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Active Player Thread: Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in


Oct 23, 2010
well yea i already accepted that when my partner looked at me suddenly for ledge guarding >.> lol but yea i understand your point about the whole carry thing and no kill moves... the way i see it... sheiks dmg racking leads to a good fair off the stage should be counted as a kill move. when in battle, i try to keep track of which moves i use the most and try to kill w/ the move i hardly used which is why i don't think the dsmash worked to kill wolf at that percentage


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
Sheik has the tools to rack up damage, but only vs one opponent at a time so if you're playing doubles as two separate 1v1's it can work... But only if you and you're partner are both better than your opponents... But that's a moot point if youre better as a player and that's why ur winning character won't matter that much. If you're gonna play 2v2 as Sheik (opposed to separate 1v1's) then you'll have to stay flexible and be able to react to the situation your partner is in.

Also as for Sheik teaming with Snake... I've personally had no success, however I can't claim my partner at those times to have been an accurate selection of a good doubles snake... But in theory it should work really well... While snake is easily gimped... With a support style Sheik on his team it shouldn't be very easy... Unless they're like way off stage in no mans land where sheik literally cant do anything... Other than that though we should be able to prevent him from getting gimped... As for reality craft... Good luck finding a high level snake thats willing to team with a Sheik... He really can do better than us in terms of doubles partners... Wario is a really strong second choice even tho he can't completely control the stage... The parts he has issues with(for the most part) Sheik can cover, and personally I think warios aerial mobility makes him a better teammate than snake since he can follow up virtually anything we do.

On a side note: who here is going to SiiS?

EDIT: Imi ots fair isn't a viable kill move in singles... In doubles... It relies on your partners ability too much to be anything other than situational.

When a support character plays the role of the carry, that team will always lose to an actual carry character playing that role barring a significant difference in skill.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I tank with jiggs, true story.

sheik is fine in 2v2 you just can't play her like you would 1v1... but thats true for every character. sheik racks damage fine. her moveset lead well towards getting in that little extra bit of damage and leaving before the opponent's teammate can assist or even dealing with two enemies at once safely. its far easier to do it with sheik than any other character in the game (MK included) because you don't have as large of a commitment when you do an attack.

all that said sheik role isn't normally the kill role. usmash her strongest kill move is pretty laggy and leaves you pretty open and still isn't very reliable. But you do have other very powerful options nair, vanish, etc. that can be use relatively safely at no risk to yourself or your teammates. as sheik you should be aimming to set up kills, more so than get them and in that you should be taking the least damage out of anyone becaause of your super safe moveset..

thats how I feel anyway....


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2008
well yea i already accepted that when my partner looked at me suddenly for ledge guarding >.> lol but yea i understand your point about the whole carry thing and no kill moves... the way i see it... sheiks dmg racking leads to a good fair off the stage should be counted as a kill move. when in battle, i try to keep track of which moves i use the most and try to kill w/ the move i hardly used which is why i don't think the dsmash worked to kill wolf at that percentage
Save your d-smash and use your fair more. Dsmash kills earlier and you have moves just as fast that you can use to punish or lead into combos/strings. Ex) ftilt, utilt, fair, grab etc. It seems like you just do dsmash on reaction because there were times when you could have used another move but opted to do dsmash instead but the Wolf wasn't at killing %.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
There are games where I'll get all the kills with Sheik. Surprise DACUS is magnificent!!!

I agree with the above statements.

Usually when I team with my partner Trump, I'm always camping with needles and playing support. I play by the rules of "selective aggression" because there are teams where I just can't sit back and camp (MVD & ESAM for example). Sometimes it boils down to having better chemistry instead of thinking things through. <3 will agree with me on this, Sheik/Fox can really bounce off each other well when playing a speed game.

I'd imagine a good Luigi would be an awesome partner. He'd kill EVERYTHING!


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
I mean I don't enter doubles anymore lol. I'm too aggressive and make my team lose xD. I love watching doubles though...


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
There are games where I'll get all the kills with Sheik. Surprise DACUS is magnificent!!!

I agree with the above statements.

Usually when I team with my partner Trump, I'm always camping with needles and playing support. I play by the rules of "selective aggression" because there are teams where I just can't sit back and camp (MVD & ESAM for example). Sometimes it boils down to having better chemistry instead of thinking things through. <3 will agree with me on this, Sheik/Fox can really bounce off each other well when playing a speed game.

I'd imagine a good Luigi would be an awesome partner. He'd kill EVERYTHING!
Luigi is pretty good (I play quite often with crash) but the main issue is that luigi and sheik both need a considerable amount of help getting back on stage and luigi can't control much.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
im probably better at doubles than singles as ike, and the heavyweight is pretty much always the tank, or more to the point the one who is slower, so sheik should-technically-always be in the thick of it, i reckon as a doubles character sheik will be using bair/nair/fair a lot more than normal and ftilt a ton less, if almost solely for setting ann opponent to get hit by the opponent

i can see ike/sheik being a top team, sheik can just pop everyone up all day for ike to hit for a 6, and with the damage every single one of his hits does that would be a winning combo


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Yea cept they both suck recovering:(. I like Ike though, I wouldn't mind teaming with him but how is he gonna help me recover with two MK's swinging their swords at me???


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Yea cept they both suck recovering:(. I like Ike though, I wouldn't mind teaming with him but how is he gonna help me recover with two MK's swinging their swords at me???
by batting the mk's with his overly long ranged fair, what you dont expect him to jump off after you do you?
ive never seen that happen unless its an mk jumping off to u-air you to safety


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Sheik can needle somebody out of freefall, snake can throw nades, wario can go everywhere offstage, rob can go everywhere offstage, Kirby can go everywhere offstage etc.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Actually the weight is not always a factor for tanking. Sonic is actually quite a good stock tank in doubles simply because he has the ability to avoid the other team better than most characters in the game. Wario probably actually has better survivability than snake due to his high mobility allowing him to keep away combined with his weight. I simply pick snake barely over wario because he kills a little easier but I do actually think thet the stage control might be more important than the other 2 tho its debatable.

To go with <3 on this one I would imagine jiggs could stock tank for the same reason of being able to avoid everyone. Yoshi is quite the tank in teams also.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I only used Sheik once yesterday. I lost to Mene's (a female IL smasher) Ike by a stock. I did **** her first stock and got a vanish kill, though.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
you lost to meneil? lol
Meneil 2-0ed blue rogue........................

Also i played pretty terrible too. tho to be fair it gets hard playing sheik after you have been there for 10 hours so no worries tutu. I was doing great in friendlies before the tourney where AZ sat down to demonstrate how terrible the diddy MU is for sheik. I think I might have changed his mind coming out on top. It was friendlies but I was playing well. I got their at 1:30 (30 minutes before registration started) btw.

And at 5 when pools started I did well also. I lost only to ybm (ugh kirby) then 2-0ed warfi (IL diddy i believe), Akashi (marth,and snake player), Rikku (Lucario player from ohio), Tech Chase (snake, D3), and Sleep (MK). I 2-0d everyone except ybm who 2-0ed me (game 2 i almost won as marth). Got 2nd seed.

Then at 10:30 when bracket started....................................................... I lost 2 matches back to back in probably one of the worst displays of my playing ever. Died to diddys dsmash center stage at 100%, killed myself like once every game..... it was bad. You should have seen my flashy tether > ledgedrop > needle charge (thats not a DJ fair) > fall to my death maneuver it was....................awesome...................................... Seriously I just can't play a mentally taxing character like sheik after 10 hours of playing friendlies on and off. Due to the weird timing of everything I also never had any food because I never knew when stuff was starting.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Judo man, that's brutal! No way I can play after a holdover like that.

Also, I know all about that special SD move. It's definitely awesome!

I'm gonna try to sneak to #####. Hope I can find some quick funds.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
I feel like I played fine., no major screw ups or anything... Just I'm not very good lol.

0-2 vs Atomsk he went Marth Snake.
1-2 vs Hilt. He three stocked me game 1 lol it was horrible.
2-0 vs TKO (MD/VA Kirby) but he was frustrated with an earlier lose going into the set and he played worse against me than everyone else :/
2-0 vs Smash64 He went Diddy then Ness
1-2 vs TMacc He's a D3 from somewhere.
2-0 vs SpongeJordan he's an IL Lucas.
Got third Seed in pools overall

Then in bracket got destroyed by Nicole in winners then lost to a sick(like flu sick) Hylian in round one losers. The man was dropping grabs cause he kept having to cough and I still couldn't beat him lol.

If I learned anything from SiiS it's that I need to practice more and get better if I wanna do better than struggling to get out of pools only to get dead last in the bracket.

It's rough that you weren't able to get food though I can't imagine having to play this game hungry.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
you lost to meneil? lol
Judo is soooooooo much better than you. Like seriously, he r*ped me hard. Then again, on the 2nd match against Judo I started to experiment and see what Marth can do against Sheik. Idk if it's possible, but can Marth interrupt Sheik's ftilt chains with the first hit off Dancing Blade, guys? Maybe Judo wasn't being perfect with his ftilts, idk.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
oh, so hows that plan of moving to japan going for you, or you dropped that plan?
unless im thinking of a different tutu, in which case ive jsut made a tit of myself XD


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Meneil 2-0ed blue rogue........................

Also i played pretty terrible too. tho to be fair it gets hard playing sheik after you have been there for 10 hours so no worries tutu. I was doing great in friendlies before the tourney where AZ sat down to demonstrate how terrible the diddy MU is for sheik. I think I might have changed his mind coming out on top. It was friendlies but I was playing well. I got their at 1:30 (30 minutes before registration started) btw.

And at 5 when pools started I did well also. I lost only to ybm (ugh kirby) then 2-0ed warfi (IL diddy i believe), Akashi (marth,and snake player), Rikku (Lucario player from ohio), Tech Chase (snake, D3), and Sleep (MK). I 2-0d everyone except ybm who 2-0ed me (game 2 i almost won as marth). Got 2nd seed.

Then at 10:30 when bracket started....................................................... I lost 2 matches back to back in probably one of the worst displays of my playing ever. Died to diddys dsmash center stage at 100%, killed myself like once every game..... it was bad. You should have seen my flashy tether > ledgedrop > needle charge (thats not a DJ fair) > fall to my death maneuver it was....................awesome...................................... Seriously I just can't play a mentally taxing character like sheik after 10 hours of playing friendlies on and off. Due to the weird timing of everything I also never had any food because I never knew when stuff was starting.
Who did you lose to in Bracket Judo??

I feel like I played fine., no major screw ups or anything... Just I'm not very good lol.

0-2 vs Atomsk he went Marth Snake.
1-2 vs Hilt. He three stocked me game 1 lol it was horrible.
2-0 vs TKO (MD/VA Kirby) but he was frustrated with an earlier lose going into the set and he played worse against me than everyone else :/
2-0 vs Smash64 He went Diddy then Ness
1-2 vs TMacc He's a D3 from somewhere.
2-0 vs SpongeJordan he's an IL Lucas.
Got third Seed in pools overall

Then in bracket got destroyed by Nicole in winners then lost to a sick(like flu sick) Hylian in round one losers. The man was dropping grabs cause he kept having to cough and I still couldn't beat him lol.

If I learned anything from SiiS it's that I need to practice more and get better if I wanna do better than struggling to get out of pools only to get dead last in the bracket.

It's rough that you weren't able to get food though I can't imagine having to play this game hungry.
Made it out of pools plus beat Smash 64= legit. How you gonna lose to Nicole with all thet KBizzle exp. though???

Judo is soooooooo much better than you. Like seriously, he r*ped me hard. Then again, on the 2nd match against Judo I started to experiment and see what Marth can do against Sheik. Idk if it's possible, but can Marth interrupt Sheik's ftilt chains with the first hit off Dancing Blade, guys? Maybe Judo wasn't being perfect with his ftilts, idk.
Hey i've played this guy on WiFi ;). Also c'mon bro you can just Dolphin Slash out of ftilt lolololol.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
It was Sai and DJ.

And like I only have losses vs KB... But Nicole just ***** me. I feel so bad about losing an 80-20 MU in our favor.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
I feel like I played fine., no major screw ups or anything... Just I'm not very good lol.

0-2 vs Atomsk he went Marth Snake.
1-2 vs Hilt. He three stocked me game 1 lol it was horrible.
2-0 vs TKO (MD/VA Kirby) but he was frustrated with an earlier lose going into the set and he played worse against me than everyone else :/
2-0 vs Smash64 He went Diddy then Ness
1-2 vs TMacc He's a D3 from somewhere.
2-0 vs SpongeJordan he's an IL Lucas.
Got third Seed in pools overall

Then in bracket got destroyed by Nicole in winners then lost to a sick(like flu sick) Hylian in round one losers. The man was dropping grabs cause he kept having to cough and I still couldn't beat him lol.

If I learned anything from SiiS it's that I need to practice more and get better if I wanna do better than struggling to get out of pools only to get dead last in the bracket.

It's rough that you weren't able to get food though I can't imagine having to play this game hungry.
The thing that makes me happy about this post, is I haven't actually heard you say you want to get better in a long time. Keep that drive alive. You got this :3


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Lcancel just opened the door to my mind and chopped my desire to improve up into 18 identical chunks
lol, jason making you step up your game
oh yeah you probably dont know me, im the guy whos occasionally in the group skype calls with lcancel, marc, miles, etc. my name on their is G~P
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