I actually think Robin is a really good character who's kinda like Bowser in that he's held back by a few top tier matchups.
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Doesn't mean it's not a brilliant tool anyway.You only get seven uses of the Levin Sword at a time. There's a reason for that.
*eight.You only get seven uses of the Levin Sword at a time. There's a reason for that.
Lmao you took the words right out of my mouth.![]()
I swear the thread is like this right now for no reason.http://
I'm out here like
Seriously, I can't understand why even MODERATORS or VETERANS of this thread are going crazy. It's still beyond funny.
I'm ready for a spam warning though.
I get your point, but It just bothers me that Mewtwo is getting so much attention when Bayonetta, Cloud, Diddy, Sheik, Rosalina, and several other characters would have to be toned down before, AND to a greater degree than Mewtwo. It's just mind boggling.I'm not going to touch the subject of whether or not Mewtwo is too good - jeez that's a sore subject around here - but I do think that a lot of people are misinterpreting what game balance is supposed to achieve. -snip-
Mewtwo is the ***** of the week.I get your point, but It just bothers me that Mewtwo is getting so much attention when Bayonetta, Cloud, Diddy, Sheik, Rosalina, and several other characters would have to be toned down before, AND to a greater degree than Mewtwo. It's just mind boggling.
I could totally see this thread be a sitcomI mean, it's just like:
"A big patch is coming. This is especially significant in light of all the recent controversy surrounding not just Bayonetta and Cloud, but also several key characters at the lower end of the roster."
"Totally. Hey, you know who we should talk about that isn't related to any of that? Mewtwo."
Tune in next time, when the thread loses their minds about R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer.
I will activate the Skynet trigger if people go after my robo-buddy. R.O.B will rule the planet.R.O.B.
Again? We already talk about them every other day or so.I could totally see this thread be a sitcom
I have never wanted anything more in my life
Anyway let's talk about characters that actually could be changed, like cloud or bayonetta.
Well that's what I get for not being on this place often lol, I thought that some cloud discussion would change the discussion, especially seeing the rise of LCS instead of finishing touch due to patch 1.1.5Again? We already talk about them every other day or so.
I'm predicting Peach and Duck Hunt.I mean, it's just like:
"A big patch is coming. This is especially significant in light of all the recent controversy surrounding not just Bayonetta and Cloud, but also several key characters at the lower end of the roster."
"Totally. Hey, you know who we should talk about that isn't related to any of that? Mewtwo."
Tune in next time, when the thread loses their minds about R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer.
I think was an intentional design choice, in all seriousness. It's a stupid one, but it exists.Also i think Pac-man's grab will be fixed.
Odds of changes to Pac-man's grab: 5%Also i think Pac-man's grab will be fixed, his grab is one of the few janky ones left.
Odds of changes to Pac-man's grab: 5%
Odds of people thinking there are (and reporting) changes to Pac-man's grab: 100%.
WellI mean, it's just like:
"A big patch is coming. This is especially significant in light of all the recent controversy surrounding not just Bayonetta and Cloud, but also several key characters at the lower end of the roster."
"Totally. Hey, you know who we should talk about that isn't related to any of that? Mewtwo."
Tune in next time, when the thread loses their minds about R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer.
— あばだんご🍡 (@Abadango) May 18, 2016
Tier list ver 1.1.5 imo pic.twitter.com/AJgPD9nnSi
At the rate we are going we will be complaining about Lucina's Side Smash very soon...I mean, it's just like:
"A big patch is coming. This is especially significant in light of all the recent controversy surrounding not just Bayonetta and Cloud, but also several key characters at the lower end of the roster."
"Totally. Hey, you know who we should talk about that isn't related to any of that? Mewtwo."
Tune in next time, when the thread loses their minds about R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer.
On a serious note, is there a reason for his lackluster results? Is it him being too technical? If so, why do we see Peach doing as well as she's done recently? Is he a part of an archetype that another high-tier character fills better? Is he "too honest", ala Pit?Well
We could talk about Greninja instead.![]()
Maybe because her strenghts are too good to be true and she has very good players that know how to use said tools.Also why is Palutena doing so well despite in theory her being awful?
I think it's mostly representation. The US has a couple upper mid - high level Greninja players (Gibus, Techei, Venia come to mind) but no top level ones unless I'm forgetting something big/underestimating someone. Japan has Some but has he been to anything lately? aMSa is another fair weather friend of the frog. Europe has the best Greninja results. I think strictly speaking, Europe has fewer large-scale high profile events, so less relevant results. I could be wrong, just my thoughts.On a serious note, is there a reason for his lackluster results? Is it him being too technical? If so, why do we see Peach doing as well as she's done recently? Is he a part of an archetype that another high-tier character fills better? Is he "too honest", ala Pit?
'No order don't complain' XDFor reals tho, I could totally make a webcomic out of the CCI once my Drawing Tablet is fixed.
Also this:
— あばだんご🍡 (@Abadango) May 18, 2016
Tier list ver 1.1.5 imo pic.twitter.com/AJgPD9nnSi
On a serious note, is there a reason for his lackluster results? Is it him being too technical? If so, why do we see Peach doing as well as she's done recently? Is he a part of an archetype that another high-tier character fills better? Is he "too honest", ala Pit?
Makes sense. Japan has good Lucarios and, like, 1 Ike. Roy is Roy.'No order don't complain' XD
Ike, Roy and Lucario's placements tho
A lot of it seems to have to do with a small playerbase at least at top level. We have iStudying who does perform well consistently but he's still one person and for the most part he's in Europe (although him coming to GOML might help) and we have Some in Japan who has been pretty inactive for a while. There's others like Venia that are limited to local level tournaments as well.On a serious note, is there a reason for his lackluster results? Is it him being too technical? If so, why do we see Peach doing as well as she's done recently? Is he a part of an archetype that another high-tier character fills better? Is he "too honest", ala Pit?
Shiki and a bunch of other Gekkouga mains will be going to Umebura 23 (RIP SOME)On a serious note, is there a reason for his lackluster results? Is it him being too technical? If so, why do we see Peach doing as well as she's done recently? Is he a part of an archetype that another high-tier character fills better? Is he "too honest", ala Pit?
Some cancelled his Umebura registration, a real shameShiki, Some, and a bunch of other Gekkouga mains will be going to Umebura 23
Venia is officially coming out of retirement and will attend the last KTAR
Istudying, darkaura, and JW will attend GOML
Istudying, Venia, and other american greninja's will be attending smash con
by the end of the summer his results will be better, give us some time fam.
I was wondering why his tweet announcing his registration was deletedSome cancelled his Umebura registration, a real shame![]()
I was under the impression that patch related discussion is more suited to other threads, no?I mean, it's just like:
"A big patch is coming. This is especially significant in light of all the recent controversy surrounding not just Bayonetta and Cloud, but also several key characters at the lower end of the roster."
"Totally. Hey, you know who we should talk about that isn't related to any of that? Mewtwo."
Tune in next time, when the thread loses their minds about R.O.B. and Wii Fit Trainer.
Mac's ftilt doesn't work sometimes.So what hitboxes just don't functionally seem to work properly? I know I already mentioned Link's grounded Up-B, and someone else mentioned one of Little Mac's hitboxes (I forget which?), but are there other hitboxes that just seem to not work properly? I've also heard DHD's smashes in the thread.
Patch discussion thread is locked and presumably will only open once the patch comes out. So, in the meantime, the stuff goes here.I was under the impression that patch related discussion is more suited to other threads, no?
Or so we were told earlier today by IsmaR.
Mac's ftilt doesn't work sometimes.
Well, we can see that Abadango knows nothing about making a correct tier list.For reals tho, I could totally make a webcomic out of the CCI once my Drawing Tablet is fixed.
Also this:
— あばだんご🍡 (@Abadango) May 18, 2016
Tier list ver 1.1.5 imo pic.twitter.com/AJgPD9nnSi