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Active Player Thread: Ones who does not have Triforce can't go in


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
the next techniques im trying to master are the naritake step and that instant jump through platform stuff (platform cancelling?), if i can master those 2 things my sheik can reach a new level, too bad both of them are insanely hard to do consistently

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
the next techniques im trying to master are the naritake step and that instant jump through platform stuff (platform cancelling?), if i can master those 2 things my sheik can reach a new level, too bad both of them are insanely hard to do consistently
Yea, they are awful hard to do. I don't even try and do them.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Actually i have already incorporated platform canceling into my game. Its really not that tough. It just takes some practice. I personally find GR DACUS harder still lol

and no i don't think DK's up B has anything that fast OoS. Also airdodges are so telegraphed they are easily punished by chain and grab would work but not only is it hard for them to get within grab range (unlike SL range which is huge) but also a grab would give us a window twice as big to punish (where grab is 8 frames but SL gives us 4 frames to punish) Like don't get me wrong i have always said that MK was one of the few characters that can be reliably camped, where others can in certain situations like at the edge, but the whole idea of it before was just to make it so he couldnt punish it reasonably fast. But now he can sooooo i guess the MU gets a tiny bit worse? (I actually got away with chain camping a whole lot against Mks in the past)


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
i can do GR DACUS in my sleep, maybe i just don't understand how platform cancelling works and thats why it doesn't work for me
I mean don't get me wrong I rarely miss it but i still think its harder than plat canceling lol. I still miss GR DACUS from time to time and i miss about as often with plat canceling, but i have only been plat canceling for like 2 months lol

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
I mean don't get me wrong I rarely miss it but i still think its harder than plat canceling lol. I still miss GR DACUS from time to time and i miss about as often with plat canceling, but i have only been plat canceling for like 2 months lol
When I have days where I can't GR DACUS, I'm so happy I have Zelda to fall back on! Yay Zelda!


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I didn't even bother to learn DACUS until late 09'....probably won't learn plat cancelling til sometime next year lol.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2008
Damn that's pretty amazing. Best of luck on your journey, and I can't think of anything to add onto your list. How long do you expect the whole trip to take?


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I'm figuring about two months or so. I want to knock Kansas out of the way ASAP.
This might sound funny but I am a little scarred of high winds and I am terrified of tornadoes. Damn I'm gonna miss my hills. Freaking Kansas is flatter than still water. That means HIGH FREAKIN WINDS!!!!!!!!
I'm also going to avoid cities. Cities are a bad idea cuz I can't camp in them. I also have to fear trouble from the locals. I do not like fighting... that is why I carried a pepper bag for the longest time. I decided it's not as effective as I wanted it to be (the spread sucks... that is why they use a liquid version).
I wish I could take my revolver but noooooooo, people have to be dumb and dislike guns. :( So I am pretty much forced to not have one. So I'm going with a knife and a tomahawk. I'll go Cherokee on their ***.
And don't give me any bull**** about fighting with weapons and how you should only use your fists. I will only fight if absolutely needed and when I am forced to fight I am fighting to kill or get away (which some times involves killing). Besides, I will try bashing them in the skull with the side or top of the hawk first.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Hey Saviors just lookin out for you man but I gotta ask. Are you sure its even reasonably doable? 2 months doesn't sound like near enough time to me. its approximately 1975 from border to border of those states straight line distance. Ur trip will be a lot longer because you are curving it through states. Assuming you walk at a reasonable pace of 4 miles per hour for 12 hours every day that's still gonna be like 42 days. Now you consider stopping to have to make fires and get food on top of getting enough sleep cause ur gonna get exhausted. You have to account for time that you might get lost or have to re-navigate cause ur gonna make wrong turns. Building a shelter will take quite a bit of time especially since ur gonna be moving the whole time. Top that off with the fact that the distance 1975 is going to be much much larger because you aren't quite at the borders and you are heading quite a bit south and not airline distance i think its gonna take a little longer than that.

I guess I am simply saying make sure you take time to calculate everything out because the U.S is freaking big. Like if you plan on catching ur food man that crap takes hella long. If you ever watch survivor man that guy travels like 70 miles in a week and hes a freaking pro at that stuff because catching food is freaking hard. lol

So just make sure you figure everything out. I mean now that i think of it you will have a phone so if you run into trouble you can probably get some rides back.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I can't GRdacus consistently AT ALL lol

some days I'm magically on fire and I just dacus with hardly any intent to. some days I can't do it at all.

battle field and FD are my favorite stages so... IDK about plat cancels... I can do them more consistently than dacus though.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
#1 I have tent so no shelter building.
#2 It takes like 10 minutes to get a camp fire up a going.
#3 I can easily pump out 20 miles on hilly terrain. When I go through the plains I plan on flying.
#4 I am not catching my food unless I have to.
#5 I actually haven't done the math but according to my calculator if I do 20 a day it will take about 98 days. I figure I will end up walking 1,975 since I would like to end up in Washington.
So I guess 3 months and a half.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
#1 I have tent so no shelter building.
#2 It takes like 10 minutes to get a camp fire up a going.
#3 I can easily pump out 20 miles on hilly terrain. When I go through the plains I plan on flying.
#4 I am not catching my food unless I have to.
#5 I actually haven't done the math but according to my calculator if I do 20 a day it will take about 98 days. I figure I will end up walking 1,975 since I would like to end up in Washington.
So I guess 3 months and a half.
youre insane, you know that? regardless best wishes to you and your journey, make sure not to die along the way XD


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
#1 I have tent so no shelter building.
#2 It takes like 10 minutes to get a camp fire up a going.
#3 I can easily pump out 20 miles on hilly terrain. When I go through the plains I plan on flying.
#4 I am not catching my food unless I have to.
#5 I actually haven't done the math but according to my calculator if I do 20 a day it will take about 98 days. I figure I will end up walking 1,975 since I would like to end up in Washington.
So I guess 3 months and a half.
just make sure you take into account getting lost and that catching food takes up a whole day. Also 1975 miles was a very generous estimation. Thats like straight line distance really it will probably more like 2200 or so.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
just noting, he's saying that he will probably be going 5-10 miles faster than that over flatlands(assuming that is the equivalent of "flying") so his calculation of 3 and a half months would be accurate even over 2200 miles


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
saviours you might want to bring more money than that. 400 dollars isn't enough money to eat for 3 months. And if you have to catch food very often i promise you it will take a whole lot longer. Not to mention i have no idea what ur gonna eat in Kansas lol. I'm not trying to deter you but if anything take it one small step at a time. Like make it to Kentucky then check up on smash boards. If you still have a reasonable amount of money then by all means continue.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
just make sure you take into account getting lost and that catching food takes up a whole day. Also 1975 miles was a very generous estimation. Thats like straight line distance really it will probably more like 2200 or so.
My question is where was the starting and ending point to give them 1,975. Oh, and catching food does not take the whole day... but the whole night. If you are in a survival situation you try and move in the day and set traps to get meat at night. If I am near water I will always be able to get meat. If I am not near water I know how to snare and use a very effective yet inhumane trap (absolute last resort). You take a big fish hook (sea fishing fish hook) and you hang rotten meat on it. You then dangle it 4' above the ground. A coyote, fox or dog will jump up to get the meat and hang themselves in the mouth. Next morning you have..... angry meat. Just whack them in the back of the head where the neck attaches to the skull. I use to kill mice this way except I would flick them in the back of the head.

I am actually going to mainly survive off of shaved coconut and peanut butter and when I get near water I'm going to fish for a bluegill or two and set up bank traps for catfish and turtle using the bluegill. I just pray I don't get turtle... I hate dressing turtle. 9 times out of 10 it will be a snapper. You kill it buy luring its head out by a branch and then chopping it off. You dress it but knock the sides of the shell off and the pulling the shell apart. It is nasty as hell and smelly. My uncle never chopped their heads off though... he just blew them off with a .357 magnum.
Anyways... the reason why I am going for shaved coconut is because it is LOADED with calories. It is also dirt cheap. The peanut butter is also dirt cheap and contains most of what you need to survive. The only thing that I will be missing in my diet is red meat. If only beef jerky was cheap. :urg:
Oh, and you are forgetting something. My best buds dad road his bike from Arizona to Ohio. He mostly camped on peoples lawns. He said that almost every time people would give him some food or let him shower. I am counting on this on the rare occasion.



Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
My question is where was the starting and ending point to give them 1,975. Oh, and catching food does not take the whole day... but the whole night. If you are in a survival situation you try and move in the day and set traps to get meat at night. If I am near water I will always be able to get meat. If I am not near water I know how to snare and use a very effective yet inhumane trap (absolute last resort). You take a big fish hook (sea fishing fish hook) and you hang rotten meat on it. You then dangle it 4' above the ground. A coyote, fox or dog will jump up to get the meat and hang themselves in the mouth. Next morning you have..... angry meat. Just whack them in the back of the head where the neck attaches to the skull. I use to kill mice this way except I would flick them in the back of the head.

I am actually going to mainly survive off of shaved coconut and peanut butter and when I get near water I'm going to fish for a bluegill or two and set up bank traps for catfish and turtle using the bluegill. I just pray I don't get turtle... I hate dressing turtle. 9 times out of 10 it will be a snapper. You kill it buy luring its head out by a branch and then chopping it off. You dress it but knock the sides of the shell off and the pulling the shell apart. It is nasty as hell and smelly. My uncle never chopped their heads off though... he just blew them off with a .357 magnum.
Anyways... the reason why I am going for shaved coconut is because it is LOADED with calories. It is also dirt cheap. The peanut butter is also dirt cheap and contains most of what you need to survive. The only thing that I will be missing in my diet is red meat. If only beef jerky was cheap. :urg:
Oh, and you are forgetting something. My best buds dad road his bike from Arizona to Ohio. He mostly camped on peoples lawns. He said that almost every time people would give him some food or let him shower. I am counting on this on the rare occasion.

Im assuming its from border to border maybe not tho. And that bit about hoping other people will feed you is probably a good bet. There is a small problem with trapping. You have to set a trap in a place you will be and then wait a day or so because animals aren't gonna get trapped in an hour most of the time. So if you are moving you will have to walk 20 miles (not sure how long that takes probably a few hours) then set a trap/ try a shot at fishing, then even if you manage to get something within an hour (which isn't likely with trapping at all) you have to completely prepare it for eating and then eat it. Combine this with getting enough sleep because you will be doing alot of activity without alot of food.

I'm just saying you will definitely need something to give you an edge on ordinary survival tactics like money. I'm just telling you from a perspective because I asked both my Dad (who was an airborne ranger in the army and quite an outdoors men and expert on survival) and my brother (who is currently special forces in the army, a green beret, and a sniper who has quite a bit of knowledge in that field also) and they both said that if you don't take enough money to buy just about all of ur food (or get it from people which is actually a good idea) on your trip, you will have almost no chance of making it in that time frame (assuming your alternative is catching it yourself). Because they say typically trapping will take a minimum of about 6 or 7 hours average.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Im assuming its from border to border maybe not tho. And that bit about hoping other people will feed you is probably a good bet. There is a small problem with trapping. You have to set a trap in a place you will be and then wait a day or so because animals aren't gonna get trapped in an hour most of the time. So if you are moving you will have to walk 20 miles (not sure how long that takes probably a few hours) then set a trap/ try a shot at fishing, then even if you manage to get something within an hour (which isn't likely with trapping at all) you have to completely prepare it for eating and then eat it. Combine this with getting enough sleep because you will be doing alot of activity without alot of food.

I'm just saying you will definitely need something to give you an edge on ordinary survival tactics like money. I'm just telling you from a perspective because I asked both my Dad (who was an airborne ranger in the army and quite an outdoors men and expert on survival) and my brother (who is currently special forces in the army, a green beret, and a sniper who has quite a bit of knowledge in that field also) and they both said that if you don't take enough money to buy just about all of ur food (or get it from people which is actually a good idea) on your trip, you will have almost no chance of making it in that time frame (assuming your alternative is catching it yourself). Because they say typically trapping will take a minimum of about 6 or 7 hours average.
20 miles on semi even terrain is about 7 hours of walking.

Here's the part that you are over looking. I would be snaring rabbits, hooking catfish/turtles or hooking k9 scavengers. The k9's operate at night, fish are active at night (same as turtles) and bunnies operate at first light. These are traps that you set up before you go to bed and then retrieve the next morning.
The time consuming part would be the smoking bit.

Actually when trapping or fishing it is low output high input.
When spear fishing it is high output high input but of course, no guarantee.

Thanks for trying to help me BTW. I do agree that money is a need and a must. Here's the deal, I am starting off with about 20 jars of peanut butter and some shredded coconut. The added weight is worth the savings. A half a jar of peanut butter a day is about all I need to survive and keep on going. I might bump it up but IDK. So you are looking at about what... 2$ or so a day for food? With the first almost month covered I think I should be fine. After that I just need to try and keep 2 bags of shredded coconut and 7 jars of peanut butter on me at all times. Since both are only a couple of bucks a piece I should be fine. On the rare occasion I will probably buy a bag of apples which is also not that expensive.

BTW, I am still going to SiiS4.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Whoa, what the hell's going on in here?
Talking survival crap.

Today I popped out 8 miles in the snow with 55 lbs. of added weight. I am defiantly going to come up with a way to support my pack on my back better.
In about a week or so I'm going to hike back to a waterfall were we repel and camp out there. Hopefully I can get a feel for what is to come. I'll try and get wet so I can experience a scenario where I have little clothes while mine dry from the fire. One word, aerobics. I'll make sure to have a wool blanket or something off to the side in case I get to cold.
:urg: I hate staying warm through movement.... it sucks.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
when are you planning on doing this? soon? in the summer? i mean what will you do if you have to spend some of your food money on medicine?

this is just a suggestion, but you should probably add a small box of tylenol cold in the basic essentials first aid kit i assume your bringing

i can only assume that travelling long distances while being sick would not be a fun or even enlightening experience, just my opinion i dunno never done it


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2008
or you should just not go on this ridiculous trip...

i mean, it's an awesome idea but if the walk is gonna take 3 1/2 months and you're only packing x amount of supplies and $400...that doesn't seem like enough for 3 months.


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
or you should just not go on this ridiculous trip...

i mean, it's an awesome idea but if the walk is gonna take 3 1/2 months and you're only packing x amount of supplies and $400...that doesn't seem like enough for 3 months.
i thought that too, maybe take a cash card instead? i mean that can store all your money and people cant really steal your money that way too.
why are you doing it anyway, charity or personal thing?


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
when are you planning on doing this? soon? in the summer? i mean what will you do if you have to spend some of your food money on medicine?

this is just a suggestion, but you should probably add a small box of tylenol cold in the basic essentials first aid kit i assume your bringing

i can only assume that travelling long distances while being sick would not be a fun or even enlightening experience, just my opinion i dunno never done it
This winter. Winter is a bigger challenge and I need to do it soon or I might never get the chance to do it again.
Way ahead of you. I have carried a altoids mini tin full of benedryl, tylenol and excedren back and body. Thing is you want to not use it. Try and hold off because pills are expensive.
Oh, and on a side note benedryl has dramamine in it which means it will help with motion sickness and stuff but most importantly, it puts you to sleep. Dramamine is used in tranquilizers. Take 500 miligrams of benedryl and you are out like a light if you are trying to go to sleep.
Also, if you stretch before you travel, after you travel and once every hour you should have no back, neck or shoulder problems.

I made sure to catch the new flu/cold bug. Remember me saying I was sick when I was attempting to right the guide? You see, modern day anti biotics is something I hate. I hate it I hate it I hate it!!!!!!! The H1M1 vaccine has been linked to partial paralysis. That and those big bottles contain mercury in them. If you know anything about heavy metals you will know that they are bad, especially mercury. Mercury affects the brain.
In other words, I am saying it is smart to eat a lot of C vitamin and then make yourself sick. I just got it worst than I thought I would. After you have become sick your body remembers how to fight that virus and you will not catch that virus again. To bad there are different strands of viruses in different regions. I just have to make sure I am drugged up on C.
My worst worry is pneumonia. Pneumonia is caused by a build up of mucus in your lungs. You don't need to catch a virus to get this... you just need to get cold. That is what makes pneumonia so dangerous. The best way to avoid this is to blow the mucus out of your lungs or swallow it. Swallowing (haha) may make your throat sore but it is a better option than pneumonia. If you do get mucus in your lungs beat you back hard to break it up and then sprint. This will cause your lungs to expand and then you will cough it up. If I do catch it I am phoning my family for a bus ticket home before I die.
or you should just not go on this ridiculous trip...

i mean, it's an awesome idea but if the walk is gonna take 3 1/2 months and you're only packing x amount of supplies and $400...that doesn't seem like enough for 3 months.
Not an option.

I am not taking 400$ for no reason. That is there to help me resupply. I need sleeping equipment, navigational equipment, fire equipment and temperature control equipment. 3 of those things are all geared towards controlling my temperature. Keeping myself warm and dry is the most important thing.. PERIOD! Fatigue is up there to but dry and fatigue can go hand in hand. If you travel at a steady even pace and keep yourself a little cold that is good. You will not sweet and you will not wear yourself out.
i thought that too, maybe take a cash card instead? i mean that can store all your money and people cant really steal your money that way too.
why are you doing it anyway, charity or personal thing?
I lesson I learned a long time ago is to never keep all of your eggs in one basket. The money will be hidden in multiple places. There are 3 steps of gear safety on me. The first is my back pack (food, extra water containers, camping gear, extra clothes and repair kits), the second is my belt (knives, tomahawk, medicine, days worth of food, metal water bottle, poncho, space blanket, fire) and the last is my pockets (cell phone, fire, knife, plastic, compass, map). If I am forced to I can survive outside with only my pockets but need rescued the next day.
Also, they will have to take the money from me first. If I can't talk my way out of it I have my tomahawk set up so I can have it drawn in about a second. I also have a sheath knife on me which can be drawn very quickly, but will be last resort. The trick is getting close to someone armed with a gun. You can then draw attention, use your left hand drawn up below and rip out the tomahawk. They will be in a position where I can hit with the flat of the hawk on their head and knock them out. If there is more than one of them I will give them the 20$ in my wallet and claim to be homeless. You are also suggesting that I put myself in a situation like this. I will be avoiding cities and people except for when I sleep in others yards.
I hope I will not get into this situation, but I am prepared if I am forced into it.

I will be carrying an empty debit card with me. If all else fails I can phone home for emergency cash to be wired to me.

Actually I will probably come back grumpy from lack of sleep and sore feet.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
meh, im not saying i've been out camping/hiking for a month but i've certainly gone canoeing/hiking/camping for about 3 weeks, when i came back i felt super buff and ready to take on anything, then again; i was better supplied because we could carry stuff in the canoes and also split weight distribution between more people so i was not on as "uncomfortable" a trip as your going on persay


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Sl you should print off the sheik charts so when you get bored you can study them, if anything they will make great fire starters.
Oh haha.
BTW, paper sucks at taking a spark. Oh, and I'm going old school and taking a Bible. I will also be taking a journal.
There is one thing that I have to say and that is I am going to HATE peanut butter when this is over. I'm also thinking about reworking my menu to include rice. I can through bits of meat in with the rice and if all else fails I will have chicken cubes. Oh, and I will probably buy apples every once and a while. That and I am starting off with cashews and peanuts to.

Today I decided to watch Man vs Wild for tips. Damn that dude does some stupid stuff. He makes many no no's. I did get a few tips though. I also reworked my clothing system. I have added a Columbia jacket and a goose down set of pants. I will keep the jeans because goose down can be to warm making me sweet.
I also reworked my pocket fishing kit and put together a sewing kit with extra fabric inside. The fishing kit is a 10" piece of PBC pipe and inside is lures, 20 hooks, 11 sinkers, 3 bobbers and 50' of extra line. The sewing kit it a pill bottle with and inside is 4 needles, a square foot of military grade fabric, a spool of thread and 5 safety pins. They are light and incredibly useful.
Now I just need a trapping kit. -_-


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
Oh haha.
BTW, paper sucks at taking a spark. Oh, and I'm going old school and taking a Bible. I will also be taking a journal.
There is one thing that I have to say and that is I am going to HATE peanut butter when this is over. I'm also thinking about reworking my menu to include rice. I can through bits of meat in with the rice and if all else fails I will have chicken cubes. Oh, and I will probably buy apples every once and a while. That and I am starting off with cashews and peanuts to.

Today I decided to watch Man vs Wild for tips. Damn that dude does some stupid stuff. He makes many no no's. I did get a few tips though. I also reworked my clothing system. I have added a Columbia jacket and a goose down set of pants. I will keep the jeans because goose down can be to warm making me sweet.
I also reworked my pocket fishing kit and put together a sewing kit with extra fabric inside. The fishing kit is a 10" piece of PBC pipe and inside is lures, 20 hooks, 11 sinkers, 3 bobbers and 50' of extra line. The sewing kit it a pill bottle with and inside is 4 needles, a square foot of military grade fabric, a spool of thread and 5 safety pins. They are light and incredibly useful.
Now I just need a trapping kit. -_-
might want to be careful not to run into any game wardens because you will need a hunting, fishing and trapping license in every state in order to so legally.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
dair is such an underated move... it is GREAT oos (probably sheik's best oos option), has decent KO potential, and can be used to edgeguard people thanks to its super armor frames

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I don't know about all of that, but it's definitely sheik's fastest OOS option.
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