirety of the first season, at least. If it doesn't have a positive response, we'll get rid of it for the second season. In the meantime, just try to enjoy it. It's a video game.

oh and you dont care about national level gameplay but you are using m2k, a national player, as an example as to why mk should be banned? that doesnt make sense. his skill level should be meaningless to us, right?
also what exactly is it you are trying to further? you are trying to further make brawl the type of game that you'd like to see it be instead of what it is. instead of the way the rest of the community plays it.
see thats the stuff i dont want to be a part of. i want to be a part of the smash community not some dumb ****s making up their own rules saying "that is gay you cant do that!!"

ok. you could have a pocket snake for ic's or something. those are just bad MU's that exist regardless of the character.

how does the metagame focus around him if you dont care about national level gameplay and there is only two metaknights in your state who arent even that good? tell me pleeeeassse.
An overwhelming majority of high-level players agree that Meta Knight should be banned.

We're trying to do a lot of things.

We're trying to make the game more competitive. Overcentralization is not good for competition, as people lose interest at that point. Perhaps Kirby or ROB would be viable characters with Meta Knight gone. Perhaps counterpicking will actually take thought that doesn't revolve around Meta Knight.

We're trying to cater to a vast majority of the players in the community. Sure, a game that revolves around MK and the few characters who can put up a decent fight may be fine for you, but when a majority of people stop coming to tournaments, there's no tournament scene to be had. We want the community and the players within it to flourish, not stagnate.

A pocket Snake will have to worry about Dedede, Olimar, Marth...

A pocket ANYTHING will have to worry about Meta Knight, except for Meta Knight. There's no reason to bother when Meta Knight covers so many characters with about the same consistency as the close-to-hard counters. Meta Knight doesn't have bad matchups, furthering the point that a pocket secondary is just a waste of energy if it isn't Meta Knight.

Whenever Meta Knight players come from out of state, they tend to straight-up crush our players. Of course, some of that is based on skill levels (Kismet, for example, is a rather good player in general), but a lot of it has to do with how much better Meta Knight is as a character than the characters we use, such as Billy's Sheik or George's Kirby. Most other characters don't really stand a chance against Shuttle Loop canceling or his ridiculous offstage game. That causes people to switch characters, often without crossing into Meta Knight territory, which causes them to lose even more. It makes players focus on a very small handful of characters when SO many more would be quite viable without MK's presence.

im not outgaying people when i win with mk i hardly ever tornado and im bad with sl.
at least i dont feel any obvious advantage when i play with him.
its possible to be only use one character and be good at the game.
and i do hate evryone else. not because they arent god but because i am really into mk's playstyle because it has so much you can do with it and everyone else is just kind of stale and boring to me.
im not lying about any of this. i am really passionate about being against the mk ban, why is it hard to believe that you cant be passionate about the subject unless you are against mk?

and just for the record it sucks that people think you arent actualy playing the game when you use mk, imho you are actually playing the game to the most it has to offer when you play with mk. do you think calvin would trade his skill to just go and outgay people instead? no, i know how calvin thinks of smash and he wants the most that he can learn out of it and thats at least some of the reason why he switched im positive. metaknight makes you incorporate every single thing the game has to offer and opens your mind up to it. unless you are just a spammy tornado mk, but those never get far anyways,

but for the record yes it does suck that i have to basically ignore a year of practice and throw away all the potential i feel like my mk was on the brink of having and i only say its for no reason because we are in alabama and like ive said before we do not have a mk problem so if we are only focusing on alabama's metagame then it really doesnt incorporate mk into it that much anyways.
How much do you know about frame data, or what Meta Knight's various moves beat, or how difficult it is to react to certain moves? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you understand how ridiculous things like a long-distance 23-frame forward roll, an invincible KO move that is literally impossible to punish for many characters (properly-canceled Shuttle Loop), tilts that very heavily put Meta Knight in an advantageous position when both players are standing around, an unpunishable recovery, an edgeguarding game that is leagues ahead of every other character, and an ability to camp/run away that no other character can even come close to matching are. It's simply too much, and it breaks the game in a big way. I would argue that you simply don't understand the character well enough to see all of that.

If you don't enjoy playing the game with any other character, then you dislike the game fundamentally, and really should be playing something else. Brawl definitely isn't for everyone.

Under the current ruleset, using Meta Knight is how you get the most out of the game, simply because there isn't much of the game left outside of that. Calvin didn't trade his skill for the ability to be lame (though he definitely timed me out for the first time fairly recently as a result of it); he simply is doing what he can to maximize his chances of winning. He enjoys having many more options than anyone else. Who wouldn't? He's learned that Meta Knight is integral to success in Brawl as it is.

Meta Knight shuts out an overwhelming majority of "what the game has to offer." There is little thought in keeping an opponent out, edgeguarding, recovering, following up, approaching...So much is basically laid out for him compared to other characters, and perhaps that's why you feel like you can do all of those things and can't with other characters.

"I spent time learning a broken character" is not a valid argument for keeping a broken character legal.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
so what are the other ways you can promote success and blah blah blah?
havent heard anything other than a ******* move to ban mk.

and im also under the current influence that frame data and blah blah blah isnt what makes someone or something broken or w/e.

and no, the thing is that i want to be good at the game USING metaknight because it is simply the only thing i want in brawl right now. if i told you to go use samus for the rest of your smash career that would suck because you wouldnt want to use a stupid character and right now i dont like any characters attributes other than mk's. it has nothing to do with me not liking the fundamentals of the game. i just feel like everyone else is lame as ****. seriously the character list sucks *** and i dont like it also.
metaknight was the first person i wanted to use in brawl but i was too scared because he seemed too technical. so i went with wario and basically enjoyed the fact that i was playing with wario but i hated his play style. dedede is just too fat and dumb to be taken seriously and basically i am just for high tiers because they have more options and i feel like we are limiting the game even more with taking away high tiers.

but we'll see how the season goes but i honestly think it will go as i predicted or w/e even if it sucks you guys still arent gonna unban mk cuz you guys are just dumb like that. but seriously. its gonna suck. it sucks using low and mid tiers NOT because i am only good with broken techniques. but because they are gimmicky/mediocre/ and limited characters. the game will be even more campier and will be even more simple without high tiers imho.
but cool you guys get your little metaknight ban but it is going to make the game suck ****.

seriously its like a joke ladder compared to a singles ladder, for those of you familiar with AiB.
justa chance for everyone to experiment and sandbag and blah blah blah i want to compete and learn....

and who cares how many people attend tournaments if it in turn makes the game ****tier. w/e after this season watch a snake start winning GF's and then you guys will be screaming to ban him.
its seriously the truth though, unless this is all an experiment then cool. but its gonna be lame. and im gonna quit after your done experimenting if you dont admit that it was lame.

and yeah, im in a very small minority of people who are willing to accept the game and work as hard as they can to overcome boundries and wanting to be legit in every aspect possible. yeah. i know that is an incredibly small minority in the brawl scene. thus why no one here agrees with me ever. i seriously wish i was in FL or NC or GA or anywhere in north east or NJ because everyone there shares more of my attitude and i dont fit in here anyways.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
so what are the other ways you can promote success and blah blah blah?
havent heard anything other than a ******* move to ban mk.

and im also under the current influence that frame data and blah blah blah isnt what makes someone or something broken or w/e.

and no, the thing is that i want to be good at the game USING metaknight because it is simply the only thing i want in brawl right now. if i told you to go use samus for the rest of your smash career that would suck because you wouldnt want to use a stupid character and right now i dont like any characters attributes other than mk's. it has nothing to do with me not liking the fundamentals of the game. i just feel like everyone else is lame as ****. seriously the character list sucks *** and i dont like it also.
metaknight was the first person i wanted to use in brawl but i was too scared because he seemed too technical. so i went with wario and basically enjoyed the fact that i was playing with wario but i hated his play style. dedede is just too fat and dumb to be taken seriously and basically i am just for high tiers because they have more options and i feel like we are limiting the game even more with taking away high tiers.

but we'll see how the season goes but i honestly think it will go as i predicted or w/e even if it sucks you guys still arent gonna unban mk cuz you guys are just dumb like that. but seriously. its gonna suck. it sucks using low and mid tiers NOT because i am only good with broken techniques. but because they are gimmicky/mediocre/ and limited characters. the game will be even more campier and will be even more simple without high tiers imho.
but cool you guys get your little metaknight ban but it is going to make the game suck ****.

and it also makes alabama a lol state to me that you guys are doing this stupid stuff, besides the mk ban. if it doesnt work out and things go back to normal cool ill go here again but for right now ill do this stupid joke of a season then go to GA if nothing changes.

seriously its like a joke ladder compared to a singles ladder, for those of you familiar with AiB.
justa chance for everyone to experiment and sandbag and blah blah blah i want to compete and learn....

and yeah, im in a very small minority of people who are willing to accept the game and work as hard as they can to overcome boundries and wanting to be legit in every aspect possible. yeah. i know that is an incredibly small minority in the brawl scene. thus why no one here agrees with me ever. i seriously wish i was in FL or NC or GA or anywhere in north east or NJ because everyone there is shares more of my attitude and i dont fit in here anyways.
We have ELO rankings, space between tournaments, a greatly-reduced cost for tournaments, and other things in the planning stages. You're just butthurt that you can't play Meta Knight, so you're ignoring everything else.

You either don't understand how fighting games work, or you're definitely under the influence of SOMETHING if you don't think frame data can suggest that a character is broken.

We're not telling you to do anything. If you don't like anything but what Meta Knight has to offer you, you really should pick up another game. Melee's really fun. That said, if you want to play under the rules we've set, we're taking away less than 3% of what the game has to offer you. If you're looking at it from a competitive view, we're adding a whole lot more to it, since many character will become realistically usable. If you don't like any of them, this is not the game for you.

If you're ignoring characters based on their "being fat and dumb," then you're not looking at the game from a competitive standpoint, and this whole argument means nothing. Many of the high and mid tiers have a great deal of options and novel tactics in general. We're adding to the general depth of strategy.

The game is already pretty campy, and if you don't like it, don't play it. No one said that you should be playing low or mid tiers; there are a lot of high tiers who will vie for the top spots. Try Diddy, Snake, Marth, or Falco. Those characters have a lot to offer and still have a great deal of potential in them. Marth is very similar to Meta Knight; have you given that a shot?

We're adding more high and mid tiers by making more characters viable in general. Many characters would be rather useful in the competitive scene if not for Meta Knight giving them the ****. If you don't understand how that would help the metagame grow, then I don't think there's anything left to say about it.

It's okay; we're not asking for your approval. You're welcome to stick to your guns and get left in the dust. I wonder if you'll be this upset once this becomes the standard.

Your feelings about taking the game to its limits will matter a whole lot more to me when you become a high-level player. I think you have much more to worry about than Meta Knight.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
Slam, if that's your attitude, then don't play with us. No one is forcing you to. Go attend big OoS tournaments. Go compete in South Carolina or Georgia.

Personally, I have no intentions of letting things go back to the days of 15-20 man tournaments every two months that burn through our savings. We can do better than that. We can increase attendance, increase hype, and save players a lot of money all at the same time. We know a lot of quality players who are on the fringe of attending tournaments. We are breaking down those barriers to help them attend, and they will bring more life to our Smash family beyond just adding bodies to a room.

Alabama Smash League is about experimenting and bringing good changes to the community. If experiments don't work, then we will try something else. However, experimenting is pointless if we just assume that we know what the result will be. We have a hypothesis, but ultimately, our decision whether or not to keep the ban will not be based on that hypothesis. It will be based on the results of said experiment.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
Slam you shouldn't even be suprised MK is getting banned. It's been talked about since Brawl's release. You picked up MK at a time where everything is settled that MK is the best in the game. I don't agree that he should be banned because he's broken but I do think he should be banned because there is not a single counter to MK.

I'm not saying I can't beat MK but he doesn't have any counters. You have to straight up be a lot better to beat a smart MK because he can counter everything you do and no one else can counter him.

I think your problem is you realize MK is the best and the safest character to play and now that he's being taken out you have to learn a new character who can be countered.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
We have ELO rankings, space between tournaments, a greatly-reduced cost for tournaments, and other things in the planning stages. You're just butthurt that you can't play Meta Knight, so you're ignoring everything else.

You either don't understand how fighting games work, or you're definitely under the influence of SOMETHING if you don't think frame data can suggest that a character is broken.

We're not telling you to do anything. If you don't like anything but what Meta Knight has to offer you, you really should pick up another game. Melee's really fun. That said, if you want to play under the rules we've set, we're taking away less than 3% of what the game has to offer you. If you're looking at it from a competitive view, we're adding a whole lot more to it, since many character will become realistically usable. If you don't like any of them, this is not the game for you.

If you're ignoring characters based on their "being fat and dumb," then you're not looking at the game from a competitive standpoint, and this whole argument means nothing. Many of the high and mid tiers have a great deal of options and novel tactics in general. We're adding to the general depth of strategy.

The game is already pretty campy, and if you don't like it, don't play it. No one said that you should be playing low or mid tiers; there are a lot of high tiers who will vie for the top spots. Try Diddy, Snake, Marth, or Falco. Those characters have a lot to offer and still have a great deal of potential in them. Marth is very similar to Meta Knight; have you given that a shot?

We're adding more high and mid tiers by making more characters viable in general. Many characters would be rather useful in the competitive scene if not for Meta Knight giving them the ****. If you don't understand how that would help the metagame grow, then I don't think there's anything left to say about it.

It's okay; we're not asking for your approval. You're welcome to stick to your guns and get left in the dust. I wonder if you'll be this upset once this becomes the standard.

Your feelings about taking the game to its limits will matter a whole lot more to me when you become a high-level player. I think you have much more to worry about than Meta Knight.
umm well i want to be and that is my goal and i play the game every day so yeah i dont see why you shouldnt take me seriously. if you are not taking me seriously then you are taking no one else in AL who says they have goals seriously.
and it wont upset me when it becomes the standard, it upsets me that you guys assume it will become the standard and the fact that it is pointless to do it at a time when it will make us a lol state and we will not be able to compete for like a year or however long it takes. i am wanting to move with the community not do some dumb tennesse stuff where only brawl plus is allowed and we just whine about tiers all day. and thats where this bull**** is heading or at least somewhat and ive always been against that kind of attitude among smashers.

also i didnt mean being fat and dumb literally. that also applies to his metgame. he is just a limited character and not my type of character that i dont see myself ever really winning with.

whatever i mean im picking up wolf but i still think the ASL thing is stupid other than the lower prices.

and my mk isnt even that good so there was alot of counters to MY mk lol so im not upset about that either.

also reflex, please dont call me dumb due to drug usage, it is a very sensitive subject to me when people do that and its not true, but yet, i feel people who arent experianced with drugs just think im some spaced out moron which isnt the truth. im just sensitive to that subject, sorry. i do have quite a handful of mental diseases; social anxiety, tourettes, which can mimmick aspergers, obssesional existential anxiety (yes thats a real one lol) and some other stuff which may contribute to akwardness and unorginization of thought or action but i am not stupid because of drugs. i just get that alot and it is wrong. i dont know if you were specifically saying that, but like i said, i am highly sensetive to the subject so maybe im just taking things out of context but id appreciate a response either way plzz but i dont think you specifically meant that anyways. but i do feel like i get treated like that at tournaments sometimes though idk.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
Slam we aren't banning him just because he's the best. He legitally has no counters to him and that's why he's the best.

In a sense, everyone should play MK because he counters all and can't be countered. This makes the game stale. How many other games do you see 1 character completely dominate the game? I'm not talking about being the best character I'm talking about having everyone drop who they play to use one character because he cannot be countered?


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
ok well im gonna pick up wolf and we will see how it goes.

also, reflex, i dont know anything about 2d fighters so you are right at that point lol
but if i feel its not legit and it continues then i will only be going to OoS tourneys.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
0also reflex, please dont call me dumb due to drug usage, it is a very sensitive subject to me when people do that and its not true, but yet, i feel people who arent experianced with drugs just think im some spaced out moron which isnt the truth. im just sensitive to that subject, sorry. i do have quite a handful of mental diseases; social anxiety, tourettes, which can mimmick aspergers, obssesional existential anxiety (yes thats a real one lol) and some other stuff which may contribute to akwardness and unorginization of thought or action but i am not stupid because of drugs. i just get that alot and it is wrong. i dont know if you were specifically saying that, but like i said, i am highly sensetive to the subject so maybe im just taking things out of context but id appreciate a response either way plzz but i dont think you specifically meant that anyways. but i do feel like i get treated like that at tournaments sometimes though idk.
I meant that many drugs impair judgment, and so it was an easy joke to make due to the way your sentence was worded. I would've done the same for any other person; I wasn't trying to attack you or the idea of drug usage in general. It's just that when most characters literally cannot get in between certain attacks due to how quick and safe they are in combination with how many different options that create such a scenario, it's pretty obvious that something is wrong when you look at the frame count of certain things. Not all frame data is useful, but a lot of it speaks volumes about what beats what.

I apologize if you thought I was poking fun at any of your past drug stuff. I wasn't.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2009
Alpharetta, Georgia
Scary MK-Ban discussion. I think it's funny that the only people anti-ban are MK mains :D :D No comment here btw just making an observation.

Last ditch effort to try to get AL to come to TSS this weekend, super late reminder but whatever! http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=308833&page=2 current confirmed attendance is 22 and could possibly be up to 30 or more. You guys should try to come, lol.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
Considering you were all for it until we banned MK, I think your only problem with ASL is the ban.

If you really want to change it, then run for ASL office come May. Get people to vote for you as President and get him unbanned. There's a copy of our constitution on the site under the "About Us" section. It details everything about the organization, including running for office.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
I meant that many drugs impair judgment, and so it was an easy joke to make due to the way your sentence was worded. I would've done the same for any other person; I wasn't trying to attack you or the idea of drug usage in general. It's just that when most characters literally cannot get in between certain attacks due to how quick and safe they are in combination with how many different options that create such a scenario, it's pretty obvious that something is wrong when you look at the frame count of certain things. Not all frame data is useful, but a lot of it speaks volumes about what beats what.

I apologize if you thought I was poking fun at any of your past drug stuff. I wasn't.
oh, well yi just missed the joke then lol sorry for assuming and sorry for calling you out like that but i wasnt being mean just asking.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
even if i became the president or w/e youd still have to pass my ideas and on a panel of 12/2 votes for the mk ban i dont see you guys even giving it a second thought ever.
what do you guys want me to do to make "valid arguments"
research frame data and research MU and CP options?
whatever. its not gonna change anything, you are just saying that, cam, to make it sound like anyone has a fighting chance when thats not the truth.

oh michaleas maybe me and you will be hanging out more after the ASL season starts up. im willing to drive to georgia for a smashfest with you whenever prior to a GA tournament.

also, will my results count for OoS if i use mk? doubt it.

and cam, you should take all the mk's out beside the people's names who main them on your little site and put ganons. that represents ASL better anyways.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
Ok, Slam. I'll take you off the bios page.

Seeing as how we have been working our ***** off to make tournaments cheaper and more accessible for everyone, I don't appreciate the negative attitude. Please, take your temper tantrum to another community if you hate the League so much.

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
I thought you weren't going to be discussing the ban at all? If you're going to make a decision for your elected governmental body they should stick with it. Especially if your members can't make their point without being downright insulting. It's strictly unprofessional.

Further, you're never going to convince me that this wasn't a hugely unprofessional move for your organization that is trying to convince me to give it money to run events. You made the decision with very little time to compensate for it in the coming 'season' of your tourneys. You want to make a massive, game-changing rule for your sport (and with a competitive game you are trying to run professionally treat it like you are running any other sporting event) you don't drop it on your players suddenly. You give them time to adjust and you give them fore-warning that change is coming down the pipes.

Banning a character a month before the tourneys are supposed to start does not constitute enough time to actually learn a new character. Hence your organization is being unprofessional.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
dont take me off.
i signed up for it.
dont take me off.
just put ganon as my main. and rags main. and people's secondarys that are mk need to be changed too. and no high tiers either plzzz they r not respectable. and not my fault you guys made a scrubby decision and screwed me over in the process.

also look, i would be one hundred percent fine with a mk ban. i would just prefer for us to do it at the same time as the rest of the nation. my goal is to become a national player who understands every single fundamental of the game inside and out. i just dont want to be stuck in a state that is playing by their own rules while the rest of the nation is playing differently than us. it makes it pointless to go to any tournaments outside of AL. and the only thing you are going by to justify this is that fact that you guys ASSUME the rest of the nation will follow suit...
im just not into that. i want to be the best at this game the way this game is being played nationally and proffesionally.
if this game is being played nationally and proffesional on a mk-ban then yes, i am 100 percent ok with mk being banned, as there will be a larger purpose to not using my current main and goal for me then. there would just be a larger purpose to this all which i need. right now if we leave AL we are screwed because no other state hardly is doing this and i dont like that. i want to be on the same level as everyone else. that is basically my main concern.
its not a temper tantrum i am making points you are refusing to answer and instead giving me this "we are doing something great here!" speech.
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